Preventing violent extremism-Sport-based learnings from Kenya and Uganda

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Collison-Randall, Holly, Sambili-Gicheha, Lin, Al-Khalifa, Hussa and Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111 (2023) Preventing violent extremism-Sport-based learnings from Kenya and Uganda. In: Handbook of Sport and International Development. Elgar Handbooks in Development . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 358-373.

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Item type Book Section
Edition 1st
DOI 10.4337/9781800378926.00040
Official URL
ISBN 9781800378919
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4410 Sociology
Current > Division/Research > College of Sports and Exercise Science
Keywords sport, sport-based programming, violent extremism prevention, youth, Kenya, Uganda
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