Mirror Mirror Exhibition

Campbell, Megan ORCID: 0000-0002-5442-5421 (2017) Mirror Mirror Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]


The exhibition Mirror, Mirror features self-portraits created by Victoria University students. Representing the human form provides one of the greatest challenges for the artist but one that offers extensive expressive opportunities. As part of the visual art specialisation unit ACF2006 Drawing and Painting, all students complete a self-portrait. As part of this task, the student closely examines their face and creates a painting that represents them. Some choose to create a work that is a realistic representation of their reflection in a mirror and others choose to create a work that is more abstract or combines imagery / objects that offer a key to their personality. Self-portraits by nature are personal and offer an insight to the artist. They provide a window into the artists’ soul. The self-portrait acts as self-image, self-knowledge and self-advertisement. Often there is a particular intention why the artist creates a self-portrait, such as recording particular moments in an artist’s personal or professional life or the painting may act as a form of self-analysis. As Paul Klee said, ‘I am my style’. The decisions made by the artist in creating the painting, such as each choice of colour used, each mark or line is a form of signature of the artist and become recognisably theirs. This combined with a careful study and examination of their own features and psychoanalysis inherent in a self-portrait combine to create powerful images. We see in the portraits a version of the artists’ self-image or one they are happy to put on a public stage.

Item type Show/Exhibition
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/36562
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts
Current > Division/Research > College of Arts and Education
Keywords exhibition, portrait, art, painting
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