9305 Education and Training Systems
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Bergami, Roberto (2008) Setting the Environment for the Development of a Community of Practice: The Case of the On-Line National Customs Brokers Course in Australia. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 139-151. ISSN 1833-1882
Bergami, Roberto and Schuller, Annamarie (2008) The perceptual value of industry placement: an exploratory study in Australia. The Romanian Journal of Communications and Public Relations, 10 (13). pp. 51-63. ISSN 1454-8100
Bunda, Tracey, Zipin, Lew and Brennan, Marie (2012) Negotiating university 'equity' from Indigenous standpoints: a shaky bridge. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16 (9). pp. 941-957. ISSN 1360-3116
Cacciattolo, Marcelle, Mahon, Lawrence, Zimmermann, Jo An M, Martino, John and Davidson, Kristy (2007) Story Writing in Remote Locations: Building Sustainable and Respectful Partnerships in Remote Educational Settings. International Journal of the Humanities, 5 (6). pp. 171-178. ISSN 1447-9508
De Silva Lokuwaduge, Chitra (2011) Analysis of Governance and Performance of Australian Universities. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 4 (2). pp. 69-84. ISSN 1835-2030
Eilam, Efrat ORCID: 0000-0001-6076-6487 and Trop, Tamar
Factors Influencing Adults' Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors and the Role of Environmental Schools in Influencing their Communities.
Education and Urban Society.
ISSN 0013-1245
Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2010) Sustainability and Adaptability of Australian Universities' Programme. International Journal of Business Research, 10 (4). pp. 91-95. ISSN 1555-1296
Fong, Michelle Wye Leng and Sims, Robert (2010) e-WIL in Student Education. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-learning & learning objects, 6. pp. 45-60. ISSN 1552-2210
Gorur, Radhika (2012) Book review: The invisible infrastructure of standards. Critical Studies in Education, 54 (2). pp. 132-142. ISSN 1750-8487 (print) 1750-8495 (online)
Green, Nicole and Nolan, Andrea (2011) Preparing the Australian Early Childhood Workforce for Rural and Remote Settings: A Review of the Literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (12). pp. 83-96. ISSN 1835-517X
Jackling, Beverley (2005) Analysis of the learning context, perceptions of the learning environment and approaches to learning accounting: a longitudinal study. Accounting and Finance, 45 (4). pp. 597-612. ISSN 0810-5391
Jackling, Beverley and Calero, Claude (2006) Influences on Undergraduate Students' Intentions to become Qualified Accountants: Evidence from Australia. Accounting Education, 15 (4). pp. 419-438. ISSN 0963-9284
Jackling, Beverley and De Lange, Paul (2009) Do Accounting Graduates’ Skills Meet The Expectations of Employers? A Matter of Convergence or Divergence. Accounting Education, 18 (4-5). pp. 369-385. ISSN 096-39284
Keneley, Monica and Jackling, Beverley (2011) The acquisition of generic skills of culturally-diverse student cohorts. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 20 (6). pp. 605-623. ISSN 0963-9284 (print), 1468-4489 (online)
McKenna, Tarquam, Cacciattolo, Marcelle and Mahon, Lawrence (2011) Indigenous Literacies: 'White Fella Engagements'. The International Journal of Learning, 18 (1). pp. 631-644. ISSN 1447-9494
Naidoo, Moonsamy (2011) Managing capital investments at South African private universities. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 9 (1). pp. 85-94. ISSN 1727-7051 (print) 1810-5467 (online)
Naidoo, Moonsamy (2011) Using activity based costing to manage private universities in South Africa. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 9 (4). pp. 109-116. ISSN 1727-7051 (print) 1810-5467 (online)
Nolan, Andrea and Sim, Jenny (2011) Exploring and Evaluating Levels of Reflection in Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36 (3). pp. 122-130. ISSN 1836-9391
O'Mahony, Barry G, Whitelaw, Paul A and McWilliams, Alan (2008) The Drivers of Program Selection in Hospitality Management at Victoria University. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 20 (3). pp. 5-10. ISSN 1096-3758
Sharda, Nalin K (2008) Designing, Using and Evaluating Educational Games: Challenges, Some Solutions and Future Research. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG'08): The power of narration and imagination in technology enhanced learning, 386. ISSN 1613-0073
Shi, Hao (2010) An interactive zoo guide: a case study of collaborative learning. The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA), 2 (2). pp. 57-67. ISSN 0975-5934 (print) 0975-5578 (online)
Supple, Briony and Abgenyega, Joseph (2011) Developing The Understanding And Practice Of Inclusion In Higher Education For International Students With Disabilities/Additional Needs: A Whole Schooling Approach. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 7 (2). pp. 93-108. ISSN 1710-2146
Winchester, Maxwell ORCID: 0000-0001-5458-517X and Winchester, Tiffany M
If you build it will they come?; Exploring the student perspective of weekly student evaluations of teaching.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 37 (6).
pp. 671-682.
ISSN 0260-2938 (print), 1469-297X (online)
Winchester, Tiffany and Winchester, Maxwell ORCID: 0000-0001-5458-517X
Exploring the impact of faculty reflection on weekly student evaluations of teaching.
International Journal for Academic Development, 16 (2).
pp. 119-131.
ISSN 1470-1324
Wong, Lily (2012) Student attitudes towards e-learning: the first year accounting experience. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 9. pp. 195-207. ISSN 1547-5840 (print) 1547-5867 (online)
Yelland, Nicola (2007) Making Meaning and Becoming Multiliterate with ICT. International Journal of the Humanities, 5 (4). pp. 123-133. ISSN 1447-9508
Yelland, Nicola, Beris, Rebecca, Davidson, Kristy and Neal, Greg (2007) A Computer for Every Child: Extending Contexts for Learning for Disadvantaged Children. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2 (34). pp. 503-514. ISSN 1833-1882
te Riele, Katarina (kitty) ORCID: 0000-0002-8826-1701
Challenging the logic behind government policies for school completion.
Journal of Educational Administration and History, 44 (3).
pp. 237-252.
ISSN 0022-0620 (print) 1478-7431 (online)
Raban, Bridie, Waniganayake, Manjula and Nolan, Andrea, eds. (2007) Building Capacity: Strategic Professional Development for Early Childhood Practitioners. Thomson Learning Australia, South Melbourne.
Tatnall, Arthur, Kereteletswe, Omponye Coach and Visscher, Adrie, eds. (2011) Information technology and managing quality education : 9th IFIP WG 3.7 Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management, ITEM 2010, Katsane, Botswana, July 26-30 2010 : revised selected papers. IFIP advances in information and communication technology, 348 . Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
Watty, Kim, Jackling, Beverley and Wilson, Richard Malcolm Sano, eds. (2012) Personal Transferable Skills in Accounting Education. Special issue books from 'Accounting education: an international journal' . Routledge, London.
McCallum, David (1990) The social production of merit : education, psychology and politics in Australia 1900-1950. Deakin Studies in Education . The Falmer Press, London and New York.
Miliszewska, Iwona (2009) Effective transnational education programs: Concepts, dimensions, perspectives. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Book Section
Benozzo, Angelo, Carey, Neil, McKenna, Tarquam and Vicars, Mark (2012) Gay and Queer coming out into Europe (part 1): fragmentary tales of crossing national/cultural borders. In: Discourse, Power, and Resistance Down Under. Vicars, Mark, McKenna, Tarquam and White, Julie, eds. Transgressions: cultural studies and education (88). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 1-18.
Broadbent, Robyn and Maunders, David (2009) A Career in Youth Work? In: Concepts and methods of youth work. White, Rob, ed. Doing youth work in Australia (1). Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Hobart, pp. 31-46.
Clayton, Berwyn (2009) Viewing RTOs Through the Lens of Culture. In: AVETRA 12th Annual Conference : Aligning Participants, Policy and Pedagogy : Traction and Tensions in VET Research. Brennan, Roslin, ed. Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, Crows Nest, N.S.W., pp. 1-14.
Davey, Bill and Tatnall, Arthur (2011) Managing the Online Student Experience: An Ecological Model. In: Information technology and managing quality education: 9th IFIP WG 3.7 Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management, ITEM 2010, Katsane, Botswana, July 26-30 2010: revised selected papers. Tatnall, Arthur, Kereteletswe, Omponye Coach and Visscher, Adrie, eds. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 348 . Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 43-51.
Donald, John and Jackling, Beverley (2007) Student Characteristics and Approaches to Learning: a Cross-cultural Study. In: Innovation in accounting and corporate governance education conference, 2007 [electronic resource] : proceedings of the second innovation in accounting and corporate governance education conference, 31 January - 2 February, Hobart, Tasmania. Meyers, N. M, Smith, B. N, Bingham, S. A and Shimeld, S. F, eds. University of Tasmania, Hobart, School of Accounting & Corporate Governance, University of Tasmania.
Dragomir, Sever S, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Baxter, Gregory W (2007) An approximation of Hankel transform for the functions of bounded variation. In: Inequality theory and applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 81-89.
Eckersley, Bill, Williams, Joanne, Cacciattolo, Marcelle, Kruger, Tony and Cherednichenko, Brenda (2008) Researching Innovative Partnerships in Education: Working and Learning with our Partners. In: Engaging Communities: Proceedings of the 31st HERDSA Annual Conference : 1-4 July 2008, Rotorua, New Zealand. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc, Milperra, NSW.
Foster, Susan and Hopkins, John (2011) ERP Simulation Game: Establishing Engagement, Collaboration and Learning. In: Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2011 : Quality Research in Pacific Asia. Seddon, Peter and Gregor, Shirley, eds. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems . Faculty of Science & technology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Gorur, Radhika (2012) ANT on the PISA trial: Following the statistical pursuit of certainty. In: Researching education through actor-network theory. Fenwick, Tara and Edwards, Richard, eds. Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues (30). Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New York, pp. 61-75.
Hodgetts, Katherine and Brennan, Marie (2011) Senior secondary study as a part-time phenomenon? Implications for policy and practice. In: Changing the paradigm : education as the key to a socially inclusive future. Stehlik, Tom and Patterson, Jan, eds. Post Pressed, Mt. Gravatt, Qld., pp. 62-75.
Huang, Hsun, Binney, Wayne and Hede, Anne-Marie (2010) Strategic Marketing of Educational Institutions. In: Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2010 conference proceeding. Ballantine, P and Finsterwalder, Jörg, eds. Department of Management, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z..
Jackling, Beverley (2005) 'All about numbers' : do perceptions of the profession influence students' decision to become a qualified Accountant? In: Proceedings of the Accounting Educators forum 2005 held at the CPA Centre, 111 Harrington Street, Sydney, 24th-25th November 2005. Kent, Jenny, ed. Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, N.S.W., pp. 63-82.
Jackling, Beverley (2012) Longitudinal learning research on changes in learning of university students. In: Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Seel, Norbert M, ed. Springer, New York, pp. 2069-2072.
Keneley, Monica and Jackling, Beverley (2012) The acquisition of generic skills of culturally-diverse student cohorts. In: Personal Transferable Skills in Accounting Education. Watty, Kim, Jackling, Beverley and Wilson, Richard Malcolm Sano, eds. Routledge, London, pp. 157-175.
Knowles, Steve (2010) Evaluating your school's implementation of digital technologies. In: Conference Proceedings of the 21st Australian Computers in Education Conference 2010 : digital diversity. Gronn, D and Romeo, G, eds. Australian Council for Computers in Education, Balaclava, Vic..
Knowles, Steve (2010) Moving beyond 'Integrating ICTs across the curriculum'. In: Conference Proceedings of the 21st Australian Computers in Education Conference 2010 : digital diversity. Gronn, D and Romeo, G, eds. Australian Council for Computers in Education, Balaclava, Vic..
Kripanont, Napaporn and Tatnall, Arthur (2010) Modelling the Adoption and Use of Internet Technologies in Higher Education in Thailand. In: Actor-Network Theory and Technology Innovation: Advancements and New Concepts. Tatnall, Arthur, ed. Information Science Reference, pp. 95-112.
Lee, Christine and Spisto, Michael (2011) Challenges to sustainability of best practices in education and services. In: Sustainable development through innovation : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on ISO & TQM (15-ICIT). Ho, Samuel H. M, ed. Editor, Hong Kong.
Madden-Hallett, Helen and Ho, Henry Wai Leong (2010) Help is at Hand : the Functionality of WebCT to Facilitate Marketing Student Learning. In: The Pinnacle of Marketing Education : 2010 Conference Proceedings. Cadwallader, Susan and Brodowsky, Glen H, eds. Marketing Educators' Association, Seattle, Washington, p. 104.
Madden-Hallett, Helen and Ho, Henry Wai Leong (2010) Help is at hand: A study of the usage rate of a variety of WebCT functions to facilitate online student learning. In: Proceedings of 'Managing and marketing organizations in an era of global economic uncertainty and environmental complexity', the 4th Biennial Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference, Oulu, Finland, 12-15 July 2010. Ogunmokun, Gabriel, Gabbay, Rony and Rose, Janelle, eds. Academy of World Business, Perth, W.A., pp. 126-132.
McCarthy, Brendan (2011) Teaching Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as part of an Enterprise Systems program. In: Proceedings of the 17th IBIMA Conference on Creating Global Competitive Economies: A 360-degree Approach. International Business Information Management Association, pp. 1244-1250.
Miliszewska, Iwona (2009) Evolution of Post-Secondary Distance Education. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., USA, pp. 1471-1476.
Miliszewska, Iwona (2010) Managing the delivery of computing projects in Hong Kong from Australia. In: Cases 'n' Places : Global cases in educational and performance technology. Kinuthia, Wanjira and Marshall, Stewart, eds. Educational design and technology in the knowledge society . IAP - Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, USA, pp. 97-106.
Miliszewska, Iwona (2009) Perspectives of Transnational Education. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., USA, pp. 3072-3079.
O'Brien, Kylie A (2008) Chinese Medicine Education in Victoria, Australia - the Impact of Statutory Regulation. In: Thieme Almanac 2008 : Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. McCarthy, Michael, Birch, Stephen and Findgott, A. M, eds. Georg Thieme Verlag , Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 250-259.
Ozansoy, Cagil and Stojcevski, Alex (2009) Problem Based Learning in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Education. In: Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education. Du, Xiangyun, de Graaff, Erik and Kolmos, Anette, eds. Sense Publishers, pp. 199-213.
Rizvi, Fazal and Gorur, Radhika (2012) Indian higher education and the dynamics of global collaborations. In: Globalization, culture and education in South Asia: Critical excursions. Kapoor, Dip, Barua, Bijoy P and Datoo, Al-Karim, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, pp. 17-36.
Schutt, Stefan and Berry, Marsha (2012) How the 'I' sees it: The maker, the researcher and the subject at the juncture of memory and history. In: Discourse, Power, and Resistance Down Under. Vicars, Mark, McKenna, Tarquam and White, Julie, eds. Transgressions . Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 107-119.
Sharda, Nalin (2010) Using storytelling as the pedagogical model for web based learning in communities of practice. In: Web based learning solutions for communities of practice: developing virtual environments for social and pedagogical advancement. Karacapilidis, Nikos, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 67-82.
Supple, Briony and Agbenyega, Joseph (2011) Inclusion in Higher Education. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society. Tchibozo, Guy, ed. Analytrics, Strasbourg, France, pp. 567-576.
Tartakover, Sarah (2012) Life, Research and a Baby. In: Reflections on Learning, Life and Work: Completing Doctoral Studies in Mid and Later Life and Career. Ryan, Maureen, ed. Sense Publisher, Rotterdam, pp. 183-194.
Tatnall, Arthur and Dakich, Eva (2011) Informing Parents with the Victorian Education Ultranet. In: Proceedings of the InSITE 2011 Informing Science and IT Education Joint Conference. Informing Science Institute, Santa Rosa, California, pp. 587-598.
Tatnall, Arthur and Manning, Karen (2011) Innovation or Renovation? The Management of Strategic and Adoption Decisions within a University. In: Information Technology and Managing Quality Education: 9th IFIP WG 3.7 Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management, ITEM 2010, Kasane, Botswana, July 26-30, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Tatnall, Arthur, Kereteletswe, Omponye Coach and Visscher, Adrie, eds. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 348 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 113-120.
Tatnall, Christopher and Tatnall, Arthur (2007) Using Educational Management Systems to Enhance Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. In: Knowledge Management for Educational Innovation. Springer, New York, pp. 75-82.
Wickramasinghe, Nilmini, Tatnall, Arthur and Goldberg, Steve (2011) The Advantages of Mobile Solutions for Chronic Disease Management. In: Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2011 : Quality Research in Pacific Asia. Seddon, Peter and Gregor, Shirley, eds. Faculty of Science & technology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Zipin, Lew and Brennan, Marie (2012) Governing the Claims of Global Futures within Australian Higher Education. In: The Reorientation of Higher Education: Challenging the East-West Dichotomy. Adamson, Bob, Nixon, Jon and Su, Feng, eds. CERC studies in comparative education . Springer, Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 247-267.
Conference or Workshop Item
Gabb, Roger, Ozansoy, Cagil ORCID: 0000-0002-9375-9571, Nguyen, Thinh B, Paks, Mariuz, Shi, Hao and Thorn, Richard
Designing for Diversity: a Common First Year in a PBL Program.
In: Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference 2010, 19-22 September 2010, Trnava, Slovakia.
O'Rourke, Mark (2010) Games - What are they good for? In: AVETRA 13th Annual Conference, 8th April 2010, Surfers Paradise, Queensland.
O'Rourke, Mark and Custance, Juanita (2009) Playing your way to competency. In: AVETRA 12th Annual Conference, 16th April 2009, Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach, Sydney, NSW.
O'Rourke, Mark, Custance, Juanita and Papasimeon, Tas (2008) Developing a Vocational Training Computer Game Workplace Simulator: The Vocational Game Project. In: International Conference & Symposium - CGAT 08 , 3th - 4th April 2008, Adelaide Holiday Inn, Adelaide, South Australia.
Woodley, Carolyn, Russell, Leoni and Faux, Jeffrey (2011) Encouraging and maintaining learning in the workplace and community (LiWC): engaging, supporting and rewarding academics. In: WACE 17th World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Intergrated Education. Historic Challenges : Global Solutions., 14-17 June 2011, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Babacan, Hurriyet, Pyke, Joanne ORCID: 0000-0002-0137-937X, Bhathal, Alexandra, Gil, Gurjeet K, Grossman, Michele and Bertone, Santina
The Community Safety of International Students in Melbourne: a Scoping Study.
Project Report.
Victoria University, Melbourne.
Clayton, Berwyn and Robinson, Pauline (2008) Visions and options: a report on five forums introducing the research consortium on building vocational education and training provider capability. Project Report. National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER, Adelaide, South Australia.
Cuthbert, Denise, Spark, Ceridwen, Arunachalam, Dharma and Healy, Earnest (2010) Tertiary Education in an International development context : a review of research literature and analysis of data on international student flows, for the purpose of providing a framework against which the ANAO can assess the effectiveness of AusAID's management of aid for tertiary education : final report for the Australian National Audit Office. Project Report. Australian National Audit Office. (Submitted)
Gillis, Shelley, Dyson, Chloe and Bateman, Andrea (2010) An Assessor Guide: Validation and Moderation. Manual. National Quality Council, Melbourne.
Gillis, Shelley, Dyson, Chloe and Bateman, Andrea (2010) Validation and Moderation in Diverse Settings: Final Research Report to the National Quality Council. Project Report. National Quality Council, Melbourne.
Gillis, Shelley, Wu, Margaret, Dulhunty, Mark, Calvitto, Leanne and Bateman, Andrea (2010) Empirical Validation of the Strengthened Australian Qualifications Framework Using Item Response Theory : Conducted for the AQF Council as Part of the Strengthening the AQF Project. Technical Report. Australian Qualifications Framework, Adelaide.
Gillis, Shelley, Wu, Margaret, Dulhunty, Mark, Calvitto, Leanne and Bateman, Andrea (2010) Overview of the Empirical Validation of the Strengthened Australian Qualifications Framework. Other. Australian Qualifications Framework, Adelaide.
Guthrie, Hugh and Clayton, Berwyn (2010) Building Capability in Vocational Education and Training Providers: the TAFE Cut. Other. National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide.
Nolan, Andrea and Rouse, Elizabeth (2011) First Choice: Early Childhood. Other. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (Unpublished)
Simons, Michele, Harris, Roger, Pudney, Val and Clayton, Berwyn (2009) Careers in Vocational Education and Training: What Are They Really Like? Project Report. National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Adelaide.
Vale, Colleen, Davies, Anne, Hooley, Neil, Weaven, Mary, Davidson, Kristy and Loton, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0003-4106-0555
Literacy and numeracy pilot in low SES school communities : outcome evaluation, final report.
Project Report.
Victoria University, School of Education, Melbourne.
Henderson, Fiona (2011) Connecting higher education and the Chinese workplace : what makes a Chinese graduate with an Australian qualification employable in China? PhD thesis, Victoria University.