Effective and sustainable university-school partnerships : beyond determined efforts by inspired individuals

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Kruger, Tony, Davies, Anne Carolyn, Eckersley, Bill, Newell, Frances and Cherednichenko, Brenda (2009) Effective and sustainable university-school partnerships : beyond determined efforts by inspired individuals. Teaching Australia - Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, Canberra, Australia.


"Teaching Australia commissioned the Victoria University research team to undertake a research study into University-school partnerships with the following aims: to identify examples of effective and sustainable university-school partnerships as part of preservice teacher preparation programs, as well as research, induction and continuing professional learning for practising teachers; to analyse these programs to identify the characteristics of effectiveness and sustainability" - Introduction

Additional Information

Produced for Teaching Australia by the Victoria University School of Education.

Item type Book
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/4945
Official URL http://www.aitsl.edu.au/verve/_resources/Effective...
ISBN 9780980332353
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Education
Historical > FOR Classification > 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy
Historical > SEO Classification > 9302 Teaching and Instruction
Current > Division/Research > VU College
Keywords ResPubID17467. Australian institute for teaching, university-school partnerships, teacher training, professional development, teachers, collaboration
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