Drinking water through recycling: the benefits and costs of supplying direct to the distribution system. Appendix B. Hypothetical Comparison Of Four Water Supply Options

Khan, Stuart (2013) Drinking water through recycling: the benefits and costs of supplying direct to the distribution system. Appendix B. Hypothetical Comparison Of Four Water Supply Options. Technical Report. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.

Item type Monograph (Technical Report)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/32047
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0904 Chemical Engineering
Historical > FOR Classification > 0907 Environmental Engineering
Current > Collections > Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence
Keywords potable reuse; seawater desalination; Seawater (SWRO) desalination; dual pipe reuse; Advanced Water Treatment Plant; AWTP; reverse osmosis concentrate; ROC
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