970116 Expanding Knowledge through Studies of Human Society
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Abu, Roziya, Grace, Marty and Carroll, Mary (2011) The role of the rural public library in community development and empowerment. The International Journal of the Book, 8 (2). pp. 63-74. ISSN 1447-9516
Baldacchino, Jean-Paul (2008) Eros and Modernity: Convulsions of the Heart in Modern Korea. Asian Studies Review, 32 (1). pp. 99-122. ISSN 1467-8403
Bergami, Roberto (2010) Economic Migration from Italy to Australia. International Journal of the Humanities, 8 (7). pp. 155-172. ISSN 1447-9508
Bergami, Roberto (2010) L'Emilia-Romagna e l'emigrazione verso l'Australia tra il 1950 e il 1971. In: Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2010. Fondazione Migrantes, Rome, pp. 77-86.
Bergami, Roberto, McCrohan, Declan and Mapstone, Richard (2008) The Impact of International Study Tours on Students' Intercultural Competencies. In: Education Landscapes in the 21st Century : Cross-Cultural Challenges and Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Guske, Iris and Swaffield, Bruce, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 206-218.
Burke, Michael (2011) Males Coaching Female Athletes. In: The Ethics of Sports Coaching. Hardman, Alun R and Jones, Carwyn, eds. Ethics and sport . Routledge, Abingdon, U.K., pp. 116-133.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Shalosh, Shtayim, Echad, Maccabi: Jewish Junior Girls Basketball. In: Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World. Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds. Research in the sociology of sport (5). Emerald Publishing Group, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. 125-139.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327 (external link) and Thomen, Carl
Reflections on Sport, Culture and Society.
Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 1-5.
Clarke, Andrew (2005) Beyond the Nation State: Corporate Governance in Transition. Macquarie Journal of Business Law, 2. pp. 231-247. ISSN 1449-0269
Clarke, Andrew (2005) Japanese Corporate Governance for Employees: New Architecture for Persistent Practices? Corporate Governance Law Review, 1 (3). pp. 339-370. ISSN 1449-9029
Coakley, Jay, Hallinan, Christopher J and McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940 (external link)
Sports in Society: Sociological Issues and Controversies.
(2nd ed.)
McGraw Hill, North Ryde, N.S.W..
Crisp, Beth R and Fox, John (2012) Negotiating the University Environment: How first year students learn about University processes. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education , 14 (1). pp. 55-72. ISSN 1329-0584
Davies, Carmelita and Oke, Nicole (2008) Connecting with Frankston Families: Examining service use for families in Frankston North, Karingal and Carrum Downs. Brotherhood of St Laurence, Fitzroy, Vic..
Doughney, James (2009) Lies, Damned Lies and Problem Gambling Prevalence Rates, The Example of Victoria Australia. In: Gambling with crime, destabilized economies, and financial systems. Kindt, John Warren, ed. United States International Gambling Report Series . William Hein and Co., Buffalo, New York, USA.
Doughney, James (2009) Why remove 'gaming operators' : submission to Australian Gambling Licences Review, May 2006. In: Gambling with crime, destabilized economies, and financial systems. Kindt, John Warren, ed. United States International Gambling Report Series . William Hein and Co., Buffalo, New York, USA.
Fox, John and Pease, Bob (2012) Military Deployment, Masculinity and Trauma: Reviewing the Connections. Journal of Men's Studies, 20 (1). pp. 16-31. ISSN 1060-8265 (print) 1933-0251 (online)
Grace, Marty, Daddow, Angela, Egan, Ronnie, Fox, John, Noble, Carolyn, O'Maley, Pauline, Ridley, Corinna and Testa, Doris (2011) Blurring the boundaries: a collaborative approach to language and learning support for social work students. In: Multiculturalism: Perspectives from Australia, Canada and China. 21–22 November 2011. Conference Proceedings. Harbon, Lesley and Woodrow, Lindy, eds. Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 74-80.
Grace, Marty and Gandolfo, Enza (2011) Love and Care : the Glory Box Tradition of the Coptic Women in Australia. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Vic..
Gridley, Heather and Turner, Colleen (2010) Gender, Power, and Community Psychology. In: Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-Being. 2nd edition. Nelson, Geoffrey and Prilleltensky, Isaac, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 389-406.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven (2008) The Difference Within : Diversity as a Key Conceptual Framework. In: Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World. Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds. Research in the sociology of sport (5). Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. 1-14.
Harris, Anne (2010) Too Tall, Too Dark, Too Something: New Racism in Australian Schools. In: Trauma, Media, Art: New Perspectives. Broderick, Mick and Traverso, Antonio, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 211-226.
Holmes, David, Hughes, Katie and Julian, Roberta (2003) Australian Sociology: A Changing Society. Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W..
Holmes, David, Hughes, Katie and Julian, Roberta (2011) Australian Sociology: A Changing Society. (3rd ed.) Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.
Hughes, Katie (2012) The Education Revolution: Are We a Clever Country? In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 166-191.
Hughes, Katie (2012) Health and Wellbeing. In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 192-216.
Hughes, Katie (2012) How to Carry Out a Simple Research Project. In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 407-429.
Hughes, Katie (2012) Personal Lives. In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 217-241.
Hughes, Katie (2012) The Uses of Gender. In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 105-127.
Judd, Barry and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Hoop Dreams: Constructing Aboriginal Sport Identities in Regional Victoria. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 11 (4). 17-21?. ISSN 1440-5202
Keating, Maree (2010) Learning from retrenchment: local textile workers redefine themselves after global restructuring. PhD thesis, RMIT.
Keating, Maree (2004) The things they dont tell you about working with men in gender workshops. In: Gender equality and men: Learning from practice. Ruxton, Sandy, ed. Oxfam Great Britain, Oxford, pp. 50-63.
Kirkby, Diane, Luckins, Tanja and McConville, Chris (2010) The Australian Pub. University of New South Wales (UNSW) Press, Sydney.
Laurence, Jennifer and McCallum, David (2009) Inside the child's head: Histories of childhood behavioural disorders. Studies in inclusive education, 4 . Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Law, Siew Fang (2009) Culturally sensitive mediation: the importance of culture in mediation accreditation. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 20 (3). pp. 162-171. ISSN 1441-7847
Law, Siew Fang (2009) More than collectivism : a Guanxi-approach to mediation. In: An Asian Perspective on Mediation. Lee, J and Teh, HH, eds. Monograph series . Academy Publishing, Singapore, pp. 170-190.
Law, Siew Fang, Jones, S, Douglas, K and Coburn, C (2009) E-Learning and role-plays online: assessment options. In: ATN Assessment Conference 2009: Assessment in Different Dimensions, 19 November 2009-20 November 2009, Melbourne.
Law, Siew Fang and Jones, Sandra (2009) A guanxi model of human resource management. Chinese Management Studies, 3 (4). pp. 313-327. ISSN 1750-614X
Martin-McDonald, Kristine and McCarthy, Alexandra (2008) 'Marking' the white terrain in Indigenous health research: literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 61 (2). pp. 126-133. ISSN 0309-2402
McDonald, Brent and Burke, Michael (2011) Foucaultian Subjectification and Japanese University Rowers. In: Sport Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 181-196.
Oke, Nicole (2010) Working Transnationally: Australian Unions and Temporary Migrant Work. Social Alternatives, 29 (2). pp. 70-75. ISSN 0155-0306
Oke, Nicole, Stanley, Janet and Theobald, Jacqui (2007) The Inclusive Role of Playgroups in Greater Dandenong. Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Fitzroy, Vic..
Parsons, Edward Christien M and Scarpaci, Carol (2011) Recent Advances in Whale-Watching Research: 2009-2010. Tourism in Marine Environments, 7 (1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 1544-273X
Stephens, Julie (2010) The industrialised breast: Julie Stephens on how neoliberalism milks female labour. Overland, 201. pp. 77-81. ISSN 0030-7416
Stevenson, Mark (2010) Sound, Space and Moral Soundscapes in Ruyijun zhuan and Chipozi zhuan. Nan Nu, 12 (2). pp. 255-310. ISSN 13876805 (print) 1568-5268 (online)
Stevenson, Mark (2010) A window on Rebkong : architecture, technology and social change in Amdo Tibetan communities. In: New Views of Tibetan Culture. Templeman, David, ed. Monash papers on Tibet (1). Monash University Press, Caulfield, Victoria, pp. 21-41.
Sylvester, Kate and McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940 (external link)
Japanese Women's Kendo: An Overview of Participation.
Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 163-179.
Thampapillai, Dilan (2007) Crown Copyright: The Nature of the Crown and the Prerogative. ELaw Journal, 14 (1). pp. 283-304. ISSN 1321-8247
Tyler, Meagan (2010) 'Now That's Pornography!' Violence and domination in Adult Video News. In: Everyday Pornography. Boyle, Karen, ed. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, USA, pp. 50-62.
Tyler, Meagan (2011) Pornography as Sexual Authority: How Sex Therapy Promotes the Pornification of Sexuality. In: Big Porn Inc: Exposing the Harms of the Global Pornography Industry. Reist, Melinda Tankard and Bray, Abigail, eds. Spinifex Press, North Melbourne, pp. 78-85.
Tyler, Meagan (2011) Selling Sex Short : the Pornographic and Sexological Construstion of Women's Sexuality in the West. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Tyler, Meagan (2010) The politics of pornography and pornographication in Australia. In: Australian Political Science Association Conference 2010. Australian Political Science Association, Richmond, Vic..