Buttery, Ernest Alan
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Hall, John, Binney, Wayne and O'Mahony, Barry G (2003) Consuming Wine : A Market Segmentation and Purchase Motivation Study - Purchase, Motivation and Segmentation in Wine Marketing. In: Research In Contemporary Issues of Marketing : Best Paper Series of The Inaugural Australian Conference of The Chartered Institute of Marketing. Buttery, Ernest Alan, ed. School of University of Western Sydney, School of Marketing and International Business, South Penrith, N.S.W., Australia, pp. 129-145.
Hall, John, Binney, Wayne and O'Mahony, Barry G (2003) Purchase, Motivation and Segmentation In Wine Marketing. In: Research in contemporary issues of marketing: best paper series of the Inaugural Australian Conference of the Chartered Institute of Marketing : a research volume. Buttery, Ernest Alan, ed. University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 129-145.
Polonsky, Michael Jay and Schuppisser, Stefan (2003) Developing relationships - a nonlinear process. In: Research in contemporary issues of marketing: best paper series of the Inaugural Australian Conference of the Chartered Institute of Marketing : a research volume. Buttery, Ernest Alan, ed. University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 51-66.