Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/3; Apr. 1989

(1989) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/3; Apr. 1989. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (3). pp. 1-14.


This issue of Ecoso Newsletter is mainly about housing, with special emphasis on the recent Federal Housing Summit. Included are three pages from "Make Melbourne Marvellous" about a new type of home title. There are also articles about the process of developing links between the trade unions and the community/environment movements, with special emphasis on the Restructuring the Work Force and some reasons for opposing work-based child care.

Item type Article
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Keywords community movements, John Mathews, labour movement, trade unions, social change, Julius Roe, social issues, Australian Labour Party, work-based child care, housing issues, home ownership, housing policies, Australian Council of Social Service, Melbourne, urban action movement, Rainbow Alliance
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