Integration of the Rational, Political and Justice Models of Performance Appraisals: The case of the Sri Lankan Public Sector

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Thennakoon, Dharshani D ORCID: 0000-0003-4724-0231 and Kailasapathy, Pavithra (2015) Integration of the Rational, Political and Justice Models of Performance Appraisals: The case of the Sri Lankan Public Sector. Sri Lankan Journal of Management, 20 (3&4). ISSN 1391-1503

Item type Article
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Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 3505 Human resources and industrial relations
Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
Current > Division/Research > Graduate School of Business
Keywords public sector, private sector management technique, performance appraisal system
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