Financing Old Age: Why is There Still Gender Inequality?

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Rosenman, Linda and Scott, Wayne (2009) Financing Old Age: Why is There Still Gender Inequality? Australian Social Work, 62 (2). pp. 287-298. ISSN 0312-407X


Financing retirement is a major concern, especially for women. The present paper reviews significant changes to Australian retirement incomes that require greater individual responsibility for saving, planning, and managing retirement finances. Data on women's financial situation and planning for retirement, and the possible reasons for their limited superannuation accumulations, are explored. The implications for social work of the requirement that women develop capacity for financial planning and management before, as well as in old age, when physical and cognitive capabilities may be compromised, are discussed.

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1080/03124070902835998
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1607 Social Work
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Division/Research > Other
Keywords ResPubID19174, aged, elder abuse, women, retirement, financial issues
Citations in Scopus 7 - View on Scopus
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