Paramedic practice and the cultural and religious needs of pre‐hospital patients in Victoria

Hartley, Peter (2012) Paramedic practice and the cultural and religious needs of pre‐hospital patients in Victoria. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


Religion and culture can impact profoundly on healthcare practices and health outcomes. The Australian community is rich and diverse in differing cultures and religions, and at times of medical emergency the paramedic increasingly will be required to respond to healthcare needs of this diverse community. This study is designed to investigate current paramedic practices as they relate to an awareness of the cultural and religious needs of community groups as a holistic approach. It also incorporates the voices of these community groups from their experiences with emergency paramedics during pre‐hospital health care for those living in Melbourne, Australia.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Education
Historical > FOR Classification > 1117 Public Health and Health Services
Keywords emergency services, ambulance, diversity, ethnic, multi-culturalism, patients, religion, culture, Melbourne
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