Andrew, Martin
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Andrew, Martin ORCID: 0000-0002-0108-5195 and Razoumova, Oksana
ORCID: 0000-0001-8669-4485
Different voices, diverse journeys: Exploring reflections on practicum learning.
Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Learning & Teaching).
pp. 9-19.
ISSN 1179-9528
Andrew, Martin and Razoumova, Oksana ORCID: 0000-0001-8669-4485
“Learning on my feet": the learning value of a structured TESOL practicum portfolio.
TESOLANZ Journal, 27.
pp. 29-43.
Andrew, Martin, Amirullah, Amirullah and Eckersley, William ORCID: 0000-0002-7235-7186
Portraits of Indonesian Language Learners as Imagined Bilinguals.
New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 21 (1).
39 - 52.
ISSN 1173-5562
Andrew, Martin and Romova, Z (2014) Teaching and learning academic writing: narratives of future direction. TESOLANZ Journal, 22. 43 - 54. ISSN 1172-9694
Andrew, Martin (2014) Community and individuality: Teaching and learning insights from a postgraduate online writing program. SAGE Open, 4 (3). ISSN 2158-2440
Andrew, Martin and Rajendran, D (2014) Using Film to Elucidate Leadership Effectiveness Models: Reflections on Authentic Learning Experiences. JUTLP, 11 (1). 1 - 14. ISSN 1449-9789
Banks, Glenda and Andrew, Martin (2013) Populating a Historical Novel: a case study of a practice-led research approach to historiographic metafiction. Bukker Tillibul: The Online Journal of Writing and Practice-led Research (7). ISSN 1835-0836
Andrew, Martin (2013) Language learners can "make a difference": Benefits of a volunteering option for students of English as an Additional Language. European Journal of Business and Social Science, 1 (12). 201 - 215. ISSN 2235-767X
Andrew, Martin (2012) Concert Review: Bach Musica NZ, Christchurch Vespers. New Zealand Opera News (Oct/Nov 2012). 62 - 65. ISSN 0114-7099
Andrew, Martin (2012) Forewarned is forearmed: The brave new world of (Creative) Writing online. Text, 16 (2). ISSN 1327-9556
Andrew, Martin (2012) Authentic Cultural and Linguistic Learning through Practicum in a Nursing Home. TESL-EJ, 16 (1). ISSN 1072-4303
Banks, Glenda and Andrew, Martin (2012) Migrating from nonfiction to fiction: a practice-led approach drawing on a literary journalist's notional tool-box. Text, 16 (1). ISSN 1327-9556
Andrew, Martin and Romova, Z (2012) Genre, discourse and imagined communities: the learning gains of academic writing learners. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 6 (1). A/77 - A/88. ISSN 1835-5196
Andrew, Martin (2012) Supervising doctorates at a distance: Three trans-Tasman stories. Quality Assurance in Education, 20 (1). 42 - 53. ISSN 0968-4883
Andrew, Martin (2011) 'The real world': lived literacy practices and cultural learning from community placement. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 34 (2). pp. 219-235. ISSN 1038-1562
Romova, Zina and Andrew, Martin (2011) Teaching and assessing academic writing via the portfolio: benefits for learners of English as an additional language. Assessing Writing, 16 (2). pp. 111-122. ISSN 1075-2935
Andrew, Martin and Kearney, Celine (2011) Reshaping educational experience by investing in community. Southern Institute of Technology Journal of Applied Research. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1175-1061
Andrew, Martin (2011) Reshaping educational experience by volunteering in the community: language learners in the real world. Journal of Intercultural Communication (25). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1404-1634
Andrew, Martin (2011) "Like a newborn baby": using journals to record changing identities beyond the classroom. TESL Canada Journal, 29 (1). pp. 57-76. ISSN 0826-435X
Kearney, Celine and Andrew, Martin (2009) Beyond buzzy bees and kiwi fruit: constructing culture in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Journal of Adult Learning Aotearoa New Zealand, 37 (1). pp. 44-56. ISSN 1176-4023
Andrew, Martin (2009) Deepened Mirrors of Cultural Learning: Expressing Identity Through E-writing. CALICO Journal, 26 (2). pp. 324-336. ISSN 0742-7778
Andrew, Martin and Kearney, Celine (2007) Practicing in and learning from community placements. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 13 (2). pp. 31-45. ISSN 1173-5562
Hadfield, Jill, Hadfield, Charles and Andrew, Martin (2006) Estate agent language. ELT Journal, 60 (1). pp. 71-75. ISSN 0951-0893 (print) 1477-4526 (online)
Andrew, Martin (2006) Speaking about film and learning about speaking: teaching speaking through film study. TESOLANZ Journal, 14. pp. 16-31. ISSN 1172-9694
Hadfield, Jill, Hadfield, Charles and Andrew, Martin (2006) Text messages : estate agent language. ELT Journal, 60 (1). 71 - 75. ISSN 0951-0893
Andrew, Martin (2005) Marking for process, self-reflection and autonomy: Designing item specifications for business writing. TESOLANZ Journal, 13. 57 - 75. ISSN 1172-9694
Andrew, Martin (2004) Planning Lessons for a Reading Class. (RELC Portfolio series; v. 6). (2002). Farrell, T. S. C. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. Pp. 46. ISBN 9971740796. $3.50. Reading in a Foreign Language (Online), 16 (2). ISSN 1539-0578
Book Section
Andrew, Martin (2010) Double agents and triple: teacher-researcher-writers. In: The Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers : the Refereed Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs 2010. Cole, Catherine, Freiman, Marcelle and Brien, Donna Lee, eds. Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference, Guyra, NSW.
Conference or Workshop Item
Andrew, Martin (2016) Critical pedagogy in TESOL and ELT: Applications to practice. In: CLESOL 2014, 10 July 2014-13 July 2014, Wellington, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin (2015) Mind the research gaps: drawing on the self in autoethnographic writing. In: Minding the gap: Writing across thresholds and fault lines, 30 November 2014-02 December 2014, Wellington NZ.
Andrew, Martin (2014) Empowering Vietnamese TESOL teachers to innovate: insights from a teacher educator. In: Foreign Languages in the Trend of International Integration, 11 November 2014-12 November 2014, Hanoi University.
Andrew, Martin (2013) Autonomy as agency in listening portfolios. In: ILAC Selections 5th Independent Learning Association conference, 30 August 2012-02 September 2012, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin (2012) Humanizing e-lecturers and engaging online writing students via dialogic video. In: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference - Future Challenges, Sustainable Futures, 25 November 2012-28 November 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kearney, Celine and Andrew, Martin (2011) Southern Celts: Exploring attitudes to and the use of Irish and Scottish Gaelic in New Zealand. In: 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, 22 November 2011-25 November 2011, University of Auckland.
Andrew, Martin and Arnold, Josie (2011) Collaboration, community, identity: engaged e-learning and e-teaching in an online writing course. In: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference - Changing Demands, Changing Directions, 04 December 2011-07 December 2011, Hobart.
Andrew, Martin (2011) 'You really can practice English in real life': mediating culture and language learning in a rest home. In: National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL (CLESOL), 01 October 2010-04 October 2010, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Romova, Z and Andrew, Martin (2010) Learning and assessing for future imagined communities: academic writing texts within portfolios. In: Tertiary Writers' Network Colloquium - Writing the Future Together, 02 December 2010-03 December 2010, Wellington, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin (2010) Strategically maintaining online learning community in a postgraduate writing program. In: 27th Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference, 05 December 2010-08 December 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Andrew, Martin (2009) Postgraduate writing e-communities: de-marginalising remote participants. In: 14th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Writing Programs (AAWP 2009), 26 November 2009-28 November 2009, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin and Kearney, C (2009) Community chest: acquiring varieties of learning from Kiwi communities. In: 11th Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages Conference (CLESOL), 02 October 2008-05 October 2008, Auckland, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin and Kearney, C (2007) Community placement : Windows into cultural understanding and unfamiliar freedom. In: 10th Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Napier: CLESOL, 29 September 2006-02 October 2006, Massey University College of Education, Napier, New Zealand.
Andrew, Martin (2005) Even business students can reflect: Gleaning insights about research. In: CLESOL 2004: language, community, diversity: hearing every voice, 24 September 2004-27 September 2004, Christchurch.
Andrew, Martin and Kearney, C (2005) Windows into understanding and the formation of authentic being. In: Second Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium - Teaching and learning for an uncertain world, 27 October 2005-28 October 2005, Auckland.
Andrew, Martin and Romova, Z (2015) Research report series. Other. Unitec E-press, Auckland, New Zealand.