Brand Personality and Net Promotor Type Scores: An Exploratory Investigation of Premium Branded Universities in Australia and the UK

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Mitsis, Ann, Foley, Patrick and Skarmeas, Dionysis (2009) Brand Personality and Net Promotor Type Scores: An Exploratory Investigation of Premium Branded Universities in Australia and the UK. In: Academy of Marketing Conference: Putting Marketing in Its Place, 6-9 July 2009. Academy of Marketing.


This study presents an initial investigation into the brand personality dimensions of two premium branded universities (one Australian and one British) and explores the brand personality net promoter type scores from one consumer group, enrolled postgraduate business students. This investigation provides a novel insight into brand personality maintenance and creation. It is argued that brand personality dimension resonance is created by the congruence of the promoter behaviour of existing students, which emerges from the day to day interactions with the university. A marketing strategy to strengthen and refine brand personality resonance is discussed.

Item type Book Section
ISBN 9780956009968
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Historical > SEO Classification > 9104 Management and Productivity
Keywords ResPubID18519, brand personality maintenance, comparative studies, marketing strategies
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