9302 Teaching and Instruction
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- 9302 Teaching and Instruction (134)
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2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | May 2008 | December 2008 | 1 December 2008 | 2009 | May 2009 | 2010 | January 2010 | March 2010 | 2011 | February 2011 | March 2011 | July 2011 | 2012 | August 2012 | September 2012 | December 2012
Cribb, Beverley, Gridley, Heather, McKersie, Christine, Rice, Jennifer and Anin, Nadija (2004) Essential VCE Psychology : Units 1 and 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K..
Lim, Levan, Thaver, Thana and Slee, Roger (2005) Deconstructing special needs :a personal learning encounter. McGraw-Hill Education, Singapore.
Curran, Greg (2006) Responding to Students' Normative Questions About Gays: Putting Queer Theory Into Practice in an Australian ESL Class. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 5 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1534-8458
Curran, Greg and Crowhurst, Michael (2007) SPACE: Queer Allies Network: An Approach to Actively Support Gender and Sexual Diversity at RMIT University's School of Education. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 4 (2). pp. 36-43. ISSN 1550-5170
Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva, eds. (2008) Rethinking Education with ICT: New Directions for Effective Practices. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam.
Bak, Geert ORCID: 0000-0002-8462-7438 and Murphy, Helen
Reconceiving an Approach to Teaching Legal Discourse: A Community of Practice Project.
Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers' Association, 1 (1 & 2).
pp. 197-202.
ISSN 1836-5620
Cacciattolo, Marcelle, Eckersley, Bill and Neal, Greg (2008) Establishing Innovative Partnerships with School Settings: The Role of Applied Curriculum Projects. In: 2008 Australian Teacher Education Association National Conference, 8-11 July 2008, Novotel, Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia. (Submitted)
Cacciattolo, Marcelle, Thomas, Peter and Sanjakdar, Fida (2008) Reconceptualising Pre-Service Teacher Education at Victoria University: Putting the Byte into Inquiry Learning. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Services, 3 (3). pp. 125-133. ISSN 1833-1882
Cara, Coral (2008) I See.. I Hear... I Do and I Understand: Building Competence, Confidence and Pegagogical Capacity. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 109-116. ISSN 1833-1882
Cara, Coral (2008) I, I, I as in Individualised Inquiry Based iPortfolios: Building Access and Success in Teaching and Learning. In: E-learn 2008 : Proceedings of the world conference on e-learning in corporate government, healthcare, & higher education. Bonk, Curtis J, Lee, Mimi Miyoung and Reynolds, Tom, eds. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA, pp. 650-657.
Cara, Coral (2008) Iramoo: The Beginnings of Sustainable Futures in the Minds of Preservice Teachers. The Global Studies Journal, 1 (4). pp. 183-191. ISSN 1835-4432
Cara, Coral (2008) Significant Encounters of the First Kind: A Case and Commentary about creating Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 8 (1). pp. 235-245. ISSN 1447-9524
Chiu, Lee Huang and Lim, Lee Meng (2008) Preparing Overseas Nurses to Work in Australia. In: Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning in the Health Sciences : An International Mutidisciplinary Teaching Anthology. Facione, Noreen C and Facione, Peter A, eds. California Academic Press, Millbrae, Calif., USA, pp. 241-247.
Dakich, Eva (2008) Towards The Social Practice of Digital Pedagogies. In: Rethinking Education with ICT. Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 13-30.
Inglis, Alistair (2008) Costs and Quality of Online Learning. In: Economics of Distance and Online Learning : Theory, Practice and Research. Bramble, W and Panda, S, eds. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 132-147.
Mahon, Lawry (2008) Story Writing In Remote Locations : Authoring Culturally Appropriate Literature with Children. In: Rethinking Education with ICT : New Directions for Effective Practices. Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Martino, John (2008) Catching the Wave : Social Media in the Classroom. In: Rethinking Education with ICT : New Directions for Effective Practices. Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 139-147.
Miliszewska, Iwona, Venables, Anne and Tan, Grace (2008) Improving Progression and Satisfaction Rates of Novice Computer Programming Students Through ACME - Analogy, Collaboration, Mentoring and Electronic Support. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 5. pp. 311-323. ISSN 1547-5840
Neal, Greg (2008) Meaningful Learning with ICT in the Middle Years : Student Voices. In: Rethinking Education with ICT : New Directions for Effective Practices. Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 80-95.
Neal, Greg and Davidson, Kristy (2008) Contesting Ideas of Innovative Teaching Practice with Tablet PCs. In: Changing climates: education for sustainable futures, 30th November, 4th December 2008, Brisbane.
Nolan, Andrea and Reynolds, Bronwyn (2008) Portfolios: Documenting a Journey. Research in practice series, 1440-5148, 15 (4). Early Childhood Australia, Watson, A.C.T..
Vale, Colleen M and McAndrew, Alasdair (2008) Deepening the Mathematical Knowledge of Secondary Mathematics Teachers Who Lack Tertiary Mathematics Qualifications. In: Navigating Currents and Charting Directions (Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Volume 2. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), Brisbane, pp. 539-545.
Venkatesan, Srikanth and Fragomeni, Sam (2008) Evaluating Learning Outcomes in PBL Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques. In: Proceedings of 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education: To Industry and Beyond. Mann, Llewellyn, Thompson, Adam and Howard, Prue, eds. Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, A.C.T., pp. 534-540.
Venkatesan, Srikanth, Fragomeni, Sam and Zhang, Kevin (2008) An Investigation into the Student Grading System in Problem based learning. In: Proceedings of the pre-conference to the annual SEFI conference research symposium on PBL 2008. Kolmos, Anette, ed. Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
Yelland, Nicola (2008) Designing Learning to Become Numerate with ICT in the 21st Century. In: Valuing individual and shared learning: the role of ICT, 23-26 June 2008, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)
May 2008
Cara, Coral (2008) I see ...I hear... I do ... and I understand: building competence, confidence and pedagogical capacity through collaborative partnership. In: Work integrated learning (WIL) : transforming futures: practice ... pedagogy ... partnerships: e-proceedings. Faculty of Engineering and Information Techology, University of Technology, Sydney , Sydney, pp. 98-105.
December 2008
Lipson, Debora (2008) How Connected are Gears, Ratios and Fractions? In: Connected Maths. Vincent, Jill, Dowsey, John and Pierce, Robyn, eds. The Mathematical Assocation of Victoria, Brunswick, Victoria, pp. 222-231.
1 December 2008
Schutt, Stefan and Martino, John (2008) Virtual worlds as an architecture of learning. In: Ascilite 2008, November 20 - December 3 2008, Deakin University, Melbourne.
Armatas, Christine, Woodley, Carolyn, Berman, Katie and Jago, Andrew (2009) Using Short Message Service (SMS) to Enhance Teaching and Learning. In: Readings in technology and education proceedings of ICICTE 2009, July 9-11, 2009 Corfu Island, Greece. [ICICTE], pp. 470-482.
Beddoe, Liz and Egan, Ronnie (2009) Social Work Supervision. In: Social Work: Contexts and Practice (2nd edition). Connolly, Marie and Harms, Louise, eds. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, pp. 410-422.
Cara, Coral (2009) Creating Visual Narratives: Visual Representations of Preservice Teacher Learning Journeys. The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4 (1). pp. 221-232. ISSN 1833-1866
Cara, Coral (2009) Creating a Coherent Culture: Building a Culture that Enables Innovation and Change. International journal of knowledge, culture and change management, 9 (4). pp. 15-34. ISSN 1447-9524
Cara, Coral (2009) I Can't Teach Science! Oh Yes You Can! Building Educator Competence and Confidence through the Recognition of Science as Literacy. International Journal of the Humanities, 7 (5). pp. 129-144. ISSN 1447-9508
Cara, Coral (2009) Open Hearts Open Minds: Creating a Supportive Accessible Learning Community. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 2 (6). pp. 79-96. ISSN 1835-2030
Cara, Coral (2009) Pedagogy Matters! Creating a Model of Practice Which Reflects the Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Learning, 16 (2). pp. 227-244. ISSN 1447-9494
Cara, Coral (2009) Reading between the Lines: Using Multiliteracies to Enhance Teaching and Learning. The International Journal of the Book, 6. pp. 93-102. ISSN 1447-9516
Cara, Coral (2009) Sustainable Futures: Building Capacity for Social, Cultural and Environmental Futures in Preservice Teachers. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability , 5 (6). pp. 201-216. ISSN 1832-2077
Cara, Coral (2009) TLC³ -Teaching and Learning Connections, City and Country: Creating Partnerships between City and Remote Rural Educational Settings. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 9 (6). pp. 155-172. ISSN 1447-9532
Cara, Coral (2009) Visual Narratives: Creating opportunities for telling stories. Practically Primary, 14 (2). pp. 10-14. ISSN 1324-5961
Clayton, Berwyn (2009) Practitioner Experiences and Expectations with the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104): A Discussion of the Issues. Discussion Paper. National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide.
Coventry, Louise and Grace, Marty (2009) Reciprocity and cultural diversity: Creating successful field education placements. In: Social Work Education: voices from the Asia Pacific. Noble, Carolyn, Henrickson, Mark and Han, In Young, eds. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Victoria, pp. 30-49.
Curran, Greg, Chiarolli, Steph and Palotta-Chiarolli, Maria (2009) 'The C Words': Clitorises, childhood and challenging compulsory heterosexuality discourses with pre-service primary teachers. Sex Education, 9 (2). pp. 155-168. ISSN 1468-1811
Dakich, Eva (2009) Teachers' Perceptions about the Barriers and Catalysts for Effective Practices with ICT in Primary Schools. In: Education and technology for a better world. 9th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2009, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, July 27-31, 2009. Proceedings. Tatnall, Arthur and Jones, Anthony, eds. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (302). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,, pp. 445-453.
Egan, Ronnie (2009) Developing the helping relationship: Engagement. In: Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Egan, Ronnie and Maidment, Jane, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 81-100.
Egan, Ronnie (2009) Taking action: Intervention. In: Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Egan, Ronnie and Maidment, Jane, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 205-218.
Egan, Ronnie and Cleak, Helen (2009) Engaging with clients in different contexts. In: Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Egan, Ronnie and Maidment, Jane, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 101-113.
Egan, Ronnie and Lewis Nicholson, Alison (2009) Anti-Oppressive and strengths- based practice. In: Practice Skills in Social work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 35-47.
Egan, Ronnie and Maidment, Jane (2009) Conclusion. In: Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Egan, Ronnie and Maidment, Jane, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 307-312.
Hryciw, Deanne H ORCID: 0000-0003-1697-8890
Enhancing an undergraduate Paramedic degree through the introduction of a health fact sheet assessment task.
Journal of Emergency Primary Health care, 7 (3).
ISSN 1447-4999
Inglis, Alistair (2009) Quality Processes in Distance Education. In: Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Rogers, Patricia, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., USA, pp. 1728-1733.
Jackling, Beverley and Keneley, Monica (2009) Perceptions of generic skill development: international and local accounting students in Australia. In: AFAANZ 2009 : Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference, 5-7 July 2010, Adelaide, South Australia. (Unpublished)
Kruger, Tony, Davies, Anne Carolyn, Eckersley, Bill, Newell, Frances and Cherednichenko, Brenda (2009) Effective and sustainable university-school partnerships : beyond determined efforts by inspired individuals. Teaching Australia - Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, Canberra, Australia.
Maidment, Jane and Egan, Ronnie (2009) The Integrated Framework. In: Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare : more than just common sense. Maidment, Jane and Egan, Ronnie, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, pp. 3-17.
Maidment, Jane and Egan, Ronnie (2009) Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare: more than just common sense. Maidment, Jane and Egan, Ronnie, eds. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia.
Miliszewska, Iwona, Venables, Anne and Tan, Grace (2009) How Generic is I(nformation) T(echnology)? Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 6. pp. 193-199. ISSN 1547-5840
Mulligan, Joanne, Vale, Colleen M and Stephens, Maxwell (2009) Understanding and developing structure — Its importance for mathematics learning. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1033-2170
Neal, Greg and Davidson, Kristy (2009) Successfully Integrating Tablet PC Technology into the Australian Secondary School Curriculum. In: The impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based technology on education : evidence and outcomes. Reed, R. H, Berque, D. A and Prey, J. C, eds. Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Ind., USA, pp. 111-119.
Richardson, Joan, Jackling, Beverley, Kaider, Friederika, Henschke, Kathy, Kelly, Mary Paulette and Tempone, Irene (2009) The role of industry supervisors in providing feedback to students as part of the assessment process in work integrated learning (WIL). In: ATN Assessment Conference 2009: Assessment in Different Dimensions. Milton, John, Hall, Cathy, Lang, Josephine, Allan, G and Nouikoudis, Milton, eds. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 282-292.
Richardson, Joan, Kaider, Friederika, Henschke, Kathy and Jackling, Beverley (2009) A framework for assessing work integrated learning. In: The Student Experience - Proceedings of the 32nd HERDSA Annual Conference , 6-9 July 2009, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia. Research and development in higher education . Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Milperra, NSW, Australia, pp. 336-345.
Stein, Andrew (2009) Delivering SAP Information Systems Courses 9116 Kilometers From Home. Information Systems Education Journal, 7 (39). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1545-679X
Vicars, Mark (2009) Teachers' Requirements and Learners' Needs: Can Action Research Help Language Teachers Overcome This Conundrum? Primary English Education, 15 (2). pp. 203-221. ISSN 1226-461X
May 2009
Venkatesan, Srikanth and Stojcevski, Alex (2009) Efficacy of Self Assessment and Reflective Journals in Problem-based Learning. In: Proceedings of 'What are we Learning about Learning?', 2nd International Symposium on Problem Based Learning, Singapore, 10-12 June 2009. Tay, Alvin, Phua, Norman and Sockalingam, Nachamma, eds. Republic Polytechnic, Centre for Educational Development, Singapore, pp. 461-468.
Callan, Victor and Clayton, Berwyn (2010) E-assessment and the AQTF: Bridging the Divide Between Practitioners and Auditors. Project Report. Australian Flexible Learning Framework, Canberra.
Cara, Coral (2010) Welcome to my world: empowering many through multiliteracies-based inclusive teaching and learning. International Journal of Learning, 17 (7). pp. 523-538. ISSN 1447-9494
Clayton, Berwyn, Meyers, Dave, Bateman, Andrea and Bluer, Robert (2010) Practitioner Expectations and Experiences with the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104). Other. National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide.
Curran, Greg (2010) Building a Successful Trade Taster for ESL Students. In: Professional Development Day, 21/6/2010, Sunshine, Victoria. (Unpublished)
Curran, Greg (2010) Retention Strategies in the AMEP. In: Realising the vision - pathways to success : a planning & professional development retreat, 10-11 June 2010, Creswick Forest Resort. (Unpublished)
Hosseini, Afzal and Watt, Anthony P (2010) The effect of a teacher professional development in facilitating students’ creativity. Educational Research and Reviews , 5 (8). pp. 432-438. ISSN 1990-3839
Jackling, Beverley and Natoli, Riccardo (2010) Investigating business student engagement at an Australian University. In: Research and Development in Higher Education: Reshaping Higher Education. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, pp. 335-346.
Jackling, Beverley and Watty, Kim (2010) Guest Editorial: Generic Skills. Accounting Education, 19 (1-2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0963-9284 (print) 1468-4489 (online)
Kalaja, Sami, Jaakkola, Timo, Liukkonen, Jarmo and Watt, Anthony P (2010) The Role of Gender, Enjoyment, Perceived Physical Activity Competence, and Fundamental Movement Skills as Correlates of the Physical Activity Engagement of Finnish Physical Education Students. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum , 1 (1). pp. 69-87. ISSN 2000-088X
Kalaja, Sami, Jaakkola, Timo, Watt, Anthony P and Liukkonen, Jarmo (2010) Fundamental movement skills and motivational factors influencing engagement in physical activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 111 (1). pp. 115-128. ISSN 0031-5125
Kirkwood, Keith (2010) The SNAP Platform: social networking for academic purposes. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27 (3). pp. 118-126. ISSN 1065-0741
Kokkonen, Juha, Kokkonen, Marja, Liukkonen, Jarmo and Watt, Anthony P (2010) An Examination of Goal Orientation, Sense of Coherence, and Motivational Climate as Predictors of Perceived Physical Competence. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum , 1 (1). pp. 133-152. ISSN 2000-088X
Liukkonen, Jarmo, Barkoukis, Vassilis, Watt, Anthony P and Jaakkola, Timo (2010) Motivational Climate and Students’ Emotional Experiences and Effort in Physical Education. The Journal of Educational Research , 103 (5). pp. 295-308. ISSN 0022-0671 (print) 1940-0675 (online)
McDowall, Tracey and Jackling, Beverley (2010) Attitudes towards the accounting profession: an Australian perspective. Asian Review of Accounting, 18 (1). pp. 30-49. ISSN 1321-7348
Miliszewska, Iwona and Moore, Aidan (2010) Encouraging Girls to Consider a Career in ICT: A Review of Strategies. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 9. pp. 143-166. ISSN 2165-3151 (print) 2165-316X (online)
Miliszewska, Iwona and Sztendur, Ewa M (2010) Interest in ICT Studies and Careers: Perspectives of Secondary School Female Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 5. pp. 237-260. ISSN 1555-1229
Miliszewska, Iwona, Venables, Anne and Tan, Grace (2010) Didactics of Information Technology (IT) in a Science Degree: Conceptual Issues and Practical Application. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 9. pp. 79-89. ISSN 2165-3151 (print) 2165-316X (online)
Miller, Clive (2010) Improving and enhancing performance in the affective domain of nursing students: Insights from the literature for clinical educators. Contemporary Nurse, 35 (1). pp. 2-17. ISSN 1037-6178
Neal, Greg (2010) eAssessment: Phone a Friend. In: Ed-media 2010 : world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia & telecommunications. Herrington, Jan and Hunter, Bill, eds. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, Virginia, pp. 2099-2104.
Nolan, Andrea and Kilderry, Anna (2010) Postdevelopmentism and professional learning : implications for understanding the relationship between play and pedagogy. In: Engaging Play. Brooker, Liz and Edwards, Susan, eds. Open University Press, Maidenhead, U.K., pp. 108-121.
O'Brien, Kylie A (2010) Changing landscapes - An Update on Regulation of Chinese Medicine in Australia. In: ICMCM (International Conference and Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine and Health Products) Conference 2010 Research and Applications, 12-13 August 2010, Hong Kong Convention Centre. (Unpublished)
Raban, Bridie, Scull, Janet, Nolan, Andrea and Paatsch, Louise (2010) Young Learners: Teaching that supports learning about literacy in the preschool. In: SCE 35th anniversary anthology of education theses. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, pp. 11-41.
Rhema, Amal and Miliszewska, Iwona (2010) Towards E-Learning in Higher Education in Libya. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 7. pp. 423-437. ISSN 1547-5840 (print) 1547-5867 (online)
Shi, Hao (2010) Developing e-learning materials for software development course. International Journal of Managing Information Technology, 2 (2). pp. 15-21. ISSN 0975-5926 (print) 0975-5586 (online)
Smeda, Najat, Dakich, Eva and Sharda, Nalin (2010) Developing a framework for advancing e-learning through digital storytelling. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Learning. Nunes, Miguel Baptista and McPherson, Maggie, eds. International Association for Development of the Information Society, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 169-176.
Vale, Colleen M (2010) Supporting 'Out-of-field' Teachers of Secondary Mathematics. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 66 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0045-0685
Vale, Colleen M, Davies, Anne Carolyn, Weaven, Mary, Hooley, Neil, Davidson, Kristy and Loton, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0003-4106-0555
Leadership to Improve Mathematics Outcomes in Low SES Schools and School Networks.
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 12 (2).
pp. 47-71.
ISSN 1442-3901
Wong, Lily (2010) The E-Learning Experience - Its Impact on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes. Global Business & Economics Anthology, 1. pp. 115-126. ISSN 1553-1392
Wong, Lily and Tatnall, Arthur (2010) Factors Determining the Balance between Online and Face-to-Face Teaching: An Analysis using Actor-Network Theory. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 5. pp. 167-176. ISSN 1555-1229 (print) 1555-1237 (online)
Yelland, Nicola and Neal, Greg (2010) Cyber-Childhoods, Popular Culture and Constructing Identities. In: Childhoods : A Handbook. Cannella, Gaile Sloan and Soto, Lourdes Diaz, eds. Rethinking childhood (42). Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 189-201.
Yelland, Nicola, Neal, Greg and Dakich, Eva (2010) Home Access : Providing Computers to Families via a National Strategy. In: Key competencies in the knowledge society : IFIP TC 3 International Conference, KCKS 2010, held as part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings. Reynolds, Nicholas and Turcsányi-Szabó, Márta, eds. IFIP advances in information and communication technology (324). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 440-446.
January 2010
Palmer, Stuart, Holt, Dale and Farley, Alan (2010) Toward New Models of Flexible Education to Enhance Quality in Australian Higher Education. In: Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance. Kennepohl, Dietmar and Shaw, Lawton, eds. Issues in Distance Education . AU Press, Athabasca University, Edmonton, pp. 61-80.
March 2010
Farrow, Damian and Reid, Machar (2010) Skill Acquisition in Tennis : Equipping Learners for Success. In: Motor Learning in Practice : A constraints-led approach. Renshaw, Ian, Davids, Keith and Savelsbergh, Geert J. P, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 231-240.
Bassett, Penny (2011) How do students view Asynchronous Online discussions as a learning experience? Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Learning and Learning Objects, 7. pp. 69-79. ISSN 1552-2210 (print) 1552-2237 (online)
Cara, Coral (2011) Embracing Diversity through Open Doors: Using Social Competency Processes to Build Effective Teaching and Learning Communities. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 11 (1). pp. 143-158. ISSN 1447-9532
Cara, Coral (2011) Follow the Leader, but Who is Leading Who?: The Novice as the Facilitator in Work Integrated Learning. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10 (10). pp. 55-68. ISSN 1447-9524
Cara, Coral (2011) Language Matters! Opening Doors to Welcome All. The International Journal of the Humanities, 9 (1). pp. 267-284. ISSN 1447-9508
Cara, Coral (2011) Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Am I?: Self Study using Visual Narrative to Improve Practice. The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 5 (6). pp. 287-306. ISSN 1833-1866
Cara, Coral (2011) The Novice as Facilitator of Learning: Turning Workplace Practices Upside Down. The International Journal of Science in Society, 2 (4). pp. 225-240. ISSN 1836-6236
Clayton, Berwyn, Harding, Regan, Harris, Mark and Toze, Melinda (2011) Upskilling VET Practitioners: Technical Currency or Professional Obsolescence? In: AVETRA’s 14th Annual Conference Research in VET: Janus – Reflecting Back, Projecting Forward, 28 April 2011-29 April 2011, Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne, VIC.
Davies, Anne, Pantzopoulos, Kerry and Gray, Kathleen (2011) Emphasising Assessment 'as' Learning by Assessing Wiki Writing Assignments Collaboratively and Publicly Online. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27 (5). pp. 798-812. ISSN 1449-5554 (online)
Miliszewska, Iwona and Moore, Aidan (2011) Attracting Girls to ICT studies and careers: A snapshot of Strategies. Redress: Association of Women Educators, 20 (3). pp. 10-14. ISSN 1039-382X
Miliszewska, Iwona and Sztendur, Ewa M (2011) Critical Success Attributes of Transnational IT Education Programmes: The Client Perspective. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10. pp. 123-137. ISSN 1547-9714 (print) 1539-3585 (online)
Miliszewska, Iwona and Sztendur, Ewa M (2011) Playing it Safe: Approaching Science Safety Awareness through Computer Game-Based Training. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 8. pp. 37-47. ISSN 1547-5840 (print) 1547-5867 (online)
Murphy, Helen, Rodriguez, Juana-Maria and Veljanovski, Angelo (2011) Cross-sectoral teaching & learning initiatives to support articulating students in Corporate Law at Victoria University. In: Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference, 3-6 July 2011, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Nolan, Andrea, Morrissey, Anne-Marie, Beahan, Jennifer and Dumenden, Iris E (2011) Progress Report: Statewide Pilot Mentoring Program for Early Childhood Teachers. Other. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (Unpublished)
Prokofieva, Maria (2011) Student perception of effectiveness of wiki-based group projects in higher education. In: Proceedings of 'Innoviation and knowledge management: a global competitive advantage', the 16th International Conference of the International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 June 2011. International Business Information Management Association, pp. 703-714.
Rhema, Amal and Miliszewska, Iwona (2011) Reflections on a Trial Implementation of an E-Learning Solution in a Libyan University. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 8. pp. 61-76. ISSN 1547-5840 (print) 1547-5867 (online)
Stein, Andrew and Licciardi, Raquel (2011) Introducing a Graduate Skills Business Unit into a Business Degree in Malaysia Using a Transnational Delivery Model. In: The Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference. Education Special Interest Group, Association of Information Technology Professionals, Chicago.
Summit, Raymond and Venables, Anne (2011) The use of co-assessment in motivating tutorial attendance, preparation and participation in engineering subjects. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 17 (2). pp. 79-89. ISSN 1324-5821
Thomson, Kaivo, Watt, Anthony P and Ereline, Jaan (2011) Investigating sex differences in the perception of biological motion associated with visuospatial decision-making movement accuracy. Education Sciences and Psychology, 19 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 1512-1801
Vale, Colleen M, McAndrew, Alasdair and Krishnan, Siva (2011) Connecting with the horizon: developing teachers’ appreciation of mathematical structure. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 14 (3). pp. 193-212. ISSN 1386-4416 (print) 1573-1820 (online)
Weaven, Mary (2011) Poetry Lesson with Year 11 English. Idiom, 47 (2). p. 49. ISSN 0046-8568
February 2011
Yli-piipari, Sami, Jaakkola, Timo, Liukkonen, Jarmo, Kiuru, Noona and Watt, Anthony P (2011) The Role of Peer Groups in Male and Female Adolescents' Task Values and Physical Activity. Psychological Reports, 108 (1). pp. 75-93. ISSN 0033-2941
March 2011
Farley, Alan, Jain, Ameeta and Thomson, Dianne (2011) Blended learning in finance : comparing student perceptions of lectures, tutorials and online learning environments across different year levels. Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, 30 (1). pp. 99-108. ISSN 1759-3441
July 2011
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