Items where Year is 1999
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Spray, CM, Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 and Fox, KR
Achievement goals, beliefs about the causes of success and reported emotion in post-16 physical education.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 17 (3).
213 - 219.
ISSN 0264-0414
Blazev, Ronnie and Lamb, GD (1999) Adenosine inhibits depolarization-induced Ca²⁺ release in mammalian skeletal muscle. Muscle and Nerve, 22 (12). 1674 - 1683. ISSN 0148-639X
Ntoumanis, N and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Affect and achievement goals in physical activity: A meta-analysis.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 9 (6).
315 - 332.
ISSN 1600-0838
Qi, Feng (1999) An Algebraic Inequality. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Bruscella, Ben, Rouillard, Vincent and Sek, Michael A (1999) Analysis of Road Surface Profiles. Journal of transportation engineering, 125 (1). pp. 55-59. ISSN 0733-947X (print) 1943-5436 (online)
Dragomir, Nicoleta, Dragomir, Sever S, Gu, Mike, Gan, Xiaosong and White, R (1999) An Approximation Of The Hankel Transform For Absolutely Continuous Mappings. RGMIA research report collection, 5 (Supp).
Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030 and Fisher, Adrian
Aspiration to Community: Community Responses to Rejection.
Journal of Community Psychology, 27 (6).
pp. 715-726.
ISSN 0090-4392
Smith, RA and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Attitudes and exercise adherence: Test of the Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behaviour.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 17 (4).
269 - 281.
ISSN 0264-0414
Moore, Susan M and Ohtsuka, Keis (1999) Beliefs about control over gambling among young people, and their relation to problem gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 13 (4). pp. 339-347. ISSN 0893-164X
Messinis, George ORCID: 0000-0002-2484-9522
Book review: Foundations of Economics: A Beginner's Companion, by Yanis Varoufakis, Routledge, London, (1998).
The Economic Record, 75 (228).
96 - 98.
ISSN 0013-0249
Bessell, Michael S and Germany, Lisa (1999) Calibration of the MACHO Photometric System: V-R, Teff, and BCV Calibration for Metal-poor Giants. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 111 (765). pp. 1421-1425. ISSN 0004-6280 (print) 1538-3873 (online)
Weller, Sally Anne (1999) Casual employment and employer strategy. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 10 (1). pp. 15-33. ISSN 1030-1763
Dixon, Peter and Rimmer, Maureen T (1999) Changes in Indirect Taxes in Australia: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis. Australian Economic Review, 32 (4). 327 - 348. ISSN 0004-9018
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Characterization of Best Approximants from Convex Subsets and Level Sets in Normed Linear Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Characterization of Best Approximants from Linear Subspaces in Normed Linear Spaces in Terms of Duality Mapping. RGMIA research report collection.
Buşe, Constantin, Dragomir, Sever S and Lupulescu, V (1999) Characterizations of Stability for Strongly Continuous Semigroups by Convolutions. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Finkelstein, Joanne (1999) Chic-a look that's hard to see. Fashion Theory, 3 (3). pp. 363-385. ISSN 1362-704X (print) 1751-7419 (online)
Sofo, Anthony (1999) Closed Form Representation of Binomial Sums and Series. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Weller, Sally Anne (1999) Clothing outwork : union strategy, labour regulation and labour market restructuring. Journal of Industrial Relations, 41 (2). pp. 203-227. ISSN 0022-1856
Stevinson, CD and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Cognitive strategies in running: A response to Masters and Ogles (1998).
Sport Psychologist, 13 (2).
235 - 236.
ISSN 1543-2793
de Silva, A. M, Walder, K. R, Aitman, T. J, Gotoda, T, Goldstone, A. P, Hodge, Allison M ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-2197, de Courten, Maximilian, Zimmet, P. Z and Collier, Greg R
Combination of polymorphisms in OB-R and the OB gene associated with insulin resistance in Nauruan males.
International Journal of Obesity, 23 (8).
pp. 816-822.
ISSN 0307-0565 (print) 1476-5497 (online)
Sándor, József (1999) Comments on an Inequality for the Sum of Powers of Positive Integers. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Shi, Peng, Boukas, El-Kébir and Agarwal, Ramesh K ORCID: 0000-0002-9642-1023
Control of Markovian jump discrete-time systems with norm bounded uncertainty and unknown delay.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44 (11).
2139 - 2144.
ISSN 0018-9286
Drǎgan, V, Shi, Peng and Boukas, El-Kébir (1999) Control of singularly perturbed systems with Markovian jump parameters: an H-infinity approach. Automatica, 35 (8). 1369 - 1378. ISSN 0005-1098
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Converse of the Jensen Inequality for Convex Mappings of Several Variables and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
McKenna, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-9998-0093, Morton, Judith, Selig, Steve E and Snow, Rodney J
Creatine supplementation increases muscle total creatine but not maximal intermittent exercise performance.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 87 (6).
pp. 2244-2252.
ISSN 8750-7587 (print) 1522-1601 (online)
Hopkins, William ORCID: 0000-0002-7066-4000, Hawley, John A and Burke, Louise M
Design and analysis of research on sport performance enhancement.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31 (3).
pp. 472-485.
ISSN 0195-9131
Egan, Ronnie and Hoatson, Lesley (1999) Desperate to survive : contracting women's services in a region in Melbourne. Australian Feminist Studies, 14 (30). pp. 405-414. ISSN 0816-4649
Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676 and Ingerson, Lynley
Determining Key Success Criteria for Attracting Hallmark Sporting Events.
Pacific Tourism Review, 3 (3/4).
239 - 253.
ISSN 1088-4157
Dragomir, Sever S and Diamond, N. T (1999) A Discrete Grüss Type Inequality and Applications for the Moments of Random Variables and Guessing Mappings. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
(1999) Ecoso exchange newsletter : ecological, sociological and political discourse 2/50; Jan. 1999. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (50). pp. 1-12.
(1999) Ecoso exchange newsletter : ecological, sociological and political discourse 2/51; May 1999. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (51). pp. 1-8.
(1999) Ecoso exchange newsletter : ecological, sociological and political discourse 2/52; June 1999. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (52). pp. 1-10.
McKinley, MJ, Mathai, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-8783-2122, Pennington, G, Rundgren, M and Vivas, L
Effect of individual or combined ablation of the nuclear groups of the lamina terminalis on water drinking in sheep.
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 276 (3).
ISSN 0363-6119 (print) 1522-1490 (online)
Stepto, Nigel ORCID: 0000-0002-0875-6836, Hawley, John A, Dennis, SC and Hopkins, William
ORCID: 0000-0002-7066-4000
Effects of different interval-training programs on cycling time-trial performance.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31 (5).
736 - 741.
ISSN 0195-9131
Bradley, Scott J, Kingwell, BA and McConell, Glenn ORCID: 0000-0002-8572-9065
Errata: Nitric oxide synthase inhibition reduces leg glucose uptake but not blood flow during dynamic exercise in humans [Diabetes (1999) 48 (1815-1821)].
Diabetes, 48 (12).
2480 - 2481.
ISSN 0012-1797
Shaw, Jonathan, Hodge, Allison M ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-2197, de Courten, Maximilian, Chitson, Pierrot and Zimmet, Paul
Erratum: Isolated post-challenge hyperglycaemia confirmed as a risk factor for mortality (Diabetologia (1999) 42 (1050-1054)).
Diabetologia, 42 (12).
p. 1444.
ISSN 0012-186X (print) 1432-0428 (online)
Koliha, Jerry J (1999) Error Bounds for a General Perturbation of the Drazin Inverse. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
Castro Gonzalez, N, Koliha, Jerry J and Wei, Yimin (1999) Error Bounds for the Perturbation of the Drazin Inverse of Closed Operations with Equal Spectral Projections. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Fan, C, Sharples, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0003-2885-9899 and Karnilowicz, Wally
ORCID: 0000-0002-9611-0217
Ethnic differences in course choices.
Higher Education Research and Development, 18 (1).
pp. 99-113.
ISSN 0729-4360
Zimmet, Paul, Boyko, EJ, Collier, Greg R and de Courten, Maximilian ORCID: 0000-0001-9997-9359
Etiology of the metabolic syndrome: potential role of insulin resistance, leptin resistance, and other players.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 892.
25 - 44.
ISSN 0077-8923
Faulkner, GEJ and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Exercise as an adjunct treatment for schizophrenia: A review of literature.
Journal of Mental Health, 8 (5).
441 - 457.
ISSN 0963-8237
Shan, J and Sun, Fiona (1999) Export-led growth and the US economy: some further testing. Applied Economics Letters, 6 (3). 169 - 172. ISSN 1350-4851
McConell, Glenn ORCID: 0000-0002-8572-9065, Stephens, TJ and Canny, Benedict J
Fluid ingestion does not influence intense 1-h exercise performance in a mild environment.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31 (3).
386 - 392.
ISSN 0195-9131
Fortunato, V and Marchant, Daryl (1999) Forced retirement from elite football in Australia. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 4 (3). 269 - 280. ISSN 1081-1443
Peachey, Tom C (1999) A Framework for Proving Hilbert's Double Integral Inequality and Related Results. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Barnett, Neil S, Dragomir, Sever S and Gomm, Ian (1999) Further Bounds for the Estimation Error Variance of a Continuous Stream with Stationary Variogram. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Singh, A K and Thorpe, Graham R (1999) A General Formula for the Numerical Differentiation of a Function. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Generalization of Grüss' Inequality in Inner Product Spaces and Applications. RGMIA research report collection.
Qi, Feng and Luo, Qiu-Ming (1999) Generalization of H. Minc and L. Sathre's Inequality. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Generalization of Ostrowski Integral Inequality for Mappings Whose Derivatives Belong to L₁ [a,b] and Applications in Numerical Integration. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Qi, Feng (1999) Generalizations of Alzer's and Kuang's Inequality. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Grüss Type Discrete Inequality in Inner Product Spaces and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Dragomir, Sever S and Fedotov, I (1999) A Grüss Type Inequality for Mapping of Bounded Variation and Applications to Numerical Analysis. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
Boukas, El-Kébir and Shi, Peng (1999) H-infinity control for discrete-time linear systems with Frobenius norm-bounded uncertainties. Automatica, 35 (9). 1625 - 1631. ISSN 0005-1098
Messinis, George (1999) Habit formation and the theory of addiction. Journal Of Economic Surveys, 13 (4). pp. 417-442. ISSN 0950-0804 (print) 1467-6419 (online)
Datta, Nivedita and Deeth, H. C (1999) High Pressure Processing of Milk and Dairy Products. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 54 (2). pp. 41-48. ISSN 0004-9433
Fiorenza, Alberto (1999) Hölder Inequality for Grand Lebesgue Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Shan, Jordan, Morris, Alan and Sun, Fiona (1999) Immigration and Unemployment: New evidence from Australia and New Zealand. International Review of Applied Economics, 13 (2). 253 - 260. ISSN 0269-2171
Shaw, J. E, de Courten, Maximilian, Boyko, EJ and Zimmet, P. Z (1999) Impact of new diagnostic criteria for diabetes on different populations. Diabetes Care, 22 (5). pp. 762-766. ISSN 0149-5992
Shaw, J. E, Zimmet, Paul, de Courten, Maximilian, Dowse, Gary, Chitson, Pierrot, Gareeboo, Hassam, Hemraj, Farojedo, Fareed, Djamil, Tuomilehto, Jaakko and Alberti, K. G. M. M (1999) Impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. What best predicts future diabetes in Mauritius? Diabetes Care, 22 (3). pp. 399-402. ISSN 0149-5992 (print) 1935-5548 (online)
Buşe, Constantin and Pogan, Alin (1999) Individual Exponential Stability for Evolution Families of Linear and Bounded Operators. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Qi, Feng (1999) Inequalities and monotonicity of sequences involving n√(n + k)!/k! RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Dragomir, Sever S, Agarwal, R. P and Barnett, Neil S (1999) Inequalities for Beta and Gamma Functions Via Some Classical and New Integral Inequalities. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Guo, Bai-Ni and Qi, Feng (1999) Inequalities for Generalized Weighted Mean Values of Convex Function. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Qi, Feng (1999) Inequalities for a Weighted Integral. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Qi, Feng (1999) Inequalities for a Weighted Multiple Integral. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cho, Yeol Je and Kim, Seong Sik (1999) Inequalities of Hadamard's Type for Lipschitzian Mappings and their Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Fedotov, I and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) An Inequality of Ostrowski Type and its Applications for Simpson's Rule and Special Means. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Sofo, Anthony and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) An Inequality of Ostrowski Type for Twice Differentiable Mappings in Terms of the Lp Norm and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cerone, Pietro, Barnett, Neil S and Roumeliotis, John (1999) An Inequality of the Ostrowski Type For Double Integrals and Applications for Cubature Formulae. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S and Sofo, Anthony (1999) An Integral Inequality for Twice Differentiable Mappings and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Donahue, R. P, Prineas, R. J, Donahue, R. D, Zimmet, P. Z, Bean, J. A, de Courten, Maximilian, Collier, Greg R, Goldberg, R. B, Skyler, J. S and Schneiderman, N (1999) Is fasting leptin associated with insulin resistance among nondiabetic individuals? The Miami Community Health Study. Diabetes Care, 22 (7). pp. 1092-1096. ISSN 0149-5992 (print) 1935-5548 (online)
Shaw, J. E, Hodge, Allison M ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-2197, de Courten, Maximilian, Chitson, Pierrot and Zimmet, Paul
Isolated post-challenge hyperglycaemia confirmed as a risk factor for mortality.
Diabetologia, 42 (9).
pp. 1050-1054.
ISSN 0012-186X (print) 1432-0428 (online)
Barnett, Neil S and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Issues of Estimation in the Monitoring of Constant Flow Continuous Streams. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Craven, Bruce Desmond and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Jensen-Type Inequalities for Invex Functions. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Brusic, Vladimir and Zeleznikow, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-2644
Knowledge discovery and data-mining in biological databases.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 14 (3).
pp. 257-277.
ISSN 0269-8889
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Lobatto Type Quadrature Rules for Functions with Bounded Derivative. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Qi, Feng (1999) Logarithmic Convexities of the Extended Mean Values. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
Blazev, Ronnie and Lamb, GD (1999) Low [ATP] and elevated [Mg²⁺] reduce depolarization-induced Ca²⁺ release in rat skinned skeletal muscle fibres. The Journal of Physiology, 520 (1). 203 - 215. ISSN 1469-7793
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Midpoint Type Rules from an Inequalities Point of View. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Giesecke, James A (1999) Modelling the regional consequences of Commonwealth policy : the case of the fringe benefits tax. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 5 (3). pp. 365-375. ISSN 1324-0935
Qi, Feng (1999) Monotonicity Results and Inequalities for the Gamma and Incomplete Gamma Functions. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Motivation and perceptions of control: Tracing its development and plotting its future in exercise and sport psychology.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 21 (1).
ISSN 0895-2779
McConell, Glenn ORCID: 0000-0002-8572-9065, Snow, RJ, Proietto, J and Hargreaves, M
Muscle metabolism during prolonged exercise in humans: Influence of carbohydrate availability.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 87 (3).
1083 - 1086.
ISSN 8750-7587
Dragomir, Sever S, Barnett, Neil S and Cerone, Pietro (1999) An N-Dimensional Version of Ostrowski's Inequality For Mappings of the Hölder Type. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cerone, Pietro and Roumeliotis, John (1999) A New Generalization of Ostrowski's Integral Inequality for Mappings Whose Derivatives are Bounded and Applications in Numerical Integration and for Special Means. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Cerone, Pietro, Dragomir, Sever S, Roumeliotis, John and Sunde, Jadranka (1999) A New Generalization of the Trapezoid Formula for n-Time Differentiable Mappings and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) New Inequalities for Convex Functions with Applications for the N-Entropy of a Discrete Random Variable. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Dragomir, Sever S, Pearce, Charles and Pecaric, Josep (1999) New Inequalities for Logarithmic Map and Their Application for Entropy and Mutual Information. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A New Upper Bound for the Kullback-Leibler Distance and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
Bradley, Scott J, Kingwell, BA and McConell, Glenn ORCID: 0000-0002-8572-9065
Nitric oxide synthase inhibition reduces leg glucose uptake but not blood flow during dynamic exercise in humans.
Diabetes, 48 (9).
1815 - 1821.
ISSN 0012-1797
Rosenman, Linda (1999) Not Just Surviving But Living: Policy and Income for Retirement and Old Age. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 18 (S3). pp. 38-43. ISSN 1440-6381
Sándor, József (1999) On Certain Inequalities for Means, III. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Dragomir, Sever S, Agarwal, R. P and Cerone, Pietro (1999) On Simpson's Inequality and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Gal, Sorin G and Anastassiou, George A (1999) On Some Shift Invariant Multivariate, Integral Operators, Revisited. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Dragomir, Sever S, Comănescu, Dan, Cho, Yeol Je and Kim, Seong Sik (1999) On Toricelli's Problem in Inner Product Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (3).
Dragomir, Sever S and McAndrew, Alasdair (1999) On Trapezoid Inequality Via a Grüss Type Result and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Cerone, Pietro, Roumeliotis, John and Hanna, George T (1999) On Weighted Three Point Quadrature Rules. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Tomovski, Živorad (1999) On a Bojanic-Stanojevic Type Inequality and its Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S and Booth, Geoff L (1999) On a Grüss-Lupas Type Inequality and its Application for the Estimation of p-Moments of Guessing Mappings. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Yang, B and Debnath, L (1999) On a New Generalization of Hilbert's Integral Inequality and its Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) On a Weighted Generalization of Iyengar Type Inequalities Involving Bounded First Derivative. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Dragomir, Sever S, Dragomir, Nicoleta and Pranesh, Kumar (1999) On an Inequality for Logarithms and Applications in Information Theory. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) On the Cauchy-Buniakowsky-Schwartz's Inequality for Sequences in Inner Product Spaces. RGMIA research report collection.
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) On the Ostrowski Integral Inequality for Lipschitzian Mappings and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) On the Ostrowski's Integral Inequality for Mappings with Bounded Variation and Applications. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Dragomir, Sever S, Barnett, Neil S and Wang, Song (1999) An Ostrowski Type Inequality for a Random Variable Whose Probability Density Fuction Belongs To Lp [A,B], P > 1. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Hanna, George T, Cerone, Pietro and Roumeliotis, John (1999) An Ostrowski Type Inequality in Two Dimensions Using the Three Point Rule. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Qi, Feng, Mei, Jia-Qiang and Xu, Sen-Lin (1999) Other Proofs of Monotonicity for Generalized Weighted Mean Values. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
McMahon, Lawrence P, McKenna, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-9998-0093, Sangkabutra, Termboon, Mason, Kim, Sostaric, Simon, Skinner, Sandford L, Burge, Caroline M, Murphy, Brendan and Crankshaw, David P
Physical performance and associated electrolyte changes after haemoglobin normalization: a comparative study in haemodialysis patients.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 14 (5).
pp. 1182-1187.
ISSN 0931-0509 (print) 1460-2385 (online)
Johnson, D. L, Hallinan, Christopher J and Westerfield, R. C (1999) Picturing success: photographs and stereotyping in men's collegiate basketball. Journal of Sports Behavior, 22 (1). pp. 45-53. ISSN 0162-7341
Lintunen, T, Valkonen, A, Leskinen, E and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Predicting physical activity intentions using a goal perspectives approach: A study of Finnish youth.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 9 (6).
344 - 352.
ISSN 1600-0838
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895, Soos, Istvan and Chatzisarantis, Nikos
Predicting physical activity intentions using a goal perspectives approach: A study of Hungarian youth.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 9 (6).
353 - 357.
ISSN 0905-7188
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895, Soos, Istvan and Chatzisarantis, Nikos
Predicting physical activity intentions using goal perspectives and self-determination theory approaches.
European Psychologist, 4 (2).
83 - 89.
ISSN 1016-9040
Moore, Susan and Ohtsuka, Keis (1999) The Prediction of Gambling Behavior and Problem Gambling from Attitudes and Perceived Norms. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 27 (5). pp. 455-466.
Xia, Da-Feng, Xu, Sen-Lin and Qi, Feng (1999) A Proof of the Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean-Harmonic Mean Inequalities. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Morris, FL, Payne, Warren ORCID: 0000-0001-5046-3992 and Wark, JD
Prospective decrease in progesterone concentrations in female lightweight rowers during the competition season compared with the off season: A controlled study examining weight loss and intensive exercise.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 33 (6).
417 - 422.
ISSN 0306-3674
Stathis, Christos ORCID: 0000-0003-0064-9523, Zhao, Shuang, Carey, Michael F and Snow, RJ
Purine loss after repeated spring bouts in humans.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 87 (6).
pp. 2037-2042.
ISSN 8750-7587
Weller, Sally Anne and Webber, M (1999) Re-employment after retrenchment: evidence from the TCF industry study. The Australian economic review, 32 (2). pp. 105-129. ISSN 0004-9018
McCann, Terence ORCID: 0000-0003-1109-0438
Reluctance amongst nurses and doctors to care for and treat patients with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 11 (3).
pp. 355-359.
ISSN 0954-0121
Deery, Phillip (1999) Science, Security and the Cold War: an Australian dimension. War and Society, 17 (1). pp. 81-99. ISSN 0729-2473
Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Bishop, Brian and Drew, Neil M
Sense of Community: Issues and Considerations From a Cross-cultural Perspective.
Community, Work & Family, 2 (2).
pp. 205-218.
ISSN 1366-8803
Qi, Feng (1999) Several Integral Inequalities. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Wang, Xiao N, Williams, Trevor J, McKenna, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-9998-0093, Li, Jia Li, Fraser, Steve F, Side, Eleonora A, Snell, Gregory I, Walters, EH and Carey, Michael F
Skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, fibre type, and metabolites after lung transplantation.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 160 (1).
pp. 57-63.
ISSN 1535-4970 1073-449X
Wright, Russell (1999) Skin Taunts: Governing Racial Abuse in Australian Rules Football. Arena Magazine (42). 18 - 19. ISSN 1039-1010
Fryer, Gary ORCID: 0000-0001-8151-7279
Somatic Dysfunction: Updating the Concept.
Australian Journal of Osteopathy, 10 (2).
pp. 14-19.
ISSN 1035-6274
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Some Classes of Continuous Linear Functionals in Smooth Normed Spaces. RGMIA research report collection.
Barnett, Neil S and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Some Elementary Inequalities for the Expectation and Variance of a Random Variable whose PDF is defined on a Finite Interval. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Dragomir, Sever S and Mabizela, Sizwe G (1999) Some Error Estimates in the Trapezoidal Quadrature Rule. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cho, Yeol Je and Kim, Seong Sik (1999) Some Existence Theorems for Operatorial Equations in Hilbert Spaces. RGMIA research report collection.
Topsøe, Flemming (1999) Some Inequalities for Information Divergence and Related Measures of Discrimination. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Barnett, Neil S and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Some Inequalities for Random Variables whose Probability Density Functions are Bounded using a Pre-Grüss Inequality. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Barnett, Neil S, Cerone, Pietro, Dragomir, Sever S and Roumeliotis, John (1999) Some Inequalities for the Dispersion of a Random Variable whose PDF is Defined on a Finite Interval. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Cho, Yeol Je, Dragomir, Sever S, White, A and Kim, Seong Sik (1999) Some Inequalities in 2-inner Product Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Dragomir, Sever S and Mond, Bert (1999) Some Inequalities of Aczél Type for Gramians in Inner Product Spaces. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (2).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cerone, Pietro and Sofo, Anthony (1999) Some Remarks on the Trapezoid Rule In Numerical Integration. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Tomovski, Z (1999) Some results on L¹ approximation of the r-th derivate of Fourier series. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (5).
Jerie, Michael, O'Connor, JER and Prince, GE (1999) Spacetime symmetries for the Kerr metric. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 16 (9). 2885 - 2887. ISSN 0264-9381
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Subjects or participants?
Journal of Sports Sciences, 17 (4).
261 - 261.
ISSN 1466-447X
Longo, Michael (1999) Subsidiarity and Local Environmental Governance: A Comparative and Reform Perspective. University of Tasmania Law Review, 18 (2). 225 - 246. ISSN 0082-2108
Longo, Michael (1999) Subsidiary and local environmental governance: a comparative and reform perspective. University of Tasmania Law Review, 18 (2). pp. 225-246. ISSN 0082-2108
(1999) Tapol bulletin no, 151, March 1999. Tapol bulletin (151). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1999) Tapol bulletin no, 152, May 1999. Tapol bulletin (152). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1999) Tapol bulletin no, 153, July 1999. Tapol bulletin (153). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
(1999) Tapol bulletin no, 154/155, November 1999. Tapol bulletin (154). pp. 1-36. ISSN 1356-1154
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Targeting goal: but which goal ? Motivating the child in football.
Insight : The F.A. Coaches Association Journal, 4.
40 - 40.
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Three Point Identities and Inequalities for n-time Differential Functions. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Three Point Quadrature Rules Involving, at Most, a First Derivative. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (4).
(1999) Timor link, no. 46, February 1999. Timor link (46). pp. 1-8.
(1999) Timor link, no. 47, June 1999. Timor link (47). pp. 1-16.
(1999) Timor link, no. 48, December 1999. Timor link (48). pp. 1-8.
Cerone, Pietro and Dragomir, Sever S (1999) Trapezoidal Type Rules from an Inequalities Point of View. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Hood, Bernadette, Egan, Ronnie, Gridley, Heather and Brew, Christine (1999) Treatment options for depression: women and primary service providers. Australian journal of primary health, 5 (2). pp. 38-52. ISSN 1448-7527
Tomovski, Zivorad (1999) Two New L¹ - Estimates for Trigonometric Series with Fomin's Coefficient Condition. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Hallinan, Christopher J, Bruce, Toni and Coram, Stella (1999) Up Front and Beyond the Centre Line: Australian Aborigines in Elite Australian Rules Football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 34. pp. 369-383. ISSN 1012-6902
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Variational Characterization for the Best Approximation Element. RGMIA research report collection.
Dragomir, Sever S (1999) A Variational Characterization of Reflexivity and Strict Convexity. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (6).
Dragomir, Sever S, Cerone, Pietro, Roumeliotis, John and Wang, Song (1999) A Weighted Version of Ostrowski Inequality for Mappings of Holder Type and Applications in Numerical Analysis. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (1).
Crasmareanu, Mircea (1999) Weighted inequalities in triangle geometry. RGMIA research report collection, 2 (7).
Young, Janet ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-0691 and Pain, Michelle
The Zone: Evidence of a universal phenomenon for athletes across sports.
Athletic Insight : the online journal of sport psychology, 1 (3).
pp. 21-30.
ISSN 1947-6299
Hatzigeorgiadis, A and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
The effects of goal orientation and perceived competence on cognitive interference during tennis and snooker performance.
Journal of Sport Behavior, 22 (4).
479 - 501.
ISSN 0162-7341
Bishop, David ORCID: 0000-0002-6956-9188, Jenkins, David G, Mackinnon, Laurel T, McEniery, Michael and Carey, Michael F
The effects of strength training on endurance performance and muscle characteristics.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , 31 (6).
pp. 886-891.
ISSN 0195-9131 (print) 1530-0315 (online)
Stranieri, Andrew, Zeleznikow, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-2644, Gawler, Mark and Lewis, Bryn
A hybrid rule – neural approach for the automation of legal reasoning in the discretionary domain of family law in Australia.
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 7 (2-3).
pp. 153-183.
ISSN 0924-8463
Morris, FL, Payne, Warren ORCID: 0000-0001-5046-3992 and Wark, JD
The impact of intense training on endogenous estrogen and progesterone concentrations and bone mineral acquisition in adolescent rowers.
Osteoporosis International, 10 (5).
361 - 368.
ISSN 0937-941X
Devlin, Marcia ORCID: 0000-0001-6311-9103
An interview schedule for use in the assessment of tertiary students’ learning development needs.
Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 16 (2).
22 - 28.
ISSN 0816-5122
Ntoumanis, N, Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 and Haddock, G
The mediating role of coping strategies on the relationship between achievement motivation and affect in sport.
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 12 (3).
299 - 327.
ISSN 1061-5806
Barrie, Cameron ORCID: 0000-0003-0179-006X
A mouthpiece of writers: the contribution of Australian libraries.
The Australian Library Journal, 48 (3).
263 - 269.
ISSN 0004-9670
Konieczny, JD and Waschik, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-9306-1803
The nonequivalence of tariffs and quotas in a dynamic trade model.
Review of International Economics, 7 (4).
590 - 596.
ISSN 0965-7576
Scarpaci, Carol, Bigger, Stephen W, Saville, Troy A and Nugegoda, Dayanthi (1999) A rare sighting of the Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist, 116 (2). pp. 65-67. ISSN 0042-5184
Ntoumanis, N and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
The relationship between achievement goal profile groups and perceptions of motivational climates in sport.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 8 (2).
120 - 124.
ISSN 0905-7188
Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676
A research classification model and some (marketing oriented) reasons for studying the culture of sport organisations.
European Journal for Sport Management, 6 (2).
69 - 87.
ISSN 1029-712X
Ntoumanis, N and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
A review of motivational climate in physical activity.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 17 (8).
643 - 665.
ISSN 0264-0414
Blatch, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-8577 and Lässle, M
The tetratricopeptide repeat: A structural motif mediating protein-protein interactions.
BioEssays, 21 (11).
pp. 932-939.
ISSN 0265-9247
Pookong, Kee and King, Brian, eds. (1999) Asia-Pacific Tourism: Regional Co-operation, Planning and Development. Hospitality Press, Melbourne.
Bilbrough, Paola (1999) Bell Tongue. Victoria University Press, Wellington, N.Z..
Francis, Ronald (1999) Ethics for psychologists: a handbook. BPS Books, Leicester, UK.
(1999) Human rights in East Timor : Indonesia defies UN & the international community. Bi-annual report of human rights violations in East Timor, Jan to Jun 1999 . East Timor Human Rights Centre, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Sinott, T, Gable, G. G and Hawking, Paul, eds. (1999) Proceedings of the 3rd Annual SAP Asia Pacific Institutes of Higher Learning Forum : maximizing the synergy between teaching, research and business. SAP Australia, North Sydney, New South Wales.
Vanden Auwelle, Y, Bakker, F, Durand, M, Seiler, R and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895, eds.
Psychology for physical educators.
Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois.
Fazio, TD (1999) Studying in Australia: A guide for international students. Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards, NSW.
Thompson, Laura and Moore, Fiona (1999) Your future, our health : footsteps towards health careers for young Koories. Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Collingwood, Victoria.
Book Section
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895
Adherence to sport and physical activity in children and youth.
Adherence issues in exercise and sport.
Bull, SJ, ed.
John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 111-144.
Foley, Gary (1999) Australia and the Holocaust : a Koori perspective. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 74-87.
Foley, Gary (1999) The Battle for Goonininup. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 62-69.
King, Brian and Pookong, Kee (1999) Conclusion and future prospects. In: Asia-Pacific Tourism: Regional Co-operation, Planning and Development. King, Brian and Pookong, Kee, eds. Hospitality Press, Melbourne, pp. 211-215.
de Courten, Maximilian, McCarty, D and Zimmet, P (1999) Diagnosis: the scale of the problem and future risks. In: Type 2 Diabetes: Prediction and Prevention. Hitman, Graham, ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 351-364.
Carroll, Jeanne (1999) Discovering the story behind the snapshot: using life histories to give a human face to statistical interpretations. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the International Group for Psychology of Mathematics Education. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Haifa, Israel.
Bhum, Daejin and Morris, Tony (1999) Effects of physical and psychological stressors on central and peripheral visual attention. In: Psychology of sport and exercise : enhancing the quality of life. Hosek, Vaclav, Tilinger, Pavel and Bilek, Lubos, eds. Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Prague, pp. 96-98.
Vrcelj, Zora, Bradford, Mark A and Uy, Brian (1999) Elastic buckling modes in unpropped continuous composite tee-beams. In: Mechanics of structures and materials : proceedings of the 16th Australasian conference on the mechanics of structures and materials, Sydney, New South Wales, 8-10 December 1999. Bradford, Mark A, Bridge, Russell Q and Foster, Stephen J, eds. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 327-334.
Shaw, J. E, de Courten, Maximilian and Zimmet, P. Z (1999) The Epidemiology of Diabetes: A Worldwide Problem. In: Diabetes in the new millennium. Turtle, John R, Kaneko, Toshio and Osato, Shuichi, eds. Endocrinology and Diabetes Research Foundation of the University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 1-9.
Ng, A. W. M, Takyi, A. K and Perera, B. J. C (1999) Evaluation of water quality management policies for the Yarra River basin. In: Water 99 joint congress : 25th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2nd International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research: handbook and proceedings, 6-8 July 1999, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia. Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, ACT, pp. 864-869.
White, Leanne and Economou, Nicholas (1999) The Fourth Estate and the Kennett Government. In: The Kennett Revolution: Victorian Politics in the 1990s. Costar, Brian and Economou, Nicholas, eds. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, N.S.W..
Foley, Gary (1999) From the NAACP to the Nation of Islam: a study of race relations in America. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 112-118.
Hawking, Paul, Ramp, Adrian and Shackleton, Peter (1999) IS'97 model curriculum and enterprise resource planning systems. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual SAP Asia Pacific Institutes of Higher Learning Forum : maximizing the synergy between teaching, research and business. Sinott, T, Gable, G. G and Hawking, Paul, eds. SAP Australia, North Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 77-88.
Pookong, Kee and King, Brian (1999) Introduction. In: Asia-Pacific Tourism: Regional Co-operation, Planning and Development. Pookong, Kee and King, Brian, eds. Hospitality Press, Melbourne, pp. 17-21.
Foley, Gary (1999) Issues of history: cinematic and historical issues raised by Schindler's List and Shoah. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 95-103. (Unpublished)
Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 and Chatzisarantis, Nikos
Motivation for a physically active lifestyle through physical education.
Psychology for physical educators.
Auweele, Y, Bakker, F, Biddle, S, Durand, M and Seiler, R, eds.
Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 5-26.
Best, Russell, Begg, Rezaul, Ball, Kevin and James, Lisa (1999) New measures to assess the likelihood of tripping while walking. In: The Science of Ageing : Ageing in the Third Millennium : Inaugural National Conference, Mooney Valley Racecourse, Melbourne : Monday & Tuesday, 29th & 30th November 1999. National Ageing Research Institute, Parkville, Vic., p. 35.
Watt, Anthony P and Morris, Tony (1999) Reliability, factor structure, and criterion validity of the Sport Imagery Ability Measure (SIAM). In: Proceedings of the 3rd international congress of the Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, Wuhan, China, pp. 330-332.
Foley, Gary (1999) Snake tales : review of second instalment of Dr. R. Sykes autobiography. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 70-72.
Spittle, Michael and Morris, Tony (1999) State and trait measurement of imagery perspectives. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, Wuhan, China, pp. 327-329.
Foley, Gary (1999) Strategic Considerations in the Struggle for Social Justice for Indigenous People: Whiteness and Blackness in the Koori Struggle for Self-Determination. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 30-61.
Morris, Tony and Bhum, Daejin (1999) Stress management and central and peripheral visual attention in exerting and stressful conditions. In: Psychology of sport and exercise : enhancing the quality of life. Hosek, Vaclav, Tilinger, Pavel and Bilek, Lubos, eds. Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Prague, pp. 53-55.
McVey, Mike and King, Brian (1999) Tourism in the Pacific Island microstates: regional experience and prospects. In: Asia-Pacific Tourism: Regional Co-operation, Planning & Development. Pookong, Kee and King, Brian, eds. Hospitality Press, Melbourne, pp. 55-70.
Zhang, Christabel Ming, Sillitoe, James and Webb, Janis (1999) Valuing cultural diversity in student learning : the academic adjustment experiences of international Chinese students. In: Cornerstones : what do we value in higher education? Proceedings, July 12-15, Melbourne, Australia, 1999. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (Victorian Branch), Melbourne.
Foley, Gary (1999) What are the limits, and the possibilities, for representing the Holocaust on film? In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 88-94.
Foley, Gary (1999) What factors help account for the violence and destruction generated by Nazis? In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 104-108.
Szendroe, Andrea (1999) Working with cancer patients. In: Cancer Facts: A Concise Oncology Text. Bishop, J, ed. CRC Press, The Netherlands, pp. 377-380.
Ohtsuka, Keis and Maddern, Robyn (1999) Youth gambling in Australia (1996-97). In: National Association for Gambling Studies Practitioners Conference Proceedings Adelaide 1998. National Association for Gambling Studies, Kew, Vic., Australia, pp.175 to 183.
Larner, Chris and Morris, Tony (1999) An examination of the trait and state concepts of direction of anxiety in sport. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, Wuhan, China, pp. 118-120.
James, Lisa, Begg, Rezaul and Best, Russell (1999) The likelihood of healthy individuals tripping while walking. In: Abstracts. Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 14-15.
Best, Russell, Begg, Rezaul and James, Lisa (1999) The probability of hitting an unseen obstacle while walking. In: International Society of Biomechanics, XVIIth Congress : Calgary Convention Centre, Calgary, Canada, August 8-13th 1999 : book of abstracts. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alt., p. 234.
Hawking, Paul and McCarthy, Brendan (1999) The teaching of enterprise resource planning systems (SAP R/3) in Australian universities. In: Proceedings of Pan Pacific Conference XVI : preparing for the global economy of the new millennium, May 31-June, 1999 Fiji. Lee, Sang M, Old, Geoff and Reddy, Narendra, eds. Pan-Pacific Business Association, Fiji, pp. 111-113.
Foley, Gary (1999) The textual and aesthetic characteristics that define television. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 119-127.
Conference or Workshop Item
Watt, Anthony P and Morris, Tony (1999) Convergent and discriminant validity of the sport imagery ability measure. In: 5th IOC World Congress on Sport Sciences with the Annual Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport 1999, 31 October - 5 November 1999, Sydney, Australia.
Rogers, Helen, Tammen, Vance and Morris, Tony (1999) Goals of recreational exercise participants: an interview based study. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the Asia South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, 1999, Wuhan, China.
Day, Daniel, Gu, Min and Smallridge, Andrew (1999) High-density erasable three-dimensional optical bit data storage in a photorefractive polymer using two-photon excitation. In: Optical Data Storage, 11 July 1999-16 July 1999, Kauai, HI, United States.
Clayton, Berwyn (1999) Joining the dots: making the connections between VET research and VET practitioners. In: AVETRA 1999, 2nd Annual Conference "Quality and diversity in VET research", 11-12 February 1999, Storey Hall, RMIT, Melbourne, Victoria.
McLaren, John (1999) Nationalism and imperialism – Australia’s ambivalent relationship to Papua New Guinea and the Pacific islands. In: Ninth Biennial Symposium on the Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region, 1999, Singapore. (Unpublished)
Tufvesson, F, Faulkner, Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-6777-1481, Hoeher, P and Edfors, O
OFDM time and frequency synchronization by spread spectrum pilot technique.
In: 1999 IEEE Communications Theory Mini-Conference (Cat. No.99EX352), 6 Jun 1999 - 10 Jun 1999, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Burke, Michael (1999) Obeying Until it Hurts: child sexual abuse in sports. In: Sport and Social Justice: Policy and Practice Conference, September 1-3, 2000, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Parker, Doreen (1999) Performance indicators : an Australian dual sector perspective. In: The 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 26-31 August 1999, Newcastle, U.K.. (Submitted)
Ibrahimi, Takyi and Lechte, P. (1999) Wastewater Treatment Using Grass Filtration. In: Water Pollution 99.
Zeller, Bruno (1999) CISG and China. Working Paper. Pace Law School, New York, USA.
Harrison, W. Jill, Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763 and Pearson, Kenneth
Decomposing Simulation Results with Respect to Exogenous Shocks.
Working Paper.
Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Ginting, Edimon and Powell, Alan (1999) The Economy-wide Impact of Better Governance: Cutting Informal Taxes in Indonesia. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Abayasiri-Silva, Kaludura and Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763
The Effects of Current Fiscal Restraint on the Australian Economy: an Applied General Equilibrium Analysis with Imperfect Competition.
Working Paper.
Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763
A General Equilibrium Model of Australia's Premier City.
Working Paper.
Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Sheehan, Peter ORCID: 0000-0001-9450-8371
The Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for China's Development.
Working Paper.
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Dixon, Peter and Rimmer, Maureen T (1999) The Government's Tax Package: Further Analysis based on the MONASH Model. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (COPS).
Walmsley, Terrie L (1999) Incorporating International Capital Ownership into the GTAP Model: Results for Asia-Pacific Trade Liberalisation. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Kalb, Guyonne R (1999) Labour Supply and Welfare Participation in Australian Two-Adult Households: Comparing 1986/87 with 1994/95. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Abayasiri-Silva, Kaludura (1999) Market Power in Australian Manufacturing Industry: A Confirmation of Hall's Hypothesis. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Whiteman, John L (1999) The Measurement Of Efficiency Where There Are Multiple Outputs. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Houghton, John, Pappas, Nick and Sheehan, Peter ORCID: 0000-0001-9450-8371
'New Manufacturing': One Approach to the Knowledge Economy.
Working Paper.
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
(1999) Para o bem de Timor : East Timor Human Resource Development Programme research report, February 1999. Other. Oxfam, United Kingdom.
Ginting, Edimon (1999) Tax Evasion in a Corrupt Economy. Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Crow, Ruth (1999) We celebrate her life and work : Ruth Hope Crow AM. Una Voce. Other. Crow Collection Association .
Das, Gouranga Gopal (1999) What is Assumed in the GTAP Database's Disaggregation of Labor by Skill Level? Working Paper. Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS).
Foley, Gary (1999) Gary Foley to John Moriarty, the Chair of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board re support for Queensland Art Gallery Lin Onus Retrospective. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
McLaren, John (1999) Globalism and the open society. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Foley, Gary (1999) Koori engagement with television. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Foley, Gary (1999) Native Title is not Land Rights, and Reconciliation is not Justice. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Foley, Gary (1999) Native Title is not Land Rights: an Alternative Indigenous Perspective. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Butterworth, Iain Mark (1999) Adult environmental education : a community psychology perspective. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Elliot, John Gerard (1999) Airway dimensions in the sudden infant death syndrome. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Signorini, Annette (1999) All in it together. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.
Mayaka, Melphon (1999) Assessing tourism industry training and education: the case of the tour operating sector in Kenya. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Hein, Rodger W (1999) Australian responses to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Honours thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Yang, Xiaoying (1999) Bi-directional evolutionary method for stiffness and displacement optimisation. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Ball, Kevin (1999) Body Sway and Aim Point Fluctuation in Rifle and Pistol Shooters. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Milburn, Nicole (1999) Borderline personality disorder: a study of adult personality and childhood trauma. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Yan, Liuling (1999) Cloning and characterisation of the waxy genes of wheat and investigation of their potential applications. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Freitas, João Câncio da Costa (1999) Devising a strategic plan for the development of East Timor : a framework for the future. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Mitchell, Kathryn (1999) Dual Occupancy and its Impact on Metropolitan Growth in Melbourne (1986 - 1992). Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Rees, Melissa Paige (1999) Effect of accelerated boning of pork carcasses on fresh meat quality and tenderisation. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Li, Jia Li (1999) Effects of altered physical activity on human skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium regulation. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Tse, Kwok Chung (1999) Efficient storage and retrieval methods for multimedia information. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Bogdanov, Valentin Kanchev (1999) Energy exchange processes in erbium-doped fluoride glasses. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Klopovic, Suzana (1999) Experimental and computational study of flames venting externally during full scale flashover fires. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Manuelpillai, Usula Chandini (1999) Expression and effects of epidermal growth factor related peptides in human term gestational tissue. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
He, Huiling (1999) Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A and its Receptors in Uteroplacental Tissues of the Normotensive and Hypertensive Pregnant Rat. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Anderson, Evelyn A (1999) Family-friendliness of working time provisions in Australian enterprise agreements. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Taylor, Victor (1999) Fault location on EHV lines using wideband spread spectrum techniques. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Nguyen, Vu Thua (1999) Finite element simulation of Durelli's photoelastic stress minimization method for shape optimization. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Messinis, George (1999) Habit Modification in Consumption: Theory and Evidence. PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne.
Lee, Janet Amadeo (1999) If we were the editors : Filipinos in Melbourne, Australia reading their community newspaper. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Hoque, Mohammad Ziaul (1999) Industrial loan default: the case of Bangladesh. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Wijesuriya, Wipulal Sardha (1999) Investigation of the relationships between biomass reduction, soil disturbance, soil nutrients and weed invasion in basalt plains native grassland remnants in Victoria, Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Vari, Rosa Maria (1999) Is the incidence of telecommuting as an alternative work arrangement increasing in the Federal public sector? Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Cappello, Anthony (1999) Italian Australians, the church, war and fascism in Melbourne, 1919-1945. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Pickett, Matthew Charles (1999) Lidar and infrared radiometer studies of stratocumulus clouds. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Anderson, Deidre (1999) Lifeskill intervention and elite athletic performance. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Schilders, Steven Paul (1999) Microscopic imaging in turbid media. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Cole, Martin (1999) Modelling of disturbed flow regimes in aspirated pipe systems. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Bowkett, Glenn Christopher (1999) Nd:YVO4 microchip lasers and amplifiers. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Hayes, Nyuk S (1999) Outsourcing of typical accounting functions: impact on the accounting services industry. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Kerr, Rosemary (1999) Planning and practice: factors impacting on the development of initial education in Nepal, with special reference to English language teaching, 1950-1995. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Richardson, Heather (1999) Postgraduate course satisfaction and good teaching : do daily hassles and demographics make a difference? Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Anderson, Kevin (1999) Practical multiuser detection algorithms for CDMA. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Gowans, Catherine J (1999) Second language learning strategies and factors affecting their use: a qualitative study of the experiences of missionaries in Nepal. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Tat, Mehmet Ali (1999) Stochastic Modelling and Optimal Control of Compartment Fires. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Guo, Wenbin (1999) Strategies for Entering the Chinese Outbound Travel Market. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Yang, Shihua (1999) Students' attitudes towards first-year university mathematics: a comparison between Australian and Asian born students. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Radovanovic, Milica (1999) Synthesis of novel thyroid hormone analogues. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Wade, Scott A (1999) Temperature measurement using rare earth doped fibre fluorescence. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Clancy, Paul (1999) Time and probablity of failure of timber framed walls in fire. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
O'Halloran, Michael (1999) Working conditions of Vietnamese-Australian people with limited English language skills. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Jegasothy, Hemalatha (1999) An alternative quantitative method and molecular genetics of amylose in Australian wheats. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Yu, Ming (1999) The design of an H∞ voltage regulator for a predictive current controlled three phase PWM power converter. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Campbell, Stuart John (1999) The eco-physiology of macroalgae from a temperate marine embayment in southern Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Nester, Barry Wayne (1999) An examination of critical issues in traditional Chinese acupuncture research. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Kusuma, Hadri (1999) The information content of the cash flow statement : an empirical investigation. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Cameron, Melainie (1999) An international study of osteopathic practice. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Strubel, Brian Paul (1999) An investigation into the factors which influence heterosexual social interactions (dating) success in Australian youth. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Gow, Greg (1999) The language of culture and the culture of language : Oromo identity in Melbourne, Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Currie, Norma (1999) The management of the non-clinical knowledge of nurses within North Western Health. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Muttucumaru, Rushan Lloyd (1999) A new algorithm for load shedding in an industrial cogeneration power plant. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Askraba, Sreten (1999) A new vibrational technique for measurement of stress variations in thin films. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
James, Lisa (1999) The probability of elderly individuals hitting obstacles during walking. Honours thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Hede, Anne-Marie (1999) A research agenda for the study of empowerment in hospitality organisations. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Mitchell, Ian Robert (1999) A spectroscopic study of Nd3+ and Pr3+ doped fluorozirconate glass. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Kostraby, Margaret Mary (1999) The yeast mediated synthesis of the l-ephedrine precursor, l-phenylacetylcarbinol, in an organic solvent. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.