The role of the institutional lead fund managers in the management buyout (MBO) industry in Australia : a study of prospects for the industry

Brooks, Albie (1992) The role of the institutional lead fund managers in the management buyout (MBO) industry in Australia : a study of prospects for the industry. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


Over the last two decades, the extent of corporate restructuring has gathered momentum both in Australia and internationally. In particular, the 1980's signified major developments in financing instruments which facilitated corporate restructuring transactions. While the nature of corporate restructuring may take a variety of forms, two popular forms which have increased in prominence over the last two decades are the leveraged buyout (LBO) and management buyout (MBO). As the development of MBOs is relatively recent, and little Australian research on MBOs has taken place, this research paper focuses on MBOs.

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Master of Business in Accounting and Finance

Item type Thesis (Coursework Master thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Accounting
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Keywords Management buyouts, Australia, leveraged buyouts, corporate restructing
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