Searching for Eden. Chapter 9: Networks of time

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McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden. Chapter 9: Networks of time. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Contains a discourse on the literature of the New World - the new worlds of the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. The new worlds offered the infinite possibilities of individual experience and achievement but once there the immigrants quickly found their dreams enclosed by the wilderness and shackled by the cultural fetters they had brought with them from the old world. Although this culture taught them to see the new worlds as "a new earth and a new heaven", filled with sensuous delights of taste, scent and colour, it did not teach them to value these worlds for themselves. Rather than building an economy on what was available, they introduced the plants and animals of the old world and engaged in an orgy of destruction which razed the forests that terrified them, displaced the plants that had delighted them, and exterminated the tribes that had first welcomed them (Turner, 1980; Watson; Rolls; Reynolds).

Item type Other
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 2005 Literary Studies
Current > Collections > McLaren Papers
Keywords literature, settler societies, novels, trilogy, MCLAREN-BOXD10-DOC11
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