Impact of graphic and text warnings on cigarette packs: findings from four countries over five years

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Bollard, Ron, Wilson, Nick, Fong, Geoffrey T, Hammond, David, Cummings, K Michael, Yong, Hua-Hie, Hosking, Warwick ORCID: 0000-0003-4707-5483, Hastings, G, Thrasher, James and McNeil, Ann (2009) Impact of graphic and text warnings on cigarette packs: findings from four countries over five years. Tobacco Control, 18 (5). pp. 358-364. ISSN 0964-4563


This paper examines the impact of health warnings on smokers by comparing the short-term impact of new graphic (2006) Australian warnings with: (i) earlier (2003) United Kingdom larger text-based warnings; (ii) and Canadian graphic warnings (late 2000); and also to extend our understanding of warning wear-out.

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1136/tc.2008.028043
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1117 Public Health and Health Services
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Historical > SEO Classification > 9204 Public Health (excl. Specific Population Health)
Keywords ResPubID18076. graphic warnings, consumer information, tobacco health information, tobacco product labelling, text warnings, health warnings, cigarette packets, cigarette packs, smokers, cigarettes, cigarette smoke, smoking, warning wear-out, FCTC, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Australia, Canada, United States, America, American, Canadian, Australian, UK, United Kingdom, British
Citations in Scopus 234 - View on Scopus
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