9501 Arts and Leisure
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- 9501 Arts and Leisure (95)
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- Historical (95)
Baka, Richard (2012) Australia at the Olympic Winter Games: "A Late Bloomer". Journal of Olympic History, 29 (3). pp. 38-47. ISSN 1085-5165
Baka, Richard (2010) Olympic glory: an analysis of Australia's success at the Summer Olympics. Journal of Olympic History, 18 (3). pp. 6-16. ISSN 1085-5165
Burns, Alex and Eltham, Ben (2010) Boom and Bust in Australian Screen Policy: 10BA, the Film Finance Corporation, and Hollywood's 'Race to the Bottom'. Media International Australia, incorporating Culture and Policy, Film, (136). pp. 103-118. ISSN 1329-878X
Clark, Tom (2008) In Praise of Cricketmas. Eureka Street (magazine), 18 (19). pp. 21-25. ISSN 1036-1758
Clark, Tom (2007) Three poems: 'Canada, Late September' 'That Old Light on the Hill' and 'Why be a Delegate'. Cordite Poetry Review. p. 3. ISSN 1328-2107
Dempster, Elizabeth (2007) Welcome to Country: Performing Rights and the Pedagogy of Place. About Performance, 7. pp. 87-97. ISSN 1342-6089
Dempster, Elizabeth and Aidani, Mammad (2012) How we walk, sit and stand. Writings on Dance (25). pp. 30-49. ISSN 0817-3710
Dempster, Elizabeth, Card, Amanda and Long, Julie-Anne (2011) Response to Erin Brannigan's 'Moving Across Disciplines: Dance in the 21st Century'. Platform papers (26). pp. 70-81. ISSN 1449-583X
Evans, Megan and Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Collaborating with the enemy. Text (6). ISSN 1327-9556
Grace, Marty, Gandolfo, Enza and Candy, Chelsey (2009) Crafting quality of life: creativity and wellbeing. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 11 (1). pp. 239-250. ISSN 1488-0989
Gridley, Heather, Astbury, Jill, Aguirre, Carolina and Sharples, Jenny (2010) In the middle of the sound: group singing, community mental health and wellbeing. UNESCO Observatory E-Journal Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts, 2 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1835-2776
Hess, Rob (2011) Playing With ‘Patriotic Fire’: Women and Football in the Antipodes during the Great War. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28 (10). pp. 1388-1408. ISSN 0952-3367 (print) 1743-9035 (online)
Jones, Christopher and Hemphill, Dennis ORCID: 0000-0003-3834-6624
Philosophical Issues in High-Tech Leisure and Sport.
World Leisure Journal, 49 (4).
pp. 199-206.
ISSN 0441-9057
Kellett, Pamm, Hede, Anne-Marie and Chalip, Laurence (2008) Social Policy for Sport Events: Leveraging (Relationships with) Teams from Other Nations for Community Benefit. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8 (2). pp. 101-121. ISSN 1618-4742
Klugman, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-0554-6761
‘Football is a Fever Disease Like Recurrent Malaria and Evidently Incurable’: Passion, Place and the Emergence of an Australian Anti-Football League.
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28 (10).
pp. 1426-1446.
ISSN 0952-3367 (print) 1743-9035 (online)
Meany, Michael and Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484
Chat-bot Humour: A survey of Methodological Approaches for a Creative New Media Project.
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 8 (1).
pp. 23-32.
ISSN 1832-3669
Minchinton, Mark and De Clario, Domenico (2007) Kellerberrin On Our Minds. About Performance (7). pp. 45-67. ISSN 1342-6089
Morris, Tony, Moore, Melissa Louise and Morris, Felicity Anne (2011) Stress and Chronic Illness: The Case of Diabetes. Journal of Adult Development, 18 (2). pp. 70-80. ISSN 1068-0667
Ramsey White, Tabitha, Hede, Anne-Marie and Rentschler, Ruth (2009) Lessons from arts experiences for service-dominant logic. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 27 (6). pp. 775-788. ISSN 0263-4503
Riley, Kristy-Lee and Gridley, Heather (2010) Harmony in the community: Group perspectives on the health benefits of singing. UNESCO Observatory E-Journal Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts , 2 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1835-2776
Smith, Aaron C. T and Stewart, Bob (2010) Evolutionary Psychology: new perspectives on sport marketing? International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 8 (3/4). pp. 265-276. ISSN 1475-8962 (print) 1740-2808 (online)
Smith, Aaron C. T and Stewart, Bob (2010) Organizational Rituals: Features, Functions and Mechanisms. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13 (1). pp. 113-133. ISSN 1460-8545 (print) 1468-2370 (online)
Smith, Aaron C. T and Stewart, Bob (2010) Player and athlete attitudes to drugs in Australian sport: implications for policy development. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics , 2 (1). pp. 65-84. ISSN 1940-6940 (print) 1940-6959 (online)
Smith, Aaron C. T and Stewart, Bob (2010) The special features of sport: A critical revisit. Sports Management Review, 13 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1441-3523
Smith, Karina (2008) Narratives of Success, Narratives of Failure: the creation and collapse of Sistren's 'aesthetic space'. Modern Drama, 51 (2). pp. 234-258. ISSN 0026-7694
Smith, Karina (2007) Re-telling history: Sistren's Ida Revolt inna Jonkonnu Stylee as Neo/colonial Resistance. Thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture, 7 (1). pp. 17-36. ISSN 1499-8513
Smith, Karina (2008) Resisting the Cancer of Silence: the formation of Sistren's "feminist democracy". Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing & Culture, XXX (2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0106-5734
Smith, Karina (2010) Struggling to Cross the Race and Class Divide: Sistren's Theatrical and Organizational Model of Collectivity. Theatre Research International, 36 (1). pp. 64-78. ISSN 0307-8833
Sornig, David (2007) Specters of Berlin in A.L. McCann's Subtopia and Christos Tsiolkas's Dead Europe. Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian Literature, 21 (1). pp. 67-71. ISSN 0893-5580
Sparrow, Jeff (2009) 'The code which governs war and play': Computer games, sport and modern combat. Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media, 16. ISSN 1447-4905
Stewart, Bob (2007) Drugs in Australia Sport: A Brief History. Sporting Traditions, 23 (2). pp. 65-78. ISSN 0813-2577
Stewart, Bob, Adair, Daryl ORCID: 0000-0001-7998-3414 and Smith, Aaron C. T
Drivers of Illicit Drug Use Regulation in Australian Sport.
Sport Management Review, 14 (3).
pp. 237-245.
ISSN 1441-3523
Stewart, Bob, Smith, Aaron and Moroney, Brian (2013) Capital Building Through Gym Work. Leisure Studies, 32 (5). ISSN 0261-4367 (print) 1466-4496 (online)
Stewart, Bob and Smith, Aaron C. T (2010) The role of ideology in shaping drug use regulation in Australian sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 45 (2). pp. 187-198. ISSN 1012-6902 (print) 1461-7218 (online)
Syson, Ian (2009) Shadow of a game: Locating soccer in Australian Cultural Life. Meanjin , 68 (4). pp. 136-144. ISSN 0025-6293
Taylor, Gretel (2010) Empty? A critique of the notion of ‘emptiness’ in Butoh and Body Weather training. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training , 1 (1). pp. 72-87. ISSN 1944-3927 (print) 1944-3919 (online)
Trail, Margaret (2010) How to Swarm: Researching Sounds of Football's Play. Creative Approaches to Research, 3 (1). pp. 67-81. ISSN 1835-9434 (print) 1835-9442 (online)
Trail, Margaret (2010) Sonic trickery in swarming play: football’s dangerous fun. Hidden Stories: Exterior Worlds (13). ISSN 1447-9591
Warner, Stacy, Newland, Brianna and Green, Christine (2011) More Than Motivation: Reconsidering Volunteer Management Tools. Journal of Sport Management, 25 (5). pp. 391-407. ISSN 0888-4773 (print) 1543-270X (online)
Weldon, John (2009) Dad's View.
White, Tabitha and Hede, Anne-Marie (2008) Using Narrative Inquiry to Explore the Impact of Art on Individuals. The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 38 (1). pp. 19-35. ISSN 1063-2921
Zhang, Zhu and Surujlal, J (2011) Relational demography in coach-athlete dyads. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Sept. pp. 31-42. ISSN 1117-4315
Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter C, eds. (2011) The New Sport and Exercise Psychology Companion. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, W.Va..
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327 and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Sport, culture and society : approaches, methods and perspectives.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Vic..
Burke, Michael and Stewart, Bob, eds. (2012) Sport, culture and society: connections, techniques and viewpoints. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Hess, Rob and Cashman, Richard, eds. (2011) Sport, history and Australian culture. Wall Wall Press, Sydney, Australia.
Cortese, Raimondo (2005) Roulette : 12 Dialogues. Currency Plays . Currency Press, Strawberry Hill, N.S.W..
Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Swimming: a novel. Vanark Press, Ascot Vale, Vic..
Gandolfo, Enza and Grace, Marty (2009) It keeps me sane...: women craft wellbeing. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Vic..
Hay, Roy and Syson, Ian (2009) The Story of Football in Victoria. Football Federation Victoria, Northcote, Vic..
Nguyen, Tuan Ngoc (2007) May van de phe binh va ly thuyet van hoc (Several Theoretical and Critical Issues in (Vietnamese) Literature). Van Moi Publisher in association with Lien Ve Online Centre, Altona, Vic..
Peitsch, Flossie (2006) Art and Soul. Macmillan Art Publisher, Melbourne.
Smith, Aaron C. T, Stewart, Bob and Haimes, Gervase A. (2012) Organizational Culture and Identity: Sport, Symbols and Success. Focus on civilizations and cultures . Nova Science, Hauppauge, N.Y..
Symons, Caroline (2010) The Gay Games: A history. Routledge critical studies in sport . Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon.
Book Section
Baka, Richard (2009) Australian Initiatives Aimed at Addressing the children and Youth Physical Inactivity and Obesity Epidemic. In: 2009 ISCPES Regional Summit, Vancouver, Canada : ISCPES Regional Conference. Church, Anthony, Semotiuk, Darwin, Hess, Rob and Baka, Richard, eds. International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sport, Williamstown, Vic., pp. 1-22.
Baka, Richard (2010) Global Initiatives Aimed at Addressing the Childhood Inactivity and Obesity Crisis. In: Global Perception: Sport Education, Teaching of Physical Education and Curriculum Studies. Ho, Walter and Ren, Hai, eds. Meyer & Meyer Sport , Adelaide, pp. 129-138.
Baka, Richard (2012) OIympic Houses: a comparative investigation between Canada, Germany and Australia. In: Problems, possibilities, and promising practices: critical dialogues on the Olympic and Paralympic games: Eleventh International Symposium for Olympic Research. Forsyth, J and Heine, M, eds. International centre for Olympic studies, Western University, Canada, London, Ontario, Canada, pp. 116-123.
Baka, Richard (2009) Sports, Kids and Camps: A Cross Cultural Analysis. In: 2009 ISCPES Regional Summit, Vancouver, Canada : ISCPES Regional Conference. Church, Anthony, Semotiuk, Darwin, Hess, Rob and Baka, Richard, eds. International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sport, Williamstown, Vic., pp. 1-12.
Baka, Richard (2010) Winter Olympic Opening Games Ceremonies : Did Vancouver Try to Raise the Bar Too High? In: Rethinking Matters Olympic : Investigations into the Socio-Cultural Study of the Modern Olympic Movement. Barney, R, Forsyth, J and Heine, M, eds. International Centre for Olympic Research, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont. Canada, pp. 265-277.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327 and Thomen, Carl
Reflections on Sport, Culture and Society.
Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 1-5.
Chandler, Krista and Morris, Tony (2011) Imagery. In: The New Sport and Exercise Psychology Companion. Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter, eds. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, WV, pp. 275-308.
Funk, Roger and Baka, Richard (2009) New Information Communication Technologies to Enhance Research and Teaching Collaboration and Work by Professional Associations. In: 2009 ISCPES Regional Summit, Vancouver, Canada : ISCPES Regional Conference. Church, Anthony, Semotiuk, Darwin, Hess, Rob and Baka, Richard, eds. International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sport, Williamstown, Vic., pp. 1-12.
Gotlib, Ralph and Hemphill, Dennis ORCID: 0000-0003-3834-6624
Australian Rules Football: For the Good of the Game.
Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 71-88.
Grikepelis, Luke A and Stewart, Bob (2012) The structure and conduct of the Australian exercise and fitness industry: an exploratory analysis. In: Sport, Culture and Society: Connections, Techniques and Viewpoints. Burke, Michael and Stewart, Bob, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Elwood, Victoria, pp. 113-128.
Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327 and Jago, Leo Kenneth
Staffing for successful events: having the rights skills in the right place at the right time.
The Routledge Handbook of Events.
Page, Stephen J and Connell, Joanne, eds.
Routledge Handbooks
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 304-315.
Hess, Rob (2011) Football, Cycling and Leisure in Colonial Melbourne. In: Sport, History and Australian Culture: Passionate Pursuits. Cashman, Richard and Hess, Rob, eds. Walla Walla Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 131-145.
Hess, Rob (2011) Sport and Australian Culture: Historical Perspectives. In: Sport, History and Australian Culture: Passionate Pursuits. Hess, Rob and Cashman, Richard, eds. Wall Wall Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 3-7.
Hess, Rob (2011) Sport and Epic Literature in Ancient Greece: Homer. In: A History of Sport and Physical Education: Ancient and Modern Perspectives. Hess, Rob and Klugman, Matthew, eds. McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, NSW, pp. 79-86.
Hess, Rob (2011) Sport and Epic Literature in Ancient Rome: Virgil. In: A History of Sport and Physical Education: Ancient and Modern Perspectives. Hess, Rob and Klugman, Matthew, eds. McGraw Hill, North Ryde, NSW, pp. 114-121.
Hess, Rob (2011) Sport and the Literature of Muscular Christianity: Tom Brown's Schooldays. In: A History of Sport and Physical Education: Ancient and Modern Perspectives. Hess, Rob and Klugman, Matthew, eds. McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, NSW, pp. 207-213.
Hess, Rob and Camilleri, Lauren (2011) 'Rain Hail or Hitler': Aspects of the Impact of the Second World War on the Footscray Football Club. In: Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 7-21.
Hess, Rob and Klugman, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-0554-6761
Australian Sporting Culture: Bibliographical Perspectives.
Sport, History and Australian Culture: Passionate Pursuits.
Hess, Rob and Cashman, Richard, eds.
Walla Walla Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 165-172.
Hess, Rob and Osborne, Jaquelyn (2011) Women, Sport and Martial Training in the Ulster Cycle of Tales. In: Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 41-53.
Honey, Caitlin and McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940
Challenging Play: Media's potential to change play.
Sport, culture and society: connections, techniques and viewpoints.
Burke, Michael and Stewart, Bob, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Elwood, Victoria, pp. 95-111.
Klugman, Matthew ORCID: 0000-0002-0554-6761 and Humphrey, Ashley
A Different Type of Rush: Beginning A Socio-Cultural History of the Loddon Valley Football League.
Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives.
Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds.
Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 23-39.
Koehn, Stefan and Morris, Tony (2011) Self-Confidence. In: The New Sport and Exercise Psychology Companion. Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter, eds. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, WV, pp. 159-194.
Kuan, Garry, Muangnapoe, Pichit and Morris, Tony (2009) The effect of mindfulness meditation and progressive relaxation training on somatic and cognitive state anxiety. In: Meeting New Challenges and Bridging Cultural Gaps in Sport and Exercise Psychology. International Society of Sport Psychology , Beijing, China.
Marin-Perianu, Raluca, Marin-Perianu, Mihai, Rouffet, David, Taylor, Simon, Havinga, Paul, Begg, Rezaul and Palaniswami, M (2011) Body Area Wireless Sensor Networks for the Analysis of Cycling Performance. In: Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Body Area Networks : 10-12 September 2010, Corfu, Greece : BodyNets 2010. Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, New York, pp. 1-7.
McLaren, John (2012) Vincent Buckley: the turn to Ireland. In: Ireland Down Under: Melbourne Irish studies seminars, 2001-2010. Malcolm, Elizabeth, Bull, Philip and Devlin-Glass, Frances, eds. Newman College, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 109-116.
Morris, Tony (2010) Imagery. In: Routledge handbook of applied sport psychology : a comprehensive guide for students and practitioners. Hanrahan, Stephanie J and Andersen, Mark B, eds. Routledge international handbooks . Routledge, Abington, U.K., pp. 481-489.
Morris, Tony (2011) Personality and Individual Differences. In: The New Sport and Exercise Psychology Companion. Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter C, eds. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, WV, pp. 11-36.
Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter ORCID: 0000-0002-7018-4533
The New Sport and Exercise Psychology Companion.
Morris, Tony and Terry, Peter, eds.
Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, W. Va., pp. 1-8.
Nawaz, Akhtar, Hess, Rob and Baka, Richard (2011) From Jinnah to Musharraf: Government Involvement in the Delivery of Elite Sport in Pakistan, 1947-2008. In: Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 143-162.
Osler, Brett and Baka, Richard (2009) Golden Opportunities: Australia's Next Generation of High Performance Training Centres. In: 2009 ISCPES Regional Summit, Vancouver, Canada : ISCPES Regional Conference. Church, Anthony, Semotiuk, Darwin, Hess, Rob and Baka, Richard, eds. International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sport, Williamstown, Vic., pp. 1-17.
Sparrow, Jeff, Davidson, Rjurik, Papadopoulos, Angelika and Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Creative Writing in the Enterprise University. In: The Margins and Mainstreams Papers: the refereed proceedings of the 14th conference of the Australian Association of Writing Programs. Australasian Association of Writing Programs.
Thyne, Maree, Hede, Anne-Marie and White, Tabitha (2009) Co-constructing the museum visitors’ experience: a case of two literary museums. In: Proceedings of 'Sustainable Management and Marketing', the 23rd Annual Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 30 November - 02 December 2009. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Canning Bridge, WA.
Walton, Judith May (2009) Still Moving Still. In: Dance Dialogues : Conversations across cultures, artforms, and practices : Proceedings of the World Dance Alliance global summit. World Dance Alliance Global Summit . Australian Dance Council, Brisbane, Queensland.
Winterton, Rachel, Hess, Rob and Parker, Claire (2011) A 'Spirit of Emulation': Press Perspectives on the Development and Governance of Competitive Swimming in Late Colonial Melbourne. In: Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Burke, Michael, Hanlon, Clare and Thomen, Carl, eds. Maribyrnong Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 55-70.
Conference or Workshop Item
Ben-Moshe, Danny (2010) The Nature and Extent of Israeli Films in Diaspora Jewish Film Festivals. In: 26th Association for Israel Studies (AIS) Annual Conference, 10-12 May 2010, University of Toronto.
Kueh, YC, Morris, F, Moore, M, Morris, Anthony, Owen, N and Dunstan, D (2009) The effect of resistance training followed by home-based training on self-efficacy in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In: The 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology, 17 June 2009-21 June 2009, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Moore, Melissa, Morris, Tony, Kueh, Yee Cheng, Morris, Felicity Anne, Owen, Neville and Dunstan, David (2009) Effects of resistance training followed by home-based training of psychological well-being in people with type 2 diabetes. In: The 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology, 17 June 2009-21 June 2009, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Spittle, Michael, McNeil, Dominic, Evans, Sharna and Morris, Tony (2009) Imagery of an open reactive skill: are reactive elements present in imagery? In: Meeting New Challenges and Bridging Cultural Gaps in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17-21 Jun 2009, Marrakesh, Morocco. (Unpublished)
Taylor, Gretel (2010) The omnipresence of time in place in Australian site-based performance. In: time.transcendence.performance, 1-3 October 2009, Monash University, Caulfield campus.
Ahrens, Lynn and Flaherty, Stephen (2010) Seussical the musical. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Gardner, Sally, Dempster, Elizabeth, Babinskas, Christine, Lara, Reyes de, Walton, Judith May, Rothfield, Philipa, Harris, Joanne and Lloyd, Simon (2010) Dance for the time being. [Performance] (Unpublished)