Tertiary Education in an International development context : a review of research literature and analysis of data on international student flows, for the purpose of providing a framework against which the ANAO can assess the effectiveness of AusAID's management of aid for tertiary education : final report for the Australian National Audit Office

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Cuthbert, Denise, Spark, Ceridwen, Arunachalam, Dharma and Healy, Earnest (2010) Tertiary Education in an International development context : a review of research literature and analysis of data on international student flows, for the purpose of providing a framework against which the ANAO can assess the effectiveness of AusAID's management of aid for tertiary education : final report for the Australian National Audit Office. Project Report. Australian National Audit Office. (Submitted)


The purpose of this review is to describe and analyse literature on the relationship bwteen education and development, and data on trends in the flows of cross-border education whcih may illuminate the relationship between aid, tertiary education and sustainable development

Item type Monograph (Project Report)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/8599
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1399 Other Education
Historical > FOR Classification > 1605 Policy and Administration
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Historical > SEO Classification > 9305 Education and Training Systems
Keywords ResPubID21272, international students, international aid, tertiary enrolments, mobility, scholarships, universities, university, student
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