VEPC submission to The Australian Energy Market Operator's 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan ​

[thumbnail of 220216_VEPC_SUBMISSION_TO_AEMO_DRAFT_ISP.pdf]
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Mountain, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0002-2093-2038, Woodley, Ted and Outhred, Hugh (2022) VEPC submission to The Australian Energy Market Operator's 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan ​. Research Report. Victoria Energy Policy Centre, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.


Also titled "Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on its 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan"

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Item type Monograph (Research Report)
Edition 1st
DOI 10.26196/572w-3h85
Official URL
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 3801 Applied economics
Current > Division/Research > Victoria Energy Policy Centre (VEPC)
Keywords interconnectors, actionable ISP, power system operation, market analysis, National Electricity Market
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Data Citation/Attribution

Mountain, B., Woodley, T., & Outhred, H. (2022). VEPC submission to The Australian Energy Market Operator’s 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan. Victoria Energy Policy Centre, Victoria University.

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