Refractive-index profiling of optical fibers with axial symmetry by use of quantitative phase microscopy

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Roberts, Ann, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Barty, Anton, Nugent, Keith A, Baxter, Gregory W, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Huntington, Shane (2002) Refractive-index profiling of optical fibers with axial symmetry by use of quantitative phase microscopy. Optics letters, 27 (23). pp. 2061-2063. ISSN 0146-9592


The application of quantitative phase microscopy to refractive-index profiling of optical fibers is demonstrated. Phase images of axially symmetric optical fibers immersed in index-matching fluid are obtained, and the inverse Abel transform is used to obtain the radial refractive-index profile. This technique is straightforward, nondestructive, repeatable, and accurate. Excellent agreement, to within approximately 0.0005, between this method and the index profile obtained with a commercial profiler is obtained

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1364/OL.27.002061
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Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Engineering and Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 0205 Optical Physics
Keywords ResPubID: 16363, fiber optics, fiber measurement, optical communication, optical and photonic systems
Citations in Scopus 86 - View on Scopus
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