Is university brand personality an antecedent to consumer-based brand equity? An initial investigation

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Mitsis, Ann, Foley, Patrick and Skarmeas, Dionysis (2009) Is university brand personality an antecedent to consumer-based brand equity? An initial investigation. In: Proceedings of 'Marketing and Entrepreneurship', the Ankara University International Conference (AUMEC 2009), Antalya, Turkey, 06-09 April 2009. Kocak, A, Ambibola, T and Watkins-Mathys, L, eds. Ankara University, Turkey, pp. 1088-1097.


This exploratory study investigated two overarching research aims. The first was to determine if Aaker's (1997) American brand personality dimensions can be meaningfully used in higher education settings in Australia and the UK with culturally diverse students; and the second was to explore if certain dimensions of brand personality may differentially produce variation in the different aspects of consumer-based brand equity that is consumers' perceptions of quality, value for money and loyalty. This initial research has determined that Aaker's (1997) brand personality dimensions can be meaningfully used within culturally diverse higher education institutions, regardless of premium or non-premium branding status and geographic location. This study has also found that there are few differences between the Australian and the British student populations' perceptions of the brand personality and consumer-based brand equity dimensions. Two brand personality dimensions were identified as uniquely explaining variance in consumer-based brand equity. Specifically, the brand personality dimension of excitement was found to explain unique variation in the value for money and loyalty consumer-based brand equity dimensions; and the competence brand personality dimension was found to explain unique variation in the of quality and value for money consumer based brand equity dimensions

Item type Book Section
ISBN 9786055782061
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Historical > SEO Classification > 9104 Management and Productivity
Keywords ResPubID18521, brand personality, consumer-based brand equity, universities
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