Library Services to Support E-Learning: User Surveys at the Victoria University Of Technology

Parker, Doreen, Maquignaz, Laura and Miller, Jane (2001) Library Services to Support E-Learning: User Surveys at the Victoria University Of Technology. Other. Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.


Australian university libraries are developing e-library services to support e-learning. The Victoria University of Technology conducts an annual Client Satisfaction Survey and has conducted web site surveys during 2001 to assist in the development of its e-library services. E-learning initiatives at other Australian university libraries have been reviewed to assist in identifying areas for action at Victoria University Library. The major areas identified for future development by the Library are: - the provision of seamless and customised links through the installation of a library portal - the improvement of links between library resources and services and teaching curriculum and resources - the development of a full e-learning information search skills program

Additional Information

Presented at the 22nd IATUL Conference on Scholarly Communications in the Role of Libraries. Proceedings Delft, Netherlands, May 28 - June 1, 2001.

Item type Monograph (Other)
Subjects Historical > RFCD Classification > 400000 Journalism, Librarianship and Curatorial Studies
Historical > FOR Classification > 0807 Library and Information Studies
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Current > Division/Research > Library
Keywords library services; e-learning; e-library services; Victoria University
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