Items where Year is 1990
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Aroney, MJ, Clarkson, RM, Klepetko, Robyn, Masters, AF and Pierens, RK (1990) Dielectric, electro-optic and spectroscopic properties of (η6-arene)M(CO)3 complexes (M = Cr, Mo or W): a study of metal-arene interactions. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 393 (3). 371 - 378. ISSN 0022-328X
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/10; Apr/May 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (10). pp. 1-14.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/11; Feb. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (11). pp. 1-14.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/12; Aug/Sept. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (12). pp. 1-14.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/13; Oct. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (13). pp. 1-12.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/14; Dec. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (14). pp. 1-8.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/8; Jan. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (8). pp. 1-10.
(1990) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/9; Mar. 1990. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (9). pp. 1-18.
Datta, Nivedita and Guha, B. K (1990) High Temperature Separation of Sugar by Reverse Osmosis Membrane. Indian Chemical Engineer, 32 (4). pp. 30-36. ISSN 0019-4506 (print)
Naughton, Geraldine and Carlson, John (1990) Intensity of sports participation in circumpubertal children. Pediatric exercise science, 2 (1). pp. 57-64. ISSN 08998493
McLaren, John (1990) Liberals and Conservatives. Journal of Australian Studies, 14 (26). pp. 94-99. ISSN 1444-3058; 1835-6419 (eISSN)
Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293 and Dixon, Peter
Macroeconomic Forecasts for the Australian Economy: 1989–90 and 1990–91.
Australian Economic Review, 23 (1).
5 - 22.
ISSN 0004-9018
Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293, Dixon, Peter and McDonald, Daina
Macroeconomic Forecasts for the Australian Economy: 1990–91 and 1991–92.
Australian Economic Review, 23 (4).
5 - 23.
ISSN 0004-9018
Blatch, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-8577, Scholle, R and Woods, David R
Nucleotide sequence and analysis of the Vibrio alginolyticus sucrose uptake-encoding region.
Gene, 95 (1).
pp. 17-23.
ISSN 0378-1119
Lawoko, Charles (1990) On the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters of a spatial discrimination model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 19 (12). 4627 - 4641. ISSN 0361-0926
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 100, August 1990. Tapol bulletin (100). pp. 1-28. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 101, October 1990. Tapol bulletin (101). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 102, December 1990. Tapol bulletin (102). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 97, February 1990. Tapol bulletin (97). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 98, April 1990. Tapol bulletin (98). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Tapol bulletin no, 99, June 1990. Tapol bulletin (99). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1990) Timor link, no. 20 & 21, January - February 1990. Timor link (20/21). pp. 1-16.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Snyder, E. E (1990) Values held by prospective coaches towards women's sport participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 13 (3). pp. 167-180. ISSN 0162-7341
Horridge, Mark, Pearce, David and Walker, Agnes (1990) World Agricultural Trade Reform: Implications for Australia. Economic Record, 66 (3). 235 - 248. ISSN 0013-0249
McLaren, John (1990) The power of the word : Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses. Westerly, 35 (1). pp. 61-65. ISSN 0043-342X
Davies, SG, Smallridge, Andrew ORCID: 0000-0001-6645-760X and Ibbotson, A
The use of [Fe(CO)3NO]− for the carbonylation of primary, secondary and allylic halides.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 386 (2).
pp. 195-201.
ISSN 0022-328X
Stepan, Sasha (1990) Credibility gap : Australia and Timor Gap Treaty. Development dossier, 28 . Australian Council for Overseas Aid, Canberra.
Beck, M, Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895, DeLooy, A and Thomas, P
Get ready for soccer : a complete training programme.
Crowood Press, Wiltshire, England.
Taylor, John G (1990) The Indonesian occupation of East Timor 1974-1989 : a chronology. Catholic Institute for International Relations, London.
McCallum, David (1990) The social production of merit : education, psychology and politics in Australia 1900-1950. Deakin Studies in Education . The Falmer Press, London and New York.
Conference or Workshop Item
Guthrie, Hugh (1990) Performance indicators for TAFE colleges: poison, placebo or panacea? In: Australian Association of TAFE Principals , January 1990. (Unpublished)
Booth, David J, Collins, Stephen F, Shelamoff, A and Scott, JC (1990) Rayleigh Scattering From Multimode Optical Fibres At Very High Temperatures. In: Fiber Optic and Laser Sensors VII, 05 September 1989-07 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts.
Crow, Maurie (1990) What sort of a city? Needed : an alternative for urban living. In: "What Sort of City" Seminar, November 1987. (Unpublished)
Bone, John and Guthrie, Hugh (1990) Approaches to curriculum development: a discussion paper. Discussion Paper. TAFE National Centre for Research and Development, Adelaide, South Australia.
Guthrie, Hugh and Loveder, Phil (1990) Approaches to multiple entry and exit points for associate diplomas. Project Report. TAFE National Centre for Research and Development, Adelaide, South Australia.
Baker, M. J. C (1990) How often should a machine be inspected? Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Cerone, Pietro (1990) Inspection interval for maximum future reliability using the delay time model. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Horwood, John (1990) Looking back to the future. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Barnett, Neil S (1990) Measuring process capability. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Bourke, Eleanor A, Guthrie, Hugh, Huggins, Jackie, McBride, Glenys, Turker, Jennifer and Wilson, Sara (1990) Towards better management: training materials for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Manual. TAFE National Centre for Research and Development, Adelaide, South Australia.
Barnett, Neil S (1990) The dire dangers of dabbling with data. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Sofo, Anthony (1990) A new tertiary mathematics subject. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
Diamond, N. T (1990) The use of a class of foldover design as search designs. Technical Report. Footscray Institute of Technology. Department of Mathematics, Computing and Operations Research, Footscray, Vic.
McLaren, John (1990) Land as the source of opposition. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Dugan, Michael (1990) Letter from Michael Dugan to Barrett Reid. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Dugan, Michael (1990) Letter from Michael Dugan to Rick Amor re illustrations for Overland issue 119. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Brady, Veronica (1990) Letter from Veronica Brady to John McLaren re John's paper on Rushdie's Satanic Verses. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
(1990) Letter to John Barrett re his book reviews to be published in Overland. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Davies, David and Reid, Barrett (1990) Letters between David Davies and Barrett Reid. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Making new worlds 1. The centre cannot hold: literature of resistance in the new literatures. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Making new worlds 2. Lands of desire: the pattern of literature in the new world of the United States. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Making new worlds 3. Myth and countermyth in Australian Literature. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Making new worlds 4. The centre cannot hold: garrisoning Canada. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Making new worlds 5. Lands outside Eden – the case of Africa. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden : New World literatures. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden. Chapter 10: Canadian Pacific. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden. Chapter 7: Networks of time. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden. Chapter 9: Networks of time. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden. Part 2: Wilderness in enclosure. Chapter 6: Regenerative violence. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) Searching for Eden: Introduction. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Crow, Ruth (1990) Thirtieth anniversary of Hotham Gardens Block E. unpublished. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) The boundaries of the audience. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) The closed frontier : from subjugation to equilibrium. A study of man against nature in two wilderness narratives. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1990) The community of Overland. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McCoy, Michael (1990) Determinants of ventilation during exercise. Research Master thesis, Footscray Institute of Technology.
Butler, Nancy (1990) Male and female relationships in Australian fiction 1917-1956. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Burge, Caroline M (1990) The effect of dehydration and rehydration on physiology parameters associated with maximal rowing performance. Research Master thesis, Footscray Institute of Technology.
Muller, Anthony (1990) A needs analysis for Phillip Island Information Centre, within the Fauna Island project. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Langowoj, Ivetta (1990) The perception of Australian hosts by Japanese tourists. Coursework Master thesis, Footscray Institute of Technology.
Bauer, Thomas G (1990) The perceptions, holiday expectations and holiday experiences of German speaking visitors to southern Australia. Coursework Master thesis, Footscray Institute of Technology.