An investigation of champion-driven leadership processes

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Taylor, Andre, Cocklin, Chris, Brown, Rebekah and Wilson-Evered, Elisabeth (2011) An investigation of champion-driven leadership processes. The Leadership Quarterly, 22 (2). pp. 412-433. ISSN 1048-9843


This paper describes the dynamic nature of leadership processes that are initiated and driven by emergent leaders known as ‘champions’. The research involved a multiple case study method to examine typical champion-driven leadership processes in six urban water management agencies. The analysis indicated that these leadership processes evolved through three distinct phases characterized by different forms of leadership, involved many leaders, and were strongly affected by context. The research produced a new, three-phase conceptual model of champion-driven leadership. This model is used to explain the way in which the transformational, distributed and complexity models of leadership are relevant to different dimensions of champion-driven leadership processes as they evolve. The model is also used to explain why some champions are more effective than others. The paper concludes by describing ways organizations can enable champion-driven leadership processes to overcome complex challenges, such as delivering more sustainable water services within modern cities.

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1016/j.leaqua.2011.02.014
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Keywords ResPubID22623, leadership, champions, transformational leadership, distributed leadership, complexity leadership
Citations in Scopus 83 - View on Scopus
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