Discrete time model predictive controller design for voltage control of an islanded microgrid

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Sarkar, SK, Badal, FR, Das, S. K and Miao, Yuan (2018) Discrete time model predictive controller design for voltage control of an islanded microgrid. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology 2017 (EICT 2017), 7 Dec 2017 - 9 Dec 2017, Khulna, Bangladesh.

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Item type Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/38778
DOI 10.1109/EICT.2017.8275162
Official URL https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8275162/autho...
ISBN 9781538623053
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Current > Division/Research > College of Science and Engineering
Keywords distributed power generation; grid voltage control; microgrid system; MATLAB; robustness; reliability
Citations in Scopus 28 - View on Scopus
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