Communicating with residents of host destinations: an exploratory study of a dispersed mega-event

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Hede, Anne-Marie, Kellett, Pamm and Chalip, Laurence (2007) Communicating with residents of host destinations: an exploratory study of a dispersed mega-event. In: Fourth International Event Research Conference : re-evaluating the city/town : events as a catalyst for change, 11th to 12th July, 2007, Melbourne Australia. O'Mahony, Barry G, Harris, Rob and Mair, Judith, eds. Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic..


In 2006, the Commonwealth Games were hosted by the State of Victoria, Australia. This study examined the efficacy of the communication channels that were used to disseminate information to residents in three regions across Victoria about the community events that were associated with the 2006 Commonwealth Games (Games, hereafter). It also explored residents’ preferred communication channels regarding community events in each of the regions. The Games were a “dispersed mega-event”. That is, while they were largely staged in the City of Melbourne, parts of them were dispersed to other areas of the State of Victoria. While this is a newer model of event delivery, it is one that has been taken up quite well in the context of mega-events. The dispersed mega-event, however, raises challenges for event organisers and marketers including how to communicate with larger and more diverse communities than what might be the case of a single-location event. Focus groups were conducted with residents in three host destinations. Results suggested that traditional methods of disseminating event information were ineffective. Participants in this study reported a preference for (passively) receiving information about events in their respective communities through existing infrastructure and social networks. They reported a desire to receive information in places that are sympathetic with their lifestyles—such as at sport clubs, on public transport, at schools and childcare facilities, and at supermarkets. However, there were differences in the perceived efficacy of some of these methods among the destinations. Implications for practitioners are discussed, as well as implications for further research.

Item type Book Section
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ISBN 097509579X
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Hospitality Tourism and Marketing
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Tourism and Services Research (CTSR)
Keywords ResPubID13034, mega-event, dispersed, marketing, Commonwealth Games
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