Sellitto, Carmine

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Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Martin, W (2002) Winery Internet Transactions: Online Sales as an Effective Means of Maximising the Wine Equalisation Tax (Wet) Rebate? In: E-conomy - From Here to Where?, 28 November 2002-29 November 2002, Perth, Western Australia.


Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Wenn, Andrew and Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 (2003) A Review of the Web Sites of Small Australian Wineries: Motivations, Goals and Success. Information Technology and Management, 4 (2-3). 215 -232. ISSN 1385-951X

Martin, Bill and Sellitto, Carmine (2003) Internet Diffusion and Knowledge Intensive Enterprises in the Victorian Wine Cluster. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 3. pp. 707-719. ISSN 1447-9524

Burgess, Stephen, Darbyshire, Paul, Sellitto, Carmine, Tatnall, Arthur and Wenn, Andrew (2003) A Classification System for Tracking the Adoption of it by GPs in Rural Australia. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003 2nd ed. Isaías, Pedro and Karmakar, Nitya, eds. International Association for Development of the Information Society, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 93-99.

November 2003

Sellitto, Carmine and Martin, Bill (2003) Leonardo's Vineyard: A Case Study of Successful Internet Adoption by an SME Australian Winery. In: Proceedings of the 4th International We-B Conference: e-Business and Information Systems. We-b Centre, Edith Cowan University, pp. 1-12.


Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2004) A Study of Missing Web-Cites in Scholarly Articles: Towards an Evaluation Framework. Journal of Information Science, 30 (6). pp. 484-495. ISSN 0165-5515

Sellitto, Carmine (2004) Internet Adoption by Australian Wineries: Perceived Benefits and Direct Marketing Practices. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 16 (3). pp. 58-72. ISSN 0954-7541

Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2004) Driving Regional Partnerships: an example of Clusters and Internet Portals from the Australian Wine Industry. In: Entrepreneurship & SME development : "creating opportunities: entrepreneurship & SME development in education, policy & research" : conference proceedings. Institute for Small Business Affairs National Conference Secretariat, Harrogate.

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2004) E-Business in Small Regional Accommodation Providers: Features and Success Factors. In: Entrepreneurship & SME development : "creating opportunities: entrepreneurship & SME development in education, policy & research" : conference proceedings. Institute for Small Business Affairs National Conference Secretariat, Harrogate.


Vincent, Andrew and Zeleznikow, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8786-2644 (2005) Discretionary Judicial Sentencing Decision Making and Online Decision Support. In: E-Links : community, business and university : proceedings of the 6th International We-B (Working for E-Business) Conference, 23rd to 25th November, 2005, Melbourne. Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew, eds. Victoria University, School of Information Systems, Electronic Commerce Research Unit (ECRU), Melbourne, Vic..

Bingley, Scott and Sellitto, Carmine (2005) Web Features for Wine Tourism. In: E-Links : community, business and university : proceedings of the 6th International We-B (Working for E-Business) Conference, 23rd to 25th November, 2005, Melbourne. Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew, eds. Victoria University, School of Information Systems, Electronic Commerce Research Unit (ECRU), Melbourne, Vic., pp. 118-125.

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 (2005) Towards a Weighted Average Framework For Evaluating the Quality of Web-Located Health Information. Journal of Information Science, 31 (4). pp. 260-272. ISSN 0165-5515

Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2005) A government funded internet portal as a promoter of regional cluster relationships: a case study from the Australian wine industry. Environment and Planning Policy C: Government and Policy, 23 (6). pp. 851-866. ISSN 0263-774X

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2005) Maturity in the websites of Australian wineries: a study of varying website content. International Journal of Electronic Business, 3 (5). pp. 473-490. ISSN 1470-6067

Sellitto, Carmine (2005) A study of emerging tourism features associated with Australian winery websites. Journal of information technology and tourism, 7 (3/4). pp. 157-170. ISSN 1098-3058

Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2005) The Perceived Value of Website Features: An Exploratory Study of Small Regional Accommodation Providers in Australia. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2 (3/4). pp. 375-386. ISSN 1468-4330

Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2005) Emerging Practices and Standards for Designing Business Web Sites : Recommendations for Developers. In: Issues of Human Computer Interaction. Sarmento, Anabela, ed. IRM Press, Hershey Pa., USA, pp. 85-109.

Burgess, Stephen and Sellitto, Carmine (2005) Knowledge Acquisition in Small Business: Capacity Building for the Use of IS. In: Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning. Weert, Tom van and Tatnall, Arthur, eds. International Federation for Information Processing (182). Springer, New York, USA, pp. 47-54.

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Wenn, Andrew (2005) A Longitudinal Study of Australian Winery Web Sites (2000-2002). In: Information Systems in an E-World. Hunter, G and Wenn, A, eds. Information Institute, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 178-192.

Hawking, Paul, Stein, Andrew, Foster, Susan and Sellitto, Carmine (2005) ERP systems and business intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association of Information Systems SIG DSS/International Society for Decision Support Systems: Trends in DSS Research and Practice. Borenstein, D and Becker, J. L, eds. TIMS College on Information Systems, the Institute of Management Sciences, Providence, Rhode Island.

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen and Hawking, Paul (2005) Perceived benefits of RFID adoption in the retail supply chain. In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association of Information Systems SIG DSS/International Society for Decision Support Systems: Trends in DSS Research and Practice. Borenstein, D and Becker, J. L, eds. TIMS College on Information Systems, the Institute of Management Sciences, Providence, Rhode Island.

April 2005

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2005) The Impact of Impermanent Web-Located Citations: A Study of Scholarly Conference Publications. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56 (7). pp. 695-703. ISSN 1532-2882


Sellitto, Carmine (2006) Improving Winery Survey Response Rates: Lessons from the Australian Wine Industry. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 18 (2). pp. 150-152. ISSN 0954-7541

Burgess, Stephen, Johanson, Graeme, Schauder, Don, Karanasios, Stan, Sellitto, Carmine and Stillman, Larry (2006) Building Capacity in Small Businesses for the Use of the Internet : a Study of 'Outer' Suburbs in Australia. In: SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2006 : SME-Entrepreneurship Competitiveness, Challenges and Prospects in the New Global Environment. Ndubisi, Nelson, ed. School of Business, Monash University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.

Davidson, Andrew, Burgess, Stephen and Sellitto, Carmine (2006) An Investigation of SMTE Web Site Usage in Australia : Implications for E-Commerce Adoption and Planning Processes. In: Global Electronic Business Research : Opportunities and Directions. Al-Qirim, NAY, ed. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, Pa., USA, pp. 88-113.


Burgess, Stephen, Bingley, Scott and Sellitto, Carmine (2007) A Model for Website Content Decisions in Micro Businesses. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 1. pp. 473-486. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine (2007) The Contribution of Wine Tourism, Taxation Rebates and an Industry Cluster Environment to the Australian Wine Industry Success Story. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 1 (2007). pp. 487-499. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen and Hawking, Paul (2007) Information Quality Attributes Associated with RFID-Derived Benefits in the Retail Supply Chain. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 35 (1). pp. 69-87. ISSN 0959-0552

Sellitto, Carmine and Carbone, Daniel R (2007) Success Factors Associated with Health Information Systems Implementation: A Study of an Australian Regional Hospital. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, 2 (4). pp. 39-54. ISSN 1833-4318

Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2007) A Study of a Wine Industry Internet Portal. In: Encyclopadia of Portal Technologies and Applications. Tatnall, Arthur, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 979-984.

Alizai, Fahd, Burgess, Stephen, Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine (2007) Developing a model for ERP systems adoption by midsize business. In: Proceedings of business and information: proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2007), Tokyo, Japan, 11-13 July 2007. Wenchang, Fang, ed. Academy of Taiwan Information System Research, New Taipei City, Taiwan.


Sellitto, Carmine (2008) Collaboration and Academic Publishing: A Study of the Performance and Diversity of Contributing Author Disciplines. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 8 (1). pp. 201-212. ISSN 1447-9524

Sellitto, Carmine (2008) A Framework for Electronic Marketing: Experiences of an Early Internet Adopting Australian Winery. Market Management: Marketing and Communication, 8 (2). pp. 48-61. ISSN 1779-3572

Sellitto, Carmine (2008) Email Marketing and Website Subscription Features. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 4 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 1832-3669

Cox, Carmen, Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Buultjens, Jeremy (2008) Consumer-Generated Web-Based Tourism Marketing. Sustainable Tourism CRC, Gold Coast, Qld..


Hawking, Paul, Jovanovic, Robert, Sellitto, Carmine and Foster, Susan (2009) Business Intelligence Maturity: An Evaluation of Australian Companies. Professional Journal of the Scientific and Education Forum on Business Information Systems (SEFBIS), 2009 (4). pp. 2-9. ISSN 1788-2265

Sellitto, Carmine (2009) The Management of Student Self- and -Peer Evaluation in University Group Work: A Theoretical Analysis of Contemporary Literature Sources. International Journal of Learning, 16 (4). pp. 221-232. ISSN 14479494

Sellitto, Carmine (2009) A study of journal publication attributes: Some Considerations for academics in the information systems discipline. Webology, 6 (1). p. 66. ISSN 1735-188X

Sellitto, Carmine (2009) A Study of radio frequency identification adoption in the wine industry supply chain. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 1 (2). pp. 214-227. ISSN 1756-9850

Sellitto, Carmine, Banks, David, Burgess, Stephen and Monday, Ann (2009) A Study of Australian Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises and their ICT Adoption. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 9 (6). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1447-9524

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Karanasios, Stan (2009) Effective web presence solutions for small businesses: strategies for successful implementation. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA.

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Bingley, Scott (2009) The Adoption of Online Booking Services by Small Australian Accommodation Providers. In: ISBE Conference 2009 Papers. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Harrogate, U.K., pp. 1-15.

Bingley, Scott, Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2009) The Importance of Third Party Websites: A Study of Small Accommodation Providers in Australia. In: 4th International Scientific Conference: Planning for the future - learning from the Past: Developments in Travel, Tourism Hospitality, 3-5 April 2009, Rhodes Island, Greece.

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen and Bingley, Scott (2009) Internet Use by Small Accommodation Providers in Australia. In: Proceedings of the Annual ISOneWorld "Emergent Challenges in IS/IT. Hackney, Raymond, ed. Information Institute Publishing, Washington, USA.

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen and Bingley, Scott (2009) Small Business Characteristics and RFID Implementation: A Requirements Alignment Framework. In: GMR 2009: 8th Global Mobility Roundtable Conference Transformation Through Mobility, 1-3 November 2009, Cairo, Egypt.

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen, Cox, Carmen and Buultjens, Jeremy (2009) A Study of Web 2.0 Tourism Sites: A Usability and Web Features Perspective. In: Tourism Informatics: Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities, and User Interface Design. Sharda, Nalin, ed. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 95-114.

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine, Banks, David and Monday, Ann (2009) The Use of Information and Communications Technologies in SMTEs: The Effect of Varying Levels of Expertise. In: 4th International Scientific Conference: Planning for the Future - Learning from the Past: Contemporary Developments in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality. University of the Agean, Mytilene, Greece.

Hawking, Paul, Jovanovic, Robert, Sellitto, Carmine and Foster, Susan (2009) Business Intelligence Maturity: An Evaluation of Australian Companies. In: CONFENIS 2009 - The IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, an International Forum for Exploring the Research Frontier in EIS, 28-30 October 2009, Famulus Hotel and Conference Centre, Gyor, Hungar. (Unpublished)

Monday, A, Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Banks, David (2009) A study of South Australian small to medium-sized tourism enterprises (SMTES) and their adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTS). In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, 03 November 2009-06 November 2009, Liverpool, UK.

Cox, Carmen, Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Buultjens, Jeremy (2009) The role of user generated content in tourists' travel planning behavior. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 18 (8). 743 - 764.

Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Cox, Carmen and Buultjens, Jeremy (2009) User-generated content (UGC) in tourism: benefits and concerns of online consumers. In: ECIS 2009 - 17th European Conference on Information Systems - Information Systems in a Globalising World : Challenges, Ethics and Practices, 08 June 2009-10 June 2009, Verona, Italy.


Scott, Noel, Burgess, Stephen, Monday, Ann and Sellitto, Carmine, eds. (2010) Helping Tourism SMES Plan and Implement Information and Communication Technology. Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, Gold Coast, Qld..

Bingley, Scott, Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine, Cox, Carmen and Buultjens, Jeremy (2010) A classification scheme for analysing Web 2.0 tourism websites. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 11 (4). pp. 281-298. ISSN 1938-9027

Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2010) A study of an Australian wine industry internet portal. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2 (2). pp. 202-210. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine (2010) The planning, organising, leading and controlling activities of the chief information officer (CIO) as identified in the contemporary literature. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2 (2). pp. 166-173. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine (2010) A reflection of educator management practices associated with university undergraduate group-work projects. The International Journal of Learning, 17 (1). pp. 375-386. ISSN 1447-9494

Banks, David, Monday, Ann, Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2010) Focusing on SMTEs: Using Audience Response Technology to Refine a Research Project. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 7. pp. 311-319. ISSN 1547-5867

Sellitto, Carmine, Burgess, Stephen, Monday, Ann and Banks, David (2010) Perceived Benefits and Innovative Use of ICTs by Small Tourism Operators. In: ISBE Conference 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine (2010) Business Intelligence (BI) Critical Success Factors. In: Information systems : defining and establishing a high impact discipline : 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 1-3 December 2010, Brisbane. Rosemann, Michael, Green, Peter and Rohde, Fiona, eds. Association for Information Systems, Brisbane.

Bingley, Scott, Hackney, Raymond, Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2010) Adoption of mobile technologies within an applied context: the case of community organisations. In: Proceedings of 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business/ 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable : proceedings ICMB-GMR 2010. IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., pp. 493-498.

Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine (2010) Critical Success Factors of Business Intelligence (BI) in an ERP Systems Environment. In: Confenis 2010, 25-27 August, 2010, Natal, Brazil. (Unpublished)


Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine, Cox, Carmen and Buultjens, Jeremy (2011) Trust Perceptions of Online Travel Information by Different Content Creators: Some Social and Legal Implications. Information Systems Frontiers, 13 (2). pp. 221-235. ISSN 1572-9419

Sellitto, Carmine (2011) Organisational Structure: Some Observations on the Importance of Informal Advice and Trust Networks. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1833-1882

Sellitto, Carmine (2011) Winery Web Presence: E-Marketing, Website and Social Media Practices. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2 (1). pp. 118-126. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine (2011) Capabilities Associated with University Group-work Activities: Experiential Benefits, Personal Attributes and Practically-acquired Skills. The International Journal of Learning, 18 (1). pp. 401-410. ISSN 1447-9494

Sellitto, Carmine (2011) An Analysis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Articles Published in Leading Small Business and Entrepreneurship Journals. In: Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference ISBE 2011. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, London.

Bingley, Scott, Burgess, Stephen and Sellitto, Carmine (2011) Website Adoption by Local Sporting Bodies in Australia and New Zealand. In: Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2011 : Quality Research in Pacific Asia. Seddon, Peter and Gregor, Shirley, eds. Faculty of Science & technology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.

Hawking, Paul, Jovanovic, Robert and Sellitto, Carmine (2011) Business Intelligence Maturity in Australia. In: AMCIS 2011 : Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems. King, Nelson, ed. Association for Information Systems.

Cox, Carmen, Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Buultjens, Jeremy (2011) Consumer Generated Media in Hospitality and Tourism: Travellers' Likes and their Concerns about the Latest Innovation in Hospitality Marketing. In: From principles to practices : bridging the practitioner-academic divide in hospitality, 4-5 July 2013, Lausanne, France. (Unpublished)


Karanasios, Stan, Burgess, Stephen and Sellitto, Carmine (2012) A Classification of Mobile Tourism Applications. In: Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies. de Pablos, Patricia Ordóñez, Tennyson, Robert and Zhao, Jingyuan, eds. Business Science Reference, Hershey, Pa., pp. 165-177.

Sellitto, Carmine (2012) The Activities of the Chief Information Officer as Noted through Job Position Descriptions. Communications of the IBIMA (International Business Information Management Association), 2012. ISSN 1943-7765

Sellitto, Carmine (2012) Customer Relationship Management Models: A Study of Contemporary Literature to Identify Company-to-Client Business Activities. Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2 (1). pp. 327-333. ISSN 1553-1392

Sellitto, Carmine (2012) Australian university output in quality information systems journals. International Journal of Learning, 18 (12). pp. 225-242. ISSN 1447-9494

Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Karanasios, S (2012) A Model of ICDT Internet flows on mobile devices for the travel and tourism consumer. Tourism Analysis, 17 (6). 705 - 719. ISSN 1083-5423


Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Cox, Carmen and Buultjens, Jeremy (2014) Strategies for Adopting Consumer-generated Media in Small-sized to Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises. International Journal of Tourism Research. ISSN 1099-2340

1 September 2014

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2014) An Analysis of Social Media Policies Adopted by Sporting Organisations. The International Journal of Sport and Society, 4 (2). 13 - 24. ISSN 2152-7857


Phonthanukitithaworn, C, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2015) A Study of Mobile Payment (M-payment) Services Adoption in Thailand. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Khosrow-Pour, M, ed. (3rd ed.) Information Science, Hershey, PA, pp. 731-741.

Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Buultjens, Jeremy and Cox, Carmen (2015) How Australian SMEs engage with social media. In: 2nd European Conference on Social Media, 09 July 2015-10 July 2015, Porto, Portugal.

Mizrachi, Isaac and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2015) Building a Facebook Strategy: Some Insights from Australian Accommodation Small Tourism Enterprises (STEs). Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 16 (1). 63 - 79. ISSN 1528-0098

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Hawking, Paul (2015) Enterprise Systems and Data Analytics: a Fantasy Football Case Study. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 11 (3). ISSN 1548-1115

Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2015) Business intelligence strategy: A utilities company case study. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 11 (1). 1 - 12. ISSN 1548-1115

1 March 2015

Karanasios, S, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 (2015) Mobile Devices and Information Patterns Amongst Tourists. Information Research, 20 (1). 1 - 4. ISSN 1368-1613

April 2015

Phonthanukitithaworn, C, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2015) User intentions to adopt mobile payment services: a study of early adopters in Thailand. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 20 (1). ISSN 1204-5357

August 2015

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2015) Business Activities Associated with Social Customer Relationship Management (Social-CRM). Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 11 (2). 125 - 131. ISSN 1813-0534


Phonthanukitithaworn, C and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2016) Role of service quality and total attending cost on satisfaction and behaviorial intention to return to a sport event. In: IRSSM 7 - 7th International Research Symposium in Service Management, 02 August 2016-06 August 2016, Nakhonpathom, Thailand.

April 2016

Phonthanukitithaworn, C, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2016) An investigation of mobile payment (m-payment) services in Thailand. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 8 (1). 37 - 54. ISSN 1757-4323

21 June 2016

Buultjens, Jeremy, Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Cox, Carmen (2016) Regional SMEs and social media: Use, perceived benefits and possible limitations. In: 2016 RUN Regional Futures Conference, 21 June 2016-24 June 2016, Rockhampton, Queensland.

7 July 2016

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Banks, David, Bingley, Scott ORCID: 0000-0002-9188-5136 and Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 (2016) Small Businesses and Effective ICT : Stories and Practical Insights. Storey, DJ, ed. Routledge studies in small business . Routledge, New York.

September 2016

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Phonthanukitithaworn, C (2016) A Reflection on Intercept Survey Use in Thailand: Some Cultural Considerations for Transnational Studies. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 14 (1). 60 - 70. ISSN 1477-7029

21 November 2016

Phonthanukitithaworn, C, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2016) A Comparative Study of Current and Potential Users of Mobile Payment Services. SAGE Open, 6 (4). ISSN 2158-2440

December 2016

Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Bingley, Scott ORCID: 0000-0002-9188-5136 and Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772 (2016) A Model for Evaluating Mobile Device Adoption in Community Sports Organizations. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 36 (4). 211 - 218. ISSN 0270-4676


Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2017) Developing an Effective Strategy for Organizational Business Intelligence. In: Enterprise Information Systems and the Digitalization of Business Functions. Tavana, M, ed. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 222-237.

Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2017) Business Intelligence Strategy: Two Case Studies. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 8 (2). 17 - 30. ISSN 1947-3591

1 April 2017

Hawking, Paul and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2017) A fast-moving consumer goods company and business intelligence strategy development. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 13 (2). 22 - 33. ISSN 1548-1115

8 May 2017

Phonthanukitithaworn, C and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2017) Facebook as a second screen: An influence on sport consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (8). 1477 - 1487. ISSN 0736-5853

September 2017

Burgess, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-9772, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242, Cox, Carmen, Buultjens, Jeremy and Bingley, Scott ORCID: 0000-0002-9188-5136 (2017) An Innovation Diffusion Approach to Examining the Adoption of Social Media by Small Businesses: an Australian Case Study. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9 (3). 1 - 24. ISSN 1943-7536


Phonthanukitithaworn, C and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2018) Perceptions of service quality at football stadiums: influence on fans’ intention to attend future games. Managing Sport and Leisure, 23 (3). pp. 204-224. ISSN 2375-0472

8 April 2019

Chmait, Nader ORCID: 0000-0002-3152-382X, Robertson, Samuel ORCID: 0000-0002-8330-0011, Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676, Eime, Rochelle ORCID: 0000-0002-8614-2813, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Reid, Machar (2019) Tennis superstars: the relationship between star status and demand for tickets. Sport Management Review. ISSN 1441-3523

July 2020

Chmait, Nader ORCID: 0000-0002-3152-382X, Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676, Eime, Rochelle ORCID: 0000-0002-8614-2813, Robertson, Samuel ORCID: 0000-0002-8330-0011, Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 and Reid, Machar (2020) Tennis influencers: the player effect on social media engagement and demand for tournament attendance. Telematics and Informatics, 50. p. 101381. ISSN 0736-5853


Phonthanukitithaworn, Chanchai ORCID: 0000-0001-9639-0936 and Sellitto, Carmine ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-9242 (2022) A Willingness to Disclose Personal Information for Monetary Reward: A Study of Fitness Tracker Users in Thailand. SAGE Open, 12 (2). ISSN 2158-2440