Irregular no. 10; May 1968

(1968) Irregular no. 10; May 1968. Irregular (10). pp. 1-6. (Unpublished)


This issue considers the following question: can the school become the Community Heart? The "heart" or the "soul" or the "centre" of the local community, according to the School of Town Planning thought, has evaporated - scattered by the mobility of the modern citizen. During last meeting of the Town Planning Research Group, "Delta" advanced an interesting theory about the potential place of the school in modern society, which in essence, resurrect the importance of a local community "centre" where human beings can find their "soul" in contact with their neighbours. This issue consists of articles by two contributors. "Gamma" having heard "Delta" writes on an interesting experiment contemplated for Collingwood, and "Delta" himself re-states his views.

Item type Article
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Keywords communities, educational institutions, community participations, Collingwood, Victoria, Victorian Council of School Organisations, social centres, communal activities, sports facilities, entertainment facilities, urban population, metropolitan planning, social planning, neighbourhood environment
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