Roberts, Ann
< Back to all Authors2002 | 2003 | 15 May 2003 | July 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | July 2006 | October 2006 | 2007 | June 2007 | 2008 | January 2008 | 1 October 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 30 January 2012 | September 2012 | 2014
Michna, Magda, Thorn, Karen, Roberts, Ann, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Baxter, Gregory W (2002) Characterisation of Induced Axial Stress in Bent Optical Fibers. In: Proceedings of the 27th Australian Conference on Optical Fiber Technology. Photonics Institute and IE Australia, pp. 65-67.
Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Roberts, Ann, Nugent, Keith, Baxter, Gregory W, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Huntington, Shane (2002) Refractive index profiling of axisymmetric optical fibres using quantitative phase microscopy. In: Proceedings of the 27th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology : co-located with the Australian Institute of Physics, 15th Biennial Congress 2002; Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, New South Wales, Monday, 8 July t. Photonics Institute, Sydney, N.S.W., pp. 128-130.
Roberts, Ann, Baxter, Gregory W, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Huntington, Shane, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Michna, Magda and Nugent, Keith (2002) Phase Imaging Methods for Optical Fiber Characterisation. In: Technical Digest: Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements 2002 (NIST Special Publication 988). National Institute of Standards and Technology, pp. 109-112. (Submitted)
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Baxter, Gregory W, Farrell, Peter M, Roberts, Ann and Ampem-Lassen, Eric (2002) Near field measurements of a Wollaston prism shear displacement. In: Physics and industry working together : proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics 15th Biennial Congress 2002 : 8-11 July 2002, Sydney Australia. Causal Productions, [Adelaide], pp. 331-333.
Roberts, Ann, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Barty, Anton, Nugent, Keith A, Baxter, Gregory W, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Huntington, Shane (2002) Refractive-index profiling of optical fibers with axial symmetry by use of quantitative phase microscopy. Optics letters, 27 (23). pp. 2061-2063. ISSN 0146-9592
Roberts, Ann, Thorn, Karen, Michna, Magda, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Farrell, Peter M and Baxter, Gregory W (2002) Determination of bending-induced strain in optical fibres by use of quantitative phase imaging. Optics letters, 27 (2). pp. 86-88. ISSN 0146-9592
Roberts, Ann, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Barty, Anton, Nugent, Keith A, Baxter, Gregory W, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Huntington, Shane (2002) Refractive-index profiling of optical fibres with axial symmetry by use of quantitative phase microscopy. Optics letters, 27 (23). pp. 2061-2063. ISSN 0146-9592
Roberts, Ann, Thorn, K, Michna, M, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Farrell, Peter M and Baxter, Gregory W (2002) Determination of Bending-induced Strain in Optical Fibres Using Quantitative Phase Imaging. Optics Letters, 27 (2). pp. 86-88. ISSN 0146-9592
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Rollinson, Claire M, Sidiroglou, Fotios, Wade, Scott A, Roberts, Ann, Collins, Stephen F and Baxter, Gregory W (2003) Evaluation of Optical Fiber Sensors Using Differential Interference Contrast Imaging Techniques. In: Technical Digest Optical Fiber Sensors-16. Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, pp. 230-233.
Rollinson, Claire M, Wade, Scott A, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Roberts, Ann, Collins, Stephen F and Baxter, Gregory W (2003) Effect of the phase mask writing technique on higher order reflections of type I and type IIA fibre Bragg gratings. In: Optical networking : technologies, traffic engineering and management : conference proceedings. COIN/ACOFT 2003, [Melbourne], pp. 411-414.
Wade, Scott A, Rollinson, Claire M, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Roberts, Ann, Collins, Stephen F and Baxter, Gregory W (2003) Toward a Better Understanding of Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors. In: Sensors and their Applications XII. Institute of Physics , pp. 435-441.
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Garchev, Darol, Baxter, Gregory W, Farrell, Peter M and Roberts, Ann (2003) Non-destructive imaging and characterization of optical fiber bragg gratings. In: Photonics, devices and systems II : proceedings from PHOTONICS PRAGUE 2002 : 26-29 May, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. SPIE proceedings series (5036). SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 182-186.
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Rollinson, Claire, Wade, S. A, Stevenson, A. J, Collins, Stephen F, Baxter, Gregory W, Farrel, P. M and Roberts, Ann (2003) Nondestructive Imaging of a Type 1 Optical Filter Bragg Grating. Optics Letters, 28 (10). pp. 789-791. ISSN 0146-9592
15 May 2003
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Rollinson, Claire M, Wade, Scott A, Stevenson, Andrew J, Collins, Stephen F, Baxter, Gregory W, Farrell, Peter M and Roberts, Ann (2003) Nondestructive imaging of a type I optical fiber Bragg grating. Optics letters, 28 (10). pp. 789-791. ISSN 01469592
July 2003
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Garchev, Darol, Baxter, Gregory W, Farrell, Peter M and Roberts, Ann (2003) Nondestructive Imaging and Characterization of Optical Fibre Bragg gratings. In: Photonic Devices and Systems II : proceedings from Photonics Prague 2002 : 26-29 May, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. Hrabovský, Miroslav , Senderáková, Dagmar and Tománe, Pavel, eds. SPIE proceedings series (5036). International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 182-186.
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Huntington, Shane, Stern, Richard, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2004) Micro-analytical Techniques for Imaging Erbium Doped Optical Fibers. In: Technical Digest: Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements 2004 (NIST Special Publications 1024). National Institution of Standards and Technology, pp. 55-58.
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2005) Phase sensitive imaging techniques applied to optical fibre characterization. In: Conference Digest 7th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference. National Physical Laboratory, pp. 107-111.
Rollinson, Claire M, Wade, Scott A, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Roberts, Ann, Baxter, Gregory W and Collins, Stephen F (2005) Three parameter sensing with a single Bragg grating in non-birefringent fiber. In: Bragg Gratings, Poling & Photosensitivity/Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2005 (BGPP/ACOFT 2005 (CD-ROM)). Bragg Grating, Photosensitivity and Poling /Australia Conference on Fibre Technology (BGPP/ACOFT), Sydney, Australia, pp. 92-94.
Kouskousis, Betty, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Rollinson, Claire, Wade, Scott A, Collins, Stephen F, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2005) Comparison between the modelled and measured refractive index modulation within a FBG. In: Bragg Gratings, Poling & Photosensitivity/Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology 2005 (BGPP/ACOFT 2005 CD-ROM). Tour Hosts Pty, Sydney, N.S.W, pp. 523-525.
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Huntington, Shane, Baxter, Gregory W, Roberts, Ann and Farrell, Peter M (2005) Refractive index profiling of optical fibres using differential interference contrast microscopy. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17 (10). pp. 2149-2151. ISSN 1041-1135
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Huntington, Shane, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2005) Micro-characterisation of erbium-doped fibers using a Raman confocal microscrope. Optics Express, 13 (14). pp. 5506-5512. ISSN 1094-4087
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Goh, Xiao Ming, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2006) Micro-tomographic reconstruction for arbitrary refractive index profiling of optical fibers. In: Technical Digest: Symposium on Optical Fibre Measurements, (NIST Special Publication 1055). NIST, pp. 119-122.
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Stern, Richard, Fletcher, Ian, Huntington, Shane, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2006) Investigation of dopant profiles in erbium doped optical fibres by ion microprobe and fluorescence confocal microscopy. In: Optical Fibre Technology/Australian Optical Society, 2006(ACOFT&AOS2006). IEEE, pp. 97-99.
Kouskousis, Betty P, Rollinson, Claire M, Kitcher, Daniel J, Collins, Stephen F, Baxter, Gregory W, Wade, Scott A, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Roberts, Ann (2006) Quantitative investigation of the refractive-index modulation within the core of a fiber Bragg grating. Optics Express, 14 (22). pp. 10332-10338. ISSN 1094-4087
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Huntington, Shane, Roberts, Ann, Stern, Richard, Fletcher, Ian and Baxter, Gregory W (2006) Simultaneous multidopant investigation of rare-earth-doped optical fibers by an ion microprobe. Optics letters, 31 (22). pp. 3258-3260. ISSN 0146-9592
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Baxter, Gregory W, Pace, P, Huntington, Shane, Stevenson, A and Roberts, Ann (2006) Analysis of changes in optical fibres during arc-fusion splicing by use of quantitative phase imaging. Microscopy research and technique, 69 (11). pp. 847-851. ISSN 1059-910X
July 2006
Kouskousis, Betty, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Rollinson, Claire M, Wade, Scott A, Kitcher, Daniel J, Collins, Stephen F, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2006) Comparison between a simulated and measured image of a fibre Bragg grating. In: Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology & Australian Optical Society 2006. IEEE, pp. 81-83. (Submitted)
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Goh, Xiao Ming, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2006) Non-destructive three-dimensional index profiling of optical fibres and photonic devices. In: Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology & Australian Optical Society 2006(ACOFT&AOS2006). IEEE, pp. 103-105.
October 2006
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Baxter, Gregory W and Roberts, Ann (2006) Phase-sensitive imaging techniques applied to optical fibre characterisation. IET Optoelectronics, 153 (5). pp. 217-221. ISSN 1751-8768
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Goh, Xiao Ming, Curl, Claire L, Delbridge, Lea M. D and Roberts, Ann (2007) Quantitative polarized phase microscopy for birefringence imaging. Optics Express, 15 (26). pp. 17690-17698. ISSN 1094-4087
Goh, Xiao Ming, Dragomir, Nicoleta, Jamieson, D. N, Roberts, Ann and Belton, D. X (2007) Optical tomographic reconstruction of ion beam induced refractive index changes in silica. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (18 ). p. 181102. ISSN 0003-6951
Roberts, Ann, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Delbridge, Lea M. D (2007) Cardiomyocytes birefringence imaging: simultaneous phase and retardation 2D measurements. Imaging and Microscopy, 9 (3). pp. 62-64. ISSN 1439-4243
June 2007
Kouskousis, Betty P, Kitcher, Daniel J, Collins, Stephen F, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2007) Refractive Index Profile of a Multi-Step Fibre using Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy. In: Conference on Optical Internet and Australian Conference on Optical Fiber Technology 2007(COIN-ACOFT 2007 Conference). IEEE, poster paper no. P27.
Ampem-Lassen, Eric, Sidiroglou, Fotios, Peng, J. L, Hungtington, S. T and Roberts, Ann (2008) Index Mapping for Fibers with Symmetric and Asymmetric Refractive Index Profiles. Optics Express, 16 (15). pp. 10912-10917. ISSN 1094-4087
January 2008
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Goh, Xiao Ming and Roberts, Ann (2008) Three-dimensional refractive index reconstruction with quantitative phase tomography. Microscopy Research and Technique, 71 (1). pp. 5-10. ISSN 1059-910X
1 October 2008
Kouskousis, Betty, Kitcher, Daniel J, Collins, Stephen F, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2008) Quantitative phase and refractive index analysis of optical fibers using differential interference contrast microscopy. Applied Optics, 28 (47). pp. 5182-5189. ISSN 0003-6935
Nguyen, Huy Huynh, Milicevic, Marko, Roberts, Ann, Baxter, Gregory W, Collins, Stephen F and Davis, Timothy J (2009) Towards a refractive index sensor utilizing nanostructures surface plasmon resonance on the endface of an optical fibre. In: ACOLS ACOFT 09 Conference. Australian Optical Society and Causal Productions, Adelaide, pp. 475-476.
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Blanc, Wilfried, Kilburn, Matt, Nguyen, Thinh B, Roberts, Ann, Dussardier, Bernard, Monnom, Gerard and Baxter, Gregory W (2010) Improving the radial dopant distribution in silica optical fibres. In: 35th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology : Melbourne VIC Australia, 5-9 December 2010. IEEE, Piscataway, N. J..
Nguyen, Huy Huynh, Baxter, Gregory W, Collins, Stephen F and Roberts, Ann (2010) Metallic nanostructures on optical fiber end-faces for refractive index sensing. In: 35th Australian conference on optical fibre technology : Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 5-9 December, 2010. IEEE, Piscataway, N.J..
Sidiroglou, Fotios, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2011) Probing the erbium ion distribution in silica optical fibers with fluorescence based measurements. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357 (22-23). pp. 3847-3852. ISSN 0022-3093
30 January 2012
Nguyen, Huy Huynh, Sidiroglou, Fotios, Collins, Stephen F, Baxter, Gregory W, Roberts, Ann and Davis, Timothy J (2012) Periodic array of nanoholes on gold-coated optical fiber end-faces for surface plasmon resonance liquid refractive index sensing. In: Third Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, 31 Jan 2012 - 3 Feb 2012, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
September 2012
Nguyen, Huy Huynh, Baxter, Gregory W, Collins, Stephen F, Sidiroglou, Fotios, Roberts, Ann and Davis, Timothy J (2012) Modeling of gold circular sub-wavelength apertures on a fiber endface for refractive index sensing. Photonic Sensors, 2 (3). pp. 271-276. ISSN 1674-9251 (print) 2190-7439 (online)
Nguyen, Huy, Sidiroglou, Fotios, Collins, Stephen F, Davis, Timothy J, Roberts, Ann and Baxter, Gregory W (2014) Optical fiber refractive index sensor incorporating resonant nanoapertures. In: Optoelectronics and Communications Conference / Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, 06 July 2014-10 July 2014, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne.