The use of metabolomics to monitor simultaneous changes in metabolic variables following supramaximal low volume high intensity exercise

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Danaher, Jessica, Gerber, Tracey, Wellard, R. Mark, Stathis, Christos and Cooke, Matthew (2016) The use of metabolomics to monitor simultaneous changes in metabolic variables following supramaximal low volume high intensity exercise. Metabolomics, 12 (1). ISSN 1573-3882

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1007/s11306-015-0883-7
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Current > Division/Research > College of Health and Biomedicine
Keywords supramaximal exercise intensity; lipid metabolism; fatty acid; glycolysis; metabolite recovery
Citations in Scopus 19 - View on Scopus
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