Centre for Tourism and Services Research (CTSR)
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- Centre for Tourism and Services Research (CTSR) (233)
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2001 | August 2001 | 2002 | December 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | December 2004 | 2005 | June 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | July 2009 | 2010 | November 2010 | December 2010 | 2011 | April 2011 | May 2011 | July 2011 | 2012 | February 2012 | April 2012 | September 2012 | October 2012 | November 2012 | 2013 | May 2014 | December 2014
Lee, Catherine and Spisto, Michael (2001) The provision of travel advice to tourists and travellers: the legal implications in New Zealand. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 6 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 1741-6507
August 2001
Harris, Rob and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2001) Professional accreditation in the Australian tourism industry; an uncertain future. Tourism management, 22 (4). pp. 383-390. ISSN 0261-5177
Brown, Graham, Chalip, Laurence, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Mules, Trevor (2002) Events and Destination Branding. In: Destination Branding: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition. Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 163-183.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2002) Convention Destination Satisfaction: a Convention Delegate's Perspective. In: 2002 Australian Tourism and Hospitality and Research Conference. Edith Cowan University, pp. 1-11.
Fredline, Liz, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) Assessing the Social Impacts of Events: Scale Development. In: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Australian Centre for Event Management, pp. 760-787.
Hede, Anne-Marie, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2002) A Conceptual Model of Satisfaction with Special Events: a Destination Branding Context. In: 2002 Australian Tourism and Hospitality and Research Conference. Edith Cowan University, 1-11(Part 28).
Hede, Anne-Marie, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) Recommending Behaviour at Special Events: the Roles of Attribute Satisfaction, Expectancy Disconfirmation and Overall Satisfaction. In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2002 Conference Proceedings. Deakin University, pp. 1841-1848.
Hede, Anne-Marie, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) Special Event Research 1990-2001: Key Trends and Issues. In: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Australian Centre for Event Management, pp. 305-338.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret, Harris, Rob, Hede, Anne-Marie and Allen, John (2002) Events and place making: proceedings of International Event Research Conference, held in Sydney, July 2002. UTS: Australian Centre for Event Management.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Chalip, Laurence, Brown, Graham, Mules, Trevor and Ali, Shameem (2002) The Role of Events in Helping to Brand a Destination. In: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Australian Centre for Event Management, pp. 111-143.
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) The Role of Human Resources in Achieving Corporate Objectives: An Investigation of Volunteer Use in Tourism Organisations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 14 (5). pp. 229-236. ISSN 0959-6119
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) The role of human resource practices in achieving quality enhancement and cost reduction: an investigation of volunteer use in tourism organizations. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 14 (5). pp. 229-236. ISSN 0959-6119
Lockstone, Leonie, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) The Propensity to Volunteer: The Development of a Conceptual Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 9 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1447-6770
Lockstone, Liz, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) The Propensity to Volunteer: the Development of a Conceptual Model. In: 2002 Australian Tourism and Hospitality and Research Conference. Edith Cowan University, 1-14(Part 31).
Nankervis, Antony Richard Ward, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2002) Management Orientation and the Evolution of Visitor Attractions: a Conceptual Framework. In: 2002 Australian Tourism and Hospitality and Research Conference. Edith Cowan University, 1-8(Part 34).
December 2002
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2002) The core and the periphery: an examination of the flexible workforce model in the hotel industry. International journal of hospitality management, 21 (4). pp. 339-351. ISSN 0278-4319
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2003) Improving Employee Performance. In: Proceedings of the Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference 2003. Southern Cross University, pp. 1-12.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2003) Improving Employee Performance in the Hotel Industry : a case study of 360 degree performance appraisal. In: CAUTHE 2003: Riding the Wave of Tourism and Hospitality Research. Braithwaite, Robyn L and Braithwaite, Richard W, eds. Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, pp. 286-297.
Faulkner, Bill, Chalip, Laurence, Brown, Graham, Jago, Leo Kenneth, March, Roger and Woodside, Arch (2003) Monitoring the Tourism Impacts of the Sydney 2000 Olympics. In: Aspects of Tourism, Progressing Tourism Research: Bill Faulkner. Channel View, pp. 136-160.
Fredline, Liz, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2003) The Development of a Generic Scale to Measure the Social Impacts of Events. Event Management, 8 (1). pp. 23-37. ISSN 1525-9951
Hede, Anne-Marie, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2003) Satisfaction-based Cluster Analysis of Theatre-Event Attendees. In: 5th Australasian Services Research Workshop Proceedings. Monash University, pp. 30-36.
Jago, Leo Kenneth (2003) Sex Tourism: an Accommodation Provider's Perspective. In: Sex and Tourism: Journeys of Romance, Love, and Lust. Haworth Hospitality Press, pp. 85-94.
Jago, Leo Kenneth (2003) Sport Tourism in Australia. Journal of Sport Tourism, 8 (1). pp. 7-8. ISSN 1477-5085
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2003) Relationships and Factors Affecting Convention Decision Making. In: Advances in Convention, Exhibition and Event Research. Hong Kong Polytech University, pp. 87-100.
King, Brian and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2003) A tale of two cities: urban tourism development and major events in Australia. In: Urban Tourism - Mapping the Future, Travel and Tourism Research Association - Europe. The Scottish Hotel School, University of Strathclyde, pp. 122-133.
O'Mahony, Barry G and Hall, John (2003) Consumption Behaviour and Young Women: An Analysis of Food Trends. In: Riding the wave of tourism and hospitality research : proceedings of the Council of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference, Coffs Harbour, 2003. Braithwaite, Robyn L and Braithwaite, Richard W, eds. Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, pp. 1-15.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Deery, Margaret (2004) Australia. In: SMEs in Tourism : An International Review. Morrison , Alison and Thomas , Rhodri, eds. Association for Tourism and Leisure Education, Arnhem, The Netherlands , pp. 15-24.
Brown, Graham, Chalip, Laurence, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Mules, Trevor (2004) Developing Brand Australia: Examining the Role of Events. In: Destination Branding Creating the Unique Destination Proposition. Elsevier, pp. 279-305.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Daugherty, Sean (2004) Increasing Tourism Yield: a Study of Visitor Information Centres. In: Conference of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education: Creating Tourism Knowledge. Channel View, pp. 177-183.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Fredline, Liz (2004) Sport Tourism or Event Tourism: Are They One and the Same? Journal of Sport Tourism, 9 (3). pp. 235-245. ISSN 1461-6688
Fredline, Liz, Raybould, Ray, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Triple Bottom Line Event Evaluation: Progress Toward a Technique to Assist in Planning and Managing Events in a Sustainable Manner. In: Proceedings of Tourism : State of the Art II Conference 2004. The University of Strathclyde, Scottish Hotel School, Glasgow, Scotland.
Hall, John, Madden-Hallett, Helen and Binney, Wayne (2004) Autarchic Study Techniques and Self Determination Theory in Marketing Education. In: AARE 2004 : Doing the public good : positioning educational research ; AARE 2004 International Education Research conference proceedings. Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, Vic..
Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327 and Jago, Leo Kenneth
The Challenge of Retaining Personnel in Major Sport Event Organisations.
Event Management: An International Journal, 9 (1).
pp. 39-49.
ISSN 1525-9951
Hede, Anne-Marie and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2004) Exploring the Role that Attendance at a Special Event Plays in the Formation of Attitudes Towards Host Destinations: an Empirical Analysis. In: Conference of Australian UniversityTourism and Hospitality Education 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge. Channel View, pp. 302-309.
Hede, Anne-Marie, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Segmentation of Special Event Attendees Using Personal Values: Relationships with Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 5 (2-4). pp. 33-55. ISSN 1528-008X
Inglis, Judi, Pearlman, Michael and Whitelaw, Paul A (2004) Park Management: Towards an Integrated Model of Best Practice. In: CAUTHE 2004 : Creating Tourism Knowledge. Cooper, Chris, Arcodia, Charles, Solnet, David and Whitford, Michelle, eds. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, Australia, pp. 322-334.
Jago, Leo Kenneth (2004) Destination Australia: A Research Agenda for a Sustainable Industry. Building Research Capacity for Innovation in the 21st Century. In: BEST Sustainable Tourism Think Tank IV, June 30-July 4, 2004, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg. (Unpublished)
Jago, Leo Kenneth (2004) Destination Australia: a Research Agenda for a Sustainable Industry. Building Research Capacity for Innovation in the 21st Century. National Yunhn University of Science and Technology. (Unpublished)
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) An investigation of the impact of internal labour markets in the hotel industry. The service industries journal, 24 (2). pp. 118-129. ISSN 1743-9507
Junek, Olga, Binney, Wayne and Deery, Margaret (2004) Disastrous Events and Destination Image. In: CAUTHE 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge. Cooper, Chris, Arcodia, Charles, Solnet, David and Whitford, Michelle, eds. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, Australia, pp. 376-387.
Lockstone, Leonie, Deery, Margaret and King, Brian (2004) Volunteers and paid workers in tourism organisations: flexibility - an evaluation of the management issues. In: CAUTHE 2004 : creating tourism knowledge. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, [Australia], pp. 445-455.
Milner, Laura, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Profiling the Special Event Nonattendee: An Initial Investigation. Event Management: An International Journal, 8 (3). pp. 141-150. ISSN 1525-9951
Sherwood, Peter, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Sustainability Reporting: an Application for the Evaluation of Special Events. In: Conference of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge. Channel View, pp. 676-688.
Tower, John, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Developing Partnerships in Recreation Service Delivery. In: Leisure Matters: Eighth World Leisure Congress 2004. (Submitted)
Tower, John, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Relationship Success in Community Based Sport. In: Sports Management Association of Australia and New Zealand Tenth Annual Conference. (Submitted)
December 2004
Lucas, Rosemary and Deery, Margaret (2004) Significant developments and emerging issues in human resource management. Hospitality Management, 23 (5). pp. 459-472. ISSN 0278-4319
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Breen, John P (2005) Benchmarking Resources for Performance Enhancement In Small Tourism Enterprises. In: CAUTHE 2005: Sharing tourism knowledge. Tremblay, Pascal and Boyle, Alicia, eds. Charles Darwin Unversity, Alice Springs, N.T., pp. 37-48.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2005) Club Marine Southern 80 Ski Race. Project Report. [unknown].
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2005) Tattersall's World Ten Dance Championship: Australian Dance Sport Championship 2004. Project Report. [unknown].
Breen, John P and Bergin-Seers, Suzanne (2005) The Small Business Assistance Dilemma : Is the Disparity Between the Offerings of Support Agencies and the Needs of Businesses Irreconcilable? In: Keystones of Entrepreneurship Knowledge. van der Horst, Robert , King-Kauanui, Sandra and Duffy, Susan , eds. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, Mass., USA, pp. 385-395.
Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2005) Maturity in the websites of Australian wineries: a study of varying website content. International Journal of Electronic Business, 3 (5). pp. 473-490. ISSN 1470-6067
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Fredline, Liz and Dwyer, Larry (2005) The National Business Events Study: an Evaluation of the Australian Business Events Sector. Common Ground Publishing, Victoria.
Filep, Sebastian and McDonnell, Ian (2005) The Spanish Youth Market to Australia: An Exploratory Study of Market Needs. Tourism Today, 5. pp. 110-125. ISSN 1450-0906
Hall, John, O'Mahony, Barry G and Binney, Wayne (2005) A Situational Model Development in Hospitality Retailing: The Case of Irish Pubs. Journal of Services Research, 5 (2). pp. 77-95. ISSN 0972-4702
Hede, Anne-Marie and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2005) Perceptions of the Host Destination as a Result of Attendance at a Special Event: A Post-Consumption Analysis. International Journal of Event Management Research, 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1833-0681
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2005) Relationships and Factors Influencing Convention Decision Making. Convention & Event Tourism, 7 (1). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1547-0148
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Cumming, Barbara (2005) Tourist Preferences in the Use of Information Technology: the Case of Visitor Information Centres. In: Tourism Enterprise Strategies: Thriving and Surviving in an Online Era. Victoria University, pp. 67-73.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Fredline, Liz (2005) A Framework for the Development of Social and Socioeconomic Indicators for Sustainable Tourism in Communities. Tourism Review International, 9 (1). pp. 69-77. ISSN 1544-2721
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Fredline, Liz (2005) Host Community Perceptions of the impacts of Events: A Comparison of Different Event Themes in Urban & Regional Communities. In: Proceedings of the International Event Management. Australian Centre for Event Management.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Fredline, Liz (2005) Testing of a Compressed Generic Instrument to Assess Host Community Perceptions of Events: a Case Study of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament. In: The Impacts of Events: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Allen, J, ed. Australian Centre for Event Management University of Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, N.S.W., pp. 158-177.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Fredline, Liz (2005) Tourism in Small Communities: Risk & Benefits. In: BEST Education Network Think Tank V: Managing Risk and Crisis for Sustainable Tourism: Research and Innovation. University of West Indies, Jamaica.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret, Fredline, Liz and Raybould, Mike (2005) Triple Bottom Line Event Evaluation: a Proposed Framework for Holistic Event Evaluation. In: The Impacts of Events: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Allen, J, ed. Australian Centre for Event Management University of Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, N.S.W, pp. 2-15.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Sherwood, Peter (2005) Unlocking the Triple Bottom Line of Special Event Evaluations: What Are the Key Impacts? In: Proceedings of the International Event Management. Australian Centre for Event Management, pp. 16-32.
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Sherwood, Peter (2005) The Economic Performance of Special Events: a Framework for Comparison. In: The Impacts of Events: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Allen, J, ed. Australian Centre for Event Management University of Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, N.S.W, pp. 54-66.
Roberts, Linda Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2005) The Role of Innovation in Enhancing Sustainability: a Case Study of the Motel Sector. In: Taking Tourism to the Limits: issues, concepts and managerial perspectives. Ryan, Chris, Stephen, J.P and Aicken, M, eds. Advances in tourism research series . Elsevier, Oxford, UK., pp. 253-265.
Sellitto, Carmine (2005) A study of emerging tourism features associated with Australian winery websites. Journal of information technology and tourism, 7 (3/4). pp. 157-170. ISSN 1098-3058
Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2005) A government funded internet portal as a promoter of regional cluster relationships: a case study from the Australian wine industry. Environment and Planning Policy C: Government and Policy, 23 (6). pp. 851-866. ISSN 0263-774X
Sherwood, Peter, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2005) Triple Bottom Line Evaluation of Special Events: Does the Rhetoric Reflect Reporting? In: Proceedings of the Council of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education. Charles Darwin University.
Zeng, B, Carter, R. W, DeLacy, Terry and Bauer, J (2005) Effects of Tourism development on the Local Poor People -- Case Study in Taibai Region China. Journal of Services Research, (Special). pp. 131-148. ISSN 0972-4702
Zeng, Benxiang, Carter, Rodney William and DeLacy, Terry (2005) Short-term perturbations and Tourism Effects: the case of SARS in China. Current Issues in Tourism, 8 (4). pp. 306-322. ISSN 1368-3500
June 2005
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2005) The management of sport tourism. Sport in Society, 8 (2). pp. 378-389. ISSN 1743-0437
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Frew, Elspeth Ann (2006) A framework for the successful start-up of small nature based tourism operations. In: ICSB World Conference 2006 unique solutions for unique environments : conference programme & book of abstracts, 18th to 21st June 2006, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. International Council for Small Business (ICSB), Melbourne.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) Performance measures used by small motels in Australia. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Council for Hospitality Management Education Research Conference: Promoting excellence in research, teaching and learning. Nottingham-Trent University, pp. 1-17.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Breen, John P and Carlsen, Jack (2006) Performance measurement in small motels. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Queensland.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Roberts, Linda Margaret (2006) The nature of innovation in small and medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs) in the tourism sector. In: ICSB World Conference 2006 unique solutions for unique environments : conference programme & book of abstracts, 18th to 21st June 2006, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. International Council for Small Business (ICSB), Melbourne.
Cooper, Chris, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Carlsen, Jack and Ruhanen, Lisa (2006) Identification of inhibitors and facilitators to research adoption in the tourism sector. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Queensland.
DeLacy, Terry, Chapman, Juliet and Whitmore, Michelle (2006) Sustainability Practice and Sustainable Use. In: Managing Protected Areas : A Global Guide. Lockwood, Michael, Worboys, Graeme and Kothari, Ashish, eds. Earthscan , London, UK, pp. 377-405.
DeLacy, Terry, Chapman, Juliet, Whitmore, Michelle and Worboys, Graeme L (2006) Obtaining, Managing and Communicating Information. In: Managing Protected Areas : A Global Guide. Lockwood, Michael, Worboys, Graeme L and Kothari, Ashish, eds. Earthscan , London, UK, pp. 262-291.
DeLacy, Terry and Whitmore, Michelle (2006) Tourism and Recreation. In: Managing Protected Areas : A Global Guide. Lockwood, Michael, Worboys, Graeme and Kothari, Ashish, eds. Earthscan, London, UK, pp. 497-527.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) The management of sport tourism. In: Sport tourism: concepts and theories. Gibson, Heather , ed. Sport in the global society . Routledge, London; New York, pp. 246-257.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Daugherty, Sean and Carson, Dean (2006) Investigating potential tourism yield from visitor information centres. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Queensland.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Fredline, Liz and Dwyer, Larry (2006) Adapting the tourism satellite account conceptual framework to measure the economic importance of the meetings industry. In: Proceedings of the Global Events Congress and Event Educators' Forum. University of Queensland, pp. 76-83.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Fredline, Liz and Dwyer, Larry (2006) Issues and trends in the global meetings industry: the need for a consistent definitional framework. In: New Frontiers in Global Tourism: Trends and Competitive Challenges. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association. Travel and Tourism Research Association, pp. 342-352.
Dwyer, Larry, Forsyth, Peter, Fredline, Liz, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2006) Concepts of tourism yield and their measurement. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Queensland.
Dwyer, Larry, Fredline, Liz, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2006) Corporate responsibility as essential to sustainable tourism yield. In: Conference Proceedings: Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Tourism - Best Education Network Think Tank VI. University of Western Sydney.
Fredline, Liz, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) Development of a scale to assess the social impact of tourism within communities. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Queensland.
Hall, John and O'Mahony, Barry G (2006) An analysis of factors relating to attendance at sports events. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, London, 4th-6th July 2006. Middlesex University Press Ltd, London, pp. 1-12.
Hall, John and O'Mahony, Barry G (2006) An empirical analysis of gender differences in sports attendance motives. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 7 (4). pp. 334-346. ISSN 1464-6668
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2006) Convention delegates - the relationship between satisfaction with the convention and with the host destination: a case study. In: Managing Tourism and hospitality Services: Theory and International Applications. Prideaux, Bruce, Moscardo, Gianna and Laws, Eric, eds. CAB International, Oxfordshire, pp. 15-25.
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Dwyer, Larry (2006) Economic Evaluation of Special Events. Common Ground Publishing Pty Ltd.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Fredline, Elizabeth Doris and Deery, Margaret (2006) Tourism in a Small Community: Risks and Benefits. Tourism Review International, 10 (1). pp. 91-101. ISSN 1544-2721
Jiang, Min (2006) River basin planning and management under the EU Water Framework Directive: An integrated model for China. In: Proceedings of International Conference on New Legal Issues in European Economic Integration. EU-CHINA European Studies Centres Programme, Wuhan, China, pp. 383-394.
King, Brian and Lee, Cheng-Fei (2006) Assessing Destination Competitiveness: An Application to the Hot Springs Tourism Sector. Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 3 (3). pp. 179-197. ISSN 1479-053X
Minett, Dean (2006) Ethical Decision-Making as an Indicator of Leadership Styles in Hospitality Management: An Empirical Investigation. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
O'Mahony, Barry G, Hall, John, Lockshin, Larry, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Brown, Graeme (2006) Understanding the impact of wine tourism on post-tour purchasing behaviour. In: Global Wine Tourism: Research, Management and Marketing. CABI Publishing, pp. 123-138.
O'Mahony, Barry G, Hall, John, Lockshin, Larry, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Brown, Graeme (2006) The impact of winery tourism on later wine consumption. In: To the city and beyond: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Educators Conference. Victoria University, pp. 1816-1831.
O'Mahony, Barry G and Polonsky, Michael Jay (2006) Special Events in the Nonprofit Sector. In: Nonprofit marketing : marketing management for charitable and nongovernmental organizations. Wymer, Walter, Knowles, Patricia and Gomes, Roger, eds. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., USA, pp. 246-278.
O'Mahony, Barry G, Whitelaw, Paul A and Ritchie, Brent (2006) The effect of fuel price rises on tourism behaviour: An exploratory Australian Study. In: Tourism After Oil: ATLAS Asia Pacific Conference, University of Otago, December 2006. Department of Tourism, University of Otago, Dunedin, N.Z., pp. 18-48.
Sherwood, Peter, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) Not another survey!: exploring the issues in conducting a web based Delphi survey. In: To the city and beyond: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Educators Conference. Victoria University, pp. 1302-1315.
Tower, John, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) Developing relationships in the sport tourism industry. In: To the city and beyond: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Educators Conference. Victoria University, pp. 1556-1572.
Tower, John, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2006) Building social capital through sport venue and sport association relationships. In: IX World Leisure Conference. (Submitted)
Tower, John, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2006) Relationship marketing and partnerships in not for profit sport in Australia. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 15 (3). pp. 167-180. ISSN 1061-6934
Vincent, Andrew and Zeleznikow, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-2644
Plea Negotiation and Decision Support.
In: 61st Annual ALTA Conference: Legal Knowledge: Learning, Communication and Doing, 4-7 July 2006, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne (2007) A conceptual model of performance for small motels: development and empirical testing. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne, Breen, John P and Frew, Elspeth Ann (2007) Barriers and Enhancers Affecting the Usage of Business Support by Small Tourism Enterprises. In: Proceedings of Small Enterprise Conference 2007 - building sustainable growth in SMEs. University of Waikato, Waikato, New Zealand, pp. 1-25.
Bergin-Seers, Suzanne, O'Mahony, Barry G and Quiazon, Regina (2007) The Impact of SARS on International Delegate Attendance at Conferences at Australia. In: CAUTHE 2007 tourism - past achievements, future challenges. University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W, pp. 1169-1178.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2007) The Uptake of Innovation in Tourism Organisations: Barrier and Facilitators. In: Innovations for Sustainable Tourism. University of Technology Sydney, pp. 94-102.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Fredline, Liz (2007) Celebrating a National Day: the Meaning and Impact of Australia Day Events. In: Fourth International Event Research Conference : re-evaluating the city/town : events as a catalyst for change, 11th to 12th July, 2007, Melbourne Australia. O'Mahony, Barry G, Harris, Rob and Mair, Judith, eds. Victoria University, Melbourne.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Stewart, Michael (2007) Corporate Social Responsibility within the Hospitality Industry. Tourism Review International, 11 (2). pp. 107-114. ISSN 1544-2721
Dwyer, Larry, Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Fredline, Liz (2007) Corporate Responsibility as Essential to Sustainable Tourism Yield. Tourism Review International, 11 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 1544-2721
Dwyer, Larry, Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth, Spurr, Ray and Fredline, Liz (2007) Adapting the Tourism Satellite Account Conceptual Framework to Measure the Economic Importance of the Meetings Industry. Tourism Analysis, 12 (4). pp. 247-255. ISSN 1083-5423
Dwyer, Larry, Forsyth, Peter, Fredline, Liz, Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Lundie, Sven (2007) Yield Measures for Special-Interest Australian Inbound Tourism Markets. Tourism Economics, 13 (3). pp. 421-440. ISSN 1354-8166
Filep, Sebastian and Greenacre, L (2007) Evaluating and extending the travel career patterns model. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 55 (1). pp. 23-38. ISSN 1332-7461
Hede, Anne-Marie and Alomes, Stephen (2007) Big screens: exploring their future for the special event sector. In: Fourth International Event Research Conference : re-evaluating the city/town : events as a catalyst for change, 11th to 12th July, 2007, Melbourne Australia. O'Mahony, Barry G, Harris, Rob and Mair, Judith, eds. Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic..
Hede, Anne-Marie, Kellett, Pamm and Chalip, Laurence (2007) Communicating with residents of host destinations: an exploratory study of a dispersed mega-event. In: Fourth International Event Research Conference : re-evaluating the city/town : events as a catalyst for change, 11th to 12th July, 2007, Melbourne Australia. O'Mahony, Barry G, Harris, Rob and Mair, Judith, eds. Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic..
Jakkilinki, Roopa, Georgievski, Mladen and Sharda, Nalin (2007) Connecting Destinations with Ontology Based e-Tourism Planner. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, pp. 21-32.
Jakkilinki, Roopa and Sharda, Nalin (2007) A Framework for Ontology-Based Tourism Application Generator. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry. Pease, Wayne, Rowe, Michelle and Cooper, Malcolm, eds. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, Pa., USA, pp. 26-49.
Kulendran, Nada and Divisekera, Sarath (2007) Measuring the Economic Impact of Australian Tourism Marketing. Tourism Economics, 13 (2). pp. 261-274. ISSN 1354-8166
Mair, Judith and Thompson, Karen (2007) The Characteristics of UK Association Conference Delegates. In: Fourth International Event Research Conference : re-evaluating the city/town : events as a catalyst for change, 11th to 12th July, 2007, Melbourne Australia. O'Mahony, Barry G, Harris, Rob and Mair, Judith, eds. Victoria University, Melbourne.
O'Mahony, Barry G (2007) The role of the Hospitality Industry in Cultural Assimilation : A case study from Colonial Australia. In: Hospitality : A Social Lens. Lashley, Conrad, Lynch, Paul and Morrison, Alison, eds. Advances in tourism research . Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 73-87.
Ponnada, Mohan, Jakkilinki, Roopa and Sharda, Nalin (2007) Developing Visual Tourism Recommender Systems. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry. Idea Group Inc, Hershey, Pa., pp. 162-179.
Ponnada, Mohan and Sharda, Nalin (2007) A high level model for developing Intelligent Visual Travel recommender System. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Springer-Verlag,, Wien, New York, pp. 33-42.
Sherwood, Peter (2007) A triple bottom line evaluation of the impact of special events: the development of indicators. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Stokes, Robyn and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2007) Australia’s Public Sector Environment for Shaping Event Tourism Strategy. International Journal of Event Management Research, 3 (1). pp. 42-53. ISSN 1833-0681
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Bergin-Seers, Suzanne and Mair, Judith (2008) Sustainability Practices and Awards and Accreditation Programs in the Tourism Industry: impacts on consumer purchasing behaviour. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism (CRC), Gold Coast, Qld..
Deery, Margaret (2008) Talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (7). pp. 792-806. ISSN 0959-6119
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) Organisational communication in the hospitality industry: critical issues. In: Handbook of Hospitality Human Resources Management. Elsevier Ltd, pp. 177-194.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) A framework for work-life balance practices in the tourism industry. In: 8th BEST EN think tank on "Sustaining quality of life through tourism" in Izmir, Turkey : June 24 - 27 2008, at Izmir University of Economics. Liburd, Janne J and Hegesell, Anja, eds. University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, pp. 44-57.
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Mair, Judith (2008) A study of off-peak tourism along the Great Ocean Road. Project Report. [unknown].
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Stewart, Michael (2008) Work-Life Balance in the Tourism Industry: Case Study. In: Where the "bloody hell" are we? Griffith University, pp. 1-13.
Filep, Sebastian (2008) Applying the Dimensions of Flow to Explore Visitor Engagement and Satisfaction. Visitor Studies, 11 (1). pp. 90-108. ISSN 1064-5578
Inglis, Judi (2008) Using human-environment theory to investigate human valuing in protected area management. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Mair, Judith, Deery, Margaret and Bergin-Seers, Suzanne (2008) A review of the business events sector 2003-2008 for the Ministerial Working Group on the National Business Events Strategy 2008. Project Report. [unknown].
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Mair, Judith, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) Establishing volunteer profiles for use in development and retention strategies. In: Leisure: unlocking people and communities: 8th biennial ANZACS conference. (Submitted)
Mair, Judith, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) Museum Victoria: knowing our volunteers - research project. Project Report. [unknown].
Mair, Judith and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) State of Design Festival 2008 Evaluation Report. Project Report. [unknown].
Tower, John (2008) An analysis of the relationships between sport associations and sport venues in Victoria. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Tower, John and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2008) The nature of sport relationships influence sport organisations' capacity to contribute to their community. In: 2008 World Leisure Congress. (Submitted)
Wang, Calvin, Walker, Elizabeth, Redmond, Janice and Breen, John P (2008) Making plans. Monash Business Review, 4 (2). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1832-8490
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Baum, Tom, Deery, M, Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327, Lockstone, Leonie and Smith, K, eds.
People and work in events and conventions: a research perspective.
Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International (CABI), Wallingford, Oxon..
Assaf, Albert, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) Evaluating the Efficiency of the Australian Restaurant Industry. In: CAUTHE 2009 : See change : tourism & hospitality in a dynamic world. Carlsen, Jack, Hughes, Michael, Holmes, Kirsten and Jones, Roy, eds. Curtin University, Fremantle, W. A., pp. 1-8.
Baum, Tom, Deery, M, Hanlon, Clare ORCID: 0000-0001-5547-5327, Lockstone, Leonie and Smith, KA
People and work in events and conventions: a research perspective.
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Bergami, Roberto and Schuller, Annamarie (2009) VET teachers' perceptions on the value of industry placement: scoping study in Australia. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 8 (11). pp. 9-21. ISSN 1447-9524
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) A framework for work-life balance practices: Addressing the needs of the tourism industry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9 (2). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1467-3584
Drake, Colin, Jago, L and Deery, M (2009) Corporate hospitality at special events : is it fundamental in B2B marketing communications or just 'froth And bubble'? In: International Event Management Summit - Meeting the challenge of sustainable development : how do public and corporate events engage with the global agenda?, 06 July 2009-07 July 2009, Surfers Paradise, Queensland.
Hughes, Michael, Jones, Tod, Deery, Margaret, Wood, David, Fredline, Liz, Whitely, Zachary and Lockwood, Michael (2009) Estimating the Economic, Social and Environmental Value of Tourism to Protected Areas. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast, Queensland.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret, Fredline, Liz and Dwyer, Larry (2009) The Evaluation of Business Events: a Multidimensional Approach. In: L'Évaluation De L'Événementiel Touristique. Spindler , J and Huron, D, eds. L'Harmattan, Paris, France. .
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Mair, Judith (2009) Career Theory and Major Event Employment. In: People and Work in Events and Conventions : a research perspective. Baum, T, Deery, M, Hanlon, C, Lockstone, L and Smith, K, eds. CABI, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 65-74.
Jiang, Min and Miao, Bo (2009) Emissions trading vs. Taxes: Climate change mitigation in aviation. In: International Workshop on Environmental Finance and Taxation Policy, 9-11 December 2009, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)
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Lockstone, Leonie, Holmes, Kirsten, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) Volunteer Life Balance and the Flexible Firm: Key Drivers in a Framework to Enhance your Volunteer Retention. In: CAUTHE 2009: See Change: Tourism and Hospitality in a Dynamic World. Carlsen, Jack, Hughes, Michael, Holmes, Kirsten and Jones, Roy, eds. Curtin University, Fremantle, Western Australia, pp. 1-31.
MacFarlane, Ian and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) The Role of Brand Equity in Helping to Evaluate the Contribution of Major Events. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast.
Mair, Judith and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) Influence of Trade Media on Greening in the Business Events Industry. In: Sustainable development and events proceedings of ACEM 5th International Event Management Summit: 6-8 July 2009 Gold Coast, Australia. Allen, J, ed. Australian Centre for Event Management - University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, pp. 19-30.
McGrath, Michael (2009) Centrality and Power among Website Users: A Social Network Analysis Application. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2009). IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 562-567.
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Whitelaw, Paul A and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2009) Understanding the Key Elements of Star Ratings in Accommodation. Cooperative Research Centres for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd (CRC) , Griffith University, Qld..
July 2009
Jiang, Min, Dominey-Howes, Dale, Wong, Emma, Harrison, David, Too Go, Sai, Horoi, Rex, Noakes, Steve and DeLacy, Terry (2009) PT - CAP Technical Report No. 1 : PT - CAP engagement and context. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED, Melbourne, Vic..
Breen, John P and Karanasios, Stan (2010) Growth and Expansion of Women-Owned Home-Based Business. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 9 (13). pp. 33-45. ISSN 1535-0754
Breen, John P, King, Brian and Karanasios, Stan (2010) Information Behaviour and Knowledge Acquisition amongst Small & Medium-Sized Tourism Operators. In: ISBE Conference Proceedings. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, London, pp. 1-10.
Breen, John P, King, Brian and Walker, Elizabeth (2010) Engaging tourism enterprises : how operators source information for business improvement. Technical Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast.
DeLacy, Terry and Divisekera, Sarath (2010) Los Bosques como pulmon del planeta. In: Cambio Clímático y Turismo : Realidad y Ficción. Fayos-Solà, Eduardo and Jafari, Jafar, eds. University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, pp. 227-230.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Delivering Innovation, Knowledge and Performance: The Role of Business Events. Technical Report. Business Events Council of Australia, Spit Junction, N.S.W..
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Host Community Perceptions of the Social Impacts of Tourism in Tasmanian Communities - Break 0'Day Municipality. Project Report. Victoria University, Melbourne.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Host Community Perceptions of the Social Impacts of Tourism in Tasmanian Communities - The City of Glenorchy. Project Report. Victoria University, Melbourne.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Host Community Perceptions of the Social Impacts of Tourism in Tasmanian Communities : Kentish Municipality. Project Report. Victoria University, Melbourne.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Mega-sporting events : generating tourist spending, a preliminary assessment of three key 2010 events based on Visa payment card data. Other. VISA.
Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Social Impacts of Events and the Role of Anti-Social Behaviour. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 1 (1). pp. 8-28. ISSN 1759-2954
Drake, Colin N (2010) A conceptual framework for assessing the role that corporate hospitality plays on customer loyalty and purchase intentions. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Drake, Colin N, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2010) What future for corporate hospitality post the GFC? An appraisal of the marketing effectiveness of corporate hospitality. In: CAUTHE 2010 : tourism and hospitality : challenge the limits. Faculty of Business, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Filep, Sebastian (2010) Inside the Tourist Mind: A Study of Immediate Satisfaction. In: CAUTHE 2010: Tourism and Hospitality: Challenge the Limits. University of Tasmania. School of Management, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 507-513.
Filep, Sebastian and Deery, Margaret (2010) Towards a Picture of Tourists' Happiness. Tourism Analysis, 15 (4). pp. 399-410. ISSN 1083-5423
Jiang, Min, Dominey-Howes, Dale, DeLacy, Terry and Harrison, David (2010) Adaptation to climate change risks for the South Pacific tourism sector. In: CAUTHE 2010: Tourism and Hospitality: Challenge the Limits. School of Management, University of Tasmania, Hobart, pp. 704-713.
Jopp, Ryan, DeLacy, Terry and Mair, Judith (2010) Developing a framework for regional destination adaptation to climate change. Current Issues in Tourism, 13 (6). pp. 591-605. ISSN 1368-3500 (print) 1747-7603 (online)
Jopp, Ryan, DeLacy, Terry and Mair, Judith (2010) Using the Delphi approach to determine climate change adaptation strategies for Victorias Surf Coast. In: CAUTHE, 8-11 February 2010, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Klint, Louise Munk (2010) Climate change adaptation processes and dive tourism: understanding the policy environment in Vanuatu. In: Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies: 3rd Conference. Oceanic Transformations, April 8th – 11th, 2010, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria. (Unpublished)
Klint, Louise Munk, Jiang, Min, Wong, Emma and DeLacy, Terry (2010) Policy Analysis - Republic of Vanuatu. Technical Report. Centre for Tourism and Service Research, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Mair, Judith and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) The development of a conceptual model of greening in the business events tourism sector. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18 (1). pp. 77-94. ISSN 0966-9582 (print) 1747-7646 (online)
McGrath, Michael and Kuzic, Joze (2010) Enhancing the Australian Regional Racing Experience for Tourists: A Betting Aid for Novice Punters. Information Technology and Tourism, 11 (4). pp. 303-318. ISSN 1098-3058
Nasir, Wan Mohd, Breen, John P and Josiassen, Alexander (2010) Performance of SMEs: the Joint Effect of Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Customer Interaction Orientation. In: 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Developing Technopreneurship and Entrepreneurial Small Business; a Key to Sustainable Future, 11-15 July 2010, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, Tangerang, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Nasir, Wan Mohd, Breen, John P and Josiassen, Alexander (2010) The effectiveness of the relationship between interaction orientation and firm performance. In: Proceedings of 'Regional Development in an Era of Global Innovation Economy', the 2010 Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MICEMA 2010), Selangor, Malaysia, 25-26 November 2010. Rahim, R. A, ed. Kebangsaan University, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Pornphol, Putsadee and McGrath, Michael (2010) Implementation of the Tourism Area Life Cycle Model as an Advisory Decision Support System. In: Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems, Grand Formosa Regent Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. Association for Information Systems Electronic Library, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1743-1750.
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Wong, Emma, Mistilis, Nina and Dwyer, Larry (2010) Understanding ASEAN Tourism Collaboration — the Preconditions and Policy Framework Formulation. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12 (3). pp. 291-302. ISSN 1099-2340 (print) 1522-1970 (online)
Zhu, X, Pfueller, S, Whitelaw, Paul A and Winter, C (2010) Spatial Differentiation of Landscape Values in the Murray River Region of Victoria, Australia. Environmental Management, 45 (5). pp. 896-911. ISSN 0364-152X (print) 1432-1009 (online)
November 2010
Assaf, Albert, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2010) Evaluating the performance and scale characteristics of the Australian Restaurant Industry. Journal of hospitality and tourism research, 35 (4). pp. 419-436. ISSN 1096-3480 (print) 1557-7554 (online)
December 2010
DeLacy, Terry and Lipman, Geoffrey (2010) Case Study: Moving to Carbon Clean Destinations. In: Tourism and the Implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions. Schott, Christian, ed. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (3). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 299-312.
Assaf, Albert (2011) Accounting for technological differences in modelling the performance of airports: a Bayesian approach. Applied Economics, 43 (18). pp. 2267-2275. ISSN 0003-6846
Bisht, Tulsi Charan (2011) Energy Security and Climate Change Challenges: India's Dilemma and Policy Responses. In: Energy security in the era of climate change : the Asia-Pacific experience. Anceschi, Luca and Symons, Jonathan, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, U.K., pp. 111-125.
Bisht, Tulsi Charan, Calgaro, Emma, Jopp, Ryan and DeLacy, Terry (2011) Designing robust tourism industry response to climate change impacts on the Great Ocean Road destination and tourism system. Project Report. Centre for Tourism and Services Research, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria.
Calgaro, Emma, DeLacy, Terry, Jiang, Min and Jopp, Ryan (2011) Moving beyond impacts: Placing adaptation and resilience at the forefront of tourism development strategies. In: 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference: Climate Adaptation Futures : preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change, 29 June - 1 July 2010, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia. (Unpublished)
Cao, Dan, Filep, Sebastian and Jiang, Min (2011) Evaluating Tourists' Positive Emotions: A Study of Chinese Travel Blogs. In: 1st World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, 10-13 December 2011, Hong Kong. (Unpublished)
Filep, Sebastian, Hughes, Michael and Wheeler, Fiona (2011) Evolution of Tourism Studies: Developing Generation T Knowledge. In: CAUTHE 2011: National Conference: Tourism : Creating a Brilliant Blend. Gross, M, ed. School of Management, Uni. of South Australia, Adelaide, S. A., pp. 1064-1068.
Jiang, Min (2011) Tourism Adaptation to Climate Change in China: A Policy Review. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 2 (4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1835-7156
Jiang, Min, Cao, Dan and DeLacy, Terry (2011) Conflict and coordination of multiple values of water resources: A legal and policy analysis from a perspective of fresh water based tourism in China. In: International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability: October 9-11, 2011, Hangzhou, China : Conference Proceeding. Ye, Miaomiao, Zhu, David Z and Zhang, Tuqiao, eds. Zhengjiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, pp. 125-138.
Jiang, Min, Cao, Dan and DeLacy, Terry (2011) Developing a fresh water tourism system model for sustainable tourism water use. In: World research summit for tourism and hospitality, Hong Kong, 10-13 December 2011. Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Jopp, Ryan, DeLacy, Terry, Mair, Judith and Fluker, Martin (2011) Towards an understanding of tourist responses to destination adaptation to climate change. In: CAUTHE 2011 National Conference: tourism : creating a brilliant blend. Gross, M, ed. School of Management, University of South Australia, Adelaide, S. Australia.
Klint, Louise Munk, DeLacy, Terry and Filep, Sebastian (2011) Developing a Climate Change Vulnerability Resilience Model for Dive Tourism. In: World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, 10-13 December 2011, Hong Kong. (Submitted)
Klint, Louise Munk, Jiang, Min, Law, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-1246-1301, Calgaro, Emma and DeLacy, Terry
Climate change and dive tourism: Understanding the vulnerability of Luganville's dive tourism system to climate change.
CAUTHE 2011 National Conference: Tourism : Creating a Brilliant Blend.
Gross, M, ed.
University of South Australia School of Management, Adelaide, S. A., pp. 1151-1157.
Klint, Louise Munk, Jiang, Min, Law, Alexandra, DeLacy, Terry, Calgaro, Emma and Filep, Sebastian (2011) Climate Change & Tourism - Sensitivities of the Dive Tourism Sector in Vanuatu. In: Islands & Small States Tourism Conference : Current Issues & Future Challenges, 12-14 September 2011, University of South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Pearce, Philip, Filep, Sebastian and Ross, Glenn (2011) Tourists, Tourism and the Good Life. Routledge advances in tourism, 20 . Routledge, New York.
van den Eynde, Alison (2011) The Ideal and the Reality of Wellbeing Travel in Australia. In: CAUTHE 2011, 8th February 2011 - 11th February 2011, Adelaide, South Australia.
April 2011
Wong, Emma, Mistilis, Nina and Dwyer, Larry (2011) A framework for analyzing intergovernmental collaboration - The case of ASEAN tourism. Tourism Management, 32 (2). pp. 367-376. ISSN 0261-5177
May 2011
Ellis, Robert B and Waller, David S (2011) Marketing education in Australia before 1965. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 1441-3582
July 2011
Jiang, Min, DeLacy, Terry, Mkiramweni, Nickson and Harrison, David (2011) Some Evidence for Tourism Alleviating Poverty. Annals of Tourism Research, 38 (3). pp. 1181-1184. ISSN 0160-7383 (print), 1873-7722 (online)
Wong, Emma, Mistilis, Nina and Dwyer, Larry (2011) A model of Asean collaboration in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38 (3). pp. 882-899. ISSN 0160-7383
Charlie, Charlie, Pearlman, Michael and King, Brian (2012) A conceptual framework for environmental governance networks: An analysis of small island destinations in Indonesia and the Coral Triangle. In: Sustainable Tourism V. Pineda, F. D and Brebbia, C. A, eds. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (161). WIT Press, England, pp. 189-202.
DeLacy, Terry, Law, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-1246-1301 and Hoque, S
Water Usage from the Tourism Sector in Bali : technical report.
Technical Report.
Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria.
Grunfeld, Helena ORCID: 0000-0003-0544-8077, Mao, Nara, DeLacy, Terry and Houghton, John
ICT tourism and poverty reduction: a case study in the Siem Reap-Angkor region, Cambodia.
In: ACIS 2012; The First Asian Conference on Information Systems, 6 December 2012 - 8 December 2012, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Jiang, Min, Wong, Emma, Klint, Louise Munk, DeLacy, Terry and Dominey-Howes, Dale (2012) Tourism adaptation to climate change - analysing the policy environment of Fiji. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 4 (3). pp. 238-260. ISSN 1750-4090 (print) 1750-4104 (online)
Jopp, Ryan (2012) Linking climate change, tourist destination adaptation and tourist atttitudes : a case study of the Victorian Surf Coast region. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Jopp, Ryan, DeLacy, Terry, Mair, Judith and Fluker, Martin (2012) Using a Regional Tourism Adaptation Framework to Determine Climate Change Adaptation Options for Victoria's Surf Coast. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (1-2). pp. 144-164. ISSN 1094-1665
Klint, L, Jiang, M, Dominey-Howes, D, DeLacy, Terry and van der Veeken, S (2012) Tourism adaptation to climate change: A framework for building resilient tourism destinations. Project Report. Centre for Tourism and Services Research, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Klint, Louise Munk (2012) Tourism, the environment and sustainability: an exploration of Melanesian Constitutions. In: CAUTHE 2012 : The new golden age of tourism and hospitality. La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic., pp. 346-355.
Klint, Louise Munk, Jiang, Min, Law, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-1246-1301, DeLacy, Terry, Filep, Sebastian, Calgaro, Emma, Dominey-Howes, Dale and Harrison, David
Dive tourism in Luganville, Vanuatu: shocks, stressors and vulnerability to climate change.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 8 (1/2).
pp. 91-109.
ISSN 1544-273X (print) 2169-0197 (online)
Van der Veeken, Susan, Calgaro, Emma, Jiang, Min, Law, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-1246-1301, Klint, Louise Munk and DeLacy, Terry
Vulnerability adaptation resilience tourism sector assessment : Pacific Tourism Climate Adaptation Project : V/R assessment, Kingdom of Tonga.
Technical Report.
Victoria University, Centre for Tourism and Services Research, Melbourne, Victoria.
Wiranatha, A, Suhanda, A, Lipman, G, DeLacy, Terry, Buckley, Geoff and Law, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-1246-1301
Green Growth 2050 Roadmap for Bali sustainable tourism development.
Project Report.
Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia; Centre for Tourism and Services Research, Victoria University, Jakarta; Melbourne.
February 2012
Deery, Margaret, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Fredline, Liz (2012) Rethinking social impacts of tourism research: A new research agenda. Tourism Management, 33 (1). pp. 64-73. ISSN 0261-5177
April 2012
Filep, Sebastian and Bereded-Samuel, Elleni (2012) Holidays against depression? An Ethiopian Australian initiative. Current Issues in Tourism, 15 (3). pp. 281-285. ISSN 1368-3500 (print), 1747-7603 (online)
Klint, Louise Munk, Wong, Emma, Jiang, Min, DeLacy, Terry, Harrison, David and Dominey-Howes, Dale (2012) Climate change adaptation in the Pacific Island Tourism sector: Analysing the policy environment in Vanuatu. Current Issues in Tourism, 15 (3). pp. 247-274. ISSN 1368-3500
September 2012
Prentice, Catherine, King, Brian and Ohtsuka, Keis (2012) Casino Service Quality, Tiered Customer Segments, and Casino Player Retention. Services Marketing Quarterly, 33 (4). pp. 277-291. ISSN 1533-2969 (print) 1533-2977 (online)
October 2012
Wong, Emma, DeLacy, Terry and Jiang, Min (2012) Climate change adaptation in tourism in the South Pacific - potential contribution of public-private partnerships. Tourism Management Perspectives, 4. pp. 136-144. ISSN 2211-9736
November 2012
King, Brian, Breen, John P and Whitelaw, Paul A (2012) Hungry for Growth? Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprise (SMTE) Business Ambitions, Knowledge Acquisition and Industry Engagement. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16 (3). pp. 272-281. ISSN 1099-2340
Filep, Sebastian, Cao, Dan, Jiang, Min and DeLacy, Terry (2013) Savouring tourist experiences after a holiday. Leisure/Loisir, 37 (3). 191 - 203. ISSN 1492-7713
Klint, Louise Munk (2013) “Buoyancy – bifo and afta” : a climate change vulnerability / resilience framework for tourism – the case study of Vanuatu dive tourism. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Pyke, Joanne ORCID: 0000-0002-0137-937X, Jiang, Min, DeLacy, Terry, Smith, E, Guijun, L and Li, A-M
New Ways to Connect with China: Tourism and the International Education Nexus.
Project Report.
Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria.
May 2014
Mao, Nara, DeLacy, Terry, Grunfeld, Helena ORCID: 0000-0003-0544-8077 and Chandler, D
Agriculture and tourism linkage constraints in the Siem Reap-Angkor region of Cambodia.
Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 16 (4).
669 - 686.
ISSN 1461-6688
December 2014
Jopp, R, Mair, J, DeLacy, Terry and Fluker, Martin (2014) Climate Change Adaptation: Destination Management and the Green Tourist. Tourism Planning and Development, 12 (3). 300 - 320. ISSN 2156-8316