0602 Ecology

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Number of items at this level: 88.


Bird, Fiona Louise (1997) Burrowing and feeding ecology of the ghost shrimp Biffarius arenosus (Decapoda: Callianassidae). PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


Campbell, Stuart John (1999) The eco-physiology of macroalgae from a temperate marine embayment in southern Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Scarpaci, Carol, Bigger, Stephen W, Saville, Troy A and Nugegoda, Dayanthi (1999) A rare sighting of the Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist, 116 (2). pp. 65-67. ISSN 0042-5184


Scarpaci, Carol, Bigger, Stephen W, Saville, Troy A and Nugegoda, Dayanthi (2000) The Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus in the Southern End of Port Phillip Bay: Behavioural Characteristics in Spring and Summer. The Victorian Naturalist, 117 (1). pp. 4-9. ISSN 0042-5184

December 2000

Scarpaci, Carol, Bigger, Stephen W, Corkeron, Peter J and Nugegoda, Dayanthi (2000) Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) increase whistling in the presence of 'swim-with dolphin' tour operators. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2 (3). pp. 183-185. ISSN 1561-0713


Scarpaci, Carol, Corkeron, Peter J and Nugegoda, Dayanthi (2003) Behaviour and ecology of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia: an annual cycle. The Victorian Naturalist, 120 (2). pp. 48-55.

1 August 2003

Greenwood, David R, Scarr, Mark J and Christophel, David C (2003) Leaf stomatal frequency in the Australian tropical rainforest tree Neolitsea dealbata (Lauraceae) as a proxy measure of atmospheric pCO2. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 196 (3/4). pp. 375-393. ISSN 0031-0182

15 November 2003

Plotz, Roan ORCID: 0000-0001-7192-9931 (2003) Growth and Fasting Strategies of New Zealand Fur Seal, Arctocephalus forsteri, Pups at Cape Gantheaume, Kangaroo Island. Other Degree thesis, La Trobe University, Victoria.


Shir, Mary-Anne (2004) The effects of treated sewage effluent on three species of marine macroalgae. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

1 April 2004

Greenwood, David R, Wilf, Peter, Wing, Scott L and Christophel, David C (2004) Paleotemperature Estimation Using Leaf-Margin Analysis: Is Australia Different? Palaios, 19 (2). pp. 129-142. ISSN 0883-1351

23 December 2004

Carpenter, Raymond J, Hill, Robert S, Greenwood, David R, Partridge, Alan D and Banks, Meredith A (2004) No snow in the mountains: Early Eocene plant fossils from Hotham Heights, Victoria, Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 52 (6). pp. 685-718. ISSN 0067-1924


Mason, Bram Derek (2005) Directions for best management of Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra Forssk.) re-establishment in southeastern Australian native grassland remnants. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

3 March 2006

Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564, Mackay, Duncan A, Benkendorff, Kirsten, Austin, AD and Carthew, SM (2006) Butterfly communities in South Australian urban reserves: estimating abundance and diversity using the Pollard walk. Austral Ecology, 31 (2). pp. 282-290. ISSN 1442-9985

1 October 2007

Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564 (2007) Identifying potential evolutionary relationships within a facultative lycaenid-ant system: ant association, oviposition, and butterfly-ant conflict. Insect Science, 14 (5). pp. 401-409. ISSN 1672-9609


Gordon, Andrew K, Blatch, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-8577, Daniel, Sheryl and Muller, Wilhelmine J (2008) Stress protein responses in South African freshwater invertebrates exposed to detergent surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 193 (1-4). pp. 123-130. ISSN 0049-6979

Hatton, Matthew J, Boon, Paul I and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2008) Distribution of Clonal and Non-Clonal Wetland Plants at Clydebank Morass, Gippsland Lakes, in Relation to Elevation and Salinity Gradients. The Victorian Naturalist, 125 (1). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0042-5184

January 2008

Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564, Mackay, Duncan A and Benkendorff, Kirsten (2008) Is relative abundance a good indicator of population size? Evidence from fragmented populations of a specialist butterfly (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Population Ecology, 50 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 1438-3896


Campbell, Susan G ORCID: 0000-0002-6740-1445, Guay, Patrick-Jean, Mitrovski, P and Mulder, R (2009) Genetic differentiation among populations of a specialist fishing bat suggests lack of suitable habitat connectivity. Biological Conservation, 142 (11). pp. 2657-2664. ISSN 0006-3207

Guay, Patrick-Jean and Tracey, J (2009) Feral Mallards : A risk for hybridisation with wild Pacific Black Ducks in Australia? The Victorian Naturalist, 126 (3). pp. 87-91. ISSN 0042-5184

Hatton, Matthew J (2009) Intra and inter-specific variation in the reproductive strategies of two Bolboschoenus species from south-eastern Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


Nicastro, K, Zardi, G, McQuaid, C, Stephens, L, Radloff, S and Blatch, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-8577 (2010) The role of gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels. BMC Ecology, 10. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1472-6785 (print) 1472-6785 (online)

O'Shea, Megan (2010) A Survey for the Presence of Striped Legless Lizards Delma impar Along the Eastern Bank of Jones Creek, St Albans an interim report. Project Report. Friends of Iramoo, Melbourne.

Scarpaci, Carol, Nugegoda, Dayanthi and Corkeron, Peter J (2010) Nature-based tourism and the behaviour of Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops spp. in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The Victorian Naturalist, 127 (3). pp. 64-70. ISSN 0042-5184

Zhu, X, Pfueller, S, Whitelaw, Paul A and Winter, C (2010) Spatial Differentiation of Landscape Values in the Murray River Region of Victoria, Australia. Environmental Management, 45 (5). pp. 896-911. ISSN 0364-152X (print) 1432-1009 (online)

March 2010

Rashid, MH, Asaeda, Takashi and Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115 (2010) The Allelopathic Potential of Kudzu (Pueraria montana). Weed Science, 58 (1). pp. 47-55. ISSN 0043-1745

Rashid, Md Harun, Asaeda, Takashi and Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115 (2010) Litter-mediated allelopathic effects of kudzu (Pueraria montana) on Bidens pilosa and Lolium perenne and its persistence in soil. Weed Biology and Management, 10 (1). pp. 48-56. ISSN 1444-6162

17 June 2010

Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564, Gardner, Mike, Adams, Mark, McMahon, Clive R, Benkendorff, Kirsten and Mackay, Duncan A (2010) Contemporary habitat loss reduces genetic diversity in an ecologically specialized butterfly. Journal of Biogeography, 37 (7). pp. 1277-1287. ISSN 0305-0270

1 December 2010

Plotz, Roan ORCID: 0000-0001-7192-9931 and Linklater, WL (2010) Interpreting and applying home range data: a case study with black rhinoceros. In: 23rd AWMS Annual Conference, 01 December 2010-03 December 2010, Torquay, Victoria.


Boon, Paul I (2012) Coastal wetlands of temperate eastern Australia: will Cinderella ever go to the ball? Marine and Freshwater Research, 63 (10). pp. 845-855. ISSN 1323-1650 (print), 1448-6059 (online)

Faithfull, Ian Guthrie (2012) Biodiversity impacts of Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana on Australia’s indigenous grasslands. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709, James, Elizabeth A and Boon, Paul I (2012) Population structure in the clonal, woody wetland plant Melaleuca ericifolia (Myrtaceae): an analysis using historical aerial photographs and molecular techniques. Australian Journal of Botany, 60 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 0067-1924

Sinclair, Steve and Boon, Paul I (2012) Changes in the Area of Coastal Marsh in Victoria since the Mid 19th Century. Cunninghamia, 12 (2). pp. 153-176. ISSN 0727-9620

Weston, M. A, McLeod, Emily M, Blumstein, Daniel T and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2012) A Review of Flight-Initiation Distances and their Application to Managing Disturbance to Australian Birds. Emu : Austral Ornithology, 112 (4). pp. 269-286. ISSN 0158-4197 (print), 1448-5540 (online)

May 2012

Guay, Patrick-Jean, Azuolas, J. K and Warner, S (2012) Waterbird Movement Across the Great Dividing Range and Implications for Arbovirus Irruption into Southern Victoria. Australian Veterinary Journal, 90 (5). pp. 197-198. ISSN 0005-0423 (print), 1751-0813 (online)

September 2012

Payne, Catherine J, Jessop, Tim S, Guay, Patrick-Jean, Johnstone, Michele, Feore, Megan and Mulder, Raoul A (2012) Population, Behavioural and Physiological Responses of an Urban Population of Black Swans to an Intense Annual Noise Event. PLoS ONE, 7 (9). ISSN 1932-6203

Stafford-Bell, Richard, Scarr, Mark J and Scarpaci, Carol (2012) Behavioural Responses of the Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) to Vessel Traffic and Presence of Swimmers in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Aquatic Mammals, 38 (3). pp. 241-249. ISSN 0167-5427 (print) 1996-7292 (online)

October 2012

Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115, Caridi, Domenico and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2012) Phytotoxic evaluation of Phragmites australis: An investigation of aqueous extracts of different organs. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63 (9). pp. 777-787. ISSN 1323-1650 (print), 1448-6059 (online)


Mitra, Robin, Barton, Andrew, Briggs, Steven and Orbell, John ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-5309 (2013) Identification of five bryozoan species in the Northern Mallee Pipeline, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 40 (2). pp. 81-92. ISSN 0301-4223 (print), 1175-8821 (online)

Mitra, Robin, Crawford, Shayne, Barton, Andrew and Orbell, John ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-5309 (2013) A benign approach to the preparation of freshwater bryozoan statoblasts for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 40 (2). pp. 154-159. ISSN 0301-4223 (print), 1175-8821 (online)

Reynolds, Deborah Michelle (2013) Factors affecting recruitment in populations of Spiny Rice-flower (Pimelea spinescens Rye subspecies spinescens) in Victoria’s natural temperate grasslands: relationships with management practices, biological and ecological characteristics. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

May 2013

Guay, Patrick-Jean, Weston, Michael A ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0410, Symonds, Matthew R. E and Glover, Hayley K (2013) Brains and bravery: little evidence of a relationship between brain size and flightiness in shorebirds. Austral Ecology, 38 (5). pp. 516-522. ISSN 1442-9985 (print), 1442-9993 (online)

July 2013

O'Shea, Megan (2013) An Assessment of the Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar population at Denton Avenue Grassland Reserve, St Albans, Victoria. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Melbourne. (Unpublished)

August 2013

Liu, Ming, Zhu, Wei, Gao, Li and Lu, Lin (2013) Changes in extracellular polysaccharide content and morphology of Microcystis aeruginosa at different specific growth rates. Journal of Applied Phycology, 25 (4). pp. 1023-1030. ISSN 1573-5176

14 August 2013

Filby, Nicole E, Bossley, M and Stockin, KA (2013) Behaviour of free-ranging short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 61 (4). pp. 291-300. ISSN 0004-959X

December 2013

Bennett, Joanne M, Cunningham, Shaun C, Connelly, Christine ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-8470, Clarke, Rohan H, Thomson, James R and Mac Nally, Ralph (2013) The interaction between a drying climate and land use affects forest structure and above-ground carbon storage. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (12). pp. 1238-1247. ISSN 1466-822X


Harun, Md. Abdullah Yousuf Al, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709, Johnson, Joshua ORCID: 0000-0003-0000-5226 and Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115 (2014) Allelopathic potential of Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera (boneseed): A novel weapon in the invasion processes. South African Journal of Botany, 93. 157 - 166. ISSN 0254-6299

Osterrieder, Sylvia K, Weston, MA, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2014) Sex-specific dive characteristics in a sexually size dimorphic duck. Wildfowl, 64. pp. 126-131. ISSN 0954-6324

van Dongen, Wouter, Wagner, RH, Moodley, Y and Schaedelin, FC (2014) Sex biases in kin shoaling and dispersal in a cichlid fish. Oecologia, 176 (4). 1 - 10. ISSN 0029-8549

February 2014

Boon, Paul I, Allen, Tim, Carr, Geoff, Frood, Doug, Harty, Chris, McMahon, Andrew, Mathews, Steve, Rosengren, Neville, Sinclair, Steve, White, Matt and Yugovic, Jeff (2014) Coastal wetlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia: Providing the inventory and condition information needed for their effective management and conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. ISSN 1052-7613 (In Press)

16 June 2014

Choney, Gary E, McMahon, Kathryn, Lavery, Paul S and Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564 (2014) Swan grazing on seagrass: abundance but not grazing pressure varies over an annual cycle in a temperate estuary. Marine and Freshwater Research, 65 (8). pp. 738-749. ISSN 1323-1650

1 August 2014

Guay, Patrick-Jean, McLeod, EM, Taysom, AJ and Weston, MA (2014) Are vehicles ‘mobile bird hides’? A test of the hypothesis that ‘cars cause less disturbance’. Victorian Naturalist, 131 (4). 150 - 156. ISSN 0042-5184

24 August 2014

Dear, Emma, Guay, Patrick-Jean, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Weston, MA (2014) Distance from shore positively influences alert distance in three wetland bird species. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 23 (2). 315 - 318. ISSN 0923-4861

16 September 2014

Møller, Anders Pape, Samia, Diogo S. M, Weston, Michael A ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0410, Guay, Patrick-Jean and Blumstein, Daniel T (2014) American Exceptionalism: Population Trends and Flight Initiation Distances in Birds from Three Continents. PLoS ONE, 9 (9). 1 - 6. ISSN 1932-6203

21 November 2014

Guay, Patrick-Jean, Williams, M and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2014) Lingering genetic evidence of north american mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) introduced to New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 39 (1). 103 - 109. ISSN 0110-6465 (Unpublished)


Creighton, C, Boon, Paul I, Brookes, JD and Sheaves, M (2015) Repairing Australia's estuaries for improved fisheries production - What benefits, at what cost? Marine and Freshwater Research, 66 (6). 493 - 507. ISSN 1323-1650

Guay, Patrick-Jean, Monie, L, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and van Dongen, WFD (2015) What the direction of matings can tell us of hybridisation mechanisms in ducks. Emu, 115 (3). 277 - 280. ISSN 0158-4197

Osterrieder, Sylvia K, Salgado Kent, C and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2015) Variability in haul-out behaviour by male Australian sea lions Neophoca cinerea in the Perth metropolitan area, Western Australia. Endangered Species Research, 28 (3). 259 - 274. ISSN 1863-5407

Van Dongen, WFD, McLeod, EM, Mulder, RA, Weston, MA and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2015) The height of approaching humans does not affect flight-initiation distance. Bird Study, 62 (2). 285 - 288. ISSN 0006-3657

2 February 2015

Doherty, Tim S, Davis, Robert A, van Etten, Eddie JB, Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564 and Krawiec, Josef (2015) Response of a shrubland mammal and reptile community to a history of landscape-scale wildfire. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24 (4). pp. 534-543. ISSN 1049-8001

11 February 2015

Smith, Kirby, Scarpaci, Carol, Louden, BM and Otway, NM (2015) Behaviour of aggregated grey nurse sharks Carcharias taurus off eastern Australia: similarities and differences among life-history stages and sites. Endangered Species Research, 27 (1). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1863-5407

14 February 2015

Glover, Hayley K, Guay, Patrick-Jean and Weston, Michael A ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0410 (2015) Up the creek with a paddle; avian flight distances from canoes versus walkers. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 23 (4). 775 - 778. ISSN 0923-4861

1 March 2015

De Bettignies, Thibaut, Wernberg, Thomas, Lavery, Paul S, Vanderklift, Mathew A, Gunson, Jim R, Symonds, Graham and Collier, Neil ORCID: 0000-0003-0115-0564 (2015) Phenological decoupling of mortality from wave forcing in kelp beds. Ecology, 96 (3). pp. 850-861. ISSN 0012-9658


Filby, Nicole E (2016) Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australis) tourism in Port Phillip Bay, Australia: effects, implications and management. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

Osterrieder, Sylvia K, Salgado Kent, C and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2016) Responses of Australian sea lions, Neophoca cinerea, to anthropogenic activities in the Perth metropolitan area, Western Australia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. ISSN 1052-7613

Smith, Kirby (2016) Behavioural ecology of the critically endangered grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) and the interaction with scuba diving tourism off eastern Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

Stafford-Bell, Richard (2016) The population ecology of the seagrass, Zostera muelleri, in south-eastern Australia: dispersal, recruitment, growth and connectivity of a marine angiosperm. PhD thesis, Victoria University.

February 2016

Juwana, I, Muttil, Nitin ORCID: 0000-0001-7758-8365 and Perera, B. J. C (2016) Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of West Java Water Sustainability Index - A case study on Citarum catchment in Indonesia. Ecological Indicators, 61 (Part 2). 170 - 178. ISSN 1470-160X

11 March 2016

Smith, Kirby, Scarpaci, Carol, Louden, BM and Otway, NM (2016) Does the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) exhibit agonistic pectoral fin depression? A stereo-video photogrammetric assessment off eastern Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 1038-2097

14 June 2016

Hurst, T and Boon, Paul I (2016) Agricultural weeds and coastal saltmarsh in south-eastern Australia: An insurmountable problem? Australian Journal of Botany, 64 (4). 308 - 324. ISSN 0067-1924

1 September 2016

O'Shea, Megan (2016) Population Viability Analyses for Urban Striped Legless Lizard Populations in the Western Melbourne Management Cluster. Project Report. Victoria University, Melbourne. (Unpublished)

4 October 2016

Symonds, MRE, Weston, MA, van Dongen, WFD, Lill, A, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2016) Time Since Urbanization but Not Encephalisation Is Associated with Increased Tolerance of Human Proximity in Birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4. ISSN 2296-701X

November 2016

Guay, Patrick-Jean, van Dongen, WFD, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709, Blumstein, Daniel T and Weston, MA (2016) AvianBuffer: An interactive tool for characterising and managing wildlife fear responses. Ambio, 45 (7). 841 - 851. ISSN 0044-7447

Juwana, I, Muttil, Nitin ORCID: 0000-0001-7758-8365 and Perera, B. J. C (2016) Application of west Java water sustainability index to three water catchments in west Java, Indonesia. Ecological Indicators, 70. 401 - 408. ISSN 1470-160X

12 December 2016

Smith, Kirby, Scarpaci, Carol and Otway, NM (2016) Scuba Diving Tourism Impacts and Environmental Influences on the Patrolling Behavior of Grey Nurse Sharks (Carcharias taurus): A Preliminary Assessment Using Acoustic Telemetry at Fish Rock, Australia. Tourism in Marine Environments, 12 (1). pp. 17-34. ISSN 1544-273X


Osterrieder, Sylvia K, Parnum, IM, Kent, CPS and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2017) Difficulties identifying Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) in the wild using whisker spot patterns. Australian Mammalogy, 39 (1). 56 - 71. ISSN 0310-0049

March 2017

Filby, Nicole E, Stockin, KA and Scarpaci, Carol (2017) Can marine protected Areas be developed effectively without baseline data? A case study for Burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis). Marine Policy, 77. pp. 152-163. ISSN 0308-597X

15 June 2017

Filby, Nicole E, Christiansen, F, Scarpaci, Carol and Stockin, KA (2017) Effects of swim-with-dolphin tourism on the behaviour of a threatened species, the Burrunan dolphin Tursiops Australis. Endangered Species Research, 32. pp. 479-490. ISSN 1863-5407

1 September 2017

Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115 and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2017) Changes associated with Phragmites australis invasion in plant community and soil properties: A study on three invaded communities in a wetland, Victoria, Australia. Limnologica, 66. 24 - 30. ISSN 0075-9511

March 2018

Montano, V, Van Dongen, WFD, Weston, MA, Mulder, RA, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709, Cowling, M and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2018) A genetic assessment of the human-facilitated colonization history of black swans in Australia and New Zealand. Evolutionary Applications, 11 (3). 364 - 375. ISSN 1752-4563

Montano, Valeria, Van Dongen, WFD, Weston, Michael A ORCID: 0000-0002-8717-0410, Mulder, Raoul A, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709, Cowling, Mary and Guay, Patrick-Jean (2018) Response to Rawlence et al. (2017): Native or not? Extinct and extant DNA of New Zealand Black Swans. Evolutionary Applications, 11 (3). 378 - 379. ISSN 1752-4563


Guinness, S, van Dongen, Wouter, Guay, Patrick-Jean, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Weston, MA (2019) Evaluating How the Group Size of Domestic, Invasive Dogs Affect Coastal Wildlife Responses: The Case of Flight-Initiation Distance (FID) of Birds on Southern Australian Beaches. In: Impacts of Invasive Species on Coastal Environments: Coasts in Crisis. Makowski, C and Finkl, CW, eds. Coastal Research Library, 29 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 413-424.

Khan, Asim, Ulhaq, Anwaar ORCID: 0000-0002-5145-7276, Rehman, Mobeen Ur and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2019) Semantic vegetation detection in repeat photography for environmental data analysis. In: Applied Statistics and Policy Analysis Conference 2019 (ASPAC2019), 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Sep 2019, Charles Sturt University, Australia.

25 March 2019

Stafford-Bell, Richard, Van Dongen, WFD, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Chariton, AA (2019) Connectivity of the seagrass Zostera muelleri within south-eastern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research. ISSN 1323-1650

30 April 2019

Rashid, MH, Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115, Sarkar, A, Parveen, M and Asaeda, Takashi (2019) The growth and nutrient uptake of invasive vines on contrasting riverbank soils. River Research and Applications. ISSN 1535-1459

31 January 2020

Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Asaeda, Takashi (2020) Nitrogen immobilization may reduce invasibility of nutrient enriched plant community invaded by Phragmites australis. Scientific Reports, 10. ISSN 2045-2322

1 April 2020

Khan, Asim, Ulhaq, Anwaar ORCID: 0000-0002-5145-7276, Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 and Rehman, Mobeen Ur (2020) Detection of Vegetation in Environmental Repeat Photography: A New Algorithmic Approach in Data Science. In: 2nd Applied Statistics and Policy Analysis Conference: ASPAC2019, 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Sep 2019, Wagga Wagga, Australia.

30 July 2020

Uddin, Md Nazim ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-4115, Asaeda, Takashi, Shampa, SH and Robinson, Randall ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-0709 (2020) Allelopathy and its coevolutionary implications between native and non-native neighbors of invasive Cynara cardunculus L. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (14). pp. 7463-7475. ISSN 2045-7758

August 2020

Amor, Michael D, Johnson, Joshua ORCID: 0000-0003-0000-5226 and James, Elizabeth A (2020) Identification of clonemates and genetic lineages using next-generation sequencing (ddRADseq) guides conservation of a rare species, Bossiaea vombata (Fabaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 45. ISSN 1433-8319