The determinants of young people's participation in physical activity, and investigation of tracking of physical activity from youth to adulthood

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Cavill, Nick and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (2003) The determinants of young people's participation in physical activity, and investigation of tracking of physical activity from youth to adulthood. In: A Lifecourse Approach to Coronary Heart Disease Prevention: Scientific and Policy Review. Giles, A, ed. TSO (The Stationery Office), London, pp. 179-197.

Item type Book Section
Edition 1
ISBN 9780113225262
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Keywords Youth; Physical activity
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