On Toricelli's Problem in Inner Product Spaces

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Dragomir, Sever S, Comănescu, Dan, Cho, Yeol Je and Kim, Seong Sik (1999) On Toricelli's Problem in Inner Product Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).


It is well known in Elementary Geometry the problem proposed and solved by Toricelli in the 17th century, to minimize the sum of the distances of a variable point to three fixed points in the plane. In this paper, we extend and solve completely the problem in inner product spaces.

Item type Article
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/17212
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0102 Applied Mathematics
Historical > FOR Classification > 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics
Current > Collections > Research Group in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (RGMIA)
Keywords Toricelli points, inner product spaces
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