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Number of items: 4321.


McLaren, John (1978) Convict to settler : Marcus Clarke. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Deserts of suburbia and achieved serenity : Patrick White. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) From mateship to misanthropy : Henry Handel Richardson, Katharine Susannah Prichard, Xavier Herbert. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Geoffry Hamlyn and the Australian myth. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Guilt and freedom : Thomas Keneally. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED.

McLaren, John (1978) Introduction : dream and reality. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1-10. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Postlude: a colony of the mind. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Sheer perversity : Peter Mathers and David Ireland. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) Two dreams : Henry Kingsley and Rolf Boldrewood. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) The dream and the reality (table of contents). In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McLaren, John (1978) The land and its people : Lawson and Furphy. In: The dream and the reality. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Carlson, John, Lawson, David L, Newman, Robert W, Richta, Ian A and Jennings, Jeffrey (1982) Peripheral and central cardiorespiratory responses to bicycle erogometry in adolescent males. In: Children and exercise, a conference. Russo, PF and Gass, G, eds. N.S.W. Sport Sciences and Research Centre, Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Cumberland, Australia, pp. 56-66.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1986) The contribution of attribution theory to exercise behaviour. In: Sports Science: Proceedings of the VIII Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Dance, Recreation, and Health: conference '86 Glasgow, 18-23 July. Watkins, J, Reilly, T and Burwitz, L, eds. E. & F.N. Spon, London, pp. 285-290.


Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763, Dixon, Peter and Parmenter, BR (1988) Forecasting Versus Policy Analysis with the ORANI Model. In: Economic Modelling in the OECD Countries. Motamen-Scobie, Homa, ed. International Studies In Economic Modelling . Springer, London, pp. 653-666.


Dixon, Peter, Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763 and Johnson, DT (1991) ORANI Projections for the Australian Economy for 1989 to 2020 with special reference to the Land Freight Industry. In: Applied General Equilibrium. Piggott, John and Whalley, John, eds. Studies in empirical economics . Physica-Verlag, Heidelbert, Germany, pp. 3-24.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1992) Adherence to physical activity and exercise. In: Physical activity and health: 34th Symposium Volume of the Society for the Study of Human Biology. Norgan, N, ed. Society for the Study of Human Biology Symposium Series: 34 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 170-189.

McLaren, John (1992) Voices in a landscape - the fiction of Peter Cowan. In: Peter Cowan : new critical essays. University of WA Press in association with the Centre for Studies in Australian Literature, Nedlands, Western Australia. (Unpublished)

McLaren, Mary-Rose (1992) The Textual Transmission of the London Chronicles. In: English Manuscript Studies, 1100-1700. Beal, Peter and Griffiths, Jeremy, eds. British Library, London, pp. 38-72.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1992) Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Based and Rule Based Power System Stabilizer. In: The First IEEE Conference on Control Applications, September 13-16, 1992, Stouffer Center Plaza Hotel, Dayton, Ohio. IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, pp. 692-697.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1992) A Fuzzy Logic Controller Applied to Power System Stabilizer for a Synchronous Machine Power System. In: TENCON '92 "technology enabling tomorrow" : 1992 IEEE Region 10 International Conference : computers, communications and automation towards the 21st century : Melbourne, 11th-13th November, 1992 : preprints of papers. IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, pp. 346-350.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1993) Attribution research and sport psychology. In: Handbook of research on sport psychology. Singer, RN, Murphey, M and Tennant, LK, eds. Macmillan, New York, pp. 437-464.

Burke, Michael (1993) Sport, Feminist theory and Foucault. In: Discourse on Sport: proceedings of the 21st annual conference of the PSSS. Eassom, Simon, ed. Center for Applied Sport Philosophy and Ethics Research, De Montfort University, Bedford, England, pp. 80-87.

Buswell, J, Parkinson, S and Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676 (1993) Leisure centres. In: Case studies in leisure management practice. Buswell, J, ed. Longman, Harlow, England, pp. 41-78.

Callery, Paul James Michael and Morris, Tony (1993) The effect of mental practice on the performance of an Australian rules football skill. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Serpa, Sidonio, Alves, J, Ferreira, Vitor and Paula-Brito, Antonio, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 648-651.

Kremer, P. J and Morris, Tony (1993) Enhancement of athletic performance using mental imagery and restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 240-244.

McLaren, Mary-Rose (1993) 'A Ffals wytch': the English vision of Joan of Arc. In: A World Explored: Essays in Honour of Laurie Gardiner. Gilmour-Bryson, Anne, ed. Melbourne University History Monograph (18). University of Melbourne, History Department, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 62-76.

Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong (1993) Development of the intrinsic motivation inventory for use with Australian children and adolescents. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Serpa, Sidonio, Alves, J, Ferreira, Vitor and Paula-Brito, Antonio, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 476-480.

Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong (1993) Test of a causal model relating extrinsic reward, performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation for basketball free throw shooting. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Serpa, Sidonio, Alves, J, Ferreira, Vitor and Paula-Brito, Antonio, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 480-483.

Morris, Tony and Choi, Whan Bong (1993) The effect of extrinsic rewards on performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in basketball shooting. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Serpa, Sidonio, Alves, J, Ferreira, Vitor and Paula-Brito, Antonio, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 868-872.

Morris, Tony and Lewan, Namchai (1993) Sport psychology and elite coaches in the non-western cultural tradition of Thailand. In: Sport psychology: an integrated approach. Serpa, Sidonio, Alves, J, Ferreira, Vitor and Paula-Brito, Antonio, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 429-432.

Rouillard, Vincent (1993) A computer controlled wave energy conversion device. In: Offshore Australia 1993: the 2nd Australian international Oil, Gas & Petrochemical exhibition and conference incorporating Petrochem '93 Royal Exhibition Building Melbourne, 23 - 26 November 1993 ; Record of proceedings. Aribert-Christ, R. P, ed. Australian Exhibition Services, Melbourne, Vic..

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1993) Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Power System Stabilization. In: TENCON '93 : 1993 IEEE Region 10 Conference on 'Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering' : October 19-21, 1993, Beijing, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing Continental Grand Hotel. IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, pp. 200-203.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1993) Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Power System Stabilization. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE Conference on Control Applications. IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, pp. 61-67.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1993) Design and Implementation of a PC-Based Automatic Voltage Regulator and Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizer. In: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management, December 7-10, 1993, Hong Kong. IEEE Hong Kong Centre, Hong Kong, pp. 293-298.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (1993) Design and Laboratory Evaluation of a Digital AVR and a Fuzzy Controller. In: AUPEC'93: proceedings : Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, University of Wollongong, 29th and 30th September and 1st October 1993. Gosbell, V. J, ed. University of Wollongong, Wollongong, New South Wales.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1994) Motivation and participation in exercise and sport. In: International perspectives on sport and exercise psychology. Serpa, S, Alves, J and Pataco, V, eds. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, WV, pp. 103-126.

Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1994) What helps and hinders people becoming more physically active? In: Moving on: international perspectives on promoting physical activity. Killoran, AJ, Fentem, P and Caspersen, C, eds. Health Education Authority, London, pp. 110-148.

Carroll, Jeanne (1994) Why do some primary teacher trainees hate maths? A case study. In: Challenges in mathematics education : constraints on construction : proceedings of the seventeenth Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia held at Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia, 5-8 July 1994. Bell, Garry, Wright, B, Leeson, N and Geake, J, eds. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Lismore, New South Wales, pp. 137-144.

King, Brian (1994) Australian attitudes to domestic and international resort holidays. A comparison of Fiji and Queensland. In: Tourism: the state of the art. Seaton, A. V, ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 347-359.

King, Brian (1994) Research on resorts: a review. In: Progress in tourism, recreation and hospitality management. Cooper, C. P and Lockwood, A, eds. Belhaven Series, 5 . Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 165-180.

McLaren, Mary-Rose (1994) The Aims and Interests of the London Chroniclers of the Fifteenth Century. In: Trade, Devotion, and Governance: Papers in Later Medieval History. Clayton, Dorothy J, Davies, Richard and McNiven, Peter, eds. Sutton Publishing, Stroud, UK, pp. 158-176.

Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093, Herron, Len H, Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 and Nanda, J (1994) Optimisation and Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabiliser. In: Emerging trends in power systems : proceedings of the eighth national power systems conference, December 14-17, 1994. Nanda, J and Kothari, M. L, eds. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp. 416-420.

de Courten, Maximilian, Bohlen, Lorenz and Weidmann, Peter (1994) Comparative study of the effect of ACE-Inhibitors and other antihypertensive agents on proteinuria in diabetic patients. In: The kidney and hypertension in diabetes mellitus. 2nd ed. Mogensen, Carl Erik, ed. Kluwer Academic, Boston.


Andersen, Mark B and Greenspan, Michael (1995) Providing psychological services to student athletes: a development psychology approach. In: Sport psychology interventions. Human Kinetics, Champaign, ill, 177 -191.

Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1995) Exercise motivation across the life span. In: European perspectives on exercise and sport psychology. Biddle, Stuart, ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 3-25.

Carroll, Jeanne (1995) Mathematics learning and gender. In: Regional collaboration in mathematics education, ICMI, Monash University, Melbourne, April 19-23 1995. Hunting, Robert Paul, Fitzsimons, G. E, Clarkson, Philip C and Bishop, Alan J, eds. Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, pp. 179-187.

Fortunato, Vanda, Anderson, Deidre, Morris, Tony and Seedsman, Terence (1995) Career transition research at Victoria University. In: Integrating laboratory and field studies : proceedings of the IXth European Congress on Sport Psychology 4-9 July, 1995. Vanfraechem-Raway, Renée and Vanden Auweele, Yves, eds. European Federation of Sport Psychology, pp. 533-543.

King, Brian, Pizam, Abraham and Milman, Ady (1995) Social impacts of tourism: host perceptions. In: Tourism. Principles, Practices, Philosophies. McIntosh, Robert W, Goeldner, Charles R and Ritchie, J. R. Brent, eds. Wiley, New York, pp. 251-263.

Morris, Tony, Fortunato, Vanda and Spittle, Michael (1995) Recreation and well-being in older adults. In: Bridging the gaps between disciplines, curriculum, and instruction : proceedings, the 1995 AIESEP World Congress, June 26-30, 1995, Wingate Institute, Israel. Lidor, Ronnie, Eldar, Eitan and Harari, Israel, eds. Zinman College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport, Israel, pp. 209-216.

Shi, Juan (1995) Development of a Fuzzy Logic Controller as a Power System Stabiliser Using Hierarchical Structure. In: Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems : IEA/AIE 95 : proceedings of the eighth international conference, Melbourne, Australia, June 6-8, 1995. Forsyth, Graham F and Moonis, Ali, eds. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 401 - 409.

Smith, RA and Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1995) Psychological factors in the promotion of physical activity. In: European perspectives on exercise and sport psychology. Biddle, Stuart, ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il, pp. 85-108.


Carroll, Jeanne (1996) Teaching primary maths. What's important? Says who? In: Technology in mathematics education : proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) June 30-July 3, 1996 at the University of Melbourne. Clarkson, Philip C, ed. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Parkville, Victoria, pp. 101-106.

Dart, L and Drake, Pat ORCID: 0000-0001-8542-5662 (1996) Subject Perspectives in Mentoring. In: Mentors in Schools: Developing the Profession of Teaching. McIntyre, D and Hagger, H, eds. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp. 56-74.

King, Brian (1996) Australian market perceptions of resorts. In: Integrated tourism planning in Pacific Island countries : proceedings of a workshop organized by ESCAP 5-9 June 1995, Port Vila, Vanuatu. ESCAP tourism review, 17 (17). United Nations ESCAP, New York, pp. 174-187.

Muangnapoe, Pichit and Morris, Tony (1996) Meditation, relaxation and multidimensional state anxiety. In: Bridging the gaps between disciplines, curriculum, and instruction : proceedings, the 1995 AIESEP World Congress, June 26-30, 1995, Wingate Institute, Israel. Lidor, Ronnie, Eldar, Eitan and Harari, Israel, eds. Zinman College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport, Israel, pp. 142-151.

Shi, Juan (1996) Comparison of Two Fuzzy Controllers in Power System Stabilisation. In: Information Engineering. Zou, Kaiqi and Zhang, Shu, eds. Harbin Engineering University Press, Harbin, China, 202 - 213.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (1997) Cognitive theories of motivation and the physical self. In: The physical self: From motivation to well-being. Fox, KR, ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 59-82.

Carroll, Jeanne (1997) Perfect Professional Development for Teaching Mathematics: Some Primary Teachers' Views. In: Science, mathematics and technology education and national development : proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, January 1997, Hanoi, Vietnam. Fisher, Darrell and Rickards, Tony, eds. National Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics, Perth, pp. 43-51.

Carroll, Jeanne and Waywood, Andrew (1997) Professional development for teachers and the Internet. In: Science, mathematics and technology education and national development : proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, January 1997, Hanoi, Vietnam. Fisher, Darrell and Rickards, Tony, eds. National Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics, Perth, pp. 175-181.

King, Brian (1997) Developing a regional concept for a resort destination: challenges and opportunities in the Whitsundays. In: Global directions: new strategies for hospitality and tourism. Teare, Richard, Canizani, Bonnie Farber and Brown, Graham, eds. Cassell, London, pp. 357-382.

Muangnapoe, Pichit and Morris, Tony (1997) The effects of meditation and relaxation on perceived uncertainty and perceived importance. In: Innovations in sport psychology: linking theory and practice : Israel, July 5-9, 1997, proceedings. Lidor, Ronnie and Bar-Eli, Michael, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Netanya, Israel, pp. 510-512.

Muangnapoe, Pichit and Morris, Tony (1997) An exploratory test of a modification of the Martens et al. theory of competitive anxiety. In: Proceedings of the 9th world congress of sport psychology. Lidor, R and Bar-Eli, Michael, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Netanya, Israel, pp. 507-509.

She, Weiji and Morris, Tony (1997) Imagery, self-confidence, and baseball hitting. In: Innovations in sport psychology: linking theory and practice: proceedings, International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP), IX World Congress of Sport Psychology, Israel July 5-9, 1997. Lidor, Ronnie and Bar-Eli, Michael, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Netanya, Israel, pp. 626-628.

Sutherland, Georgina and Morris, Tony (1997) Gender and participation motivation in 13 to 15 year old adolescents. In: Innovations in sport psychology: linking theory and practice: proceedings, International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP), IX World Congress of Sport Psychology, Israel July 5-9, 1997. Lidor, Ronnie and Bar-Eli, Michael, eds. International Society of Sport Psychology, Netanya, Israel, pp. 676-678.

de Courten, Maximilian, Bennet, Peter H, Tuomilehto, Jaakko and Zimmet, Paul (1997) Epidemiology of NIDDM in Non-Europids. In: International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus. 2nd ed. Alberti, K. G. M. M, Zimmet, Paul, DeFronzo, R. A and Keen, H, eds. J. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 143-170.


Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895, Cavill, Nick and Sallis, JF (1998) Policy framework for young people and health-enhancing physical activity. In: Young and active? Young people and health-enhancing physical activity: Evidence and implications. Biddle, S, Sallis, JF and Cavill, N, eds. Health Education Authority, London, pp. 3-16.

Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 and Hanrahan, Stephanie J (1998) Attributions and attributional style. In: Advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement. Duda, JL, ed. Fitness Information Technology, Morgantown, WV, pp. 3-19.

Burke, Michael (1998) Is Boxing Violent? Let's Ask Some Boxers. In: All Part of the Game: Violence and Australian Sport. Hemphill, Dennis, ed. Walla Walla Press, Petersham, NSW, pp. 111-132.

Carlson, John and Naughton, Geraldine A (1998) Assessing accumulated oxygen deficit in children. In: Pediatric anaerobic performance. Praagh, Emmanuel Van, ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 119-136.

Carroll, Jeanne (1998) Developing a framework for viewing affective and knowledge factors in teaching primary mathematics. In: Teaching mathematics in new times : MERGA 21. Kaynes, Clive, Goos, Merrilyn and Warren, Elizabeth, eds. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Gold Coast, Queensland, pp. 137-144.

Carroll, Jeanne (1998) Primary school teachers’ views of professional development for teaching mathematics. In: 1998 National Conference, Education : who really counts? 27-30 September 1998, Canberra. Australian College of Education, Canberra.

Guthrie, Hugh (1998) Getting the message out : disseminating the products of the National Research and Evaluation Program. In: VET research : influencing policy and practice : proceedings of the first national conference of the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, Sydney, February, 1998. Barrett, Mary and McIntyre, John, eds. TD/TNC (57.103). Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Organisation, Alexandria, New South Wales, pp. 205-210.

Hallinan, Christopher J and Reilly, Edward (1998) Symbolic interactions among amateur eight ball pool players. In: Refashioning sociology: responses to a new world order. Alexander, M, Harding, S, Harrison, P, Kendall, G, Skrbis, Z and Western, J, eds. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, pp. 504-511.

Hawking, Paul (1998) Incorporating enterprise resource planning systems (SAP R/3) into university curriculum. In: 8th Annual Business Information Technology Conference, BIT 1998. Hackney, Raymond, ed. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England.

Hemphill, Dennis ORCID: 0000-0003-3834-6624 (1998) All Part of Whose Game? A Violence and Sport Commentary. In: All Part of the Game: Violence and Australian Sport. Hemphill, Dennis, ed. Walla Walla Press, Sydney, NSW, pp. 153-163.

Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763 and Abayasiri-Silva, Kaludura (1998) Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition in an Applied General Equilibrium Model of the Australian Economy. In: Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis. Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, Ng, Yew-Kwang and Yang, Xiaokai, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 307-334.

Moore, Susan and Ohtsuka, Keis (1998) Control over gambling: Solution or problem? In: Responsible gambling: A future winner. Proceedings of the 8th National Association for Gambling Studies Conference, Melbourne 1997. National Association for Gambling Studies, Adelaide, Australia, pp.259 to 267.


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June 2009

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March 2010

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June 2010

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August 2010

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September 2010

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October 2010

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March 2011

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May 2011

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July 2011

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January 2014

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1 January 2014

Ambler, Trudy ORCID: 0000-0003-2654-6274, Breyer, Yvonne ORCID: 0000-0003-3936-5050 and Young, Sherman (2014) Piloting Online Submission and Online Assessment with GradeMark. In: Cases on the Assessment of Scenario and Game-Based Virtual Worlds in Higher Education. Advances in Game-Based Learning . IGI Global, pp. 125-144.

Ambler, Trudy ORCID: 0000-0003-2654-6274, Chavan, Meena ORCID: 0000-0002-7979-3175, Clarke, Jennifer and Matthews, Nicole ORCID: 0000-0002-6240-0881 (2014) Climates of Communication: Collegiality, Affect, Spaces and Attitudes in Peer Review. In: Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education : International Perspectives. Sachs, J and Parsell, M, eds. Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 9 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 67-84.

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10 January 2014

Barney, Steve T and Andersen, Mark B ORCID: 0000-0002-7609-4096 (2014) Mindful supervision in sport and performance psychology: Building the quality of the supervisor-supervisee relationship. In: Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences: Contemporary issues. Knowles, Z, ed. Taylor & Francis, New York, pp. 147-159.

21 January 2014

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1 March 2014

Custance, Juanita, Fox, John ORCID: 0000-0002-2402-2859 and O'Maley, Pauline (2014) Becoming a community of readers: Academic literacies in the social work classroom. In: Strong Starts, Supported Transitions and Student Success. Funston, Andrew, Gil, Miguel and Gilmore, Gwen, eds. Cambridge Scholars Pub, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 219-244.

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4 March 2014

Sofo, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0002-1277-8296 (2014) Identities for reciprocal binomials. In: Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions: In Honor of Hari M. Srivastava. Springer New York, New York, USA, pp. 227-238.

29 April 2014

Jackling, Beverley (2014) The Choice of Accounting as a Career. In: The Routledge Companion to Accounting Education. Wilson, RMS, ed. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 214-232.

1 May 2014

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1 July 2014

Marsh, S, Dwyer, Natasha ORCID: 0000-0002-0393-9836, Basu, Anirban, Storer, T, Renaud, K, El-Khatib, K, Esfandiari, B, Noël, S and Bicakci, MV (2014) Foreground Trust as a Security Paradigm: Turning Users into Strong Links. In: Information Security in Diverse Computing Environments. Kayem, A and Meinel, C, eds. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 8-23.

Ranadheera, Chaminda ORCID: 0000-0002-1367-7999, Prasanna, PHP and Vidanarachchi, JK (2014) Fruit juices as probiotic carriers. In: Fruit Juices: Types, Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits. Elder, KE, ed. Nutrition and Diet Research Progress . Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, pp. 253-267.

4 July 2014

Noble, Carolyn and Henrickson, Mark (2014) Towards identifying a philosophical basis of social work. In: Global social work: Crossing borders, blurring boundaries. Noble, C, Strauss, H and Littlechild, B, eds. Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 3-14.

16 July 2014

Blaise, Mindy ORCID: 0000-0003-2476-9407, Edwards, S and Brooker, Liz (2014) Theoretical Perspectives on play and learning. In: The SAGE Handbook of Play and Learning in Early Childhood. Brooker, L, Blaise, Mindy and Edwards, S, eds. SAGE Publications, London, pp. 5-8.

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1 August 2014

McLaren, John (2014) Patrick White: crossing the boundaries. In: Patrick White centenary: The legacy of a prodigal son. vanden Driesen, C and Ashcroft, B, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 82-97.

2 August 2014

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13 August 2014

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 (2014) Subaltern Desires: Queer (in) Southern Story lines: Looking at Movies and the Queerin of/in the South. In: Critical Studies of Southern Place. Reynolds, WM, ed. Counterpoints: studies in the postmodern theory of education, 434 . Peter Lang, New York.

1 September 2014

Prain, Vaughan, Cox, Peter, Deed, Craig, Edwards, Debra, Farrelly, Cathleen, Keeffe, Mary, Lovejoy, Valerie, Mow, Lucy, Sellings, Peter, Waldrip, Bruce and Yager, Karen (Zali) K ORCID: 0000-0002-2503-7374 (2014) New practices, new knowledge and future implications for learning in open-plan settings for low ses students. In: Adapting to Teaching and Learning in Open-Plan Schools. Prain, V, Cox, P, Deed, C, Edwards, D, Farrelly, C, Keeffe, M, Lovejoy, V, Mow, L, Sellings, P, Waldrip, B and Yager, K. K, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 195-204.

Prain, Vaughan, Cox, Peter, Deed, Craig, Edwards, Debra, Farrelly, Cathleen, Keeffe, Mary, Lovejoy, Valerie, Mow, Lucy, Sellings, Peter, Waldrip, Bruce and Yager, Karen (Zali) K ORCID: 0000-0002-2503-7374 (2014) Personalising learning: Theory and enactment personalising learning. In: Adapting to Teaching and Learning in Open-Plan Schools. Prain, V, Cox, P, Deed, C, Edwards, D, Farrelly, C, Keeffe, M, Lovejoy, V, Mow, L, Selllings, P, Waldrip, B and Yager, K. K, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 43-58.

Prain, Vaughan, Cox, Peter, Deed, Craig, Edwards, Debra, Farrelly, Cathleen, Keeffe, Mary, Lovejoy, Valerie, Mow, Lucy, Sellings, Peter, Waldrip, Bruce and Yager, Karen (Zali) K ORCID: 0000-0002-2503-7374 (2014) Researching the outcomes of the Bendigo education plan changing school settings. In: Adapting to Teaching and Learning in Open-Plan Schools. Prain, V, Cox, P, Deed, C, Edwards, D, Farrelly, C, Keeffe, M, Lovejoy, V, Mow, L, Sellings, P, Waldrip, B and Yager, Karen (Zali) K, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 3-17.

18 September 2014

Morda, Romana ORCID: 0000-0001-8101-5287, Archard, N and Waniganayake, M (2014) Stepping up early: Developing girls' leadership ability. In: Health and wellbeing in childhood. Garvis, S and Pendergast, D, eds. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 319-329.

22 September 2014

Robertson, Martin ORCID: 0000-0002-5787-8549 and Brown, Steve (2014) Leadership and visionary futures: future proofing festivals. In: The Future of Events and Festivals. Yeoman, Ian, Robertson, Martin, McMahon-Beattie, Una, Backer, E and Smith, Karen A, eds. Routledge Advances in Event Research Series . Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 219-234.

Robertson, Martin ORCID: 0000-0002-5787-8549 and Lees, Gavin (2014) eScaping in the city, retailvents in socio-spatially managed futures. In: The Future of Events and Festivals. Yeoman, Ian, Robertson, Martin, McMahon-Beattie, Una, Backer, E and Smith, Karen A, eds. Routledge Advances in Event Research . Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 251-267.

Yeoman, Ian, Robertson, Martin ORCID: 0000-0002-5787-8549, McMahon-Beattie, Una and Musarurwa, N (2014) Scenarios for the future of events and festivals: Mick Jagger at 107 and Edinburgh Fringe. In: The Future of Events and Festivals. Yeoman, Ian, Robertson, Martin, McMahon-Beattie, Una, Backer, E and Smith, Karen A, eds. Routledge Advances in Event Research . Routedge, Oxon, UK, pp. 36-50.

30 September 2014

Ghapanchi, Amir ORCID: 0000-0002-1897-0748 (2014) Investigating the Success of OSS Software Projects. In: Human Factors in Software Development and Design. Saeed, S, Bajwa, I and Mahmood, Z, eds. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 92-102.

Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557 (2014) Real Fiction Theatre as Creative Research. In: Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research. Barrett, Estelle and Bolt, Barbara, eds. I.B.Tauris, London, pp. 124-144.

October 2014

Grewal, Bhajan ORCID: 0000-0003-2977-1071 (2014) Economic perspectives on federalism. In: A Federation for the 21st Century. Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), Melbourne, pp. 41-53.

1 October 2014

Huang, Guangyan ORCID: 0000-0002-1821-8644, He, Jing and Zhang, Yanchun ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-5980 (2014) Web services for things. In: Advanced Web Services. Bouguettaya, A, Sheng, QZ and Daniel, F, eds. Springer, New York, pp. 605-629.

Unnithan, Chandana and Fraunholz, B (2014) Radio Frequency Identification Technology as an Analytical Lens and Solution in Hospitals: A novel approach to BPR/BPM. In: Healthcare Informatics and Analytics: Emerging Issues and Trends. Tavana, M, Ghapanchi, Amir and Talaei-Khoei, A, eds. Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration (AHISA) . IGI Publications, USA, USA, pp. 194-211.

22 October 2014

Kilpatrick, S, Willis, Karen ORCID: 0000-0001-8036-8814 and Lewis, Sophie ORCID: 0000-0003-4639-217X (2014) Community action in Australian farming and fishing communities. In: Community action and planning: Contexts, drivers and outcomes. Policy Press, Clifton, pp. 79-96.

24 October 2014

Gao, Yuan ORCID: 0000-0001-9290-4397 (2014) An emerging giant of science: Achievements and challenges of STEM education in China. In: The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Freeman, Brigid, Marginson, Simon and Tytler, Russell, eds. Routledge, London, pp. 47-66.

31 October 2014

Baka, Richard (2014) 'More Events, More Medals, More Interest!': The Growth and Expansion of the Winter Olympic Games. In: Intersections and Intersectionalities in Olympic and Paralympic studies. Twelfth International Symposium for Olympic Research. Forsyth, J, O'Bonsawin, C and Heine, M, eds. International Centre for Olympic Studies, London, Ontario, pp. 35-42.

1 November 2014

Schouten, PW, Sharma, Ashok ORCID: 0000-0002-0172-5033, Burn, Stewart, Goodman, Nigel and Umapathi, S (2014) Decentralised wastewater treatment and reuse plants: understanding their fugitive greenhouse gas emissions and environmental footprint. In: Alternative Water Supply Systems. Memon, Fayyaz Ali and Ward, Sarah, eds. International Water Association, London, United Kingdom, pp. 329-349.

7 November 2014

McCarthy, Helen ORCID: 0000-0001-7204-4158 (2014) Burns. In: Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. Shaw, Vanessa, ed. (4th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, pp. 707-714.

Shaw, Vanessa and McCarthy, Helen ORCID: 0000-0001-7204-4158 (2014) Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements, Feed Supplementation. In: Clinical Paediatric Dietetics. Shaw, Vanessa, ed. (4th ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 3-22.

25 November 2014

Lee, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X (2014) All the Way from (B)lame to (A)cceptance: Diabetes, Health and Fat Activism. In: The Politics of Size: Perspectives from the Fat Acceptance Movement. Chastain, R, ed. Praeger, Santa Barbara, California, pp. 63-73.

27 November 2014

Knight, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0001-6596-6525 (2014) Career-mindedness in students and universities: an informed choice? In: Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2013/14. Robertson, Andrew and Jones-Parry, Rupert, eds. Commonwealth Secretariat, London, pp. 121-123.

1 December 2014

Burke, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-1486-5972 (2014) Drugs in Sport and Coercion Arguments. In: Drugs and Sport: Writings from the Edge. Stewart, B and Burke, Michael, eds. Dry Ink Press, Hawthorn, Victoria, pp. 155-189.

Devlin, Marcia ORCID: 0000-0001-6311-9103 and McKay, J (2014) Reframing ‘the problem’: students from low socio-economic status backgrounds transitioning to university. In: Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience. Brook, H, Fergie, D, Maeorg, M and Michell, D, eds. University of Adelaide Press, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 97-125.

Yelland, Nicola ORCID: 0000-0002-3096-5845 (2014) Playful Explorations and New Technologies. In: The Excellence Of Play. Moyles, J, ed. (4th ed.) Open University Press, Maidenhead, Berkshire, pp. 225-236.

31 December 2014

Nestel, D, Morrison, Tracy and Pritchard, Shane (2014) Scope of contemporary simulated patient methodology. In: Simulated Patient Methodology: Theory, Evidence and Practice. Nestel, D and Bearman, M, eds. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 7-15.


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Adler, Susan Matoba and Iorio, Jeanne ORCID: 0000-0003-1972-5186 (2015) Progressive Teachers of Young Children: Creating Contemporary Agents of Change. In: International Handbook of Progressive Education. Eryaman, MY and Bertram, B, eds. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 293-307.

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Armstrong, Anona ORCID: 0000-0002-2158-088X and Francis, Ronald (2015) Protecting the whistleblower. In: Research handbook on international financial crime. Rider, B, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 583-601.

Baindur-Hudson, Swati, Edkins, AL and Blatch, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0003-0778-8577 (2015) Hsp70/Hsp90 organising protein (Hop): Beyond interactions with chaperones and prion proteins. In: The networking of chaperones by co-chaperones: control of cellular protein homeostasis. Blatch, Gregory and Edkins, AL, eds. Subcellular Biochemistry, 78 . Springer New York, Cham, pp. 69-90.

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Baker, Alison ORCID: 0000-0002-6830-3185 and Plows, Victoria ORCID: 0000-0002-3993-8480 (2015) Re-presenting or representing young lives? Negotiating knowledge construction of and with 'vulnerable' young people. In: Interrogating Conceptions of "Vulnerable Youth" in Theory, Policy and Practice. te Riele, K and Gorur, R, eds. Innovations and controversies: Interrogating Educational Change, 2 . Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 197-212.

Biddle, Stuart ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-6895 (2015) Sedentary behaviour: applying the behavioural epidemiological framework. In: Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health. Oka, K, Cao, Z-B, Oshima, S and Kanosue, K, eds. Springer, Tokyo, pp. 71-77.

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1 January 2015

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February 2015

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March 2015

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18 March 2015

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22 April 2015

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24 April 2015

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29 May 2015

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July 2015

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16 July 2015

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20 July 2015

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24 July 2015

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3 August 2015

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20 August 2015

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September 2015

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1 September 2015

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4 September 2015

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18 September 2015

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25 September 2015

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1 October 2015

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5 October 2015

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17 October 2015

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26 October 2015

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2 November 2015

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3 November 2015

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1 January 2016

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8 January 2016

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10 January 2016

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20 February 2016

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1 March 2016

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4 March 2016

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May 2016

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June 2016

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12 June 2016

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21 June 2016

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July 2016

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21 July 2016

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August 2016

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3 August 2016

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15 August 2016

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19 August 2016

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24 August 2016

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8 September 2016

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15 September 2016

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28 September 2016

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October 2016

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14 October 2016

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30 October 2016

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1 November 2016

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3 November 2016

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10 November 2016

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14 November 2016

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1 December 2016

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10 December 2016

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14 December 2016

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16 December 2016

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19 December 2016

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3 March 2017

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21 May 2017

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1 June 2017

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15 June 2017

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6 July 2017

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28 July 2017

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August 2017

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16 August 2017

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September 2017

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6 September 2017

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11 October 2017

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18 October 2017

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23 October 2017

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3 November 2017

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25 November 2017

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30 November 2017

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Pang, Patrick ORCID: 0000-0002-8820-5443, Temple-Smith, M, Bellhouse, C, Trieu, VH, Kiropoulos, L, Williams, H, Coomarasamy, A, Brewin, J, Bowles, A and Bilardi, J (2018) Online Health Seeking Behaviours: What Information Is Sought by Women Experiencing Miscarriage? In: Connecting the System to Enhance the Practitioner and Consumer Experience in Healthcare: Selected Papers from the 26th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2018). Cummings, E, Ryan, A and Schaper, LK, eds. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 252 . IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 118-125.

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29 January 2018

O'Connor, Pamela (2018) A Broader Development Perspective: Economic and Political Drivers of Worldwide Land Registration Reform. In: New Perspectives on Land Registration Contemporary Problems and Solutions. Goymour, Amy, Watterson, Stephen and Dixon, Martin, eds. Bloomsbury Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 29-38.

February 2018

Anderson, Kym ORCID: 0000-0002-1472-3352 and Wittwer, Glyn (2018) Projecting Global Wine Markets to 2025. In: Wine Globalization: A New Comparative History. Anderson, K and Pinilla, V, eds. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 493-516.

9 February 2018

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28 February 2018

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27 March 2018

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29 March 2018

Deery, Phillip ORCID: 0000-0002-2887-8910 (2018) Post-Cold War Conflict: Historians, Espionage and American Communism. In: Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World. Keene, J and Rechniewski, E, eds. New Perspectives on the Cold War . Brill, Leiden & Boston, pp. 43-61.

10 April 2018

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2018) Trace Inequalities of Jensen Type for Self‐adjoint Operators in Hilbert Spaces: A Survey of Recent Results. In: Mathematical Analysis and Applications: Selected Topics. Ruzhansky, M, Dutta, H and Agarwal, R. P, eds. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 135-191.

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16 April 2018

Jamei, Elmira ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-0326, Seyedmahmoudian, Mehdi and Stojcevski, A (2018) Climate Change, Rising Temperatures. In: Encyclopedia of Big Data. Schintler, LA and McNeely, CL, eds. Springer, Cham.

19 April 2018

Selkrig, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-5743 and Bottrell, C (2018) Exploring Particular Creativities in the Arts Through the Voices of Australian Visual Arts Educators. In: Creativities in Arts Education, Research and Practice: International Perspectives for the Future of Learning and Teaching. de Bruin, LR, Burnard, P and Davis, S, eds. Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching, 15 . Brill Sense, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 15-32.

23 April 2018

Logan, M and Widdop Quinton, Helen ORCID: 0000-0002-1020-2672 (2018) Childhoodnature Ecological Systems and Realities: An Outline. In: Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A, Malone, K and Barratt Hacking, E, eds. Springer International Handbooks on Education . Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

25 April 2018

Germov, John ORCID: 0000-0001-6696-816X and Williams, Lauren ORCID: 0000-0002-7860-0319 (2018) Régime (épidémie de). In: Dictionnaire des cultures alimentaires = Dictionary of Food Cultures. Poulain, JP, ed. (2nd ed.) Quadrige (Presses universitaires de France). Dicos poche . Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), Paris, pp. 1194-1203.

23 May 2018

Zaroug, Abdelrahman, Proud, Jasmine K ORCID: 0000-0002-6969-8377, Lai, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0003-3459-7709, Mudie, Kurt ORCID: 0000-0001-9328-4759, Billing, Daniel C and Begg, Rezaul ORCID: 0000-0002-3195-8591 (2018) Overview of Computational Intelligence (CI) Techniques for Powered Exoskeletons. In: Computational Intelligence in Sensor Networks. Mishra, BB, Dehuri, S, Panigrahi, BK, Nayak, AK, Mishra, BSP and Das, H, eds. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 776 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 353-383.

29 May 2018

Merenda, Andrea, Kong, Lingxue ORCID: 0000-0001-6219-3897, Zhu, Bo ORCID: 0000-0001-7600-4583, Duke, Mikel ORCID: 0000-0002-3383-0006, Gray, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-2748 and Dumee, Ludovic ORCID: 0000-0002-0264-4024 (2018) Functional Nanoporous Titanium Dioxide for Separation Applications: Synthesis Routes and Properties to Performance Analysis. In: Water Scarcity and Ways to Reduce the Impact: Management Strategies and Technologies for Zero Liquid Discharge and Future Smart Cities. Pannirselvam, M, Shu, L, Griffin, G, Philip, L, Natarajan, A and Hussain, S, eds. Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 151-186.

Song, Lili, Zhu, Bo ORCID: 0000-0001-7600-4583, Jegatheesan, Veeriah, Gray, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-2748, Duke, Mikel ORCID: 0000-0002-3383-0006 and Muthukumaran, Shobha ORCID: 0000-0002-2660-8060 (2018) Effect of Hybrid Photocatalysis and Ceramic Membrane Filtration Process for Humic Acid Degradation. In: Water Scarcity and Ways to Reduce the Impact: Management Strategies and Technologies for Zero Liquid Discharge and Future Smart Cities. Pannirselvam, M, Shu, L, Griffin, G, Philip, L, Natarajan, A and Hussain, S, eds. Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 95-113.

6 June 2018

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8 June 2018

Datta, Ujjwal ORCID: 0000-0001-5343-2198, Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 and Shi, Juan ORCID: 0000-0002-5057-1093 (2018) Hybrid PV–wind renewable energy sources for microgrid application: an overview. In: Hybrid-Renewable Energy Systems in Microgrids: Integration, Developments and Control. Fathima, AH, Prabaharan, N, Palanisamy, K, Kalam, Akhtar, Mekhilef, S and Justo, JJ, eds. Woodhead Publishing series in energy . Woodhead Publishing, Duxford, United Kingdom, pp. 1-22.

Ganguly, Piyali, Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 and Zayegh, Aladin (2018) Solar-wind hybrid renewable energy system: current status of research on configurations, control, and sizing methodologies. In: Hybrid-renewable energy systems in microgrids: integration, developments and control. Fathima, A Hina, Prabaharan, N, Palanisamy, K, Kalam, Akhtar, Mekhilef, S and Justo, Jackson J, eds. Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy . Elsevier, pp. 219-248.

26 June 2018

Blaer, Madelene ORCID: 0000-0003-3101-992X (2018) Simulated pedagogies and autoethnographic reflections. In: The Study of Food, Tourism, Hospitality and Events. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management . Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 245-254.

July 2018

Miah, Shah Jahan ORCID: 0000-0002-3783-8769 (2018) Tailorable Technologies for Improving Business Intelligence Systems: Small Business Decision Maker's Perspective. In: Applying Business Intelligence Initiatives in Healthcare and Organizational Settings. Miah, Shah Jahan and Yeoh, W, eds. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 238-253.

Miah, Shah Jahan ORCID: 0000-0002-3783-8769 and Khatun, Madhury (2018) Design Methods of Strategic Decision Support Solutions for B2C Business Managers. In: Applying Business Intelligence Initiatives in Healthcare and Organizational Settings. Miah, Shah Jahan and Yeoh, W, eds. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 254-265.

6 July 2018

Devlin, Marcia ORCID: 0000-0001-6311-9103 and McKay, J (2018) Facilitating the Success of Students from Low SES Backgrounds at Regional Universities Through Course Design, Teaching, and Staff Attributes. In: Achieving Equity and Quality in Higher Education: Global Perspectives in an Era of Widening Participation. Shah, M and McKay, J, eds. Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 73-95.

10 July 2018

Kannan, Selvi and Miah, Shah Jahan ORCID: 0000-0002-3783-8769 (2018) Integration of Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence for lean organisational learning by the Digital Worker. In: Applying Business Intelligence Initiatives in Healthcare and Organizational Settings. Miah, Shah Jahan and Yeoh, William, eds. IGI Publishers, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 130-140.

18 July 2018

Fong, Michelle Wye Leng (2018) China's Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Platforms. In: The Digitization of Business in China: Exploring the Transformation from Manufacturing to a Digital Service Hub. Kim, YC and Chen, PC, eds. Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 43-74.

19 July 2018

Baker, Alison ORCID: 0000-0002-6830-3185, Quayle, Amy ORCID: 0000-0003-3824-1056 and Ali, Lutfiye (2018) Reflexivities of Discomfort: Unsettling Subjectivities in and through Research. In: Places of Privilege: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identities, Change and Resistance. Oke, N, Sonn, C and Baker, Alison, eds. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change, 008 . Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 195-213.

Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832 (2018) ‘We’ve Seen the End of the World and We Don’t Accept It’: Protection of Indigenous Country and Climate Justice. In: Places of Privilege: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identities, Change and Resistance. Oke, N, Sonn, C and Baker, A, eds. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change (8). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 139-152.

Deery, Phillip ORCID: 0000-0002-2887-8910 (2018) Australian Communism in Crisis – 1956. In: The Far Left in Australia since 1945. Piccini, J, Smith, E and Worley, M, eds. Routledge, London, UK.

McConville, Chris and Oke, Nicole ORCID: 0000-0003-3786-9984 (2018) Gentrification: Power and Privilege in Footscray. In: Places of Privilege: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identities, Change and Resistance. Oke, N, Sonn, C and Baker, A, eds. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change (8). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands., pp. 123-137.

Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Jackson, Karen and Lyons, Rebecca (2018) Exploring Meanings and Practices of Indigenous Placemaking in Melbourne's West. In: Places of Privilege: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identities, Change and Resistance. Oke, N, Sonn, C and Baker, A, eds. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change, 8 . Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 87-103.

Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111 and Broerse, Jora (2018) Sport and the Politics of Belonging: the Experiences of Australian and Dutch Somalis. In: Places of Privilege: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Identities, Change and Resistance. Oke, N, Sonn, C and Baker, A, eds. Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change (8). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 105-122.

27 July 2018

White, Leanne ORCID: 0000-0002-7898-0091 (2018) Combining qualitative and quantitative research: semiotics, structuralism, and content analysis. In: Handbook of Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Management. Nunkoo, Robin, ed. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 373-383.

28 July 2018

Wittwer, Glyn and Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763 (2018) Top-Down Extensions to Represent Counties and Congressional Districts and Moving to Bottom-Up. In: Multi-regional Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling of the U.S. Economy: USAGE-TERM Development and Applications. Wittwer, Glyn, ed. Advances in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 173-192.

August 2018

Das, S. K, Ng, A. W. M ORCID: 0000-0002-7698-9068, Perera, B. J. C and Ahsan, A (2018) Nutrients and Sediment Loads in Water Catchments with Heterogeneous Land Uses. In: Nutrients, Wastewater and Leachate Testing, Risks and Hazards. Ahsan, A, ed. Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology . Nova Science Publishers, New York.

10 August 2018

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24 August 2018

McCluskey, Trish ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4482 and Lane, P (2018) In Pursuit of Nontext Excellence: Reflections on Navigating the Multiple Literacies and Vernaculars of Higher Education Work. In: Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education. Bossu, C and Brown, N, eds. University Development and Administration . Springer, Singapore, pp. 191-207.

25 August 2018

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5 September 2018

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12 October 2018

Jacques, Macsue ORCID: 0000-0002-4337-7022, Eynon, Nir ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-8276 and Hanson, Erik (2018) Genetics and Sprint, Strength, and Power Performance: Candidate Gene Versus Genome-Wide Association Study Approaches. In: Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength. Bagchi, Debasis, Nair, Sreejayan and Sen, Chandan K, eds. (2nd ed.) Elsevier, pp. 371-383.

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1 November 2018

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21 November 2018

Walsh, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0001-5071-6726 and Campbell, Claire (2018) Introducing coding as a literacy on mobile devices in the early years. In: Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in Preschool and Primary Education. Oakley, G, ed. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 51-66.

30 November 2018

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December 2018

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 (2018) When All Hope Is Gone: Truth, Lies and Make Believe. In: Resisting Neoliberalism in Higher Education. Bottrell, D and Manathunga, Catherine, eds. Palgrave Critical University Studies, 1 . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 83-96.

1 December 2018

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14 December 2018

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19 December 2018

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Manathunga, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0001-8915-0344, Shay, Peter, Garner, R, Jayaram, Preetha, Barber, Paul, Bhatti, Thi Kim Oanh, Gavran, Sunny, Konjarski, Loretta ORCID: 0000-0003-2624-7493 and D'Souza, Ingrid (2018) Professional Doctorates as Spaces of Collegiality and Resistance: A Cross-Sectoral Exploration of the Cracks in Neoliberal Institutions. In: Resisting Neoliberalism in Higher Education. Volume II: Prising Open the Cracks. Manathunga, Catherine and Bottrell, D, eds. Palgrave Critical University Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 177-198.

20 December 2018

Jacques, Macsue ORCID: 0000-0002-4337-7022, Landen, Shanie, Voisin, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-4074-7083, Lamon, Séverine and Eynon, Nir ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-8276 (2018) Nurture vs. nature: the genetics and epigenetics of exercise. In: Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health. Bird, SR, ed. Routledge, London, pp. 21-27.

28 December 2018

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31 December 2018

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Jacques, Macsue ORCID: 0000-0002-4337-7022, Landen, Shanie, Voisin, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-4074-7083 and Eynon, Nir ORCID: 0000-0003-4046-8276 (2019) Summary Findings on Genetics and Sport Performance. In: Routledge Handbook of Sport and Exercise Systems Genetics. Lightfoot, JT, Hubal, MJ and Roth, SM, eds. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, pp. 347-356.

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Widdop Quinton, Helen ORCID: 0000-0002-1020-2672, Piersol, L, Rousell, D, Russell, J, Dezen, Ricco, Shannon, Tayla, Davis, Chanel, Maynard, Allison and Woodruff, Mary (2019) Becoming Companions: Compositions of childhoodnature relation, sense, poetics and imagining by children and young people. In: Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Malone, K and Barratt Hacking, E, eds. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

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1 January 2019

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2 January 2019

Vale, Colleen and Drake, Pat ORCID: 0000-0001-8542-5662 (2019) Attending to Out-of-Field Teaching: Implications of and for Education Policy. In: Examining the Phenomenon of "Teaching Out-of-Field": International Perspectives on Teaching as a Non-specialist. Hobbs, L and Törner, G, eds. Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 195-215.

3 January 2019

Selkrig, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-5743, Keamy, Ron ORCID: 0000-0003-1167-1371, Sadler, Kirsten ORCID: 0000-0002-0221-7399 and Manathunga, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0001-8915-0344 (2019) Making visible collegiality of a different kind. In: Palgrave Critical University Studies. Manathunga, C and Bottrell, D, eds. Palgrave Critical University Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 247-269.

8 January 2019

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2019) Composite Submeasures and Supermeasures with Applications to Classical Inequalities. In: Advanced Topics in Mathematical Analysis. Ruzhansky, M and Dutta, H, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 193-217.

24 January 2019

Blaise, Mindy ORCID: 0000-0003-2476-9407, Knight, L and Gray, E (2019) Punk Feminism and #FEAS: A Low-Brow Protest of Academic Sexism. In: Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy: Higher Education, Gender and Intersectionality. Crimmins, G, ed. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 269-286.

8 February 2019

Ferrarini, Angel dos Santos Fachinelli, Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento de Souza, Cuadra, Santiago Vianna, Victoria, Daniel de Castro and Horridge, Mark ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-5763 (2019) The Expansion of Irrigated Agriculture in Brazil and Potential Regional Limitations. In: Economy-Wide Modeling of Water at Regional and Global Scales. Wittwer, Glyn, ed. Advances in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling . Springer, Singapore, pp. 139-157.

Nowdeh, Saber Arabi, Moghaddam, Mohammad Jafar Hadidian, Babanezhad, Manoochehr, Davoodkhani, Iraj Faraji, Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380, Ahmadi, Abdollah and Abdelaziz, Almoataz Y (2019) A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Application Using Secant Incremental Gradient Based on Newton Raphson. In: Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants: Advanced Control and Optimization Techniques. Precup, Radu-Emil, Kamal, Tariq and Hassan, Syed Zulqadar, eds. Power Systems . Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 71-96.

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19 February 2019

Mikkelsen, Kathleen ORCID: 0000-0001-9166-4109 and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2019) B Vitamins and Ageing. In: Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical Science. Harris, JR and Korolchuk, VI, eds. Subcellular Biochemistry (90). Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 451-470.

22 February 2019

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23 February 2019

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March 2019

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1 March 2019

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29 March 2019

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15 April 2019

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22 April 2019

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13 May 2019

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16 May 2019

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8 June 2019

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25 June 2019

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11 July 2019

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14 July 2019

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25 July 2019

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31 July 2019

Mikkelsen, Kathleen ORCID: 0000-0001-9166-4109 and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2019) Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and the immune system. In: Nutrition and Immunity. Mahmoudi, Maryam and Rezaei, Nima, eds. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 115-125.

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August 2019

Gao, Yuan ORCID: 0000-0001-9290-4397 (2019) Conceptualizing university internationalization. In: Measuring University Internationalization: Indicators across National Contexts. Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 21-72.

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1 August 2019

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5 August 2019

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22 August 2019

Bennett, Dawn ORCID: 0000-0002-0676-1623, Knight, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0001-6596-6525, Divan, Aysha and Bell, Kenton ORCID: 0000-0001-5536-4010 (2019) Marketing Graduate Employability: The Language Of Employability in Higher Education. In: Education for Employability (Volume 2): Learning for Future Possibilities. Higgs, J, Letts, W and Crisp, G, eds. Practice Futures, 4 . Brill Sense, Leiden, pp. 105-116.

23 August 2019

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24 August 2019

Ryan, Juliana, McLean, Helen, Hamilton, Gemma, Liston, Ruth ORCID: 0000-0002-5103-3422, Stratton, Gregory and Hiscock, Rebecca (2019) Embedding Academic Literacies for Belonging in First Year Criminology. In: Transformations in Tertiary Education: The Scholarship of Engagement at RMIT University. Tynan, Belinda, McLaughlin, Tricia, Chester, Andrea and Hall-van den Elsen, Catherine, eds. Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 55-69.

17 September 2019

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27 September 2019

Stephens, Julie ORCID: 0000-0002-6446-2218 (2019) Feminist fictions: A critique of indian feminism. In: Dalit Feminist Theory: A Reader. Routledge India, India, pp. 201-210.

5 October 2019

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18 October 2019

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31 October 2019

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November 2019

De Silva Lokuwaduge, Chitra ORCID: 0000-0001-9646-6283 and De Silva Godage, Keshara (2019) Accounting Reforms for Accountable Public Sector Management: A Sri Lankan Study. In: Tools, Strategies, and Practices for Modern and Accountable Public Sector Management. Azevedo, G, Oliveira, J, Marques, RP and Ferreira, A, eds. IGA Global, USA, pp. 41-65.

2 November 2019

Bentley, Duncan (2019) Taxpayer rights and protections in a digital global environment. In: Ethics and Taxation. van Brederode, RF, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 251-294.

6 November 2019

Al Saedi, Ahmed, Goodman, Craig ORCID: 0000-0002-5874-7743, Myers, Damian ORCID: 0000-0002-7569-9907, Hayes, Alan ORCID: 0000-0003-1398-3694 and Duque, Gustavo (2019) Osteosarcopenia as a Lipotoxic Disease. In: Osteosarcopenia: Bone, Muscle and Fat Interactions. Duque, Gustavo, ed. Springer Nature, Cham, USA, pp. 123-143.

9 November 2019

Dixon, Peter, Jerie, Michael, Rimmer, Maureen T and Wittwer, Glyn ORCID: 0000-0002-2891-1434 (2019) Rapid Assessments of the Economic Implications of Terrorism Events using a Regional CGE model: Creating GRAD-ECAT (Generalized, Regional and Dynamic Economic Consequence Analysis Tool). In: Advances in Spatial and Economic Modeling of Disaster Impacts. Okuyama, Y and Rose, A, eds. Advances in Spatial Science . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 121-161.

15 November 2019

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2019) Some Weighted Inequalities for Riemann–Stieltjes Integral When a Function Is Bounded. In: Different and Integral Inequalities. Andrica, D and Rassias, TM, eds. Springer Optimization and Its Applications (151). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 311-339.

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22 November 2019

Castagna, Carlo, Póvoas, Susana, Fatouros, Ioannis, Serpiello, Fabio ORCID: 0000-0001-8919-3053, Hornstrup, Therese and Kirkendall, Don (2019) Fitness and health effects of other team sports: ‘recreational team sports – the motivational medicine’. In: Football As Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion. Krustrup, P and Parnell, D, eds. Critical Research in Football . Routledge, London, pp. 116-128.

24 November 2019

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2019) Inequalities for Symmetrized or Anti-Symmetrized Inner Products of Complex-Valued Functions Defined on an Interval. In: Frontiers in Functional Equations and Analytic Inequalities. Anastassiou, George A and Rassias, John Michael, eds. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 511-531.

27 November 2019

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1 December 2019

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3 December 2019

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6 December 2019

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13 December 2019

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2019) Inequalities and Approximations for the Finite Hilbert Transform: A Survey of Recent Results. In: Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Rassias, TM and Pardalos, PM, eds. Springer Optimization and Its Applications (154). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 53-164.

19 December 2019

Stephens, Julie ORCID: 0000-0002-6446-2218 (2019) Shape-Shifting Around the Maternal: A Response. In: Refiguring the Postmaternal: Feminist Responses to the Forgetting of Motherhood. Fannin, Maria and Perrier, Maud, eds. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 119-130.


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1 April 2020

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8 May 2020

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12 May 2020

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26 May 2020

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2 July 2020

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12 July 2020

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15 July 2020

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11 October 2020

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20 October 2020

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22 October 2020

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24 October 2020

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26 October 2020

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27 October 2020

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29 October 2020

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3 December 2020

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7 December 2020

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22 December 2020

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28 December 2020

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Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111, Broerse, Jora, Oxford, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-2277-8433 and Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 (2021) The role of sport in refugee settlement: Definitions, knowledge gaps and future directions. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization and Sport. Maguire, J, Falcous, M and Liston, K, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, pp. 557-574.

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1 January 2021

Anderson, Kym ORCID: 0000-0002-1472-3352 and Wittwer, Glyn ORCID: 0000-0002-2891-1434 (2021) From global economy-wide modeling to modeling a small product market: the case of wine. In: World Scientific Studies in International Economics. World Scientific Studies in International Economics, 76 . World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 249-278.

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Gao, Longxiang ORCID: 0000-0002-3026-7537, Luan, Tom H ORCID: 0000-0002-5215-7443, Gu, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-6285, Qu, Youyang ORCID: 0000-0002-2944-4647 and Xiang, Yong ORCID: 0000-0003-3545-7863 (2021) An Introduction to Edge Computing. In: Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing. Wireless Networks . Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-14.

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19 January 2021

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21 January 2021

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27 January 2021

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15 February 2021

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19 February 2021

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1 March 2021

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11 March 2021

Emerson, Emerson, Aitken, Zoe, Badland, Hannah, Fortune, Nicola, Green, Celia and Rachele, Jerome ORCID: 0000-0002-5101-4010 (2021) Social and environmental determinants of the health of people with disabilities. In: Handbook on Ageing with Disability. Putman, M and Bigby, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 44-56.

16 March 2021

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17 March 2021

Jamei, Elmira ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-0326 and Habibi, Rana (2021) Urban design solutions to cool tropics (case study approach). In: Tropical Constrained Environments and Sustainable Adaptations. Azzali, S and Thirumaran, K, eds. Managing the Asian Century . Springer, Singapore, pp. 209-224.

April 2021

Briskman, Linda, Zion, Deborah ORCID: 0000-0003-4790-0033 and Bagheri, A (2021) Indigenous bioethics and indigenous rights. In: Indigenous Health Ethics: An Appeal To Human Rights. Zion, Deborah, Briskman, Linda and Bagheri, A, eds. Intercultural Dialogue in Bioethics, 3 . World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 1-16.

1 April 2021

Habibi, Rana, Habibi, S Mohsen and Jamei, Elmira ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-0326 (2021) Space production in times of neoliberalism. In: Urban Challenges in the Globalizing Middle-East. Urban Book Series . Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 11-22.

7 April 2021

Gao, Longxiang ORCID: 0000-0002-3026-7537, Luan, Tom H, Gu, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-6285, Qu, Youyang ORCID: 0000-0002-2944-4647 and Xiang, Yong ORCID: 0000-0003-3545-7863 (2021) Blockchain based decentralized privacy preserving in edge computing. In: Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing. Wireless Networks . Springer, Singapore, pp. 83-109.

Gao, Longxiang ORCID: 0000-0002-3026-7537, Luan, Tom H ORCID: 0000-0002-5215-7443, Gu, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-6285, Qu, Youyang ORCID: 0000-0002-2944-4647 and Xiang, Yong ORCID: 0000-0003-3545-7863 (2021) Context-aware privacy preserving in edge computing. In: Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing. Wireless Networks . Springer, Singapore, pp. 35-63.

Gao, Longxiang ORCID: 0000-0002-3026-7537, Luan, Tom H ORCID: 0000-0002-5215-7443, Gu, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0002-3008-6285, Qu, Youyang ORCID: 0000-0002-2944-4647 and Xiang, Yong ORCID: 0000-0003-3545-7863 (2021) Location-aware privacy preserving in edge computing. In: Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing. Wireless Networks . Springer, Singapore, pp. 65-82.

15 April 2021

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17 April 2021

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27 April 2021

Vergani, Matteo ORCID: 0000-0003-0546-4771, Iqbal, Muhammad ORCID: 0000-0001-8002-0551, O'Brien, Kerry, Lentini, Peter and Barton, Greg ORCID: 0000-0002-2134-0704 (2021) Examining the relationship between alienation and radicalization into violent extremism. In: Islam and Security in the West. Bonino, S and Ricucci, R, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 115-138.

28 April 2021

Armstrong, Anona ORCID: 0000-0002-2158-088X, Heenetigala, Kumudini and Ediriweera, Amali (2021) Governance in family business: Australia and Sri Lanka. In: The Routledge Companion to Asian Family Business: Governance, Succession, and Challenges in the Age of Digital Disruption. Yan, Ho-Don and Tony Yu, Fu-Lai, eds. Routledge, pp. 196-214.

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18 May 2021

Withanawasam, Indrani, Wickremasinghe, Guneratne ORCID: 0000-0001-6946-0660 and Naidoo, Moonsamy (2021) Exploring Motivation for Listed Companies and Measures Taken Towards Managing Environmental Collision: Evidence from Sri Lanka. In: New Horizons in Management, Leadership and Sustainability: Innovative Case Studies and Solutions for Emerging Economies. Dhiman, Satinda and Samaratunge, Ramanie, eds. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 195-218.

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22 May 2021

Muthukumaran, Shobha ORCID: 0000-0002-2660-8060, Rajneesh, Kumar Gautam, Navaratna, Dimuth ORCID: 0000-0002-7093-1092, Singh, Amarendra and More, Nandkishor (2021) Humic Substances: Its Toxicology, Chemistry and Biology Associated with Soil, Plants and Environment. In: Humic Substance. Makan, Abdelhadi, ed. IntechOpen, London, UK.

1 June 2021

Dumuid, Dorothea, Pedisic, Zeljko ORCID: 0000-0003-2886-3556, Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier, Martín-Fernández, Josep Antoni, Hron, Karel and Olds, Timothy (2021) Compositional data analysis in time-use epidemiology. In: Advances in Compositional Data Analysis. Filzmoser, P, Hron, K, Martín-Fernández, JA and Palarea-Albaladejo, J, eds. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 383-404.

28 June 2021

Robinson, Ella, Lewis, Colin, Rudd, James ORCID: 0000-0003-1546-576X, Foulkes, Jonathan, Wilkie, Brett ORCID: 0000-0003-0310-1360, Woods, Carl ORCID: 0000-0002-7129-8938 and Sweeting, Alice ORCID: 0000-0002-9185-6773 (2021) Development of Creative Movement Through Enriched Game Design. In: Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletics Skills Model: The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy. Rudd, J, Renshaw, I, Savelsbergh, GJP, Chow, J, Roberts, W, Newcombe, D and Davidson, K, eds. Routledge, New York.

Wilkie, Brett ORCID: 0000-0003-0310-1360, Foulkes, Jonathan, Rudd, James ORCID: 0000-0003-1546-576X, Lewis, Colin, Woods, Carl ORCID: 0000-0002-7129-8938, Sweeting, Alice ORCID: 0000-0002-9185-6773 and Robinson, Ella (2021) Measuring Physical Literacy: A Fresh Approach. In: Nonlinear pedagogy and the athletics skills model: The importance of play in supporting physical literacy. Rudd, J, Renshaw, I, Savelsbergh, GJP, Chow, JY, Roberts, W, Newcombe, D and Davids, K, eds. Routledge, New York.

July 2021

Nyamutswa, Lavern Tendayi ORCID: 0000-0003-0662-1134, Collins, Stephen F, Navaratna, Dimuth ORCID: 0000-0002-7093-1092 and Duke, Mikel ORCID: 0000-0002-3383-0006 (2021) Light Transmitting Substrates for Convenient Solar Illumination of Nanophotocatalyst Coatings on Membranes for Low Pressure Water Filtration. In: Advances in Water Desalination Technologies. Cohen, Yoram, ed. Materials and Energy (17). World Scientific, pp. 459-489.

1 July 2021

Stephens, Julie ORCID: 0000-0002-6446-2218 (2021) The Category of the Postmaternal in Contemporary Maternal Theory. In: Maternal Theory: Essential Readings. Andrea, O'Reilly, ed. (2nd ed.) Demeter Press, Bradford Ontario, Canada, pp. 521-532.

22 July 2021

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 and Khosrowshahi, Farzad (2021) Accurate approximations of the Weighted Exponential Beta function. In: Approximation Theory and Analytic Inequalities. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 139-163.

Pudkasam, Supa, Harkin, Katherine, Tangalakis, Kathy ORCID: 0000-0001-5735-326X, Feehan, Jack ORCID: 0000-0002-9627-1299 and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2021) Work it out: Exercise as an anti-cancer intervention. In: Exercise: Physical, Physiological and Psychological Benefits. Esteves, D and Lewis, K, eds. Physical Fitness, Diet and Exercise . Nova Science Publishers.

30 July 2021

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4 August 2021

Passey, Don ORCID: 0000-0002-9205-502X, Brinda, Torsten, Cornu, Bernard, Holvikivi, Jaana ORCID: 0000-0002-9104-5735, Lewin, Cathy ORCID: 0000-0002-3430-4075, Magenheim, Johannes ORCID: 0000-0001-9398-0703, Morel, R, Osorio, Javier ORCID: 0000-0003-0809-6951, Tatnall, Arthur ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-971X, Thompson, Barrie and Webb, Mary ORCID: 0000-0002-4409-5940 (2021) Computers and education – recognising opportunities and managing challenges: IFIP TC3 – Technical Committee on Education. In: Advancing Research in Information and Communication Technology. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 600 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 129-152.

30 August 2021

Al-Taie, Asmaa ORCID: 0000-0002-2734-9195, Disfani, Mahdi ORCID: 0000-0002-9231-8598, Evans, Robert ORCID: 0000-0003-1998-2537, Arulrajah, Arul ORCID: 0000-0003-1512-9803 and Yaghoubi, Ehsan ORCID: 0000-0003-0639-0225 (2021) Impact of lime stabilization on swelling and soil water retention behavior of expansive subgrade. In: Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 164 . Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 769-780.

1 September 2021

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16 September 2021

McCluskey, Trish ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4482, Samarawickrema, Gayani ORCID: 0000-0003-4091-7027, Smallridge, Andrew ORCID: 0000-0001-6645-760X and Dempsey, Naomi ORCID: 0000-0003-2675-5869 (2021) Re-designing curriculum to enhance first-year student success: A case study. In: Student retention and success in higher education. Shah, M, Kift, S and Thomas, L, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, Australia, pp. 251-270.

17 September 2021

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20 September 2021

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21 September 2021

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27 September 2021

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29 September 2021

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October 2021

Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293, Denis-Ryan, Amandine, Jotzo, Frank, Graham, P, Hatfield-Dodds, S, Kelly, Rob, Ferraro, Scott, Jones, A, Skarbek, Anna, Thwaites, John, Levy, Sarah and Kauto, Niina (2021) Decarbonisation Strategies and Economic Opportunities in Australia. In: Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient and Carbon-Free Economy: A Guide for Decision-Makers. Baldwin, K, Howden, M, Smith, M, Hussey, K and Dawson, P, eds. Cambridge University Press, online, pp. 203-236.

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14 October 2021

Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Baker, Alison and Agung-Igusti, Rama ORCID: 0000-0002-3375-1279 (2021) Promoting Epistemic Justice: Community Arts, Identity and Belonging Among African Diaspora in Australia. In: Decoloniality and epistemic justice in contemporary community psychology. Stevens, Garth and Sonn, Christopher, eds. Community Psychology . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-237.

21 October 2021

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29 October 2021

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1 November 2021

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17 November 2021

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26 November 2021

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Ramirez Varela, Andrea, Klepac, Bojana ORCID: 0000-0002-9141-1862, Hallal, Pedro, del Portillo, Catalina, Pedisic, Zeljko ORCID: 0000-0003-2886-3556, Kohl, Harold and Pratt, Michael (2021) Global physical activity: international perspectives with emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. In: Physical Activity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Siefken, Katja, Ramirez Varela, Andrea, Waqanivalu, Temo and Schulenkorf, Nico, eds. Routledge Research in Physical Activity and Health . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 11-24.

27 November 2021

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29 November 2021

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17 December 2021

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18 December 2021

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30 December 2021

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Pedisic, Zeljko ORCID: 0000-0003-2886-3556, Matolić, Tena ORCID: 0000-0003-4218-0735, Bělka, Jan, Benedičić Tomat, Saška, Broms, Lovisa, Chaplais, Elodie, Chen, Si-Tong, De Grauwe, Guy, Em, Sowannry, Erkoca Mølgaard, Hilal, Geidne, Susanna, Háp, Pavel, Hartmann,, Herbert, Heimer, Stjepan, Kokko, Sami, Koski, Pasi, Kudláček, Michal, Lane, Aoife, Livson, Matleena, Raoof Memon, Aamir, Mitić, Dušan, Oja, Pekka, Podnar, Hrvoje ORCID: 0000-0003-1719-6970, Rakovac, Marija ORCID: 0000-0003-0098-4938, Regan, Colin, Savola, Jorma, Seghers, Jan, Titze, Sylvia, Van Hoye, Aurélie, Veress, Réka and Jurakić, Danijel ORCID: 0000-0002-4861-4066 (2022) Dissemination of Sports Club for Health guidelines in Europe: a survey-based evaluation. In: Sports Club for Health (SCforH) movement in the European Union. Pedisic, Z, ed. Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 178-194.

Pedisic, Zeljko ORCID: 0000-0003-2886-3556, Oja, Pekka, Savola, Jorma, Kokko, Sami, Hartmann, Herbert, Heimer, Stjepan, Koski, Pasi, Nykänen, Ulla, Livson, Matleena and Jurakić, Danijel ORCID: 0000-0002-4861-4066 (2022) The history of the Sports Club for Health movement in Europe. In: Sports Club for Health (SCforH) movement in the European Union. Pedisic, Z, ed. Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 71-86.

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Pedisic, Zeljko ORCID: 0000-0003-2886-3556, Rakovac, Marija ORCID: 0000-0003-0098-4938, Podnar, Hrvoje ORCID: 0000-0003-1719-6970 and Radman, Ivan ORCID: 0000-0002-5358-3591 (2022) Promotion of health-enhancing sports activities through European and international umbrella sports organisations: four examples of good practice. In: Sports Club for Health (SCforH) movement in the European Union. Pedisic, Z, ed. Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 154-177.

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Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Quayle, Amy ORCID: 0000-0003-3824-1056, Balla, Paola ORCID: 0000-0002-1321-1363 and Quayle, Amy ORCID: 0000-0003-3824-1056 (2022) Community arts for critical community psychology praxis: Towards decolonisation and Aboriginal self-determination. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Community Psychology: Facing Global Crises with Hope. Kagan, C, Akhurst, J, Alfaro, J, Lawthom, R, Richards, M and Zambrano, A, eds. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, pp. 212-226.

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Xu, Tianbo ORCID: 0000-0002-7953-3736, Sun, Le ORCID: 0000-0002-4221-0327, Subramani, Sudha ORCID: 0000-0002-8102-0278 and Wang, Yilin ORCID: 0000-0001-8691-3019 (2022) Intelligent Interpretation and Classification of Multivariate Medical Time Series Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. In: Health Information Science. Traina, A, Wang, H, Zhang, Y, Siuly, S, Zhou, R and Chen, L, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13705 . Springer, pp. 291-302.

1 January 2022

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Corcoran, Daniel, Hiney, Joel, Ellis, Luke, Feehan, Jack ORCID: 0000-0002-9627-1299 and Tripodi, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0001-5062-0409 (2022) Exercise for the management of osteoarthritis. In: Exercise to Prevent and Manage Chronic Disease Across the Lifespan. Elsevier, United States, pp. 289-300.

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14 January 2022

Zhang, Jianhua ORCID: 0000-0002-8674-0485, Li, Jun-de ORCID: 0000-0002-8518-8887, Xie, Zongli, Dai, Xiaodong and Gray, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-2748 (2022) Transport phenomena in membrane distillation processes. In: Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Transport Phenomena in Membranes. Basile, A, Ghasemzadeh, Kamran and Iulianelli, Adolfo, eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 111-128.

18 January 2022

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11 February 2022

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24 February 2022

Waters, Lea, Dussert, Denise, Loton, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0003-4106-0555 and Martínez, Guadalupe Sánchez (2022) Conceptualizations of well-being during middle childhood: Investigating developmental shifts through visual narrative analysis. In: Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools: Supporting Process and Practice. Allen, KN, Furlong, MJ, Vella-Brodrick, D and Suldo, SM, eds. (3rd ed.) Educational Psychology Handbook Series . Routledge, New York, pp. 182-201.

4 March 2022

Feehan, Jack ORCID: 0000-0002-9627-1299 and Duque, Gustavo (2022) Pharmacological management of osteosarcopenia. In: Osteosarcopenia. Elsevier, pp. 275-286.

18 March 2022

Zeller, Bruno (2022) Covid-19 and Article 79 – a Revisit. In: Transnational sales contract. Benatti, F, Garcia Long, S and Viglione, F, eds. Cedam, pp. 601-618.

21 March 2022

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8 April 2022

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12 April 2022

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30 April 2022

Harkin, Katherine, Pascal, Brigitte Marie, Irvine, Susan ORCID: 0000-0003-2282-0854, Tangalakis, Kathy ORCID: 0000-0001-5735-326X, Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 and Irvine, Susan ORCID: 0000-0003-2282-0854 (2022) Physical activity adherence: worldwide trends, barriers and facilitators and tools to improve it. In: Exercise across the lifespan. Apostolopoulos, Vasso, Feehan, Jack and Tripodi, Nicholas, eds. Elsevier, Australia. (In Press)

5 May 2022

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13 May 2022

Dargahi, Narges ORCID: 0000-0001-8090-025X, Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 and Haritopoulou-Sinanidou, Melina (2022) Exercise in the management of multiple sclerosis. In: Exercise to Prevent and Manage Chronic Disease Across the Lifespan. Elsevier, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 163-173.

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14 May 2022

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15 May 2022

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June 2022

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1 June 2022

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3 June 2022

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5 June 2022

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15 June 2022

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8 July 2022

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11 July 2022

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18 July 2022

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29 July 2022

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August 2022

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12 August 2022

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16 August 2022

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22 August 2022

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30 August 2022

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1 September 2022

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2 September 2022

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8 September 2022

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3 October 2022

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6 October 2022

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15 October 2022

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20 October 2022

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Semenye, Petra, McQuade, Rachel, Abalo, Raquel and Nurgali, Kulmira ORCID: 0000-0002-2597-6929 (2022) Gastrointestinal side effects of platinum-based and other chemotherapeutic drugs. In: Platinum-Based Chemotherapy: Clinical Uses, Efficacy and Side Effects. Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments . Nova Science Publishers, pp. 205-281.

27 October 2022

Bedi, Pradeep, Goyal, SB ORCID: 0000-0002-8411-7630, Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390, Liu, Jia ORCID: 0000-0003-4284-2313 and Budati, Anil Kumar (2022) Performance analysis of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for smart cities: the present state and future directions. In: Cognitive Computing Models in Communication Systems. Kumar, B, Goyal, SB and Islam, S, eds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New Jersey, USA, pp. 15-45.

November 2022

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3 November 2022

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9 November 2022

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18 November 2022

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Bhunia, Pintu ORCID: 0000-0002-2266-0769, Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805, Moslehian, Mohammad ORCID: 0000-0001-7905-528X and Paul, Kallol ORCID: 0000-0002-7637-0812 (2022) Numerical Radius Inequalities of Product of Operators. In: Lectures on Numerical Radius Inequalities. Infosys Science Foundation Series in Mathematical Sciences . Springer Cham, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 111-124.

Bhunia, Pintu ORCID: 0000-0002-2266-0769, Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805, Moslehian, Mohammad ORCID: 0000-0001-7905-528X and Paul, Kallol ORCID: 0000-0002-7637-0812 (2022) Preliminaries. In: Lectures on Numerical Radius Inequalities. Infosys Science Foundation Series . Springer, New York, USA, pp. 1-14.

Bhunia, Pintu ORCID: 0000-0002-2266-0769, Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805, Moslehian, Mohammad ORCID: 0000-0001-7905-528X and Paul, Kallol ORCID: 0000-0002-7637-0812 (2022) p-Numerical Radius Inequalities of an n-Tuple of Operators. In: Lectures on Numerical Radius Inequalities. Infosys Science Foundation Series . Springer Cham, New York, USA, pp. 85-110.

21 November 2022

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1 December 2022

Brown, Brandon ORCID: 0000-0002-5625-999X, Schwarz, Eric ORCID: 0000-0002-2035-7723 and Goldman, Michael M ORCID: 0000-0002-9452-7107 (2022) Collaborative consumption in the sport industry. In: The Routledge Handbook of Digital Sport Management. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 257-272.

7 December 2022

Nyamutswa, Lavern Tendayi ORCID: 0000-0003-0662-1134, Collins, Stephen F ORCID: 0000-0002-4708-4155, Navaratna, Dimuth ORCID: 0000-0002-7093-1092 and Duke, Mikel ORCID: 0000-0002-3383-0006 (2022) Concept demonstration and future developments of sunlight transmitting nanophotocatalyst-coated substrates for sustainable low pressure water filtration. In: World Scientific Reference Of Water Science. World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3-3 . World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 419-457.

13 December 2022

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23 December 2022

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30 December 2022

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Ahmad, Syed Haseeb, Chan, Melissa ORCID: 0000-0003-1589-6850, Yang, Wei ORCID: 0000-0002-3673-6488, Jin, Hongyu ORCID: 0000-0001-9316-6971 and Heravi, Amirhossein ORCID: 0000-0003-2939-7745 (2023) Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Construction Supply Chain: A Scientometric Analysis. In: CONVR 2023 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Capone, P, Getuli, V, Pour Rahimian, F, Dawood, N, Bruttini, A and Sorbi, T, eds. Firenze University Press, Florence, Italy, pp. 477-488.

Arora, Teena, Balasubramanian, Venki, Stranieri, Andrew, Shenhan, Mai, Buyya, Rajkumar and Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390 (2023) Classification of methods to reduce clinical alarm signals for remote patient monitoring: A critical review. In: Cloud Computing in Medical Imaging. El-Baz, A and Suri, J, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 173-194.

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Law, Tim ORCID: 0000-0002-5447-4522, Yang, Leon ORCID: 0000-0002-2386-4165, Vrcelj, Zora ORCID: 0000-0002-1403-7416, Miao, Yuan ORCID: 0000-0002-6712-3465, Sandanayake, Malindu ORCID: 0000-0003-4303-7279, Gu, Bruce and Wang, Xiao-Dong ORCID: 0000-0002-9451-6213 (2023) The safety impetus for the adoption of reality capture for remote virtual site inspections. In: Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era. Manu, P, Shang, G, Jorge, P, Bartolo, S, Francis, V and Sawhney, A, eds. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 65-78.

Li, Mengbi ORCID: 0000-0001-7499-8940 and Chau, Hing-Wah ORCID: 0000-0002-3501-9882 (2023) Oscillating between cosmos and roots: The case of Geoffrey Bawa and his architecture. In: Region. Richards, S, Schmidt, R, Sanliturk, C and Palaiologou, F, eds. Routledge, pp. 240-254.

Liu, Yanjun ORCID: 0009-0005-7275-5204, Luo, Daizhong ORCID: 0009-0005-1108-9084, Wang, Kate ORCID: 0000-0001-5208-1090 and Yin, Jiao ORCID: 0000-0002-0269-2624 (2023) Unveiling the Pandemic’s Impact: A Dataset for Probing COVID-19’s Effects on E-Learning Activities and Academic Performance. In: Health Information Science: 12th International Conference, HIS 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, October 23–24, 2023, Proceedings. Li, Y, Huang, Z, Sharma, M, Chen, L and Zhou, R, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14305 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 149-160.

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Ramlakan, Ashish Prithviraj, Gupta, Ruchi, Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390 and Miao, Yuan ORCID: 0000-0002-6712-3465 (2023) Understanding blockchain's role in social media marketing: A review of academic literature and social media discussions. In: The Rise of Blockchain Applications in Customer Experience. Majeed, M, Ofori, K, Amoako, G, Alolo, ARA and Awini, G, eds. IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, pp. 1-43.

Sandanayake, Malindu ORCID: 0000-0003-4303-7279, Chan, Melissa ORCID: 0000-0003-1589-6850, Vrcelj, Zora ORCID: 0000-0002-1403-7416, Miao, Yuan ORCID: 0000-0002-6712-3465, Law, Tim ORCID: 0000-0002-5447-4522, Zhao, Jun ORCID: 0000-0001-5605-5172, Mukhaimar, Ayman ORCID: 0000-0002-3313-9573 and Yang, Leon ORCID: 0000-0002-2386-4165 (2023) Key components of a VR-enabled interactive platform to facilitate effective construction risk and safety education. In: Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era. Manu, P, Shang, G, Jorge, P, Bartolo, S, Francis, V and Sawhney, A, eds. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 79-90.

Sarmadi, Ali, Hassanzadeganroudsari, Majid ORCID: 0000-0002-3241-6444 and Soltani, Majid (2023) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Vaccine Development. In: Bioinformatics Tools for Pharmaceutical Drug Product Development. Chavda, V, Anand, K and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Wiley, pp. 233-253.

Singh, Ameesh, Gupta, Harsh, Swathika, OV Gnana, Karthikeyan, Aayush and Kalam, Akhtar ORCID: 0000-0002-5933-6380 (2023) IoT- Based Power Theft Detection Mini Review. In: IoT and Analytics in Renewable Energy Systems (Volume 2): AI, ML and IoT Deployment in Sustainable Smart Cities. Swathika, OVG, Karthikeyan, K and Padmanaban, S, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 205-213.

Strohmaier, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-2569-8447, Luders, Eileen ORCID: 0000-0001-5659-992X and Krägeloh, Christian U (2023) Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) in International Contexts. In: International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-57.

Willis, Karen ORCID: 0000-0001-8036-8814 (2023) Rhetorics of participation and choice in healthcare: citizen rights or responsible citizenship? In: Personalizzazione della cura e partecipazione dei cittadini nella societa digitale sindemica. Giarelli, G, Genova, A and Moretti, V, eds. Salute e Societa - Health and Society . FrancoAngela, Milan, Italy, pp. 113-124.

Xu, Puti ORCID: 0009-0001-4066-8537, Hong, Wei ORCID: 0000-0003-2833-9228, Yin, Jiao ORCID: 0000-0002-0269-2624, Wang, Kate ORCID: 0000-0001-5208-1090 and Zhang, Yanchun ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-5980 (2023) Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Education: A Comparative Study Based on TOEFL Test Results. In: Health Information Science: 12th International Conference, HIS 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, October 23–24, 2023, Proceedings. Li, Y, Sharma, M, Zhou, R, Huang, Z and Chen, L, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14305 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 175-184.

Zhang, Xingping, Zhang, Guijuan, Qiu, Xingting, Yin, Jiao ORCID: 0000-0002-0269-2624, Tan, Wenjun, Yin, Xiaoxia, Yang, Hong, Wang, Kun and Zhang, Yanchun ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-5980 (2023) Optimizing the Size of Peritumoral Region for Assessing Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Heterogeneity Using Radiomics. In: Health Information Science: 12th International Conference, HIS 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, October 23–24, 2023, Proceedings. Li, Y, Huang, Z, Sharma, M, Chen, L and Zhou, R, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14305 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 309-320.

1 January 2023

Abdulla, Shahan, Diykh, Mohammed ORCID: 0000-0003-0018-4199, Siuly, Siuly ORCID: 0000-0003-2491-0546 and Ali, Mumtaz ORCID: 0000-0002-6975-5159 (2023) An ensemble machine learning-based intelligent system for human activity recognition using sensory data. In: Cognitive Sensing Technologies and Applications. IET Digital Library, UK, pp. 119-130.

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Dragomir, Silvestru ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2023) Ostrowski and Trapezoid Type Inequalities for Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integrals of Functions with Bounded Variation. In: Exploring mathematical analysis, approximation theory, and optimization. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 207 . Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 45-66.

Raza, Muhammad Raheel ORCID: 0000-0002-6305-2583, Hussain, Walayat ORCID: 0000-0003-0610-4006 and Rajaeian, Mehdi (2023) Analysing Trust, Security and Cost of Cloud Consumer’s Reviews using RNN, LSTM, and GRU. In: Advances in Complex Decision Making: Using Machine Learning and Tools for Service-Oriented Computing. Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 52-65.

4 January 2023

Shee, Himanshu ORCID: 0000-0002-6990-154X (2023) Internet of Things applications and challenges for supply chain management. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Sarkis, Joseph, ed. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-19.

16 January 2023

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 (2023) What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker: An uncanny story of contemporary academic life. In: Affective Capitalism in Academia: Revealing Public Secrets. Nehring, D and Brunila, K, eds. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 148-172.

19 January 2023

Droogan, Julian, Holmes, Sarah and Peucker, Mario ORCID: 0000-0003-1759-2578 (2023) Left-wing Radicalism in Australia: The Complexities of the Radical Left’s (Non)Violent Struggle against Fascism. In: Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates. Orofino, Elisa and Allchorn, William, eds. Routledge, London.

20 January 2023

Khanom, Nilufa ORCID: 0000-0002-8050-7930 (2023) Leadership in Higher Education During COVID-19 in Australia: A Critical Refection. In: Innovation, Leadership and Governance in Higher Education. Sultan, P, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 297-314.

31 January 2023

Eime, Rochelle ORCID: 0000-0002-8614-2813, Westerbeek, Hans ORCID: 0000-0001-5092-9676, Charity, Melanie and Harvey, John ORCID: 0000-0001-6927-6580 (2023) A comparison of Health-related Quality of Life in rural and metropolitan areas of Australia: the contribution of sport and physical activity. In: Rural Quality of Life. Johansen, PH, Tietjen, Anne, Iversen, EB, Lolle, HL and Fisker, JK, eds. Manchester University Press, Manchester, England, pp. 315-332.

February 2023

Ehrlenspiel, Felix and Mesagno, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0001-9417-4359 (2023) Anxiety in Sport. In: Sport and Exercise Psychology: Theory and Application. Schüler, J, Wegner, M, Plessner, H and Eklund, RC, eds. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 281-320.

8 February 2023

Roberts, William M ORCID: 0000-0001-5736-5244, Rothwell, Martyn, Morgan, Haydn, Vaughan, James and Woods, Carl ORCID: 0000-0002-7129-8938 (2023) How an ethos of amateurism can support the integration of an ecological approach to learning and development in football academies. In: Critical Issues in Football: A Sociological Analysis of the Beautiful Game. Roberts, William M, Whigham, Stuart, Culvin, Alex and Parnell, Daniel, eds. Routledge, London.

9 February 2023

Cacciattolo, Marcelle ORCID: 0000-0003-3565-1076 and Aronson, Gregory ORCID: 0000-0002-4740-397X (2023) The Role of International Study Tours in Cultivating Ethnocultural Empathy: Preservice Teacher Standpoints. In: Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice in Education: A Critical Exploration of the Sustainable Development Goals. Weuffen, S, Burke, J, Plunkett, M, Goriss-Hunter, A and Emmett, S, eds. Sustainable Development Goals Series . Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 261-275.

26 February 2023

Höner, Oliver ORCID: 0000-0002-3108-1531, Larkin, Paul ORCID: 0000-0002-0493-4148, Leber, Thorsten and Feichtinger, Philip (2023) Talent Identification and Development in Sport. In: Sport and Exercise Psychology: Theory and Application. Schuler, J, Wegner, M, Plessner, H and Eklund, R C, eds. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 549-581.

27 February 2023

Chavda, Vivek P ORCID: 0000-0002-7701-8597, Patel, Kaushika, Patel, Sachin and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2023) Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare sector. In: Bioinformatics Tools for Pharmaceutical Drug Product Development. Chavda, V, Anand, K and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Wiley, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 287-314.

9 March 2023

Gomez, Rapson ORCID: 0000-0001-7637-1551, Stavropoulos, Vasileios ORCID: 0000-0001-6964-4662, Watson, Shaun ORCID: 0000-0002-8112-9687 and Brown, Taylor ORCID: 0000-0001-9814-3832 (2023) Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling of the factor structure of the Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale (STABS). In: Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 55-76.

April 2023

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2023) Generalized Ostrowski and Trapezoid Type-Rules for Approximating the Integral of Analytic Complex Functions on Paths from General Domains. In: Analysis, Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization And Applications. Pardalos, PM and Rassias, TM, eds. Series on Computers and Operations Research, 9 . World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 279-306.

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2023) Some triple integral inequalities for bounded functions defined on three-dimensional bodies. In: Analysis, Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization And Applications. Pardalos, PM and Rassias, TM, eds. Series on Computers and Operations Research, 9 . World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 255-277.

11 April 2023

Fryer, Gary ORCID: 0000-0001-8151-7279 (2023) MET: Efficacy and Research. In: Chaitow's Muscle Energy Techniques. Chaitow, S and Fritz, S, eds. (5th ed.) The Leon Chaitow Library of Bodywork and Movement Therapies . Elsevier, pp. 75-97.

26 April 2023

McBain, Bonnie, Phelan, Liam, Bennett, Dawn ORCID: 0000-0002-0676-1623 and Knight, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0001-6596-6525 (2023) Understanding and Articulating Your Employability as a Science Graduate. In: Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide. Rowland, S and Kuchel, L, eds. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 537-543.

22 May 2023

O’Connor, Donna ORCID: 0000-0003-1825-2727, Gardner, Lauren ORCID: 0000-0002-8592-6691, Larkin, Paul ORCID: 0000-0002-0493-4148, Pope, Alun ORCID: 0000-0002-5726-1661 and Williams, A Mark (2023) Positive youth development and gender differences in high performance sport. In: Science and Football: Identifying and Developing Talent. Williams, AM, ed. Routledge, pp. 203-211.

6 June 2023

Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771, Al Dhaheri, Ayesha S ORCID: 0000-0002-7634-3531, Ismail, Leila Cheikh ORCID: 0000-0003-3048-7481, Ali, Habiba I ORCID: 0000-0003-2685-1244 and Stojanovska, Lily ORCID: 0000-0001-7186-4461 (2023) Can Exercise Improve Symptoms in Menopausal Women? In: Sex Hormones, Exercise and Women: Scientific and Clinical Aspects, Second Edition. Hackney, AC, ed. (2nd ed.) Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 369-402.

16 June 2023

Gurung, Thulo Ram, Sharma, Ashok ORCID: 0000-0002-0172-5033, Beal, Cara ORCID: 0000-0002-9219-2120 and Stewart, Rodney A (2023) Communal rainwater systems – an alternative to individual household systems. In: Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Florida, USA, pp. 197-215.

Muthukumaran, Shobha ORCID: 0000-0002-2660-8060, Byrne, Danny, Sharma, Ashok ORCID: 0000-0002-0172-5033 and Navaratna, Dimuth ORCID: 0000-0002-7093-1092 (2023) Smart buildings and their rating tools. In: Sustainable Civil Engineering Principles and Applications. Kanwar, VS, Shukla, SK, John, S and Kandra, HS, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 281-308.

20 June 2023

Rahman, Md Lutfur and Miah, Shah Jahan ORCID: 0000-0002-3783-8769 (2023) Big data research methods in financial prediction. In: Handbook of Big Data Research Methods. Akter, S and Wamba, SF, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 11-31.

29 June 2023

Millar, CaraJane ORCID: 0000-0002-5936-9908 and Bhopti, Anoo (2023) Enabling employability through international mobility. In: International Student Employability: Narratives of Strengths, Challenges, and Strategies about Global South Students. Singh, JKN, Raby, RL and Bista, K, eds. Knowledge Studies in Higher Education . Springer, Switzerland, pp. 111-125.

July 2023

Dragomir, Sever S ORCID: 0000-0003-2902-6805 (2023) Inequalities for (m, M)-Ψ-convex functions with applications to operator noncommutative perspectives. In: Analysis, Cryptography and Information Science. Series on Computers and Operations Research: Volume 10, 10 . World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, USA, pp. 61-89.

28 July 2023

Li, Mengbi ORCID: 0000-0001-7499-8940 and Chau, Hing-Wah ORCID: 0000-0002-3501-9882 (2023) Oscillating between cosmos and hearth: The case of Geoffrey Bawa and his architecture. In: Region. Schmidt III, R and Richards, S, eds. Taylor & Francis, Milton Park, Abingdon, pp. 240-254. (In Press)

31 July 2023

Marchant, Daryl ORCID: 0000-0002-2149-1641 and Mesagno, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0001-9417-4359 (2023) Anxiety. In: Routledge Handbook of Applied Sport Psychology: a Comprehensive Guide for Students and Practitioners. Tod, D, Hodge, K and Krane, V, eds. (2nd ed.) Routledge, London, UK, pp. 300-308.

1 August 2023

Naugaukar, Nofar, Ben-Zvi-Assaraf, Orit, Goldman, Daphne ORCID: 0000-0003-0443-2276 and Eilam, Efrat ORCID: 0000-0001-6076-6487 (2023) Implementing climate change education: The role of inter-sectorial collaborations. In: Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research - Selected Papers from the ERIDOB 2022 Conference. Korfiatis, K, Grace, M and Hamman, M, eds. Contributions from Biology Education Research (CBER) . Springer Nature, Cyprus, pp. 205-217. (In Press)

7 August 2023

Mowle, Amy ORCID: 0000-0002-0272-9044 (2023) Safe spaces on social media platforms: selective censorship and content moderation in Reddit's r/TwoXChromosomes. In: Women’s Activism Online and the Global Struggle for Social Change. Wiesslitz, C, ed. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change (PSCSC) . Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 221-238.

31 August 2023

Pelosi, Ligia ORCID: 0000-0003-4505-083X (2023) I Paid for This, So Now Give It to Me: University as Retailer, Knowledge as Product, Student as Customer. In: Storying Pedagogy as Critical Praxis in the Neoliberal University: Encounters and Disruptions. Vicars, M and Pelosi, L, eds. Rethinking Higher Education . Springer, pp. 99-113.

September 2023

Dong, Jingliang ORCID: 0000-0002-2812-6188, Inthavong, Kiao ORCID: 0000-0003-0476-0237 and Tu, Jiyuan ORCID: 0000-0002-1264-4837 (2023) Multiphase Flows in Biomedical Applications. In: Handbook of Multiphase Flow Science and Technology. Yeoh, GH and Joshi, JB, eds. Springer, Singapore, pp. 673-696.

2 September 2023

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X and Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293 (2023) Closure Development and Decomposition Simulation from 2012 to 2019. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 99-120.

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X and Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293 (2023) Closure Development and Policy Simulation—The Effects of Increasing Required Rate of Return on Capital. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 73-98.

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X, Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293 and Feng, Shenghao (2023) CHINAGEM-E: An Energy and Emissions Extension of CHINAGEM—And Its Application in the Context of Carbon Neutrality in China. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 235-268.

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X, Giesecke, James A ORCID: 0000-0002-7283-0551 and Wittwer, Glyn ORCID: 0000-0002-2891-1434 (2023) Regional Extension and Its Application—The Regional Economic Implications of Carbon Neutrality in China. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 269-288.

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X, Mai, Yinhua, Dixon, Peter ORCID: 0000-0003-1314-492X and Rimmer, Maureen T ORCID: 0000-0002-7477-4565 (2023) Labour Market Module and Its Application—The Economic Effects of Facilitating the Flow of Rural Workers to Urban Employment in China. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 121-146.

Peng, Xiujian ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-097X, Zuo, Xuejin, Yang, Xin, Adams, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-1640-1293 and Wang, Meifeng (2023) Pension Module and Its Application—Population Ageing and the Impacts of Retirement Age Extension on the Economy and Pension System in China. In: CHINAGEM – a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of China: theory, data and applications. Peng, X, ed. Springer, Singapore, pp. 147-180.

15 September 2023

Cacciattolo, Marcelle ORCID: 0000-0003-3565-1076, Tartakover, Sarah and Mahon, Lawrence (2023) Making literacy culturally relevant: diversity, inclusion and student agency. In: Literacy in Australia, Print and Interactive E-Text Pedagogies for Engagement. Vicars, M, ed. John Wiley & Sons, Australia, pp. 385-412.

29 September 2023

Doungphummes, Nuntiya, Phanthaphoommee, Narondej and Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 (2023) Disrupting the simulacrum of normalcy: Queer online activism and protest in Thailand. In: Global LGBTQ Activism: Social Media, Digital Technologies, and Protest Mechanisms. Pain, P, ed. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 215-233.

2 October 2023

Walsh, Lucas ORCID: 0000-0002-7224-2135, Waite, Catherine, Gallo Cordoba, Beatriz ORCID: 0000-0002-7335-4534 and Mikola, Masha (2023) The Digital Mediation of Everyday Lives in the City: Young People Negotiating Troubled Transitions During COVID-19. In: Sociological Research and Urban Children and Youth. Berman, R, Albanese, P and Chen, X, eds. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 32 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 47-64.

13 October 2023

Cheung, Tommy, Li, Bo ORCID: 0000-0002-3226-388X and Lei, Zheng (2023) A paradigm shift in the aviation industry with digital twin, blockchain, and AI technologies. In: Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Transport. Dia, H, ed. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies series . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 323-346.

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17 October 2023

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3 November 2023

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 and Doungphunnes, Nuntiya (2023) Positionality, Power, and Presence as Methodological Praxis in Transnational Educational Collaboration. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Participatory Inquiry in Transnational Research contexts,. Call-Cummings, M, Hauber-Özer, M and Dazzo, GP, eds. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London.

7 November 2023

Dawkins, Peter, Hurley, Peter, Lilly, Megan, Pascoe, Robert ORCID: 0000-0001-5540-9768 and Pilcher, Sarah (2023) The New Tertiary System that Australia Needs. In: Rethinking Tertiary Education: Building on the Work of Peter Noonan. Dawkins, P, Lilly, M and Pascoe, R, eds. Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, Victoria, pp. 223-236.

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14 November 2023

Collison-Randall, Holly, Sambili-Gicheha, Lin, Al-Khalifa, Hussa and Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111 (2023) Preventing violent extremism-Sport-based learnings from Kenya and Uganda. In: Handbook of Sport and International Development. Elgar Handbooks in Development . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 358-373.

Schulenkorf, Nico, Peachey, Jon Welty, Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111 and Collison-Randall, Holly (2023) Research in action. In: Handbook of Sport and International Development. Handbook of Sport and International Development . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 187-188.

16 November 2023

Molina, Andres ORCID: 0000-0002-8976-2153 (2023) School segregation and effects on social cohesion: The case of Chile. In: The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education. Lamb, S, Berends, M and Schneider, B, eds. SAGE Publications Limited, London, pp. 407-420.

22 November 2023

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1 December 2023

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4 December 2023

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 and Oxford, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0002-2277-8433 (2023) Researching sport with girls and young women from socially vulnerable backgrounds. In: Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport. Chambers, FC, Sandford, R, Hooper, O and Schaefer, L, eds. Routledge, pp. 77-90.

8 December 2023

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20 December 2023

Ji, Guozhao, Zhang, Meng ORCID: 0000-0002-8708-1194, Lu, Yongming and Dong, Jingliang ORCID: 0000-0002-2812-6188 (2023) The Basic Theory of CFD Governing Equations and the Numerical Solution Methods for Reactive Flows. In: Computational Fluid Dynamics - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications. Ji, Guozhao and Dong, Jingliang J, eds. Intechopen, London, pp. 1-30.


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Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771, Chavda, Vivek P ORCID: 0000-0002-7701-8597 and Feehan, Jack ORCID: 0000-0002-9627-1299 (2024) Targeting dendritic cells for antigen delivery in vaccine design. In: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases: A Guide to Vaccinology. Chavda, VP, Vora, LK and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Academic Press, pp. 153-165.

Chavda, Vivek P ORCID: 0000-0002-7701-8597, Balar, Pankti C ORCID: 0000-0002-5718-669X and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2024) History of vaccination. In: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases: A Guide to Vaccinology. Chavda, VP, Vora, LK and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Academic Press, pp. 1-12.

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Jamei, Elmira ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-0326, Abuseif, Majed ORCID: 0000-0001-8261-8418, Ghaffarianhoseini, Amirhosein ORCID: 0000-0002-3189-0566 and Ghaffarianhoseini, Ali (2024) Urban overheating governance on the mitigation and adaptation of anthropogenic heat emissions. In: Mitigation and Adaptation of Urban Overheating: The impact of warmer cities on climate, energy, health, environmental quality, economy, and quality of life. Aghamohammadi, N and Santamouris, M, eds. Elsevier, pp. 295-314.

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Lamb, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-8284-1529 and Huo, Shuyan ORCID: 0000-0002-1694-4888 (2024) The costs of failing to be inclusive: An analysis based on education in Australia. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Equity and Inclusion in Education. Downes, P, Li, G, Praag, LV and Lamb, S, eds. Routledge International Handbooks of Education . Routledge, pp. 144-161.

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 (2024) An Activist Approach in Sport for Development Programmes. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB, Oliver, K and Luguetti, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 83-92.

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636, Giglia, Rebecca ORCID: 0009-0006-0053-4530 and Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111 (2024) Ethical Issues Surrounding Data Collection in Participatory Action Research in Sport for Development. In: Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. Routledge, pp. 87-100.

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636, Jice, Nyayoud, Singehebhuye, Loy, Singehebhuye, Kashindi, Mathieu, Adut and Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0001-5408-3639 (2024) Youth Researchers: Engaging Young People in Research Through an Activist Approach. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB, Oliver, K and Luguetti, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 108-120.

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636, Oliver, Kimberly L and Luguetti, C (2024) “Teaching Faceless Students”: Exploring the Possibilities of an Activist Approach in Remote Health and Physical Education Teacher Education. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB and Oliver, K, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 54-63.

Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636, Oliver, Kimberly L and Shilcutt, Jackie Beth (2024) Theoretical Perspectives and Features of the Activist Approach. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB, Oliver, K and Luguetti, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 12-25.

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Molina, Andres ORCID: 0000-0002-8976-2153 and Manzi, Jorge (2024) Social Segregation and Student Skills, Dispositions, and Engagement in Santiago. In: Inequality in key skills of city youth: An international comparison. Lamb, S and Rumberger, R, eds. American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, pp. 215-244.

Oliver, Kimberly L ORCID: 0000-0001-6017-7420, Shilcutt, Jackie Beth ORCID: 0000-0003-1886-4918 and Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 (2024) Introduction. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB, Oliver, K and Luguetti, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 1-11.

Peng, Wong Wai, Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390 and Schoch, Daniel Christopher (2024) A Game Theory Model to Analyze Business Strategies for Increasing Profits: Analytical and Computational Approaches. In: Advances on Mathematical Modeling and Optimization with Its Applications. Mukherjee, G, Basu Mallik, B, Kar, R and Chaudhary, A, eds. CRC Press, pp. 235-245.

Rashidi, Niloufar, Nurgali, Kulmira ORCID: 0000-0002-2597-6929, Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 and Davidson, Majid (2024) The application of nanoparticle-based delivery systems in vaccine development. In: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases: A Guide to Vaccinology. Chavda, VP, Vora, LK and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Developments in Immunology . Elsevier, pp. 243-262.

Rice, Simon ORCID: 0000-0003-4045-8553, Parker, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-2398-6306, Mawren, Daveena, Clifton, Patrick, Harcourt, Peter, Lloyd, Michael, Kountouris, Alex, Smith, Ben, McGorry, Patrick D ORCID: 0000-0002-3789-6168 and Purcell, Rosemary (2024) Preliminary psychometric validation of a brief screening tool for athlete mental health among male elite athletes: The athlete psychological strain questionnaire. In: Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity: Selected Writings from the ISSP Academy of Science. Schinke, RJ and Quartiroli, A, eds. International Perspectives on Key Issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology . Routledge, London, pp. 68-92.

Shilcutt, Jackie Beth ORCID: 0000-0003-1886-4918, Oliver, Kimberly L ORCID: 0000-0001-6017-7420 and Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 (2024) CONCLUSION: Imagining What Might Be. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Shilcutt, JB, Oliver, KL and Luguetti, C, eds. Routledge, New York, pp. 181-185.

Shilcutt, Jackie Beth ORCID: 0000-0003-1886-4918, Oliver, Kimberly L ORCID: 0000-0001-6017-7420 and Luguetti, Carla ORCID: 0000-0002-9442-1636 (2024) Conclusion: Imagining What Might Be. In: An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be. Routledge, New York, pp. 181-185.

Singh, Rashmi, Bhardwaj, Neha and Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390 (2024) Applications of Mathematical Techniques to Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Methods, Algorithms, Computer Programming and Applications. In: Advances on Mathematical Modeling and Optimization with Its Applications. Mukherjee, G, Basu Mallik, B, Kar, R and Chaudhary, A, eds. Emerging Technologies . CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 152-169.

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 and Sesta, Jenny (2024) Theories, models and process of literacy development. In: Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for engagement. Vicars, M, ed. (4th ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Queensland, pp. 33-60.

Xiao, Fan ORCID: 0009-0007-0517-173X, Hong, Wei ORCID: 0000-0003-2833-9228, Yin, Jiao ORCID: 0000-0002-0269-2624, Wang, Hua ORCID: 0000-0002-8465-0996, Cao, Jinli ORCID: 0000-0002-0221-6361 and Zhang, Yanchun ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-5980 (2024) A Study on Historical Behaviour Enabled Insider Threat Prediction. In: Web and Big Data: 7th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2023 Wuhan, China, October 6–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part III. Song, X, Feng, R, Chen, Y, Li, J and Min, G, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14333 . Springer, pp. 464-476.

Zoupanou, Nikoletta, Georgiou, Nikitas, Moschovou, Kalliopi, Chasapis, Christos T ORCID: 0000-0002-8728-6245, Kelaidonis, Konstantinos, Chavda, Vivek P ORCID: 0000-0002-7701-8597, Mavromoustakos, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0001-5309-992X, Matsoukas, John ORCID: 0000-0001-5554-2964 and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2024) Peptide-based vaccines and altered peptide ligands: Multiple sclerosis paving the way. In: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases: A Guide to Vaccinology. Chavda, VP, Apostolopoulos, V and Vora, LK, eds. Academic Press, pp. 63-72.

1 January 2024

Raju, Balla Adi Narayana, Ghai, Deepika, Tripathi, Suman Lata, Nanda, Sunpreet Kaur and Islam, Sardar M. N ORCID: 0000-0001-9451-7390 (2024) Predictive Analytics for Marketing and Sales of Products Using Smart Trolley with Automated Billing System in Shopping Malls Using LBPH and Faster R-CNN. In: Intelligent Techniques for Predictive Data Analytics. Wiley, pp. 111-133.

6 February 2024

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13 February 2024

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16 February 2024

Jetha, Keshava L, Vyas, Arya, Teli, Divya, Chaudhari, Amit, Satasiya, Riyansi, Patel, Vishwa, Soni, Shailvi, Modi, Shail and Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 (2024) History of Nanoparticles. In: Nanocarrier Vaccines: Biopharmaceutics-Based Fast Track Development. Chavda, VP and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. John Wiley and Sons, USA, pp. 3-23.

March 2024

Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 and Arantes, Janine ORCID: 0000-0002-0301-5780 (2024) Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world. In: Gender in the Digital Sphere Representation, Engagement, and Expression. Mitra, B, Young, S and Mirza, M, eds. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland, pp. 21-39.

15 March 2024

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29 March 2024

Apostolopoulos, Vasso ORCID: 0000-0001-6788-2771 and Chavda, Vivek P ORCID: 0000-0002-7701-8597 (2024) Subunit protein-based vaccines. In: Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases: A Guide to Vaccinology. Chavda, VP, Vora, LK and Apostolopoulos, V, eds. Academic Press, pp. 51-62.

April 2024

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9 April 2024

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May 2024

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20 May 2024

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31 May 2024

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3 July 2024

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15 July 2024

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29 July 2024

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1 August 2024

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16 November 2024

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