"Drugs Don't Cheat, People Cheat." : Abuse, exploitation and are winners grinners

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Hardeman, E. C and Burke, Michael (2001) "Drugs Don't Cheat, People Cheat." : Abuse, exploitation and are winners grinners. In: 2001: a sports medicine odyssey challenges, controversies & change. Ackland, T. R and Goodman, Carmel, eds. Sports Medicine Australia, Canberra, Australia.


Australian conference of sciences and medicine in sport, 23-27 October 2001, Burswood International Resort Casino, Perth, WA

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Program and book of abstracts

Item type Book Section
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/24495
Official URL http://fulltext.ausport.gov.au/fulltext/2001/acsms...
ISBN 1875334106
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Sport and Exercise Science
Keywords sports medicine, drugs in sport, doping in sports, athletes, drug use
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