On-Ice Functional Assessment of an Elite Ice Hockey Goaltender After Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement

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Tramer, Joseph S, Deneweth, JM, Whiteside, David, Ross, JR, Bedi, Asheesh and Goulet, Grant (2015) On-Ice Functional Assessment of an Elite Ice Hockey Goaltender After Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 7 (6). 542 - 547. ISSN 1941-7381

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Item type Article
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/31540
DOI 10.1177/1941738115576481
Official URL http://sph.sagepub.com/content/7/6/542
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1103 Clinical Sciences
Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Current > Division/Research > College of Sports and Exercise Science
Keywords athletic injuries; hip injuries; kinematic; arthroscopic surgery; surgical outcomes
Citations in Scopus 7 - View on Scopus
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