From Rhetoric to Action: Towards an Enabling Environment for Child and Youth Development in the Sustainable Development Goals

Bacalso, C, Farrow, A, Karsten, A and Milhajlovic, D (2015) From Rhetoric to Action: Towards an Enabling Environment for Child and Youth Development in the Sustainable Development Goals. Project Report. Youth Policy Press, Berlin, Germany.


Case for Space is a global research and advocacy initiative that seeks to understand and strengthen the conditions and environment for child and youth development in three focus areas: youth participation, child protection and youth livelihoods. The research was commissioned by the three organisations of the Case for Space initiative ― Restless Development, War Child UK and Youth Business International. The project set out to investigate, understand and present considerations for future action on how to improve the conditions and structures affecting child and youth development.

Additional Information

Commissioned by: Case for Space initiative

Item type Monograph (Project Report)
ISBN 9783944859088
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1605 Policy and Administration
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Division/Research > College of Arts and Education
Keywords sustainable development goals; youth development; youth participation; youth livelihoods; child protection
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