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Al-Kharsani, H. A and Sofo, Anthony (2010) Subordination results on harmonic K-uniformly convex mappings and related classes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 59 (12). pp. 3718-3726. ISSN 0898-1221
Anderson, Kym, Valenzuela, Ernesto and Wittwer, Glyn (2011) Wine Export Shocks and Wine Tax Reform in Australia: Regional Consequences Using an Economy-wide Approach. Economic Papers, 30 (3). pp. 386-399. ISSN 0812-0439 (print) 1759-3441 (online)
Ayob, Mohd Faizal ORCID: 0000-0002-7778-9033
Evaluating Websites of Small-and-Medium-Sized-Hotels (SMHs): A Stages Model of E-Commerce Websites Adoption for Malaysian Hotels.
Journal of Hotel & Business Management, 05 (02).
ISSN 2169-0286
Bak, Geert ORCID: 0000-0002-8462-7438 and Murphy, Helen
Reconceiving an Approach to Teaching Legal Discourse: A Community of Practice Project.
Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers' Association, 1 (1 & 2).
pp. 197-202.
ISSN 1836-5620
Bak, Geert ORCID: 0000-0002-8462-7438 and O'Maley, Pauline
Towards professional responsibility for language and literacy: exploring vocational teachers’ emerging language and literacy understandings and identities.
Literacy and Numeracy Studies, 23 (1).
50 - 72.
ISSN 1839-2903
Beard, Daniel, Lindinger, Michael, Boning, Dieter, Shalin, Kent, Bishop, David ORCID: 0000-0002-6956-9188, Meyer, Ronald, Crampin, Edmund, Tabata, Izumi, Heigenhauser, George J. F, Maassen, Norbert and Wiseman, Robert
Comments on Point:Counterpoint: Muscle lactate and H+ production do/do not have a 1:1 association in skeletal muscle. Calculations of Robergs support the view of Vinnakota and Kushmerick.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 110 (5).
1493 - 1493.
ISSN 8750-7587
Best, Gillian, Hajzler, Darko, Ivanov, Tina and Limon, Jodie (2008) Peer Mentoring as a Strategy to Improve Paramedic Students' Clinical Skills. Australasian Journal of Peer Learning, 1 (1). pp. 13-25. ISSN 1835-856X
Best, Gillian, Hajzler, Darko, Pancini, Geri and Tout, Dan (2011) Being 'Dumped' from Facebook: Negotiating Issues of Boundaries and Identity in an Online Social Networking Space. Journal of Peer Learning, 4 (1). pp. 24-36. ISSN 2200-2359
Borlovan, Danielle, Hanrahan, E and Jensen, J (2017) Developing a Post-First-Year Seminar Series for Students on Probationary Status. E-Source for College Transitions, 14 (3). 12 - 14. ISSN 1545-5742
Carolan, Lynne (2011) Language and Skills Support. Fine Print, 34 (1). pp. 18-21. ISSN 0159-3978
Carolan, Lynne and Wang, Lijuan (2012) Reflections on a Transnational Peer Review of Teaching. ELT Journal, 66 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0951-0893 (print) 1477-4526 (online)
Cassar, Angela, Funk, Roger, Hutchings, Daniella, Henderson, Fiona and Pancini, Geri (2012) Student transitions - evaluation of an embedded skills approach to scaffolded learning in the nursing curriculum. International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 3 (1). pp. 35-48. ISSN 1838-2959
Chahal, Dana ORCID: 0000-0003-3763-7841
Research Article Introductions in Cultural Studies: A Genre Analysis Exploration of Rhetorical Structure.
Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 2 (1).
ISSN 2334-9182
Chahal, Dana (2015) The Student Rover Mentor Program: Inclusion, satisfaction and perceived impact. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 9 (2). A46 - A62. ISSN 1835-5196
Chen, Shuo, Zhang, Guomin ORCID: 0000-0002-3503-7431, Xia, Xiabo, Chen, Yixing, Setunge, Sujeeva
ORCID: 0000-0001-5958-2189 and Shi, Long
The impacts of occupant behavior on building energy consumption: A review.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 45.
ISSN 2213-1388
Chen, Shuo, Zhang, G, Xia, X, Setunge, S and Shi, L (2020) A review of internal and external influencing factors on energy efficiency design of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 216. ISSN 0378-7788
Cuiming, Gao, Feng, Yuhong and Henderson, Fiona (2012) On joint-programs in China - development, challenges and suggestions. On the Horizon, 20 (4). pp. 293-304. ISSN 1074-8121
Curran, Greg (2006) Responding to Students' Normative Questions About Gays: Putting Queer Theory Into Practice in an Australian ESL Class. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 5 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1534-8458
Curran, Greg, Chiarolli, Steph and Palotta-Chiarolli, Maria (2009) 'The C Words': Clitorises, childhood and challenging compulsory heterosexuality discourses with pre-service primary teachers. Sex Education, 9 (2). pp. 155-168. ISSN 1468-1811
Curran, Greg and Crowhurst, Michael (2007) SPACE: Queer Allies Network: An Approach to Actively Support Gender and Sexual Diversity at RMIT University's School of Education. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 4 (2). pp. 36-43. ISSN 1550-5170
Daneshgar, Farhad ORCID: 0000-0002-0356-0981 and Ho, Sharon
Sociological factors affecting trust development in virtual communities.
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 5 (1).
pp. 51-63.
ISSN 1470-9503
Glass, Deborah, Kelsall, Helen, Slegers, Claudia, Forbes, Andrew B, Loff, Bebe, Zion, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0003-4790-0033 and Fritschi, Lin
A telephone survey of factors affecting willingness to participate in health research surveys.
BMC Public Health, 15 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Hamilton, John (2009) Intercultural competence in medical education - essential to acquire, difficult to assess. Medical Teacher, 31 (9). pp. 862-865. ISSN 0142-159X (print) 1466-187X (online)
Hamilton, John ORCID: 0000-0002-0273-6658
Two birds with one stone: Addressing interprofessional education aims and objectives in health profession curricula through interdisciplinary cultural competency training.
Medical Teacher, 33 (4).
e199 - e203.
ISSN 0142-159X
Hamilton, John (2009) The collaborative model of doctor-patient consultation - Is it always culturally appropriate? What do doctors and patients need to know to make it work in intercultural contexts? Medical Teacher, 31 (2). pp. 163-165. ISSN 0142-159X (print) 1466-187X (online)
Hammill, Jacqueline, Best, Gillian and Anderson, Jennifer (2015) Developing Student Mentor self-regulation skills through formative feedback: Rubric development phase. Journal of Peer Learning, 8. 48 - 58.
Henderson, Fiona and McWilliams, Alan (2007) Integration of Content and Academic Requirements into a Student Resource. ILA 2007 Proceedings. ISSN 2073-7513
Henderson, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327 and Wang, Y
Teaching content through Moodle to facilitate students’ critical thinking in academic reading.
Asian EFL Journal, 16 (3).
7 - 40.
ISSN 1738-1460
Henderson, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327 and Whitelaw, P
Academic Literacy and Cultural Familiarity: Developing and Assessing Academic Literacy Resources for Chinese Students.
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 9.
13 - 27.
ISSN 1552-2237
Henderson, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327 and Whitelaw, PA
Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model, multimedia and modern culture to promote academic honesty.
Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 8 (2).
ISSN 1835-5196
Hoang, Giang ORCID: 0000-0003-4830-1569, Luu, Tuan Trong
ORCID: 0000-0002-3509-791X, Tran, Quan
ORCID: 0000-0002-9072-5827 and Yang, Mingjun
ORCID: 0000-0002-2407-6582
The impact of narcissism on entrepreneurial intentions: The roles of entrepreneurial alertness, entrepreneurial passion, and internal locus of control.
International Journal of Management Education, 22 (3).
ISSN 1472-8117
Inglis, Alistair (2008) Approaches to the validation of quality frameworks for e-learning. Quality Assurance in Education, 16 (4). pp. 347-362. ISSN 0968-4883
Inglis, Alistair (2005) Quality improvement, quality assurance, and benchmarking: comparing two frameworks for managing quality processes in open and distance learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 6 (1). ISSN 1492-3831
Inglis, Alistair and Bradley, Alan (2005) Using conceptual mapping as a tool in the process of engineering education program design. Journal of Learning Design, 1 (1). pp. 45-55. ISSN 1832-8342
Jeffries, Ann and Milne, Lisa (2014) Communication in WIL partnerships: the critical link. Journal of Education and Work, 27 (5). 564 - 583. ISSN 1363-9080
Lim, Choon ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-6311
Transnational education in Chinese secondary school.
International Higher Education, 87 (Fall).
12 - 14.
ISSN 1084-0613
Lim, Choon ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-6311, Bentley, Duncan, Henderson, Fiona
ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327, Pan, Shin Yin, Balakrishnan, Vimala Devi, Balasingam, Dharshini M and Teh, Ya Yee
Equivalent or not?: Beyond measuring teaching and learning standards in a transnational education environment.
Quality Assurance in Education, 24 (4).
528 - 540.
ISSN 0968-4883
Lim, Choon ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-6311 and Shah, M
An examination on the growth and sustainability of Australian transnational education.
International Journal of Educational Management, 31 (3).
254 - 264.
ISSN 0951-354X
Luo, JM ORCID: 0000-0002-5779-1152, Vu, Huy Quan
ORCID: 0000-0003-1947-2879, Li, G
ORCID: 0000-0003-1583-641X and Law, R
ORCID: 0000-0001-7199-3757
Topic modelling for theme park online reviews: analysis of Disneyland.
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 37 (2).
pp. 272-285.
ISSN 1054-8408
Macdonald, Shem (2015) “The tutor never asked me questions”: Pronunciation and student positioning at university. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 9 (1). A31 - A41. ISSN 1835-5196
Macdonald, Shem, Schneider, Britta and Kett, Giselle (2013) Scenarios for collaboration: idiosyncratic and ad hoc. Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 7 (2). A11-A19. ISSN 1835-5196
McCormack, Rob (2008) Philosophical writing: prefacing as professing. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 40 (7). pp. 832-855. ISSN 1469-5812
McCormack, Rob, Pancini, Geri and Tout, Dan (2010) Learningful work: learning to work and learning to learn. International Journal of Training Research, 8 (1). pp. 40-52. ISSN 1448-0220
Millard, T, Elliott, J, Slavin, S, McDonald, Karalyn, Rowell, S and Girdler, S (2014) The positive outlook study- a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of an online self-management program targeting psychosocial issues for men living with HIV: A study protocol. BMC Public Health, 14 (1). ISSN 1471-2458
Murphy, Helen, Rodriguez, Juana Maria and Veljanovski, Angelo (2012) Cross-sectoral teaching and learning initiatives to support articulating students in Corporate Law at Victoria University. Australian journal of corporate law, 26 (3). pp. 318-325. ISSN 1037-4124
Newell, Frances (2012) Discipline-linked further education: Springboard to tertiary completion. International Journal of Training Research, 10 (2). pp. 105-117. ISSN 1448-0220
Peterken, C and Potts, Miriam (2021) Pedagogical Experiences: Emergent Conversations In/With Place/s. LEARNing Landscapes, 14 (1). pp. 289-304. ISSN 1913-5688
Petsinis, Thomas (2010) Prospecting. Le Simplegadi, VIII (8). pp. 5-11. ISSN 1824-5226
Petsinis, Tom (2004) Proof of Innocence. Space: New Writing (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 1449-2229
Pratt, B, Lwin, KM, Zion, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0003-4790-0033, Nosten, F, Loff, B and Cheah, PY
Exploitation and community engagement: Can Community Advisory Boards successfully assume a role minimising exploitation in international research?
Developing World Bioethics, 15 (1).
18 - 26.
ISSN 1471-8731
Ryan, Damien (2005) Practice styles of beginner practitioners. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11 (3). pp. 477-482. ISSN 1075-5535
Sanggaran, JP, Haire, B and Zion, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0003-4790-0033
The Health Care Consequences Of Australian Immigration Policies.
PLoS Medicine, 13 (2).
ISSN 1549-1277
Shah, M ORCID: 0000-0002-0007-6879 and Lim, Choon
ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-6311
Quality assurance in the domestic third-party arrangement in Australia.
International Journal of Educational Management, 35 (4).
pp. 866-878.
ISSN 0951-354X
Smith, Gavin ORCID: 0000-0003-3457-8081, McD Taylor, D, Morgans, A and Cameron, Peter
Measuring the effectiveness of a revised clinical practice guideline for the pre-hospital management of supraventricular tachycardia.
Emergency Medicine Australasia, 27 (1).
22 - 28.
ISSN 1742-6731
Sofo, Anthony (2010) Closed Form Representations of Harmonic Sums. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 39 (2). pp. 255-263. ISSN 1303-5010
Sofo, Anthony (2012) Euler-related sums. Mathematical Sciences, 6 (10). ISSN 2008-1359 (print) 2251-7456 (online)
Sofo, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0002-1277-8296
Finite Number Sums in Higher Order Powers of Harmonic Numbers.
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 5 (1).
pp. 71-79.
ISSN 1821-1291
Sofo, Anthony (2012) Finite Sums in Pascal's Triangle. The Fibonacci Quarterly, 50 (4). pp. 337-345. ISSN 0015-0517
Sofo, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0002-1277-8296
Generalized hypergeometric function identities at argument±1.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 25 (11).
909 - 921.
ISSN 1065-2469
Sofo, Anthony (2010) Grandma, Grandaunts and Distant Cousins. Mathematical Gazette, 94 (530). pp. 314-316. ISSN 0025-5572
Sofo, Anthony (2011) Harmonic Number Sums in Closed Form. Mathematical Communications, 16 (2). pp. 335-345. ISSN 1311-0623
Sofo, Anthony (2011) Harmonic Number Sums in Higher Powers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2 (2). pp. 15-22. ISSN 2217-3412
Sofo, Anthony (2011) Harmonic Numbers and Cubed Binominal Coefficients. International Journal of Combinatorics. ISSN 1678-9163 (print), 1687-9171 (online)
Sofo, Anthony (2012) Harmonic numbers of order two. Miscolc Mathematical Notes, 13 (2). pp. 499-514. ISSN 1787-2413
Sofo, Anthony (2010) Harmonic sums and integral representations. Journal of Applied Analysis, 16 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 1425-6908 (print) 1869-6082 (online)
Sofo, Anthony (2011) Integral Identities for Rational Series Involving Binomial Coefficients. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 34 (3). pp. 631-637. ISSN 0126-6705
Sofo, Anthony (2012) New classes of harmonic number identities. Journal of Integer Sequences, 15. ISSN 1530-7638
Sofo, Anthony (2012) Reciprocal power sums. Integers, 12. ISSN 1553-1732
Sofo, Anthony (2011) Summation Formula Involving Harmonic Numbers. Analysis Mathematica, 37 (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 0133-3852 (print) 1588-273X
Sofo, Anthony (2010) Sums in Terms of Polygamma Functions. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2 (3). pp. 40-52. ISSN 1821-1291
Sofo, Anthony (2010) Triple integral identities and Zeta functions. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 4 (2). pp. 347-360. ISSN 1452-8630
Sofo, Anthony and Dragomir, Sever S (2011) Lower and upper bounds of the Cebysev functional for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 28. pp. 43-50. ISSN 2239-0227
Sofo, Anthony and Glasson, Alan (2010) Singularities in Bairstow’s method. Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 37 (2). pp. 93-100. ISSN 0311-0729 (print) 1326-2297 (online)
Sofo, Anthony and Hassani, Mehdi (2012) Quadratic harmonic number sums. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 12. pp. 110-117. ISSN 1607-2510
Sofo, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0002-1277-8296 and Srivastava, HM
A family of shifted harmonic sums.
The Ramanujan Journal, 37 (1).
89 - 108.
ISSN 1382-4090
Sofo, Anthony and Srivastava, Hari (2011) Identities for the Harmonic Numbers and Binominal Coefficients. The Ramanujan Journal, 25 (1). pp. 93-113. ISSN 1382-4090 (print) 1572-9303 (online)
Supple, Briony and Abgenyega, Joseph (2011) Developing The Understanding And Practice Of Inclusion In Higher Education For International Students With Disabilities/Additional Needs: A Whole Schooling Approach. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 7 (2). pp. 93-108. ISSN 1710-2146
Thiele-Evans, Lilla ORCID: 0000-0002-5413-1626, Pepper, Blake, Zeleznikow, John
ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-2644, Foster, Neil
ORCID: 0000-0002-7037-3617 and Sourdin, Tania
ORCID: 0000-0001-8620-1513
Navigating a New Terrain: Developing Autonomous Vehicle Liability Pathways in Australia in Light of International Experience.
Australian Law Journal, 95 (11).
pp. 875-897.
ISSN 0004-9611
Unnithan, Chandana (2014) RFID implementation in Australian hospitals: Implications for ICT sector and health informatics. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 10 (2). 40 - 61. ISSN 1548-1115
Walsh, Chris ORCID: 0000-0001-5071-6726, Bragg, Leicha, Heyeres, Marion, Yap, Ana and Ratcliff, Michael
ORCID: 0000-0002-0057-1431
A Systematic Literature Review of Online Academic Student Support in Higher Education.
Online Learning Journal, 28 (2).
ISSN 2472-5749
Zakhary, Emil and Carminati, J (2005) On purely gravito-magnetic vacuum space-times. General Relativity and Gravitation, 37 (3). pp. 605-613. ISSN 0001-7701
Crosling, Glenda and Murphy, Helen (2009) How to Study Business Law : Reading, writing and exams. Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Chatswood, N.S.W..
Crosling, Glenda, Murphy, Helen, Cotesta, Patrizia and Sands, John (2004) Writing and Presenting in Accounting. Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Sydney.
Croyden, Christine (2009) The Cat's Paw. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) The Fallen Tree. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) Love Your Poison. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) The Memory Thief. Equilibrium Books, Mandurah, W.A..
Croyden, Christine (2008) The Painted Portal. Equilibrium Books, Mandurah, W.A..
Fazio, TD (2002) Studying Part Time Without Stress. Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW.
Fazio, TD (1999) Studying in Australia: A guide for international students. Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards, NSW.
Kruger, Tony, Davies, Anne Carolyn, Eckersley, Bill, Newell, Frances and Cherednichenko, Brenda (2009) Effective and sustainable university-school partnerships : beyond determined efforts by inspired individuals. Teaching Australia - Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, Canberra, Australia.
Petsinis, Thomas (2015) Quaternia: A Novel. Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, Victoria.
Petsinis, Tom (2006) Four Quarters: a collection of poems. Thompson Walker, North Melbourne, Vic.
Taib, Anne and Hurley, Scott (2011) Studying IELTS : a Comprehensive Student Manual. Insight Publications, Elsternwick, Vic..
Book Section
Bak, Geert ORCID: 0000-0002-8462-7438
Insider/Outsider Research on Steiner Education in Australia: One Researcher's Struggles with Positioning.
Mainstreams, Margins and the Spaces In-between: New possibilities for education research.
Trimmer, K, Black, A and Riddle, S, eds.
Routledge Research in Education, 130
Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 94-111.
Bak, Geert ORCID: 0000-0002-8462-7438
Where does Steiner fit? A contemporary framing of Steiner education within the shifting education landscape in Australia.
Teaching with spirit: New perspectives on Steiner education in Australia.
Burrows, L and Stehlik, T, eds.
IB Publications Pty Ltd, Murwillumbah, N.S.W., pp. 213-223.
Best, Gillian, Hajzler, Darko and McLennan, Belinda (2010) The Student Peer Mentoring Program at Victoria University. In: Organising for Student Success : The University College Model. Evenbeck, Scott E, Jackson, Barbara , Smith, Maggy and Ward, Dorothy , eds. The first-year experience monograph series (53). University of South Carolina; National Resource Centre for First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, Columbia, SC, USA, pp. 121-124.
Burgess, Stephen and Hill, Rosemary (2004) Corporate Governance in Small Business. In: Applications of Corporate Governance. Standards Association of Australia handbook (401). Standards Australia International, Sydney, Australia, pp. 47-54.
Chahal, Dana (2006) The Intonation of Arabic. In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Versteegh, Kees, Eid, Mushira, Elgibali, Alaa, Woidich, Manfred and Zaborski, Andrzej, eds. Brill Academic, Leiden, Netherlands.
Chahal, Dana and Hellmuth, S (2014) The intonation of Lebanese and Egyptian Arabic. In: Prosodic Typology II: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. Jun, S, ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 365-404.
Clifford, Valerie Anne (2010) The Internationalised Curriculum: (Dis)locating Students. In: Internationalization and the Student Voice: Higher Education Perspectives. Jones, Elspeth, ed. Routledge, New York, pp. 169-180.
Clifford, Valerie Anne (2011) Moving from Multicultural to Intercultural Education in Australian Higher Education. In: Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness. Grant, Carl A and Portera, Agostino, eds. Routledge Research in Education . Routledge, New York, pp. 315-322.
Clifford, Valerie Anne and Haigh, Martin (2011) Graduate attributes and education for responsible global citizenship. In: Moving Twards Internationalisation of the Curriculum for Global Citizenship in Higher Education. Clifford, Valerie Anne and Montgomery, Catherine, eds. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, U.K., pp. 93-117.
Clifford, Valerie Anne and Henderson, Juliet (2011) Shifting identities: International staff negotiating new academic identities. In: Research and Development in Higher Education: Higher Education on the Edge. Krause, Kerri-Lee, Buckridge, M and Purbrick-Illek, S, eds. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Milperra, N.S.W, pp. 108-117.
Clifford, Valerie Anne and Montgomery, Catherine (2011) Introduction: Internationalising of the curriculum for global citizenship in higher education. In: Moving towards Internationalisation of the Curriculum for Global Citizenship in Higher Education. Clifford, Valerie Anne and Montgomery, Catherine, eds. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, pp. 13-24.
Clifford, Valerie Anne and Montgomery, Catherine (2011) Moving on. In: Moving Towards Internationalisation of the Curriculum for Global Citizenship in Higher Education. Clifford, Valerie Anne and Montgomery, Catherine, eds. Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, U.K., pp. 251-255.
Curro, Gina and McTaggart, Robin (2011) Indigenous Language Landscapes, Social Connectedness and Classroom Practice in Australia. In: Language, Culture and Social Connectedness. Dashwood, Ann and Son, Jeong-Bae, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 17-33.
Cuske, Christian, Dickopp, Tilo, Korthaus, Axel and Seedorf, Stefan (2008) Resolving conceptual ambiguities in technology risk management. In: Handbook on information technology in finance. Seese, Detlef, Weinhardt, Christof and Schlottmann, Frank, eds. International Handbooks Information System . Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht, pp. 333-355.
De Fazio, Teresa ORCID: 0000-0002-0010-6636, Ketonen, J and Crock, M
Quality assurance in a consortium: Open Universities Australia.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning: Models, Policies and Research.
Jung, I and Latchem, C, eds.
Open & Flexible Learning Series
Routledge, New York, pp. 124-135.
Foley, Gary ORCID: 0000-0002-2534-1421
Black Power in Redfern 1968-1972.
There Goes the Neighbourhood: Redfern and the Politics of Urban Space.
Begg, Zanny and De Souza, Keg, eds.
Performance Space, Sydney, NSW, pp. 12-21.
Foley, Gary ORCID: 0000-0002-2534-1421
A reflection on the first thirty days of the Embassy.
The Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Sovereignty, Black Power, Land Rights and the State.
Schaap, Andrew, Foley, Gary and Howell, Edwina, eds.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 22-41.
Foley, Gary ORCID: 0000-0002-2534-1421
A short history of the Australian Indigenous resistance 1950 - 1990.
Nelson Aboriginal Studies.
Cadzow, Allison, Maynard, John, Goodall, Heather, Watson, Nicole, Read, Peter, Kelly, Ray, Foley, Gary, Peters-Little, Frances, Moreton, Romaine, Mundine, Djon, Briscoe, Gordon, Lester, Danny, Jordan, Kirrily, South, Ashley, Stephens, Roz, Lester, John, Behrendt, Larissa, Chartrand, Paul and Morgan, George, eds.
Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 114-127.
Gallagher, Adrian, Pearce, Amanda and McCormack, Rob (2009) Learning in the Learning Commons: the Learning Commons at City Flinders and St Albans Campuses. In: Learning spaces in higher education : positive outcomes by design. Radcliffe, David, Wilson, Hamilton, Powell, Derek and Tibbetts, Belinda, eds. University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 99-106.
George, Effy (2008) Songs in the Presence of Mammai Mataji. In: The Iconic Female : Goddesses of India, Nepal and Tibet. Bapat, Jayant Bhalchandra and Mabbett, Ian, eds. Monash University Press, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 163-187.
Gil, Miguel (2014) Approaches to retention and transition: An antipodean perspective. In: Strong Starts, Supported Transitions and Student Success. Funston, Andrew, Gil, Miguel and Gilmore, Gwen, eds. Cambridge Scholars Pubishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 31-65.
Hamilton, John ORCID: 0000-0002-0273-6658 and Yasin, S
International and transnational models for delivering medical education: The future for medical education.
Routledge International Handbook of Medical Education: The cultural politics of education, development and childhood.
Abdulrahman, KAB, Mennin, S, Harden, R and Kennedy, C, eds.
Routledge, New York, pp. 281-293.
Henderson, Fiona, Chahal, Dana, Fotovatian, Sepideh and Carr, Amanda (2011) Integrating First Year Education: Two Models. In: 14th Pacific Rim FYHE Conference 2011: Design for student success. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld.
Henderson, Fiona, McWilliams, Alan and YuanYuan, Xing (2011) Harmonising Chinese & Australian ideas about learning in the workplace. In: Internationalisation of China's higher education - challenges for sino-foreign joint educational programs and institutions. Jie, Zhou and Clark, Colin, eds. Routledge contemporary China series . Liaoning University Press, Shenyang, China, pp. 190-209.
Henderson, Fiona and Pearce, Amanda (2011) Collaborative research with Chinese teaching partners to further student academic language and learning support. In: Internationalisation of China's higher education - challenges for sino-foreign joint educational programs and institutions. Jie, Zhou and Clark, Colin, eds. Liaoning University Press, Shenyang, China, pp. 172-189.
Henderson, Fiona and Ridley, Corinna (2011) Joining the Sectors: Pathways for Success. In: Critical Discussions About Social Inclusion. Association of Academic Language and Learning, Wollongong, N.S.W., p. 17.
Kirkwood, Keith, Best, Gillian, McCormack, Rob and Tout, Dan (2012) Student Mentors in Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces. In: Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces in Higher Education : Concepts for the Modern Learning Environment. Keppell, Mike, Souter, Kay and Riddle, Matthew, eds. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., pp. 278-294.
Kohlborn, T, Korthaus, Axel ORCID: 0000-0002-4150-8607, Peters, C and Fielt, E
A comparative study of governmental one-stop portals for public service delivery.
Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
Information Resources Management Association, ed.
Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 2009-2027.
McCormack, Rob (2009) Philosophical Writing: Prefacing as Professing. In: Academic Writing, Philosophy and Genre. Peter, Michael A, ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 14-37.
McTaggart, R and Curro, Gina (2009) Action Research for Curriculum Internationalization: Education versus Commercialization. In: Education, Participatory Action Research, and Social Change: International Perspectives. Kapoor, D and Jordan, S, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 89-105.
Slee, Roger (2005) Education and the politics of recognition: inclusive education-an Australian snapshot. In: Contextualizing inclusive education: evaluating old and new international perspectives. Mitchell, David, ed. Routledge Falmer, New York, NY, pp. 139-165.
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Tout, Dan, Pancini, Geri and McCormack, Rob (2010) Student Rovers in the Learning Commons: Facilitating Places for Learner Engagement. In: Work integrated learning (WIL) : responding to challenges : ACEN national conference 2010, conference proceedings. Campbell, M, ed. Australian Collaborative Education Network, pp. 469-479.
Webb, Janis, Sillitoe, James and Zhang, Christabel Ming (2002) Positive Model: Facilitating Cultural Diversity in the First Year International Business Students' Learning at Victoria University. In: 6th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference 2002 : changing agendas " te ao hurihuri". Nulty, Duncan, ed. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, pp. 1-10.
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Conference or Workshop Item
Best, Gillian (2012) Evolution, equity, innovation: My evolving journey. In: SSSL Symposium 2012 - Student Peer Learning & The AALL Professional: Evolution, Equity & Innovation, 21st November 2012, City Convention Centre, Victoria University.
Curran, Greg (2010) Building a Successful Trade Taster for ESL Students. In: Professional Development Day, 21/6/2010, Sunshine, Victoria. (Unpublished)
Curran, Greg (2010) Retention Strategies in the AMEP. In: Realising the vision - pathways to success : a planning & professional development retreat, 10-11 June 2010, Creswick Forest Resort. (Unpublished)
De Fazio, Teresa ORCID: 0000-0002-0010-6636 and Crock, M
Enabling learning, addressing retention: Supporting students via online tutorials with Smarthinking.
In: ASCILITE 2008 Melbourne: Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?, 30 November 2008-03 December 2008, Deakin University, Burwood.
Elkhodr, Mahmoud, Alsinglawi, Belal and Alshehri, Mohammad (2018) Data Provenance in the Internet of Things. In: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2018), 16 May 2018 - 18 May 2018, Krakow, Poland.
Henderson, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327
WIL on Campus: Simulation, 'Half-way House' or genuine work?
In: ACEN National Conference, 29 September 2010-01 October 2010, Curtin University, Perth.
Henderson, Fiona and McWilliams, Alan (2011) Policy Into Practice: Bringing Graduate Attributes and Employability Skills into Undergraduate Subjects in China. In: International education: the next 25 years? : AIEC 2011, 11-14 October 2011, Adelaide, South Australia. (Unpublished)
Henderson, Fiona and McWilliams, Alan (2011) A Writing Circle to Enhance Engagement with the Discipline of Management. In: Forging new directions in language and learning: The Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Academic Language and Learning, Wed, 24 Nov 2011 - Fri, 25 Nov 2011, Hawke Building, City West campus, UniSA, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia.
Jayasuriya, Kanchana (2011) Transition Strategy Development Through a Ground-up Approach - a work in progress. In: 1st International Australasian Conference On Enabling Access To Higher Education, 5 December 2012, Adelaide, South Australia.
Jayasuriya, Kanchana, McKechnie, Sandra and Tan, Grace (2014) Enhancing Student Engagement in Science and Information Technology: A Collaborative Approach. In: The 20th Annual UniServe Science Conference: Student Engagement from the Classroom to the Workplace, 29 September 2014-01 October 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Kaur, J, Wongthongtham, P, Abu-Salih, B and Fathy, Sogand (2018) Analysis of scientific production of IoE big data research. In: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2018), 16 May 2018 - 18 May 2018.
Kirkwood, Keith (2010) Participating to learn, learning to participate. In: Touchpoint 2010 : 1st International Technology in Education Conference, 04 March 2010-05 March 2010, Manila, The Philippines.
Kirkwood, Keith (2010) The wisdom of the clouds: distributed learning, MOOCs, edupunks, and the challenge to formal education. In: The Second International Workshop on Open Source and Open Content (WOSOC) 2010, November 24th-26th, 2010, Bali Dynasty Resort, Kuta, Indonesia.
Lim, Choon ORCID: 0000-0002-1234-6311
Critical success factors in transnational quality assurance – Findings from a PhD thesis.
In: Australian International Education Conference (AIEC) 2012, 02 October 2012-05 October 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
O’Maley, Pauline (2011) We make the road by walking. In: 34th ACAL Conference, 26th September 2011 - 28th September 2011, Melbourne.
Rashid Minhas, Muhammad, Potdar, Vidyasagar and Ameri Sianaki, Omid (2018) A Decision Support System for Selecting Sustainable Materials in Construction Projects. In: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2018), 16 May 2018 - 18 May 2018, Krakow, Poland.
Teo, E, Fraunholz, B and Unnithan, Chandana (2005) Inhibitors and facilitators for mobile payment adoption in Australia: A preliminary study. In: International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB'05), 11 July 2005-13 July 2005, Sydney, Australia.
Curro, Gina and McTaggart, R (2009) Book language as a foreign language — ESL strategies for Indigenous learners. Project Report. Queensland College of Teachers, Toowong, Queensland, Australia.
Henderson, Fiona ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-1327, Whitelaw, P and Jose, P
Working from the centre: supporting unit and course coordinators to implement academic integrity policies, resources and scholarship.
Project Report.
Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, Australia.
McCormack, Rob, Best, Gillian and Kirkwood, Keith (2009) Students Supporting Student Learning. Working Paper. Victoria University, Melbourne. (Unpublished)
Monson, Ronald (2010) Submission to Council re Vehicles on Myalup Beach. Technical Report. author. (Unpublished)
Newell, Frances (2010) Collaborative Models of Student Learning Development : Approaches to Language, Literacy, Learning and Numeracy (LLLN) Skills Development. Working Paper. Victoria University , Melbourne.
Newell, Frances (2009) Some Guidelines for Good Practice in Language/Academic Skills Teaching for High Level VE Students: Report of 2009 Skills Victoria Innovations Project. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Henderson, Fiona (2011) Connecting higher education and the Chinese workplace : what makes a Chinese graduate with an Australian qualification employable in China? PhD thesis, Victoria University.